Democrats Want To Paint Trump As A King.....But Who Acted More Like A King?

Who do you think acted more like a king or queen (You can vote more than one choice)

  • Donald J Trump

  • Barack H Obama

  • Hillary R Clinton

  • Nancy Pelosi

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Obama settled a lawsuit with Iran. He settled it for less than we would have otherwise paid had we lost in court.
That's like paying the 911 terrorists families reparations.

Do you have any idea what the lawsuit was about? I do. It was about money Iran paid us under the Shah for fighter jets. We never delivered the fighter jets and kept the money. Iran sued to get Iran's money back.
Obama settled a lawsuit with Iran. He settled it for less than we would have otherwise paid had we lost in court.

It was a stupid thing to do. Stop defending it.

Perfectly arguable, but that doesn't change the fact that Obama didn't do anything "king like".
I'm sorry, who did he go through to get the foreign currency according to our US policy?

Are you asking because you don’t know? It’s in an article already posted by someone else.
Obama settled a lawsuit with Iran. He settled it for less than we would have otherwise paid had we lost in court.

It was a stupid thing to do. Stop defending it.

Perfectly arguable, but that doesn't change the fact that Obama didn't do anything "king like".

I'm sorry, who did he go through to get the foreign currency according to our US policy?

I hope you're not actually expecting an answer your question. You won't get it. That much is clear given that he's continuing to conflate two unrelated issues, insisting that the cash flown to Iran in the middle of the night was a "settlement" for the "lawsuit" (aka, the impotent Iran-U.S. Claims Tribunal) relating to the 1979 asset seizure.

imawhosure pointed out in post #7 that said payment was made via wire transfer, and therefore, it was not the reason for the cash flown to Iran under cloak of night. Colfax denied (without providing any support) that there was ever a wire transfer, and insisted that air-dropped cash was indeed the "settlement" money. I demonstrated that to be false in post #12, where I provided several links confirming that the "settlement" money was indeed paid via wire transfer (thus the cash delivered via cargo jet was not the "settlement" payment as he claims). Per his MO, he simply claimed I was wrong, without identifying any specific fact that was incorrect or providing any support. Hence, he is not engaging in honest discussion, so there is no point even trying to explore the basis for his assertions.
The Democrat claim that Trump thinks he's a king doesn't hold water. But they're trying desperately to give everyone the false impression that Trump is acting like a king.

However, when a president steals billions and gives it to our enemies without approval from congress...that is the act of someone who thinks he is a king or above the law.

First off they cant impeach a king
Second off he is no king hes god emperor
Obama settled a lawsuit with Iran. He settled it for less than we would have otherwise paid had we lost in court.

It was a stupid thing to do. Stop defending it.

Says who? It was part of a settlement. AP FACT CHECK: Trump's Iran cash story oft-told, still bogus

THE FACTS: There was no $150 billion payout from the U.S. treasury. The money he refers to represents Iranian assets held abroad that were frozen until the deal was reached and Tehran was allowed to access its funds.

The payout of about $1.8 billion is a separate matter. That dates to the 1970s, when Iran paid the U.S. $400 million for military equipment that was never delivered because the government was overthrown and diplomatic relations ruptured.

That left people, businesses and governments in each country indebted to partners in the other, and these complex claims took decades to sort out in tribunals and arbitration. For its part, Iran paid settlements of more than $2.5 billion to U.S. citizens and businesses.

The day after the nuclear deal was implemented, the U.S. and Iran announced they had settled the claim over the 1970s military equipment order, with the U.S. agreeing to pay the $400 million principal along with about $1.3 billion in interest. The $400 million was paid in cash and flown to Tehran on a cargo plane, which gave rise to Trump’s dramatic accounts of money stuffed in barrels or boxes and delivered in the dead of night. The arrangement provided for the interest to be paid later, not crammed into containers.​
Obama settled a lawsuit with Iran. He settled it for less than we would have otherwise paid had we lost in court.

It was a stupid thing to do. Stop defending it.

Perfectly arguable, but that doesn't change the fact that Obama didn't do anything "king like".

I'm sorry, who did he go through to get the foreign currency according to our US policy?

I hope you're not actually expecting an answer your question. You won't get it. That much is clear given that he's continuing to conflate two unrelated issues, insisting that the cash flown to Iran in the middle of the night was a "settlement" for the "lawsuit" (aka, the impotent Iran-U.S. Claims Tribunal) relating to the 1979 asset seizure.

imawhosure pointed out in post #7 that said payment was made via wire transfer, and therefore, it was not the reason for the cash flown to Iran under cloak of night. Colfax denied (without providing any support) that there was ever a wire transfer, and insisted that air-dropped cash was indeed the "settlement" money. I demonstrated that to be false in post #12, where I provided several links confirming that the "settlement" money was indeed paid via wire transfer (thus the cash delivered via cargo jet was not the "settlement" payment as he claims). Per his MO, he simply claimed I was wrong, without identifying any specific fact that was incorrect or providing any support. Hence, he is not engaging in honest discussion, so there is no point even trying to explore the basis for his assertions.

Allow me to point out what information your link provided that you did not acknowledge. This is from your link here.

First of all, yes there was a wire transfer as stated here:
To return the principal, the Treasury, working with the Defense Finance and Accounting Service (DFAS) and the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, made a $400 million wire transfer from DFAS to the Swiss National Bank.​

However, that's not the end of the story. The wire transfer merely went to Switzerland. It did not go to Iran. What happened next according to you link:
The $400 million was then converted into Swiss francs and withdrawn in franc banknotes, which were transferred to Geneva.
As you see, the money was converted to physical currency. Then what happened:
On January 17, the banknotes were disbursed to an official from the Central Bank of Iran.​

January 17, it was disbursed. By disburse, they mean loaded onto a plane and flown to Iran and handed over to them. This was all information that was provided in your link. This is not new information. This has been reported at length in many areas such as here, here and here.

So, perhaps if you're interested in an honest discussion, you may reply as to where I am mistaken.
Obama thought himself a King. He spoke of himself in the third person. And with reverence. He actually genuflected to himself. He was amazed with his own grandeur.

Not to mention the "King of Selfies"

” From a psychological perspective, the taking of selfies is a self-oriented action that allows users to establish their individuality and self-importance; it is also associated with personality traits such as narcissism.
The Democrat claim that Trump thinks he's a king doesn't hold water. But they're trying desperately to give everyone the false impression that Trump is acting like a king.

However, when a president steals billions and gives it to our enemies without approval from congress...that is the act of someone who thinks he is a king or above the law.

Yeah sorry, "acting like a king" is not equivalent to "he uppity".

when a president steals billions and gives it to our enemies

What comic book is that in?

How would you characterize one who sets up a charity for vets, steals from IT, and then goes "let 'em eat cake"?

Was “he uppity” when the Kenyan King wrote his own personal immigration law and issued his own personal form of citizenship?

This is WAY too easy but.....

---- Link?
WHAT A MAROON: Never Trumpers Are Losing It: Steve Schmidt Says Trump Is an ‘Emperor.’


Before Trump, Schmidt served as a communications strategist for the campaigns of former President George W. Bush, Gov. Arnold Swarzenegger (R-Calif.), and John McCain's presidential bid. After Trump, he's a babbling fool who can't distinguish between President Donald Trump and an emperor or a king.

If Trump is acquitted by the Senate — as expected — he will be "above the law" and therefore an absolute monarch, or something.

"So the American people, with the oldest constitutional republic in the world, will have to decide: Do we want to have at the head of our country a president, or do we want to have a king? Do we want to have an emperor? Do we want to have somebody who sits above the law?"​

"The aftermath of this, when he is acquitted, there will never, ever have been an American president with the power that Donald Trump possesses right now in this moment. Not FDR in the Second World War. Not Lincoln in the Civil War," the Never Trumper blathered. "No president is as powerful as Donald John Trump in this hour."
Yes, he insisted — with a straight face — that Trump is more powerful now than Lincoln, the president who suspended Habeas Corpus in Maryland during the Civil War. He said Trump is more powerful than Franklin Delano Roosevelt, who infamously forced millions of Japanese-Americans into internment camps. He said Trump is more powerful than Woodrow Wilson, who launched War Socialism during World War I — complete with government direction of the economy and a department of propaganda.

Schmidt declared that Trump on the eve of acquittal is more similar to emperors like The Divine Caesar Augustus than other presidents like Bill Clinton or George W. Bush.

Even if you believe that Trump did what the Democrats claim, and even if you think it is a serious scandal, this is asinine nonsense. Trump is president — limited in his term to eight years maximum; checked by Congress and the Supreme Court; subject to the will of the people in the 2020 election. Nearly half of the country hates him. He is no king; he is no emperor.

Steve Schmidt has to know this, but he is trying to make impeachment seem far nobler than it is. Democrats launched a shamefully partisan effort, based on a murky case, rushed and then delayed, and predicated on a "whistleblower" who still remains nameless. The Senate is right to acquit Trump.

Never Trumpers like Schmidt are trying to do the impossible — they are trying to carry water for Democrats' shameless abuse of Congress's impeachment power, and still claiming to be conservative. No wonder they're losing it.


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