Democrats want to do to America what they've already done to California...


Platinum Member
Dec 18, 2011
Gov. Brown went crazy the last couple years and signed off on some radical bills that make California look more like a dictatorship than part of the U.S.

"Utilities may bill customers for future legal damages and for settlements from the deadly 2017 wildfires that caused more than $10 billion in insured losses, even if the companies’ mismanagement caused the blazes."

Since everyone needs utilities, the poor will suffer the most because of higher payments.

"California becomes the first state to require publicly held corporations to have at least one woman on their boards of directors by the end of 2019 and two or more by 2021."

Hire by gender, not by qualifications. The left does not see individuals. They see groups. Racist, sexist bigots that they are, they cannot see past a person's gender or race.

"California’s utilities must generate 60 percent of their energy from wind, solar and other renewable sources by 2030, which is 10 percent higher than a previous mandate. Lawmakers set a goal of phasing out electricity from fossil fuels by 2045."

So, what if renewable energy can't cover the needs of people? Not to mention the high cost. Maybe leftists across the country would rather that people freeze to death or die of heat stroke since it will be too expensive to pay for electricity. Or the available power won't be enough to provide what is needed. Of course, leftists also want air conditioners banned eventually.


— Dine-in restaurants may only provide drinking straws at customers’ request.

— Restaurants that advertise children’s meals must include water or unflavored milk as the default beverage, though customers can still order other options.

— Elections officials must provide prepaid return envelopes for vote-by-mail ballots. They also must give voters a chance to correct a ballot signature that doesn’t match the one on file and let them track mail-in ballots.

— The minimum wage rises to $12 for companies with 26 or more employees and $11 for smaller businesses as California phases in a $15 base hourly wage.

— A bill protecting net neutrality rules was set to take effect Jan. 1 but was blocked until a federal lawsuit is resolved."

Their ideas are not practical and, much of the time, unconstitutional. But wannabe dictators never let little things like laws or rights stand in their way.

New laws are putting California further at odds with Trump
It's unconstitutional for a state to force a private entity to hire based on quotas.
...fill it up with millions of illegal aliens, get them all to illegally vote for Democrats, and establish a one-party Democratic state.
If I were a Republican, I would look at all the red states that are part of Appalachia before I started bitching about California.
Gov. Brown went crazy the last couple years and signed off on some radical bills that make California look more like a dictatorship than part of the U.S.
President Trump went crazy in his first couple years and signed off on some radical bills that make the USA look more like a banana republic with a dictatorship, than part of what the framers and founding generation saw for a future U.S.
If I were a Republican, I would look at all the red states that are part of Appalachia before I started bitching about California.
you dont live there though do you?.....California aint as nice as it was at one time last century.....
...fill it up with millions of illegal aliens, get them all to illegally vote for Democrats, and establish a one-party Democratic state.

They've already made it a One Party state with their "top 2 -- jungle" primary.. Excluded EVERYONE from the general election ballot if they are not first or second in the primaries.. It's voter disenfranchisement on steroids...
If I were a Republican, I would look at all the red states that are part of Appalachia before I started bitching about California.

Here's the Dems eating their own.. For lack of understanding geography.. Everytime a maniac Dem tool swings at a region, they're hitting a lot of "their own"... Calling their own horrible names and smearing them. But here's a map for Deanie just so he knows that the "appalachian region" covers a lot of Virginia, Pennsylvania, Ohio, even southern New York...

...fill it up with millions of illegal aliens, get them all to illegally vote for Democrats, and establish a one-party Democratic state.
Prove that all the illegal aliens in California are voting, let alone voting for Democrats. Let's see your proof....unless you're just lying again.

They may now all REGISTER to vote.. That's perfectly clear. No one's ever gonna audit a ballot in California to determine whether they are just voting on "local issues" unless it's a Federal election.. So it's likely they are voting on more than the "school issues" that was touted as reason for REGISTERING THEM..

Many probably don't KNOW enough to NOT vote on issues they are not supposed to be determining..
...fill it up with millions of illegal aliens, get them all to illegally vote for Democrats, and establish a one-party Democratic state.
Prove that all the illegal aliens in California are voting, let alone voting for Democrats. Let's see your proof....unless you're just lying again.

They may now all REGISTER to vote.. That's perfectly clear. No one's ever gonna audit a ballot in California to determine whether they are just voting on "local issues" unless it's a Federal election.. So it's likely they are voting on more than the "school issues" that was touted as reason for REGISTERING THEM..

Many probably don't KNOW enough to NOT vote on issues they are not supposed to be determining..
If illegals start voting outside of local elections it will be huge news. Any reporter worth their salt would want a Pulitzer
...fill it up with millions of illegal aliens, get them all to illegally vote for Democrats, and establish a one-party Democratic state.

They've already made it a One Party state with their "top 2 -- jungle" primary.. Excluded EVERYONE from the general election ballot if they are not first or second in the primaries.. It's voter disenfranchisement on steroids...
actually that has backfired


term limits
Gov. Brown went crazy the last couple years and signed off on some radical bills that make California look more like a dictatorship than part of the U.S.
President Trump went crazy in his first couple years and signed off on some radical bills that make the USA look more like a banana republic with a dictatorship, than part of what the framers and founding generation saw for a future U.S.

Really? I am sure that you have some examples that you can post here. I would dare say that the Barrypuppet and his NDA Act of 2013 with indefinite detention with no due process would "trump" anything the current president has signed off on.
Gov. Brown went crazy the last couple years and signed off on some radical bills that make California look more like a dictatorship than part of the U.S.

"Utilities may bill customers for future legal damages and for settlements from the deadly 2017 wildfires that caused more than $10 billion in insured losses, even if the companies’ mismanagement caused the blazes."

Since everyone needs utilities, the poor will suffer the most because of higher payments.

"California becomes the first state to require publicly held corporations to have at least one woman on their boards of directors by the end of 2019 and two or more by 2021."

Hire by gender, not by qualifications. The left does not see individuals. They see groups. Racist, sexist bigots that they are, they cannot see past a person's gender or race.

"California’s utilities must generate 60 percent of their energy from wind, solar and other renewable sources by 2030, which is 10 percent higher than a previous mandate. Lawmakers set a goal of phasing out electricity from fossil fuels by 2045."

So, what if renewable energy can't cover the needs of people? Not to mention the high cost. Maybe leftists across the country would rather that people freeze to death or die of heat stroke since it will be too expensive to pay for electricity. Or the available power won't be enough to provide what is needed. Of course, leftists also want air conditioners banned eventually.


— Dine-in restaurants may only provide drinking straws at customers’ request.

— Restaurants that advertise children’s meals must include water or unflavored milk as the default beverage, though customers can still order other options.

— Elections officials must provide prepaid return envelopes for vote-by-mail ballots. They also must give voters a chance to correct a ballot signature that doesn’t match the one on file and let them track mail-in ballots.

— The minimum wage rises to $12 for companies with 26 or more employees and $11 for smaller businesses as California phases in a $15 base hourly wage.

— A bill protecting net neutrality rules was set to take effect Jan. 1 but was blocked until a federal lawsuit is resolved."

Their ideas are not practical and, much of the time, unconstitutional. But wannabe dictators never let little things like laws or rights stand in their way.

New laws are putting California further at odds with Trump
Considering your fake so-called president tRump who's on a destructive rampage against Democracy and civilization, to be at odds with this uncouth maniac is a good and civilized thing. Its self destructive for mind, body and soul to be a Rump kisser.
Gov. Brown went crazy the last couple years and signed off on some radical bills that make California look more like a dictatorship than part of the U.S.
President Trump went crazy in his first couple years and signed off on some radical bills that make the USA look more like a banana republic with a dictatorship, than part of what the framers and founding generation saw for a future U.S.

Really? I am sure that you have some examples that you can post here. I would dare say that the Barrypuppet and his NDA Act of 2013 with indefinite detention with no due process would "trump" anything the current president has signed off on.
Just the Band playing Hail to the Chief with Trump standing there looking like a dope is enough to scream out "Banana Republic!"

"Trump says anyone else but himself would be media’s ‘hero’ for Syria withdrawal" - sounds exactly like MAO, Stalin, and other insecure dics
Gov. Brown went crazy the last couple years and signed off on some radical bills that make California look more like a dictatorship than part of the U.S.
President Trump went crazy in his first couple years and signed off on some radical bills that make the USA look more like a banana republic with a dictatorship, than part of what the framers and founding generation saw for a future U.S.

Really? I am sure that you have some examples that you can post here. I would dare say that the Barrypuppet and his NDA Act of 2013 with indefinite detention with no due process would "trump" anything the current president has signed off on.
Just the Band playing Hail to the Chief with Trump standing there looking like a dope is enough to scream out "Banana Republic!"

"Trump says anyone else but himself would be media’s ‘hero’ for Syria withdrawal" - sounds exactly like MAO, Stalin, and other insecure dics

When did leftards become such warhawks? What has Syria done that should require the military industrial complex being involved? We already know that ISIS was a proxy army funded by deep staters working on behalf of the oligarchs.
...fill it up with millions of illegal aliens, get them all to illegally vote for Democrats, and establish a one-party Democratic state.

They've already made it a One Party state with their "top 2 -- jungle" primary.. Excluded EVERYONE from the general election ballot if they are not first or second in the primaries.. It's voter disenfranchisement on steroids...
actually that has backfired


term limits

Did not backfire. It got the intended results. The last 2 Federal Senate elections had NO CHOICES other than 2 Dems on the ballot. Not a Repub, not a 3rd party, not any Independents that don't have to participate in the primaries. It's done. Fini... If you give your party members more than 2 choices on the ballot in California, you'll split their votes and never BE in the "Big Show" in November. Which is what Dems like.. Deciding primaries before they are actually run.. And voter disenfranchisement.

Worked beautifully.. Now it's ILLEGAL to have more than 2 names on a FEDERAL race.

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