Democrats want parole hearings for criminals who serve 15 years, regardless of the crime they committed.....

Nowhere in the link to the legislation do I see the parameters of what will constitute parole nor what the hysterics in the DW rag are claiming. The whole "regardless of crime" is nowhere to be found in the legislation link. Looks like just looking at parole for inmates over 55. I don't see them releasing violent offenders. Have to wait until we see the final revision.

It says "all inmates over 55 who have served at least 15 years.

This bill permits the Board of Parole to evaluate all inmates over the
age of 55 who have served at least 15 years in prison for possible
parole release. It does not mandate release, but allows the Board to
make a public safety assessment to see whether an elderly inmate is safe
to be released to parole supervision even if he or she has not completed
his or her minimum sentence and to have the discretion to grant such

Link to the bill's page on the Senate website.

NY State Senate Bill S2144

Care to change your statement, cucktard?

No. It says "evaluate". And "possible". It doesn't say "eligible for release". Or "will be released".
Need the details. This is why you don't pay attention to alt-right media.

it says all inmates, which implies regardless of the crime. They will be considered, and in a lefty State like NY who knows what type of SJW losers would be on the parole board.

You are moving the goalposts on your statement you cowardly fuck. Par for the course for you.

"all inmates" includes violent offenders, cuck.

Feel free to get your panties in a bunch over it. I understand. I feel your alt-right outrage from here! :)
I'll wait until the final bill gets put before the NY legislature. I have a feeling it won't go anywhere.
There are no details in the bill.
Now be a good wizard and GFY. :auiqs.jpg:
Well it still just parole being reviewed and they have to make a decision. The decision could go either way. Still if the person is over 55 and served 15 years then maybe they should be considered for pardon.

at least there is a formal review unlike presidential pardons which depends on the whims of one man.

Trump has pardon people convicted of murder.
Nowhere in the link to the legislation do I see the parameters of what will constitute parole nor what the hysterics in the DW rag are claiming. The whole "regardless of crime" is nowhere to be found in the legislation link. Looks like just looking at parole for inmates over 55. I don't see them releasing violent offenders. Have to wait until we see the final revision.

It says "all inmates over 55 who have served at least 15 years.

This bill permits the Board of Parole to evaluate all inmates over the
age of 55 who have served at least 15 years in prison for possible
parole release. It does not mandate release, but allows the Board to
make a public safety assessment to see whether an elderly inmate is safe
to be released to parole supervision even if he or she has not completed
his or her minimum sentence and to have the discretion to grant such

Link to the bill's page on the Senate website.

NY State Senate Bill S2144

Care to change your statement, cucktard?

No. It says "evaluate". And "possible". It doesn't say "eligible for release". Or "will be released".
Need the details. This is why you don't pay attention to alt-right media.

it says all inmates, which implies regardless of the crime. They will be considered, and in a lefty State like NY who knows what type of SJW losers would be on the parole board.

You are moving the goalposts on your statement you cowardly fuck. Par for the course for you.

"all inmates" includes violent offenders, cuck.
I would not worry not enough support on either side of the isle. Wanna empty prisons cut down on useless laws. Million freaking lines of codified law and ignorance is no excuse. For all I know I could be breaking the law right now and not even know it.
Nowhere in the link to the legislation do I see the parameters of what will constitute parole nor what the hysterics in the DW rag are claiming. The whole "regardless of crime" is nowhere to be found in the legislation link. Looks like just looking at parole for inmates over 55. I don't see them releasing violent offenders. Have to wait until we see the final revision.

It says "all inmates over 55 who have served at least 15 years.

This bill permits the Board of Parole to evaluate all inmates over the
age of 55 who have served at least 15 years in prison for possible
parole release. It does not mandate release, but allows the Board to
make a public safety assessment to see whether an elderly inmate is safe
to be released to parole supervision even if he or she has not completed
his or her minimum sentence and to have the discretion to grant such

Link to the bill's page on the Senate website.

NY State Senate Bill S2144

Care to change your statement, cucktard?

No. It says "evaluate". And "possible". It doesn't say "eligible for release". Or "will be released".
Need the details. This is why you don't pay attention to alt-right media.

it says all inmates, which implies regardless of the crime. They will be considered, and in a lefty State like NY who knows what type of SJW losers would be on the parole board.

You are moving the goalposts on your statement you cowardly fuck. Par for the course for you.

"all inmates" includes violent offenders, cuck.

Feel free to get your panties in a bunch over it. I understand. I feel your alt-right outrage from here! :)
I'll wait until the final bill gets put before the NY legislature. I have a feeling it won't go anywhere.
There are no details in the bill.
Now be a good wizard and GFY. :auiqs.jpg:

it shows the intent of SJW losers like you that such a bill is even proposed.

You mad bro?
This is why we have gun crime levels that we have.....the policies of the democrat party that release violent monsters back into society.

This policy only grants the right to a parole hearing, but it grants that right to any criminal...even the ones who have raped, tortured and murdered innocent Americans......

Justice Roadmap?

This is why we have gun crime levels that we have.....the policies of the democrat party that release violent monsters back into society.

This policy only grants the right to a parole hearing, but it grants that right to any criminal...even the ones who have raped, tortured and murdered innocent Americans......

And Trump pardoning murderers? WTF are they? They're fucking monsters ass hole. Your hypocrisy knows no bounds.
I think most of this soft on crime shit happens because there's a lot of empathy for people that are locked up over drug crimes. Legalize drugs and I bet you'll see a lot less leniency on crime from the left.

Yeah? We have been led to believe that the left just hates that we have vaping, they want to stop that too...

What you don't realize is the left can't stop..........they don't have an end point. Each victory for them is simply the next starting point for more "progressivism."

They will let drug offenders out, but then will move on to the next criminals.......
Yeah? We have been led to believe that the left just hates that we have vaping, they want to stop that too...

What you don't realize is the left can't stop..........they don't have an end point. Each victory for them is simply the next starting point for more "progressivism."

They will let drug offenders out, but then will move on to the next criminals.......

For me that's not true. I guess I can't really speak for others.
Well it still just parole being reviewed and they have to make a decision. The decision could go either way. Still if the person is over 55 and served 15 years then maybe they should be considered for pardon.

at least there is a formal review unlike presidential pardons which depends on the whims of one man.

Trump has pardon people convicted of murder.

Nope.....pardoned people wrongly accused of murder.
This is why we have gun crime levels that we have.....the policies of the democrat party that release violent monsters back into society.

This policy only grants the right to a parole hearing, but it grants that right to any criminal...even the ones who have raped, tortured and murdered innocent Americans......

And Trump pardoning murderers? WTF are they? They're fucking monsters ass hole. Your hypocrisy knows no bounds.

Name them and how they were murderers.........
I think most of this soft on crime shit happens because there's a lot of empathy for people that are locked up over drug crimes. Legalize drugs and I bet you'll see a lot less leniency on crime from the left.
Quite possibly.
I myself don’t like that people get long sentences for drug crimes and other non-violent offenses.
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I think most of this soft on crime shit happens because there's a lot of empathy for people that are locked up over drug crimes. Legalize drugs and I bet you'll see a lot less leniency on crime from the left.
If that was true, they would be doing parole hearings for drug offenders, but they arent. They are including rapist, murders and serial killers. Whether or not they would release these people in the hearing is irrelevant. Why are we wasting taxpayer money to have parole hearings for serial killers?
This is why we have gun crime levels that we have.....the policies of the democrat party that release violent monsters back into society.

This policy only grants the right to a parole hearing, but it grants that right to any criminal...even the ones who have raped, tortured and murdered innocent Americans......

And Trump pardoning murderers? WTF are they? They're fucking monsters ass hole. Your hypocrisy knows no bounds.

Name them and how they were murderers.........
Well it still just parole being reviewed and they have to make a decision. The decision could go either way. Still if the person is over 55 and served 15 years then maybe they should be considered for pardon.

at least there is a formal review unlike presidential pardons which depends on the whims of one man.

Trump has pardon people convicted of murder.

Nope.....pardoned people wrongly accused of murder.
Evidence or you are nothing but a liar?
This is why we have gun crime levels that we have.....the policies of the democrat party that release violent monsters back into society.

This policy only grants the right to a parole hearing, but it grants that right to any criminal...even the ones who have raped, tortured and murdered innocent Americans......

And Trump pardoning murderers? WTF are they? They're fucking monsters ass hole. Your hypocrisy knows no bounds.

Name them and how they were murderers.........

Did you hear the case, you dipshit....?

The four were guarding a State Department official when they claim an insurgent tried to run their checkpoint and began firing. The four contractors, all decorated military veterans, claimed they came under small arms fire and returned fire. Seventeen Iraqis were killed.

The four contractors, Nicholas Slatten, Paul Slough, Evan Liberty, and Dustin Heard, initially had the case against them tossed out due to prosecutorial misconduct, but then-Vice President Joe Biden and Hillary Clinton pushed for the Department of Justice to retry them to curry favor with Iraqi officials. The civilian jury convicted them of the wanton shooting of innocents in the Baghdad square. One of the defense attorneys labeled the guilty verdicts “incomprehensible.”

According to Gohmert and the eight other congressmen,
DOJ officials ignored physical evidence proving the contractors’ story, including bullet “strikes” in their own armored vehicles. They also ignored exculpatory eyewitness testimony and a radio operator’s log of the shootout. Witnesses saw at least one shooter in an Iraqi police uniform firing on the contractors. The congressional reps say more than a dozen witnesses “either heard or saw incoming rounds or saw enemy shooters.”

The Iraqi National Police, which Gohmert says had been cozy with the Iranian-backed insurgents, did the initial investigation. The FBI showed up three weeks later.

Gohmert calls the four contractors the “Biden Four” because it was then-Vice President Joe Biden in 2010 who stood next to the Iraqi president and promised to retry the men and bring the full weight of the U.S. Justice Department on them. See that video below. One of them, Slatten, a sniper, was convicted of murder by a civilian jury in 2014 in Washington, D.C., where prosecutors were able to get the trial moved. Slatten was given life in prison. The others were sentenced to 12-15 years in prison.

This is why we have gun crime levels that we have.....the policies of the democrat party that release violent monsters back into society.

This policy only grants the right to a parole hearing, but it grants that right to any criminal...even the ones who have raped, tortured and murdered innocent Americans......

And Trump pardoning murderers? WTF are they? They're fucking monsters ass hole. Your hypocrisy knows no bounds.

Name them and how they were murderers.........

International law doesn't override the Constitutional ability of the President to issue pardons for federal crimes.
Well it still just parole being reviewed and they have to make a decision. The decision could go either way. Still if the person is over 55 and served 15 years then maybe they should be considered for pardon.

at least there is a formal review unlike presidential pardons which depends on the whims of one man.

Trump has pardon people convicted of murder.

Nope.....pardoned people wrongly accused of murder.
Evidence or you are nothing but a liar?

See post #35 you moron...
This is why we have gun crime levels that we have.....the policies of the democrat party that release violent monsters back into society.

This policy only grants the right to a parole hearing, but it grants that right to any criminal...even the ones who have raped, tortured and murdered innocent Americans......

And Trump pardoning murderers? WTF are they? They're fucking monsters ass hole. Your hypocrisy knows no bounds.

Name them and how they were murderers.........

Did you hear the case, you dipshit....?

The four were guarding a State Department official when they claim an insurgent tried to run their checkpoint and began firing. The four contractors, all decorated military veterans, claimed they came under small arms fire and returned fire. Seventeen Iraqis were killed.

The four contractors, Nicholas Slatten, Paul Slough, Evan Liberty, and Dustin Heard, initially had the case against them tossed out due to prosecutorial misconduct, but then-Vice President Joe Biden and Hillary Clinton pushed for the Department of Justice to retry them to curry favor with Iraqi officials. The civilian jury convicted them of the wanton shooting of innocents in the Baghdad square. One of the defense attorneys labeled the guilty verdicts “incomprehensible.”

According to Gohmert and the eight other congressmen,
DOJ officials ignored physical evidence proving the contractors’ story, including bullet “strikes” in their own armored vehicles. They also ignored exculpatory eyewitness testimony and a radio operator’s log of the shootout. Witnesses saw at least one shooter in an Iraqi police uniform firing on the contractors. The congressional reps say more than a dozen witnesses “either heard or saw incoming rounds or saw enemy shooters.”

The Iraqi National Police, which Gohmert says had been cozy with the Iranian-backed insurgents, did the initial investigation. The FBI showed up three weeks later.

Gohmert calls the four contractors the “Biden Four” because it was then-Vice President Joe Biden in 2010 who stood next to the Iraqi president and promised to retry the men and bring the full weight of the U.S. Justice Department on them. See that video below. One of them, Slatten, a sniper, was convicted of murder by a civilian jury in 2014 in Washington, D.C., where prosecutors were able to get the trial moved. Slatten was given life in prison. The others were sentenced to 12-15 years in prison.

That’s a freaking disgrace.
It boggles my mind how a politician can use a service members life like a political pawn.
If that’s true, I’d have Biden executed if it were up to me.
Nowhere in the link to the legislation do I see the parameters of what will constitute parole nor what the hysterics in the DW rag are claiming. The whole "regardless of crime" is nowhere to be found in the legislation link. Looks like just looking at parole for inmates over 55. I don't see them releasing violent offenders. Have to wait until we see the final revision.
I’m sure all the drug dealers are anxious to return to their chosen profession

but we know from experience that bleeding heart libs are not adverse to releasing violent criminals too

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