Democrats Week-long Infomercial.


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts
The speakers during the Democrat virtual convention nominated our first virtual presidential candidate.

If you could stand watching any of's clear that they're lying.
It consisted of selected speakers that are able to read prepared speeches that have nothing to do with reality.
It's not even a pep-rally like it used to be.
What they should have done is just nominate the guy instead of going on television and making a spectacle of themselves.
The common theme is that Trump is the Devil and everything they have done to America this year is all Trump's fault, not theirs.
This political party is nothing but a bunch of con-artists that feel they can get away with murder....and some of have so far.

Biggest mass-murderer in United States history NY Governor Andrew Cuomo: Responsible for the deaths of
at least 10,000 seniors in his state.

This is what the Democrat Party stands for.....and wanted to ignore this week:

The Dems are attempting to portray themselves as Moderates and Patriotic.
Their new slogan is "fighting for the Soul of America", whilst they burn cities, beat people in our streets, assassinated Policemen and attack the foundations of our culture.
Intelligent Voters are not buying it.
The Dems are attempting to portray themselves as Moderates and Patriotic.
Their new slogan is "fighting for the Soul of America", whilst they burn cities, beat people in our streets, assassinated Policemen and attack the foundations of our culture.
Intelligent Voters are not buying it.
They're fighting cops, fighting business owners, fighting anyone driving on our roads, fighting federal officers trying to protect federal buildings from them.

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