Democrats want backlash for politicians who speak the truth

your big lie has been disproved time and time again at all levels by the courts. yet you are not ignorant but stupid. With your repeating the big lie time and time again.
If you want to lie be "Truthful" about it. You want to lie.
It contradicts your statement!

Sure, when you count the fraudulent votes.
What fraudulent votes. All of the votes were certified except for the 200 or so cases of actual proven election fraud. And virtually all of them involved one single vote somebody tried to sneak in for a relative.
nope, fraudulent ballots as detailed by our SCOTUS. Shut up and talk about your lazy prime minister with someone in your country.
But it's okay to be anti-white???

---Tulsi Gabbard Leaves ‘Anti-White’ Democratic Party---

No one is "anti-white" you stupid tool. You have to be dangerously stupid to even think that. But that's the problem with you fools. If you express concern about racism, you're "anti-white". If you think the wall is a bad idea, you're in favour of "open borders".

There is no either/or. Either you're in favour of white supremacy or you're "anti-white". That takes a special level of stupid on your part.
Not many people live to relate the Blue City experience, hypocrite.
In your "Once Upon a Time" storybook. Drop the living inside others claimed experience and go live it yourself. I can walk just about anywhere without fear. Some locations have a higher degree of danger to them but it's pretty minute. Since I have experienced it and you haven't, guess who the real hypocrite really is. Get out of that basement, try not asking your mother's permission, turn off the traitor rightwing nutjob radio and walk to the corner store.

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