Democrats want parole hearings for criminals who serve 15 years, regardless of the crime they committed.....

This is why we have gun crime levels that we have.....the policies of the democrat party that release violent monsters back into society.

This policy only grants the right to a parole hearing, but it grants that right to any criminal...even the ones who have raped, tortured and murdered innocent Americans......

And Trump pardoning murderers? WTF are they? They're fucking monsters ass hole. Your hypocrisy knows no bounds.

Name them and how they were murderers.........

Did you hear the case, you dipshit....?

The four were guarding a State Department official when they claim an insurgent tried to run their checkpoint and began firing. The four contractors, all decorated military veterans, claimed they came under small arms fire and returned fire. Seventeen Iraqis were killed.

The four contractors, Nicholas Slatten, Paul Slough, Evan Liberty, and Dustin Heard, initially had the case against them tossed out due to prosecutorial misconduct, but then-Vice President Joe Biden and Hillary Clinton pushed for the Department of Justice to retry them to curry favor with Iraqi officials. The civilian jury convicted them of the wanton shooting of innocents in the Baghdad square. One of the defense attorneys labeled the guilty verdicts “incomprehensible.”

According to Gohmert and the eight other congressmen,
DOJ officials ignored physical evidence proving the contractors’ story, including bullet “strikes” in their own armored vehicles. They also ignored exculpatory eyewitness testimony and a radio operator’s log of the shootout. Witnesses saw at least one shooter in an Iraqi police uniform firing on the contractors. The congressional reps say more than a dozen witnesses “either heard or saw incoming rounds or saw enemy shooters.”

The Iraqi National Police, which Gohmert says had been cozy with the Iranian-backed insurgents, did the initial investigation. The FBI showed up three weeks later.

Gohmert calls the four contractors the “Biden Four” because it was then-Vice President Joe Biden in 2010 who stood next to the Iraqi president and promised to retry the men and bring the full weight of the U.S. Justice Department on them. See that video below. One of them, Slatten, a sniper, was convicted of murder by a civilian jury in 2014 in Washington, D.C., where prosecutors were able to get the trial moved. Slatten was given life in prison. The others were sentenced to 12-15 years in prison.

Hm, Louie Gohmert! Now that's someone you can really listen to there. LOl!

Nicholas Slatten, Paul Slough, Evan Liberty and Dustin Heard were convicted six years ago in the killing of 14 Iraqi civilians and the wounding of 17 others. Witnesses described how the American men ambushed the civilians unprovoked, firing on Baghdad's Nisour Square with heavy gunfire and grenade launchers.

The massacre took place in 2007, when the four were working as guards for Blackwater, a private military contractor, on an assignment in Baghdad. They claimed they were fired on, but prosecutors said the Blackwater guards opened fire first. Slatten, whom prosecutors said started the shooting, was sentenced to life in prison.

Hassan Salman is among the Iraqis who were shot during the ambush. He told NPR on Wednesday that he was shocked by Trump's pardons — he himself had made trips to the U.S. to give testimony in the proceedings against the four.

You claimed it was an insurgent, yet 14 people were killed.

I noticed you left out the source. Let me guess, Breitbart?
This is why we have gun crime levels that we have.....the policies of the democrat party that release violent monsters back into society.

This policy only grants the right to a parole hearing, but it grants that right to any criminal...even the ones who have raped, tortured and murdered innocent Americans......

And Trump pardoning murderers? WTF are they? They're fucking monsters ass hole. Your hypocrisy knows no bounds.

Name them and how they were murderers.........

Did you hear the case, you dipshit....?

The four were guarding a State Department official when they claim an insurgent tried to run their checkpoint and began firing. The four contractors, all decorated military veterans, claimed they came under small arms fire and returned fire. Seventeen Iraqis were killed.

The four contractors, Nicholas Slatten, Paul Slough, Evan Liberty, and Dustin Heard, initially had the case against them tossed out due to prosecutorial misconduct, but then-Vice President Joe Biden and Hillary Clinton pushed for the Department of Justice to retry them to curry favor with Iraqi officials. The civilian jury convicted them of the wanton shooting of innocents in the Baghdad square. One of the defense attorneys labeled the guilty verdicts “incomprehensible.”

According to Gohmert and the eight other congressmen,
DOJ officials ignored physical evidence proving the contractors’ story, including bullet “strikes” in their own armored vehicles. They also ignored exculpatory eyewitness testimony and a radio operator’s log of the shootout. Witnesses saw at least one shooter in an Iraqi police uniform firing on the contractors. The congressional reps say more than a dozen witnesses “either heard or saw incoming rounds or saw enemy shooters.”

The Iraqi National Police, which Gohmert says had been cozy with the Iranian-backed insurgents, did the initial investigation. The FBI showed up three weeks later.

Gohmert calls the four contractors the “Biden Four” because it was then-Vice President Joe Biden in 2010 who stood next to the Iraqi president and promised to retry the men and bring the full weight of the U.S. Justice Department on them. See that video below. One of them, Slatten, a sniper, was convicted of murder by a civilian jury in 2014 in Washington, D.C., where prosecutors were able to get the trial moved. Slatten was given life in prison. The others were sentenced to 12-15 years in prison.

Hm, Louie Gohmert! Now that's someone you can really listen to there. LOl!

Nicholas Slatten, Paul Slough, Evan Liberty and Dustin Heard were convicted six years ago in the killing of 14 Iraqi civilians and the wounding of 17 others. Witnesses described how the American men ambushed the civilians unprovoked, firing on Baghdad's Nisour Square with heavy gunfire and grenade launchers.

The massacre took place in 2007, when the four were working as guards for Blackwater, a private military contractor, on an assignment in Baghdad. They claimed they were fired on, but prosecutors said the Blackwater guards opened fire first. Slatten, whom prosecutors said started the shooting, was sentenced to life in prison.

Hassan Salman is among the Iraqis who were shot during the ambush. He told NPR on Wednesday that he was shocked by Trump's pardons — he himself had made trips to the U.S. to give testimony in the proceedings against the four.

You claimed it was an insurgent, yet 14 people were killed.

I noticed you left out the source. Let me guess, Breitbart? didn't read about the evidence that they ignored to rail road these wasn't a massacre, they were attacked and defended themseleves..

You shitstains sure do have a thing for attacking innocent people and defending monsters...
This is why we have gun crime levels that we have.....the policies of the democrat party that release violent monsters back into society.

This policy only grants the right to a parole hearing, but it grants that right to any criminal...even the ones who have raped, tortured and murdered innocent Americans......

And Trump pardoning murderers? WTF are they? They're fucking monsters ass hole. Your hypocrisy knows no bounds.

Name them and how they were murderers.........

Did you hear the case, you dipshit....?

The four were guarding a State Department official when they claim an insurgent tried to run their checkpoint and began firing. The four contractors, all decorated military veterans, claimed they came under small arms fire and returned fire. Seventeen Iraqis were killed.

The four contractors, Nicholas Slatten, Paul Slough, Evan Liberty, and Dustin Heard, initially had the case against them tossed out due to prosecutorial misconduct, but then-Vice President Joe Biden and Hillary Clinton pushed for the Department of Justice to retry them to curry favor with Iraqi officials. The civilian jury convicted them of the wanton shooting of innocents in the Baghdad square. One of the defense attorneys labeled the guilty verdicts “incomprehensible.”

According to Gohmert and the eight other congressmen,
DOJ officials ignored physical evidence proving the contractors’ story, including bullet “strikes” in their own armored vehicles. They also ignored exculpatory eyewitness testimony and a radio operator’s log of the shootout. Witnesses saw at least one shooter in an Iraqi police uniform firing on the contractors. The congressional reps say more than a dozen witnesses “either heard or saw incoming rounds or saw enemy shooters.”

The Iraqi National Police, which Gohmert says had been cozy with the Iranian-backed insurgents, did the initial investigation. The FBI showed up three weeks later.

Gohmert calls the four contractors the “Biden Four” because it was then-Vice President Joe Biden in 2010 who stood next to the Iraqi president and promised to retry the men and bring the full weight of the U.S. Justice Department on them. See that video below. One of them, Slatten, a sniper, was convicted of murder by a civilian jury in 2014 in Washington, D.C., where prosecutors were able to get the trial moved. Slatten was given life in prison. The others were sentenced to 12-15 years in prison.

Hm, Louie Gohmert! Now that's someone you can really listen to there. LOl!

Nicholas Slatten, Paul Slough, Evan Liberty and Dustin Heard were convicted six years ago in the killing of 14 Iraqi civilians and the wounding of 17 others. Witnesses described how the American men ambushed the civilians unprovoked, firing on Baghdad's Nisour Square with heavy gunfire and grenade launchers.

The massacre took place in 2007, when the four were working as guards for Blackwater, a private military contractor, on an assignment in Baghdad. They claimed they were fired on, but prosecutors said the Blackwater guards opened fire first. Slatten, whom prosecutors said started the shooting, was sentenced to life in prison.

Hassan Salman is among the Iraqis who were shot during the ambush. He told NPR on Wednesday that he was shocked by Trump's pardons — he himself had made trips to the U.S. to give testimony in the proceedings against the four.

You claimed it was an insurgent, yet 14 people were killed.

I noticed you left out the source. Let me guess, Breitbart?

A war zone ..... you are an idiot... you would rather rail road 4 men than call out the monsters who attacked them...

The New York Times described the dearth of evidence against the four,

Prosecutors said the shooting was unprovoked. But with little forensic evidence and no ballistics linking any gunman to any victim, the case came down to the testimony of witnesses. Many told conflicting stories, forcing prosecutors to urge jurors to believe some aspects of their own case and discount others

According to Gohmert and the eight other congressmen, DOJ officials ignored physical evidence proving the contractors’ story, including bullet “strikes” in their own armored vehicles. They also ignored exculpatory eyewitness testimony and a radio operator’s log of the shootout. Witnesses saw at least one shooter in an Iraqi police uniform firing on the contractors. The congressional reps say more than a dozen witnesses “either heard or saw incoming rounds or saw enemy shooters.”

The Iraqi National Police, which Gohmert says had been cozy with the Iranian-backed insurgents, did the initial investigation. The FBI showed up three weeks later.

This is why we have gun crime levels that we have.....the policies of the democrat party that release violent monsters back into society.

This policy only grants the right to a parole hearing, but it grants that right to any criminal...even the ones who have raped, tortured and murdered innocent Americans......

And Trump pardoning murderers? WTF are they? They're fucking monsters ass hole. Your hypocrisy knows no bounds.

Name them and how they were murderers.........

Did you hear the case, you dipshit....?

The four were guarding a State Department official when they claim an insurgent tried to run their checkpoint and began firing. The four contractors, all decorated military veterans, claimed they came under small arms fire and returned fire. Seventeen Iraqis were killed.

The four contractors, Nicholas Slatten, Paul Slough, Evan Liberty, and Dustin Heard, initially had the case against them tossed out due to prosecutorial misconduct, but then-Vice President Joe Biden and Hillary Clinton pushed for the Department of Justice to retry them to curry favor with Iraqi officials. The civilian jury convicted them of the wanton shooting of innocents in the Baghdad square. One of the defense attorneys labeled the guilty verdicts “incomprehensible.”

According to Gohmert and the eight other congressmen,
DOJ officials ignored physical evidence proving the contractors’ story, including bullet “strikes” in their own armored vehicles. They also ignored exculpatory eyewitness testimony and a radio operator’s log of the shootout. Witnesses saw at least one shooter in an Iraqi police uniform firing on the contractors. The congressional reps say more than a dozen witnesses “either heard or saw incoming rounds or saw enemy shooters.”

The Iraqi National Police, which Gohmert says had been cozy with the Iranian-backed insurgents, did the initial investigation. The FBI showed up three weeks later.

Gohmert calls the four contractors the “Biden Four” because it was then-Vice President Joe Biden in 2010 who stood next to the Iraqi president and promised to retry the men and bring the full weight of the U.S. Justice Department on them. See that video below. One of them, Slatten, a sniper, was convicted of murder by a civilian jury in 2014 in Washington, D.C., where prosecutors were able to get the trial moved. Slatten was given life in prison. The others were sentenced to 12-15 years in prison.

Hm, Louie Gohmert! Now that's someone you can really listen to there. LOl!

Nicholas Slatten, Paul Slough, Evan Liberty and Dustin Heard were convicted six years ago in the killing of 14 Iraqi civilians and the wounding of 17 others. Witnesses described how the American men ambushed the civilians unprovoked, firing on Baghdad's Nisour Square with heavy gunfire and grenade launchers.

The massacre took place in 2007, when the four were working as guards for Blackwater, a private military contractor, on an assignment in Baghdad. They claimed they were fired on, but prosecutors said the Blackwater guards opened fire first. Slatten, whom prosecutors said started the shooting, was sentenced to life in prison.

Hassan Salman is among the Iraqis who were shot during the ambush. He told NPR on Wednesday that he was shocked by Trump's pardons — he himself had made trips to the U.S. to give testimony in the proceedings against the four.

You claimed it was an insurgent, yet 14 people were killed.

I noticed you left out the source. Let me guess, Breitbart?

You use NPR and complain about Breitbart? You are an idiot.
This is why we have gun crime levels that we have.....the policies of the democrat party that release violent monsters back into society.

This policy only grants the right to a parole hearing, but it grants that right to any criminal...even the ones who have raped, tortured and murdered innocent Americans......

And Trump pardoning murderers? WTF are they? They're fucking monsters ass hole. Your hypocrisy knows no bounds.

Name them and how they were murderers.........

Did you hear the case, you dipshit....?

The four were guarding a State Department official when they claim an insurgent tried to run their checkpoint and began firing. The four contractors, all decorated military veterans, claimed they came under small arms fire and returned fire. Seventeen Iraqis were killed.

The four contractors, Nicholas Slatten, Paul Slough, Evan Liberty, and Dustin Heard, initially had the case against them tossed out due to prosecutorial misconduct, but then-Vice President Joe Biden and Hillary Clinton pushed for the Department of Justice to retry them to curry favor with Iraqi officials. The civilian jury convicted them of the wanton shooting of innocents in the Baghdad square. One of the defense attorneys labeled the guilty verdicts “incomprehensible.”

According to Gohmert and the eight other congressmen,
DOJ officials ignored physical evidence proving the contractors’ story, including bullet “strikes” in their own armored vehicles. They also ignored exculpatory eyewitness testimony and a radio operator’s log of the shootout. Witnesses saw at least one shooter in an Iraqi police uniform firing on the contractors. The congressional reps say more than a dozen witnesses “either heard or saw incoming rounds or saw enemy shooters.”

The Iraqi National Police, which Gohmert says had been cozy with the Iranian-backed insurgents, did the initial investigation. The FBI showed up three weeks later.

Gohmert calls the four contractors the “Biden Four” because it was then-Vice President Joe Biden in 2010 who stood next to the Iraqi president and promised to retry the men and bring the full weight of the U.S. Justice Department on them. See that video below. One of them, Slatten, a sniper, was convicted of murder by a civilian jury in 2014 in Washington, D.C., where prosecutors were able to get the trial moved. Slatten was given life in prison. The others were sentenced to 12-15 years in prison.

Hm, Louie Gohmert! Now that's someone you can really listen to there. LOl!

Nicholas Slatten, Paul Slough, Evan Liberty and Dustin Heard were convicted six years ago in the killing of 14 Iraqi civilians and the wounding of 17 others. Witnesses described how the American men ambushed the civilians unprovoked, firing on Baghdad's Nisour Square with heavy gunfire and grenade launchers.

The massacre took place in 2007, when the four were working as guards for Blackwater, a private military contractor, on an assignment in Baghdad. They claimed they were fired on, but prosecutors said the Blackwater guards opened fire first. Slatten, whom prosecutors said started the shooting, was sentenced to life in prison.

Hassan Salman is among the Iraqis who were shot during the ambush. He told NPR on Wednesday that he was shocked by Trump's pardons — he himself had made trips to the U.S. to give testimony in the proceedings against the four.

You claimed it was an insurgent, yet 14 people were killed.

I noticed you left out the source. Let me guess, Breitbart?

More...this is a biden/obama/holder piece of crap persecution..........

However, if you want a shorter version, here it is: The Blackwater guys were hated by Iraqis, Democrats, and the military. The four Blackwater men were part of a convey that had to go through a dangerous region and were warned about a “white Kia,” a car as common as dirty in Iraq then.

In the square, a white Kia was behaving peculiarly and refused to stop, so they fired until its occupants were dead.

A firefight resulted, the Army was part of it, and when the smoke cleared, there were 17 dead Iraqis and 20 wounded ones. I don’t mean to dismiss the tragedy of the Iraqi civilians who died or were wounded, but their deaths and injuries are not made right by scapegoating men who were legally in the middle of a war zone on behalf of America and almost certainly did nothing wrong.

Everyone wanted blood. The Dems wanted to undercut Bush, the Army wanted to undercut Blackwater, and the Iraqis wanted to undercut Americans. The four men were the perfect scapegoats.

Three weeks after the attack, the FBI went into that busy square, spent less than two weeks investigating, and then emerged to announce that the Blackwater guys committed manslaughter and “weapons violations.” We know now that the FBI is a Deep State hotbed of leftism and anti-Americanism. Streiff details just how bad – indeed, corrupt – the “investigation” was.

Indeed, the investigation was so bad that, by 2009, a federal judge dismissed all the charges.

However, in 2011, with Biden making promises to the Iraqis to get the Blackwater men back in court, a federal appeals panel under Eric Holder’s “Justice” Department decided that they should, in fact, be tried. In 2014, seven years after the event, Slatten got life without parole and the three other men got 30 years. This is Streiff’s summary:

How did they get 30-years for manslaughter? They were convicted of using automatic weapons…in a war zone…issued to them by the US military…in the commission of that crime.
There followed several years more of legal machinations that didn’t help Slatten and only slightly helped the others. Thankfully, Trump finally pardoned four men who found themselves, not just in the middle of a firefight, but in the middle of a disgraceful political and bureaucratic power struggle.

Read more: Ignore the leftist hype: The Blackwater pardons were the right thing to do
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This is why we have gun crime levels that we have.....the policies of the democrat party that release violent monsters back into society.

This policy only grants the right to a parole hearing, but it grants that right to any criminal...even the ones who have raped, tortured and murdered innocent Americans......

And Trump pardoning murderers? WTF are they? They're fucking monsters ass hole. Your hypocrisy knows no bounds.

Name them and how they were murderers.........

Did you hear the case, you dipshit....?

The four were guarding a State Department official when they claim an insurgent tried to run their checkpoint and began firing. The four contractors, all decorated military veterans, claimed they came under small arms fire and returned fire. Seventeen Iraqis were killed.

The four contractors, Nicholas Slatten, Paul Slough, Evan Liberty, and Dustin Heard, initially had the case against them tossed out due to prosecutorial misconduct, but then-Vice President Joe Biden and Hillary Clinton pushed for the Department of Justice to retry them to curry favor with Iraqi officials. The civilian jury convicted them of the wanton shooting of innocents in the Baghdad square. One of the defense attorneys labeled the guilty verdicts “incomprehensible.”

According to Gohmert and the eight other congressmen,
DOJ officials ignored physical evidence proving the contractors’ story, including bullet “strikes” in their own armored vehicles. They also ignored exculpatory eyewitness testimony and a radio operator’s log of the shootout. Witnesses saw at least one shooter in an Iraqi police uniform firing on the contractors. The congressional reps say more than a dozen witnesses “either heard or saw incoming rounds or saw enemy shooters.”

The Iraqi National Police, which Gohmert says had been cozy with the Iranian-backed insurgents, did the initial investigation. The FBI showed up three weeks later.

Gohmert calls the four contractors the “Biden Four” because it was then-Vice President Joe Biden in 2010 who stood next to the Iraqi president and promised to retry the men and bring the full weight of the U.S. Justice Department on them. See that video below. One of them, Slatten, a sniper, was convicted of murder by a civilian jury in 2014 in Washington, D.C., where prosecutors were able to get the trial moved. Slatten was given life in prison. The others were sentenced to 12-15 years in prison.

Hm, Louie Gohmert! Now that's someone you can really listen to there. LOl!

Nicholas Slatten, Paul Slough, Evan Liberty and Dustin Heard were convicted six years ago in the killing of 14 Iraqi civilians and the wounding of 17 others. Witnesses described how the American men ambushed the civilians unprovoked, firing on Baghdad's Nisour Square with heavy gunfire and grenade launchers.

The massacre took place in 2007, when the four were working as guards for Blackwater, a private military contractor, on an assignment in Baghdad. They claimed they were fired on, but prosecutors said the Blackwater guards opened fire first. Slatten, whom prosecutors said started the shooting, was sentenced to life in prison.

Hassan Salman is among the Iraqis who were shot during the ambush. He told NPR on Wednesday that he was shocked by Trump's pardons — he himself had made trips to the U.S. to give testimony in the proceedings against the four.

You claimed it was an insurgent, yet 14 people were killed.

I noticed you left out the source. Let me guess, Breitbart?

You use NPR and complain about Breitbart? You are an idiot.
Let us know when you find something worth debating. If you can't link your source, you're already losing. I can think other sources verifying my first one. You have yet to link one. Lol!
This is why we have gun crime levels that we have.....the policies of the democrat party that release violent monsters back into society.

This policy only grants the right to a parole hearing, but it grants that right to any criminal...even the ones who have raped, tortured and murdered innocent Americans......

And Trump pardoning murderers? WTF are they? They're fucking monsters ass hole. Your hypocrisy knows no bounds.

Name them and how they were murderers.........

Did you hear the case, you dipshit....?

The four were guarding a State Department official when they claim an insurgent tried to run their checkpoint and began firing. The four contractors, all decorated military veterans, claimed they came under small arms fire and returned fire. Seventeen Iraqis were killed.

The four contractors, Nicholas Slatten, Paul Slough, Evan Liberty, and Dustin Heard, initially had the case against them tossed out due to prosecutorial misconduct, but then-Vice President Joe Biden and Hillary Clinton pushed for the Department of Justice to retry them to curry favor with Iraqi officials. The civilian jury convicted them of the wanton shooting of innocents in the Baghdad square. One of the defense attorneys labeled the guilty verdicts “incomprehensible.”

According to Gohmert and the eight other congressmen,
DOJ officials ignored physical evidence proving the contractors’ story, including bullet “strikes” in their own armored vehicles. They also ignored exculpatory eyewitness testimony and a radio operator’s log of the shootout. Witnesses saw at least one shooter in an Iraqi police uniform firing on the contractors. The congressional reps say more than a dozen witnesses “either heard or saw incoming rounds or saw enemy shooters.”

The Iraqi National Police, which Gohmert says had been cozy with the Iranian-backed insurgents, did the initial investigation. The FBI showed up three weeks later.

Gohmert calls the four contractors the “Biden Four” because it was then-Vice President Joe Biden in 2010 who stood next to the Iraqi president and promised to retry the men and bring the full weight of the U.S. Justice Department on them. See that video below. One of them, Slatten, a sniper, was convicted of murder by a civilian jury in 2014 in Washington, D.C., where prosecutors were able to get the trial moved. Slatten was given life in prison. The others were sentenced to 12-15 years in prison.

Hm, Louie Gohmert! Now that's someone you can really listen to there. LOl!

Nicholas Slatten, Paul Slough, Evan Liberty and Dustin Heard were convicted six years ago in the killing of 14 Iraqi civilians and the wounding of 17 others. Witnesses described how the American men ambushed the civilians unprovoked, firing on Baghdad's Nisour Square with heavy gunfire and grenade launchers.

The massacre took place in 2007, when the four were working as guards for Blackwater, a private military contractor, on an assignment in Baghdad. They claimed they were fired on, but prosecutors said the Blackwater guards opened fire first. Slatten, whom prosecutors said started the shooting, was sentenced to life in prison.

Hassan Salman is among the Iraqis who were shot during the ambush. He told NPR on Wednesday that he was shocked by Trump's pardons — he himself had made trips to the U.S. to give testimony in the proceedings against the four.

You claimed it was an insurgent, yet 14 people were killed.

I noticed you left out the source. Let me guess, Breitbart?

The "witnesses" had ties to insurgents...

The docketed motion goes on to show that the U.S. government also has information that a JAM associate corroborated with Karim in February 2008, and it points to Karim's clear involvement in identifying alleged victims to U.S. authorities, removal and destruction of evidence, and witness-tampering allegations.

This is why we have gun crime levels that we have.....the policies of the democrat party that release violent monsters back into society.

This policy only grants the right to a parole hearing, but it grants that right to any criminal...even the ones who have raped, tortured and murdered innocent Americans......

And Trump pardoning murderers? WTF are they? They're fucking monsters ass hole. Your hypocrisy knows no bounds.

Name them and how they were murderers.........

Did you hear the case, you dipshit....?

The four were guarding a State Department official when they claim an insurgent tried to run their checkpoint and began firing. The four contractors, all decorated military veterans, claimed they came under small arms fire and returned fire. Seventeen Iraqis were killed.

The four contractors, Nicholas Slatten, Paul Slough, Evan Liberty, and Dustin Heard, initially had the case against them tossed out due to prosecutorial misconduct, but then-Vice President Joe Biden and Hillary Clinton pushed for the Department of Justice to retry them to curry favor with Iraqi officials. The civilian jury convicted them of the wanton shooting of innocents in the Baghdad square. One of the defense attorneys labeled the guilty verdicts “incomprehensible.”

According to Gohmert and the eight other congressmen,
DOJ officials ignored physical evidence proving the contractors’ story, including bullet “strikes” in their own armored vehicles. They also ignored exculpatory eyewitness testimony and a radio operator’s log of the shootout. Witnesses saw at least one shooter in an Iraqi police uniform firing on the contractors. The congressional reps say more than a dozen witnesses “either heard or saw incoming rounds or saw enemy shooters.”

The Iraqi National Police, which Gohmert says had been cozy with the Iranian-backed insurgents, did the initial investigation. The FBI showed up three weeks later.

Gohmert calls the four contractors the “Biden Four” because it was then-Vice President Joe Biden in 2010 who stood next to the Iraqi president and promised to retry the men and bring the full weight of the U.S. Justice Department on them. See that video below. One of them, Slatten, a sniper, was convicted of murder by a civilian jury in 2014 in Washington, D.C., where prosecutors were able to get the trial moved. Slatten was given life in prison. The others were sentenced to 12-15 years in prison.

Hm, Louie Gohmert! Now that's someone you can really listen to there. LOl!

Nicholas Slatten, Paul Slough, Evan Liberty and Dustin Heard were convicted six years ago in the killing of 14 Iraqi civilians and the wounding of 17 others. Witnesses described how the American men ambushed the civilians unprovoked, firing on Baghdad's Nisour Square with heavy gunfire and grenade launchers.

The massacre took place in 2007, when the four were working as guards for Blackwater, a private military contractor, on an assignment in Baghdad. They claimed they were fired on, but prosecutors said the Blackwater guards opened fire first. Slatten, whom prosecutors said started the shooting, was sentenced to life in prison.

Hassan Salman is among the Iraqis who were shot during the ambush. He told NPR on Wednesday that he was shocked by Trump's pardons — he himself had made trips to the U.S. to give testimony in the proceedings against the four.

You claimed it was an insurgent, yet 14 people were killed.

I noticed you left out the source. Let me guess, Breitbart?

You use NPR and complain about Breitbart? You are an idiot.
Let us know when you find something worth debating. If you can't link your source, you're already losing. I can think other sources verifying my first one. You have yet to link one. Lol!

Shitstain......the link is in the post......are you really this fucking stupid?
This is why we have gun crime levels that we have.....the policies of the democrat party that release violent monsters back into society.

This policy only grants the right to a parole hearing, but it grants that right to any criminal...even the ones who have raped, tortured and murdered innocent Americans......

And Trump pardoning murderers? WTF are they? They're fucking monsters ass hole. Your hypocrisy knows no bounds.

Name them and how they were murderers.........

Did you hear the case, you dipshit....?

The four were guarding a State Department official when they claim an insurgent tried to run their checkpoint and began firing. The four contractors, all decorated military veterans, claimed they came under small arms fire and returned fire. Seventeen Iraqis were killed.

The four contractors, Nicholas Slatten, Paul Slough, Evan Liberty, and Dustin Heard, initially had the case against them tossed out due to prosecutorial misconduct, but then-Vice President Joe Biden and Hillary Clinton pushed for the Department of Justice to retry them to curry favor with Iraqi officials. The civilian jury convicted them of the wanton shooting of innocents in the Baghdad square. One of the defense attorneys labeled the guilty verdicts “incomprehensible.”

According to Gohmert and the eight other congressmen,
DOJ officials ignored physical evidence proving the contractors’ story, including bullet “strikes” in their own armored vehicles. They also ignored exculpatory eyewitness testimony and a radio operator’s log of the shootout. Witnesses saw at least one shooter in an Iraqi police uniform firing on the contractors. The congressional reps say more than a dozen witnesses “either heard or saw incoming rounds or saw enemy shooters.”

The Iraqi National Police, which Gohmert says had been cozy with the Iranian-backed insurgents, did the initial investigation. The FBI showed up three weeks later.

Gohmert calls the four contractors the “Biden Four” because it was then-Vice President Joe Biden in 2010 who stood next to the Iraqi president and promised to retry the men and bring the full weight of the U.S. Justice Department on them. See that video below. One of them, Slatten, a sniper, was convicted of murder by a civilian jury in 2014 in Washington, D.C., where prosecutors were able to get the trial moved. Slatten was given life in prison. The others were sentenced to 12-15 years in prison.

Hm, Louie Gohmert! Now that's someone you can really listen to there. LOl!

Nicholas Slatten, Paul Slough, Evan Liberty and Dustin Heard were convicted six years ago in the killing of 14 Iraqi civilians and the wounding of 17 others. Witnesses described how the American men ambushed the civilians unprovoked, firing on Baghdad's Nisour Square with heavy gunfire and grenade launchers.

The massacre took place in 2007, when the four were working as guards for Blackwater, a private military contractor, on an assignment in Baghdad. They claimed they were fired on, but prosecutors said the Blackwater guards opened fire first. Slatten, whom prosecutors said started the shooting, was sentenced to life in prison.

Hassan Salman is among the Iraqis who were shot during the ambush. He told NPR on Wednesday that he was shocked by Trump's pardons — he himself had made trips to the U.S. to give testimony in the proceedings against the four.

You claimed it was an insurgent, yet 14 people were killed.

I noticed you left out the source. Let me guess, Breitbart?

More...this is a biden/obama/holder piece of crap persecution..........

However, if you want a shorter version, here it is: The Blackwater guys were hated by Iraqis, Democrats, and the military. The four Blackwater men were part of a convey that had to go through a dangerous region and were warned about a “white Kia,” a car as common as dirty in Iraq then.

In the square, a white Kia was behaving peculiarly and refused to stop, so they fired until its occupants were dead.

A firefight resulted, the Army was part of it, and when the smoke cleared, there were 17 dead Iraqis and 20 wounded ones. I don’t mean to dismiss the tragedy of the Iraqi civilians who died or were wounded, but their deaths and injuries are not made right by scapegoating men who were legally in the middle of a war zone on behalf of America and almost certainly did nothing wrong.

Everyone wanted blood. The Dems wanted to undercut Bush, the Army wanted to undercut Blackwater, and the Iraqis wanted to undercut Americans. The four men were the perfect scapegoats.

Three weeks after the attack, the FBI went into that busy square, spent less than two weeks investigating, and then emerged to announce that the Blackwater guys committed manslaughter and “weapons violations.” We know now that the FBI is a Deep State hotbed of leftism and anti-Americanism. Streiff details just how bad – indeed, corrupt – the “investigation” was.

Indeed, the investigation was so bad that, by 2009, a federal judge dismissed all the charges.

However, in 2011, with Biden making promises to the Iraqis to get the Blackwater men back in court, a federal appeals panel under Eric Holder’s “Justice” Department decided that they should, in fact, be tried. In 2014, seven years after the event, Slatten got life without parole and the three other men got 30 years. This is Streiff’s summary:

How did they get 30-years for manslaughter? They were convicted of using automatic weapons…in a war zone…issued to them by the US military…in the commission of that crime.
There followed several years more of legal machinations that didn’t help Slatten and only slightly helped the others. Thankfully, Trump finally pardoned four men who found themselves, not just in the middle of a firefight, but in the middle of a disgraceful political and bureaucratic power struggle.

Read more: Ignore the leftist hype: The Blackwater pardons were the right thing to do
Follow us: @AmericanThinker on Twitter | AmericanThinker on Facebook

American Thinker, lol, how could I have missed it? That is Right-wing as you get.

Right from the beginning, American Thinker fucked up. Their partisan rhetoric about Blackwater being hated by Iraqis, Democrats, and the military tells us everything we need to know. That's conjecture right from the first sentence, setting the stage for the rest of that article. Typical for American Thinker. No facts, just what they think and want to think.

Here's more of that same conjecture by American Thinker; Everyone wanted blood. The Dems wanted to undercut Bush, the Army wanted to undercut Blackwater, and the Iraqis wanted to undercut Americans. The four men were the perfect scapegoats. Did you notice how American Thinker injected the Democrats once again into that article? "Everyone wanted blood." Really? Was American Thinker on the scene to know everyone wanted blood? LOL! This is so idiotic. You scoop up a garbage article filled with conjecture, call it the truth, and we are supposed to take you serious? Not in this life. And you went to the trouble to drag American Thinker into this debate. Dude, get the hell out of here. They need to change their title from "American Thinker" to "Conjecture Thinkers." I'm embarrassed. If you pay attention, that article is swamped with conclusions they wanted to print out that favored the murderers.
This is why we have gun crime levels that we have.....the policies of the democrat party that release violent monsters back into society.

This policy only grants the right to a parole hearing, but it grants that right to any criminal...even the ones who have raped, tortured and murdered innocent Americans......

And Trump pardoning murderers? WTF are they? They're fucking monsters ass hole. Your hypocrisy knows no bounds.

Name them and how they were murderers.........

Did you hear the case, you dipshit....?

The four were guarding a State Department official when they claim an insurgent tried to run their checkpoint and began firing. The four contractors, all decorated military veterans, claimed they came under small arms fire and returned fire. Seventeen Iraqis were killed.

The four contractors, Nicholas Slatten, Paul Slough, Evan Liberty, and Dustin Heard, initially had the case against them tossed out due to prosecutorial misconduct, but then-Vice President Joe Biden and Hillary Clinton pushed for the Department of Justice to retry them to curry favor with Iraqi officials. The civilian jury convicted them of the wanton shooting of innocents in the Baghdad square. One of the defense attorneys labeled the guilty verdicts “incomprehensible.”

According to Gohmert and the eight other congressmen,
DOJ officials ignored physical evidence proving the contractors’ story, including bullet “strikes” in their own armored vehicles. They also ignored exculpatory eyewitness testimony and a radio operator’s log of the shootout. Witnesses saw at least one shooter in an Iraqi police uniform firing on the contractors. The congressional reps say more than a dozen witnesses “either heard or saw incoming rounds or saw enemy shooters.”

The Iraqi National Police, which Gohmert says had been cozy with the Iranian-backed insurgents, did the initial investigation. The FBI showed up three weeks later.

Gohmert calls the four contractors the “Biden Four” because it was then-Vice President Joe Biden in 2010 who stood next to the Iraqi president and promised to retry the men and bring the full weight of the U.S. Justice Department on them. See that video below. One of them, Slatten, a sniper, was convicted of murder by a civilian jury in 2014 in Washington, D.C., where prosecutors were able to get the trial moved. Slatten was given life in prison. The others were sentenced to 12-15 years in prison.

Hm, Louie Gohmert! Now that's someone you can really listen to there. LOl!

Nicholas Slatten, Paul Slough, Evan Liberty and Dustin Heard were convicted six years ago in the killing of 14 Iraqi civilians and the wounding of 17 others. Witnesses described how the American men ambushed the civilians unprovoked, firing on Baghdad's Nisour Square with heavy gunfire and grenade launchers.

The massacre took place in 2007, when the four were working as guards for Blackwater, a private military contractor, on an assignment in Baghdad. They claimed they were fired on, but prosecutors said the Blackwater guards opened fire first. Slatten, whom prosecutors said started the shooting, was sentenced to life in prison.

Hassan Salman is among the Iraqis who were shot during the ambush. He told NPR on Wednesday that he was shocked by Trump's pardons — he himself had made trips to the U.S. to give testimony in the proceedings against the four.

You claimed it was an insurgent, yet 14 people were killed.

I noticed you left out the source. Let me guess, Breitbart?

The "witnesses" had ties to insurgents...

The docketed motion goes on to show that the U.S. government also has information that a JAM associate corroborated with Karim in February 2008, and it points to Karim's clear involvement in identifying alleged victims to U.S. authorities, removal and destruction of evidence, and witness-tampering allegations.

The article does not connect the person to the shooting. It's more conjecture and wishful thinking on the part of "American Thinker."
This is why we have gun crime levels that we have.....the policies of the democrat party that release violent monsters back into society.

This policy only grants the right to a parole hearing, but it grants that right to any criminal...even the ones who have raped, tortured and murdered innocent Americans......

And Trump pardoning murderers? WTF are they? They're fucking monsters ass hole. Your hypocrisy knows no bounds.

Name them and how they were murderers.........

Did you hear the case, you dipshit....?

The four were guarding a State Department official when they claim an insurgent tried to run their checkpoint and began firing. The four contractors, all decorated military veterans, claimed they came under small arms fire and returned fire. Seventeen Iraqis were killed.

The four contractors, Nicholas Slatten, Paul Slough, Evan Liberty, and Dustin Heard, initially had the case against them tossed out due to prosecutorial misconduct, but then-Vice President Joe Biden and Hillary Clinton pushed for the Department of Justice to retry them to curry favor with Iraqi officials. The civilian jury convicted them of the wanton shooting of innocents in the Baghdad square. One of the defense attorneys labeled the guilty verdicts “incomprehensible.”

According to Gohmert and the eight other congressmen,
DOJ officials ignored physical evidence proving the contractors’ story, including bullet “strikes” in their own armored vehicles. They also ignored exculpatory eyewitness testimony and a radio operator’s log of the shootout. Witnesses saw at least one shooter in an Iraqi police uniform firing on the contractors. The congressional reps say more than a dozen witnesses “either heard or saw incoming rounds or saw enemy shooters.”

The Iraqi National Police, which Gohmert says had been cozy with the Iranian-backed insurgents, did the initial investigation. The FBI showed up three weeks later.

Gohmert calls the four contractors the “Biden Four” because it was then-Vice President Joe Biden in 2010 who stood next to the Iraqi president and promised to retry the men and bring the full weight of the U.S. Justice Department on them. See that video below. One of them, Slatten, a sniper, was convicted of murder by a civilian jury in 2014 in Washington, D.C., where prosecutors were able to get the trial moved. Slatten was given life in prison. The others were sentenced to 12-15 years in prison.

Hm, Louie Gohmert! Now that's someone you can really listen to there. LOl!

Nicholas Slatten, Paul Slough, Evan Liberty and Dustin Heard were convicted six years ago in the killing of 14 Iraqi civilians and the wounding of 17 others. Witnesses described how the American men ambushed the civilians unprovoked, firing on Baghdad's Nisour Square with heavy gunfire and grenade launchers.

The massacre took place in 2007, when the four were working as guards for Blackwater, a private military contractor, on an assignment in Baghdad. They claimed they were fired on, but prosecutors said the Blackwater guards opened fire first. Slatten, whom prosecutors said started the shooting, was sentenced to life in prison.

Hassan Salman is among the Iraqis who were shot during the ambush. He told NPR on Wednesday that he was shocked by Trump's pardons — he himself had made trips to the U.S. to give testimony in the proceedings against the four.

You claimed it was an insurgent, yet 14 people were killed.

I noticed you left out the source. Let me guess, Breitbart?

More...this is a biden/obama/holder piece of crap persecution..........

However, if you want a shorter version, here it is: The Blackwater guys were hated by Iraqis, Democrats, and the military. The four Blackwater men were part of a convey that had to go through a dangerous region and were warned about a “white Kia,” a car as common as dirty in Iraq then.

In the square, a white Kia was behaving peculiarly and refused to stop, so they fired until its occupants were dead.

A firefight resulted, the Army was part of it, and when the smoke cleared, there were 17 dead Iraqis and 20 wounded ones. I don’t mean to dismiss the tragedy of the Iraqi civilians who died or were wounded, but their deaths and injuries are not made right by scapegoating men who were legally in the middle of a war zone on behalf of America and almost certainly did nothing wrong.

Everyone wanted blood. The Dems wanted to undercut Bush, the Army wanted to undercut Blackwater, and the Iraqis wanted to undercut Americans. The four men were the perfect scapegoats.

Three weeks after the attack, the FBI went into that busy square, spent less than two weeks investigating, and then emerged to announce that the Blackwater guys committed manslaughter and “weapons violations.” We know now that the FBI is a Deep State hotbed of leftism and anti-Americanism. Streiff details just how bad – indeed, corrupt – the “investigation” was.

Indeed, the investigation was so bad that, by 2009, a federal judge dismissed all the charges.

However, in 2011, with Biden making promises to the Iraqis to get the Blackwater men back in court, a federal appeals panel under Eric Holder’s “Justice” Department decided that they should, in fact, be tried. In 2014, seven years after the event, Slatten got life without parole and the three other men got 30 years. This is Streiff’s summary:

How did they get 30-years for manslaughter? They were convicted of using automatic weapons…in a war zone…issued to them by the US military…in the commission of that crime.
There followed several years more of legal machinations that didn’t help Slatten and only slightly helped the others. Thankfully, Trump finally pardoned four men who found themselves, not just in the middle of a firefight, but in the middle of a disgraceful political and bureaucratic power struggle.

Read more: Ignore the leftist hype: The Blackwater pardons were the right thing to do
Follow us: @AmericanThinker on Twitter | AmericanThinker on Facebook

American Thinker, lol, how could I have missed it? That is Right-wing as you get.

Right from the beginning, American Thinker fucked up. Their partisan rhetoric about Blackwater being hated by Iraqis, Democrats, and the military tells us everything we need to know. That's conjecture right from the first sentence, setting the stage for the rest of that article. Typical for American Thinker. No facts, just what they think and want to think.

Here's more of that same conjecture by American Thinker; Everyone wanted blood. The Dems wanted to undercut Bush, the Army wanted to undercut Blackwater, and the Iraqis wanted to undercut Americans. The four men were the perfect scapegoats. Did you notice how American Thinker injected the Democrats once again into that article? "Everyone wanted blood." Really? Was American Thinker on the scene to know everyone wanted blood? LOL! This is so idiotic. You scoop up a garbage article filled with conjecture, call it the truth, and we are supposed to take you serious? Not in this life. And you went to the trouble to drag American Thinker into this debate. Dude, get the hell out of here. They need to change their title from "American Thinker" to "Conjecture Thinkers." I'm embarrassed. If you pay attention, that article is swamped with conclusions they wanted to print out that favored the murderers.

Moron....after their original case was dismissed, biden and holder went after them doofus.
This is why we have gun crime levels that we have.....the policies of the democrat party that release violent monsters back into society.

This policy only grants the right to a parole hearing, but it grants that right to any criminal...even the ones who have raped, tortured and murdered innocent Americans......

And Trump pardoning murderers? WTF are they? They're fucking monsters ass hole. Your hypocrisy knows no bounds.

Name them and how they were murderers.........

Did you hear the case, you dipshit....?

The four were guarding a State Department official when they claim an insurgent tried to run their checkpoint and began firing. The four contractors, all decorated military veterans, claimed they came under small arms fire and returned fire. Seventeen Iraqis were killed.

The four contractors, Nicholas Slatten, Paul Slough, Evan Liberty, and Dustin Heard, initially had the case against them tossed out due to prosecutorial misconduct, but then-Vice President Joe Biden and Hillary Clinton pushed for the Department of Justice to retry them to curry favor with Iraqi officials. The civilian jury convicted them of the wanton shooting of innocents in the Baghdad square. One of the defense attorneys labeled the guilty verdicts “incomprehensible.”

According to Gohmert and the eight other congressmen,
DOJ officials ignored physical evidence proving the contractors’ story, including bullet “strikes” in their own armored vehicles. They also ignored exculpatory eyewitness testimony and a radio operator’s log of the shootout. Witnesses saw at least one shooter in an Iraqi police uniform firing on the contractors. The congressional reps say more than a dozen witnesses “either heard or saw incoming rounds or saw enemy shooters.”

The Iraqi National Police, which Gohmert says had been cozy with the Iranian-backed insurgents, did the initial investigation. The FBI showed up three weeks later.

Gohmert calls the four contractors the “Biden Four” because it was then-Vice President Joe Biden in 2010 who stood next to the Iraqi president and promised to retry the men and bring the full weight of the U.S. Justice Department on them. See that video below. One of them, Slatten, a sniper, was convicted of murder by a civilian jury in 2014 in Washington, D.C., where prosecutors were able to get the trial moved. Slatten was given life in prison. The others were sentenced to 12-15 years in prison.

Hm, Louie Gohmert! Now that's someone you can really listen to there. LOl!

Nicholas Slatten, Paul Slough, Evan Liberty and Dustin Heard were convicted six years ago in the killing of 14 Iraqi civilians and the wounding of 17 others. Witnesses described how the American men ambushed the civilians unprovoked, firing on Baghdad's Nisour Square with heavy gunfire and grenade launchers.

The massacre took place in 2007, when the four were working as guards for Blackwater, a private military contractor, on an assignment in Baghdad. They claimed they were fired on, but prosecutors said the Blackwater guards opened fire first. Slatten, whom prosecutors said started the shooting, was sentenced to life in prison.

Hassan Salman is among the Iraqis who were shot during the ambush. He told NPR on Wednesday that he was shocked by Trump's pardons — he himself had made trips to the U.S. to give testimony in the proceedings against the four.

You claimed it was an insurgent, yet 14 people were killed.

I noticed you left out the source. Let me guess, Breitbart?

The "witnesses" had ties to insurgents...

The docketed motion goes on to show that the U.S. government also has information that a JAM associate corroborated with Karim in February 2008, and it points to Karim's clear involvement in identifying alleged victims to U.S. authorities, removal and destruction of evidence, and witness-tampering allegations.

Nisour Square massacre - Wikipedia The US military and the FBI say your "American Thinker" is dead wrong.
This is why we have gun crime levels that we have.....the policies of the democrat party that release violent monsters back into society.

This policy only grants the right to a parole hearing, but it grants that right to any criminal...even the ones who have raped, tortured and murdered innocent Americans......

And Trump pardoning murderers? WTF are they? They're fucking monsters ass hole. Your hypocrisy knows no bounds.

Name them and how they were murderers.........

Did you hear the case, you dipshit....?

The four were guarding a State Department official when they claim an insurgent tried to run their checkpoint and began firing. The four contractors, all decorated military veterans, claimed they came under small arms fire and returned fire. Seventeen Iraqis were killed.

The four contractors, Nicholas Slatten, Paul Slough, Evan Liberty, and Dustin Heard, initially had the case against them tossed out due to prosecutorial misconduct, but then-Vice President Joe Biden and Hillary Clinton pushed for the Department of Justice to retry them to curry favor with Iraqi officials. The civilian jury convicted them of the wanton shooting of innocents in the Baghdad square. One of the defense attorneys labeled the guilty verdicts “incomprehensible.”

According to Gohmert and the eight other congressmen,
DOJ officials ignored physical evidence proving the contractors’ story, including bullet “strikes” in their own armored vehicles. They also ignored exculpatory eyewitness testimony and a radio operator’s log of the shootout. Witnesses saw at least one shooter in an Iraqi police uniform firing on the contractors. The congressional reps say more than a dozen witnesses “either heard or saw incoming rounds or saw enemy shooters.”

The Iraqi National Police, which Gohmert says had been cozy with the Iranian-backed insurgents, did the initial investigation. The FBI showed up three weeks later.

Gohmert calls the four contractors the “Biden Four” because it was then-Vice President Joe Biden in 2010 who stood next to the Iraqi president and promised to retry the men and bring the full weight of the U.S. Justice Department on them. See that video below. One of them, Slatten, a sniper, was convicted of murder by a civilian jury in 2014 in Washington, D.C., where prosecutors were able to get the trial moved. Slatten was given life in prison. The others were sentenced to 12-15 years in prison.

Hm, Louie Gohmert! Now that's someone you can really listen to there. LOl!

Nicholas Slatten, Paul Slough, Evan Liberty and Dustin Heard were convicted six years ago in the killing of 14 Iraqi civilians and the wounding of 17 others. Witnesses described how the American men ambushed the civilians unprovoked, firing on Baghdad's Nisour Square with heavy gunfire and grenade launchers.

The massacre took place in 2007, when the four were working as guards for Blackwater, a private military contractor, on an assignment in Baghdad. They claimed they were fired on, but prosecutors said the Blackwater guards opened fire first. Slatten, whom prosecutors said started the shooting, was sentenced to life in prison.

Hassan Salman is among the Iraqis who were shot during the ambush. He told NPR on Wednesday that he was shocked by Trump's pardons — he himself had made trips to the U.S. to give testimony in the proceedings against the four.

You claimed it was an insurgent, yet 14 people were killed.

I noticed you left out the source. Let me guess, Breitbart?

More...this is a biden/obama/holder piece of crap persecution..........

However, if you want a shorter version, here it is: The Blackwater guys were hated by Iraqis, Democrats, and the military. The four Blackwater men were part of a convey that had to go through a dangerous region and were warned about a “white Kia,” a car as common as dirty in Iraq then.

In the square, a white Kia was behaving peculiarly and refused to stop, so they fired until its occupants were dead.

A firefight resulted, the Army was part of it, and when the smoke cleared, there were 17 dead Iraqis and 20 wounded ones. I don’t mean to dismiss the tragedy of the Iraqi civilians who died or were wounded, but their deaths and injuries are not made right by scapegoating men who were legally in the middle of a war zone on behalf of America and almost certainly did nothing wrong.

Everyone wanted blood. The Dems wanted to undercut Bush, the Army wanted to undercut Blackwater, and the Iraqis wanted to undercut Americans. The four men were the perfect scapegoats.

Three weeks after the attack, the FBI went into that busy square, spent less than two weeks investigating, and then emerged to announce that the Blackwater guys committed manslaughter and “weapons violations.” We know now that the FBI is a Deep State hotbed of leftism and anti-Americanism. Streiff details just how bad – indeed, corrupt – the “investigation” was.

Indeed, the investigation was so bad that, by 2009, a federal judge dismissed all the charges.

However, in 2011, with Biden making promises to the Iraqis to get the Blackwater men back in court, a federal appeals panel under Eric Holder’s “Justice” Department decided that they should, in fact, be tried. In 2014, seven years after the event, Slatten got life without parole and the three other men got 30 years. This is Streiff’s summary:

How did they get 30-years for manslaughter? They were convicted of using automatic weapons…in a war zone…issued to them by the US military…in the commission of that crime.
There followed several years more of legal machinations that didn’t help Slatten and only slightly helped the others. Thankfully, Trump finally pardoned four men who found themselves, not just in the middle of a firefight, but in the middle of a disgraceful political and bureaucratic power struggle.

Read more: Ignore the leftist hype: The Blackwater pardons were the right thing to do
Follow us: @AmericanThinker on Twitter | AmericanThinker on Facebook

American Thinker, lol, how could I have missed it? That is Right-wing as you get.

Right from the beginning, American Thinker fucked up. Their partisan rhetoric about Blackwater being hated by Iraqis, Democrats, and the military tells us everything we need to know. That's conjecture right from the first sentence, setting the stage for the rest of that article. Typical for American Thinker. No facts, just what they think and want to think.

Here's more of that same conjecture by American Thinker; Everyone wanted blood. The Dems wanted to undercut Bush, the Army wanted to undercut Blackwater, and the Iraqis wanted to undercut Americans. The four men were the perfect scapegoats. Did you notice how American Thinker injected the Democrats once again into that article? "Everyone wanted blood." Really? Was American Thinker on the scene to know everyone wanted blood? LOL! This is so idiotic. You scoop up a garbage article filled with conjecture, call it the truth, and we are supposed to take you serious? Not in this life. And you went to the trouble to drag American Thinker into this debate. Dude, get the hell out of here. They need to change their title from "American Thinker" to "Conjecture Thinkers." I'm embarrassed. If you pay attention, that article is swamped with conclusions they wanted to print out that favored the murderers.

Moron....after their original case was dismissed, biden and holder went after them doofus.
Nisour Square massacre - Wikipedia The military and the FBI corroborated the incident with the Iraqi government. Holden and Biden had nothing to do with the evidence. Try again.
This is why we have gun crime levels that we have.....the policies of the democrat party that release violent monsters back into society.

This policy only grants the right to a parole hearing, but it grants that right to any criminal...even the ones who have raped, tortured and murdered innocent Americans......

How bout those elected idiots serve those felons remaining sentance
This is why we have gun crime levels that we have.....the policies of the democrat party that release violent monsters back into society.

This policy only grants the right to a parole hearing, but it grants that right to any criminal...even the ones who have raped, tortured and murdered innocent Americans......

Well sure, to them your home is your prison
Well it still just parole being reviewed and they have to make a decision. The decision could go either way. Still if the person is over 55 and served 15 years then maybe they should be considered for pardon.

at least there is a formal review unlike presidential pardons which depends on the whims of one man.

Trump has pardon people convicted of murder.

Nope.....pardoned people wrongly accused of murder.

FBI team leader: How I know the Blackwater defendants didn't deserve a pardon from Trump (opinion) - CNN

FBI investigated and concluded differently and that why they were found guilt of murder.

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