Democrats,what's the point?


Gold Member
Jan 29, 2015
Georgia Mountains
What is the point of impeaching Trump?

Pelosi has said herself it doesn't matter if they lose the majority in the house by pursuing impeachment and we ALL know the senate where you need 67 yes vote to convict Trump is NEVER going to happen so what exactly is the point here? There is literally nothing to achieve other than to piss off his base AND moderates AND independents and making them hold their nose again and vote for Trump in 2020....can someone explain what's the entire point or are you and the democrat leadership just so filled with TDS and Hate for Trump you would rather go down "fighting" in a battle you already know you are going to lose?
I think they're trying to wear everyone down, and mau-mau the GOP into suing for peace.

Over all these decades, they still haven't learned that there's never ever any mollifying the mob of spoiled little brat children that are the Democrat Party.
They are used to the the OLD GOP that didn't have a brawler like Trump at the head of it. He has been the ONLY politician I have ever seen take it to the democrats the way they throw it out......I would have thought 3 years in SOMEONE in the leadership would realize when they are being toyed with and prodded into doing something that's suicidal to them but very helpful to Trump.
I think they're trying to wear everyone down, and mau-mau the GOP into suing for peace.

Over all these decades, they still haven't learned that there's never ever any mollifying the mob of spoiled little brat children that are the Democrat Party.
They are used to the the OLD GOP that didn't have a brawler like Trump at the head of it. He has been the ONLY politician I have ever seen take it to the democrats the way they throw it out......I would have thought 3 years in SOMEONE in the leadership would realize when they are being toyed with and prodded into doing something that's suicidal to them but very helpful to Trump.

That's because he isn't a politician and never will be.

He's a damned fine business man who know how to get things done.

He can throw his thoughts and what he believes with the best of them and he doesn't give a rats ass if the opposition likes it or not.

Once again the idiot Dems have become their own worst enemies.
The Dems realize that the candidates have no real message. Even promising all the giveaways is not bringing people jumping on to the band wagon. The only idea for the economy is slow it down or destroy it.
They realize that they will most likely lose the house and the senate since they were unable to do anything with all the promises.

They have no real choice left to keep any kind of power. The hope is to cause enough doubt about Trump to keep them from being completely wiped out.
The Dems realize that the candidates have no real message. Even promising all the giveaways is not bringing people jumping on to the band wagon. The only idea for the economy is slow it down or destroy it.
They realize that they will most likely lose the house and the senate since they were unable to do anything with all the promises.

They have no real choice left to keep any kind of power. The hope is to cause enough doubt about Trump to keep them from being completely wiped out.
So their goal is what? To make the leftists hate him even more and to go even more crazy when he wins in 2020 and start a war? I mean this shit makes no sense to me...
The Dems realize that the candidates have no real message. Even promising all the giveaways is not bringing people jumping on to the band wagon. The only idea for the economy is slow it down or destroy it.
They realize that they will most likely lose the house and the senate since they were unable to do anything with all the promises.

They have no real choice left to keep any kind of power. The hope is to cause enough doubt about Trump to keep them from being completely wiped out.
So their goal is what? To make the leftists hate him even more and to go even more crazy when he wins in 2020 and start a war? I mean this shit makes no sense to me...

Of course it doesn't. Look at your nonsense belief system.
What is the point of impeaching Trump?

To reject his lawless behavior and get Republicans on record as enablers of his swamp.
And to you that hasn't been done in the past 3 years? You are willing to get DESTROYED in 2020 lose the house,even more senate seats AND let him be reelected simply to prove what you think he has done is illegal? Good lord.
The Dems realize that the candidates have no real message. Even promising all the giveaways is not bringing people jumping on to the band wagon. The only idea for the economy is slow it down or destroy it.
They realize that they will most likely lose the house and the senate since they were unable to do anything with all the promises.

They have no real choice left to keep any kind of power. The hope is to cause enough doubt about Trump to keep them from being completely wiped out.
So their goal is what? To make the leftists hate him even more and to go even more crazy when he wins in 2020 and start a war? I mean this shit makes no sense to me...

Of course it doesn't. Look at your nonsense belief system.
Stop whining. This idiocy makes no sense to any sane person but then again liberalism is about the dumbest ideology ever so...not exactly sane.
Since the Trump Russia Hoax failed miserably. Swamp democrats badly need something to derail his presidency insulting the people who voted for him.
What is the point of impeaching Trump?

I'll say it again, Od: There will be no impeachment.
  • It is all smoke and mirrors to sully Trump in the media going into the election hoping to cost him votes and support because they don't think they can win otherwise.
  • It is tying him up and slowing down his investigation of THEM before the election. They have a lot to cover up.
If the House Dims are actually crazy enough to vote for impeachment without credible, clear, REAL high crimes, it is going to snap back in their faces so badly when it comes election time, they won't know what hit them. They have already hurt themselves as it is, but they are too obstinate and arrogant to see it.
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What is the point of impeaching Trump?

To reject his lawless behavior and get Republicans on record as enablers of his swamp.

What law(s) has Trump broken?

Obstruction of Justice in trying to interefere in the investigations.
Campaign laws in soliciting campaign contributions from foreign governments.
Misuse of public funds in leveraging millitary aid for personal political contributions.
Conspiracy with others to do the above.
What is the point of impeaching Trump?

To reject his lawless behavior and get Republicans on record as enablers of his swamp.
And to you that hasn't been done in the past 3 years? You are willing to get DESTROYED in 2020 lose the house,even more senate seats AND let him be reelected simply to prove what you think he has done is illegal? Good lord.
The Dems realize that the candidates have no real message. Even promising all the giveaways is not bringing people jumping on to the band wagon. The only idea for the economy is slow it down or destroy it.
They realize that they will most likely lose the house and the senate since they were unable to do anything with all the promises.

They have no real choice left to keep any kind of power. The hope is to cause enough doubt about Trump to keep them from being completely wiped out.
So their goal is what? To make the leftists hate him even more and to go even more crazy when he wins in 2020 and start a war? I mean this shit makes no sense to me...

Of course it doesn't. Look at your nonsense belief system.
Stop whining. This idiocy makes no sense to any sane person but then again liberalism is about the dumbest ideology ever so...not exactly sane.

Like I said. It wouldn't make sense to someone like you. You're not smart, you're a raging hypocrite and a racist. Your brain isn't used for rational thought so of course what they're doing doesn't make sense to you.
The Dems realize that the candidates have no real message. Even promising all the giveaways is not bringing people jumping on to the band wagon. The only idea for the economy is slow it down or destroy it.
They realize that they will most likely lose the house and the senate since they were unable to do anything with all the promises.

They have no real choice left to keep any kind of power. The hope is to cause enough doubt about Trump to keep them from being completely wiped out.
So their goal is what? To make the leftists hate him even more and to go even more crazy when he wins in 2020 and start a war? I mean this shit makes no sense to me...
The hope is some of them like Pelosi and others of the heads will be able to blame it all on others such as the crazy four and others.
They have had so many things blow up on them that even if this blows up completely like the others she can blame it on the far left part of the party.
What is the point of impeaching Trump?

Pelosi has said herself it doesn't matter if they lose the majority in the house by pursuing impeachment and we ALL know the senate where you need 67 yes vote to convict Trump is NEVER going to happen so what exactly is the point here? There is literally nothing to achieve other than to piss off his base AND moderates AND independents and making them hold their nose again and vote for Trump in 2020....can someone explain what's the entire point or are you and the democrat leadership just so filled with TDS and Hate for Trump you would rather go down "fighting" in a battle you already know you are going to lose?

Theater, nothing more.

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