Democrats Watch As Economy Burns Down

Mad Scientist

Feels Good!
Sep 15, 2008
News Headlines
The U.S. economy unexpectedly shed jobs in September for a fourth straight month as government payrolls fell and private hiring was less than expected, hardening expectations of further Federal Reserve action to spur the recovery.
It's always unexpected isn't it? Anyone wanna' guess what the Feds' "action" will be? I bet it'll involve money printing and rate lowering. Same thing they always do.

And where is Congress on this? Sitting on the sidelines blaming Bush. Same thing they always do.
News Headlines
The U.S. economy unexpectedly shed jobs in September for a fourth straight month as government payrolls fell and private hiring was less than expected, hardening expectations of further Federal Reserve action to spur the recovery.
It's always unexpected isn't it? Anyone wanna' guess what the Feds' "action" will be? I bet it'll involve money printing and rate lowering. Same thing they always do.

And where is Congress on this? Sitting on the sidelines blaming Bush. Same thing they always do.

I blame rich people.
Private sector jobs up 64,000. Gov jobs way down.

Obama is an "economic jackass":
The government revised data for July and August to show 15,000 more jobs lost that previously reported. It also said its preliminary benchmark revision estimate indicated employment in the 12 months to March had been overstated by 366,000.
Huge Deficits, Unemployment stuck near 10% and the economy in the shitter.

If John McCain were president you'd be calling for his impeachment.
Private sector jobs up 64,000. Gov jobs way down.

Obama is an "economic jackass":
The government revised data for July and August to show 15,000 more jobs lost that previously reported. It also said its preliminary benchmark revision estimate indicated employment in the 12 months to March had been overstated by 366,000.
Huge Deficits, Unemployment stuck near 10% and the economy in the shitter.

If John McCain were president you'd be calling for his impeachment.

If McCain were President, we'd be in far worse shape, and possibly in a war with Iran.
Yeah we ALL watched as our economy was gutted. And Obama just was in the tail end of it.
Most all of us were too dumb to see it coming though and praised the housing and credit bubbles, and globalizatrion / offshoring..
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I agree with the most of you comment. The smart people (investor class) are getting richer by the minute.
Yeah we ALL watched as our economy was gutted. And Obama just was in the tail end of it.
Most all of us were too dumb to see it coming thought and praised the housing and credit bubbles, and globalizatrion / offshoring..

That and a return to the War/Oil economy of yore.

What a disaster.
News Headlines
The U.S. economy unexpectedly shed jobs in September for a fourth straight month as government payrolls fell and private hiring was less than expected, hardening expectations of further Federal Reserve action to spur the recovery.
It's always unexpected isn't it? Anyone wanna' guess what the Feds' "action" will be? I bet it'll involve money printing and rate lowering. Same thing they always do.

And where is Congress on this? Sitting on the sidelines blaming Bush. Same thing they always do.

Meanwhile, the Republicans are doing WHAT exactly to help the American people?
Private sector jobs up 64,000. Gov jobs way down.

Obama is an "economic jackass":
The government revised data for July and August to show 15,000 more jobs lost that previously reported. It also said its preliminary benchmark revision estimate indicated employment in the 12 months to March had been overstated by 366,000.
Huge Deficits, Unemployment stuck near 10% and the economy in the shitter.

If John McCain were president you'd be calling for his impeachment.

If McCain were President, we'd be in far worse shape, and possibly in a war with Iran.

Or much better shape, as consumer and business confidence would not have went down the toilet.
News Headlines
The U.S. economy unexpectedly shed jobs in September for a fourth straight month as government payrolls fell and private hiring was less than expected, hardening expectations of further Federal Reserve action to spur the recovery.
It's always unexpected isn't it? Anyone wanna' guess what the Feds' "action" will be? I bet it'll involve money printing and rate lowering. Same thing they always do.

And where is Congress on this? Sitting on the sidelines blaming Bush. Same thing they always do.

Meanwhile, the Republicans are doing WHAT exactly to help the American people?

Stopping the democrat train wreck.
News Headlines
The U.S. economy unexpectedly shed jobs in September for a fourth straight month as government payrolls fell and private hiring was less than expected, hardening expectations of further Federal Reserve action to spur the recovery.
It's always unexpected isn't it? Anyone wanna' guess what the Feds' "action" will be? I bet it'll involve money printing and rate lowering. Same thing they always do.

And where is Congress on this? Sitting on the sidelines blaming Bush. Same thing they always do.

Meanwhile, the Republicans are doing WHAT exactly to help the American people?

Campaigning to get rid of the idiot Democrats in DC who created this mess to begin with.
WE'll let you know in Nov how that works out.
we have been and continue to underplay oil's importance to the economy.

Yes we as a culture refuse to see the part high oil/energy prices played in the economic downfall.

And we also refuse to see where our oil addiction is leading us.
News Headlines
It's always unexpected isn't it? Anyone wanna' guess what the Feds' "action" will be? I bet it'll involve money printing and rate lowering. Same thing they always do.

And where is Congress on this? Sitting on the sidelines blaming Bush. Same thing they always do.

Meanwhile, the Republicans are doing WHAT exactly to help the American people?

Campaigning to get rid of the idiot Democrats in DC who created this mess to begin with.
WE'll let you know in Nov how that works out.

And if Republicans get control who will you blame for our mess then?

Silly me you will blame Obama for all bad economics for the next 30 years.
Heck you guys still blame Carter :D
we have been and continue to underplay oil's importance to the economy.

Yes we as a culture refuse to see the part high oil/energy prices played in the economic downfall.

And we also refuse to see where our oil addiction is leading us.

let's here a classic GED explanation of what we should use instead of oil. I'll laugh in advance.

That still managed to exceed your understanding.
Meanwhile, the Republicans are doing WHAT exactly to help the American people?

Campaigning to get rid of the idiot Democrats in DC who created this mess to begin with.
WE'll let you know in Nov how that works out.

And if Republicans get control who will you blame for our mess then?

Silly me you will blame Obama for all bad economics for the next 30 years.
Heck you guys still blame Carter :D

The correct word is "whom". Whom will we blame.
If they get control there will be no blame. The Dems of course will still blame Bush because not everyone in America is a millionaire.
Who is blaming Carter for anything other than being incompetent? Please post names.

Still waiting to hear where our addiction to oil is leading us. So far it's led us to become the world's greatest economic power.

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