Democrats: Why remove the shame from all that should be shameful?

I was talking with a friend of mine who works as an investigator for social services; he says he can't stand walking into a welfare office these days because it disgusts him to see how shameless the people are that are there...he's says it's like a ghetto party inside with people smiling, laughing, discussing with one another how they don't get enough and how they can barely make it, arguing with social workers about how they need and deserve more. He's been doing this a long time and he remembers when he'd visit an office and it was quiet and everyone was embarrassed and ashamed to be there...people were thankful for whatever they were able to get for free.
Is there nothing to be ashamed of anymore?
I remember when a man felt like it was a given expectation to provide for his family and if he couldn't he was embarrassed and ashamed...Do todays welfare recipients feel that way? Humans are built with the amazing ability to acclimate and grow custom to whatever it is that becomes common and acceptable. What motivates a shameless loser to find a way off welfare? How do you teach someone to take pride in something without also teaching them what to be ashamed of? Shame and pride have been motivational emotions for hundreds of years...Remove the shame and end up with shameless lowlifes who take no pride in anything. How long will Liberals perpetuate and enable people to take pride in relying on others to survive?

Your post reminds me of my neighbors who live in a nearly 300 Thousand dollar house. . . who tried to get me to stop making payments on my own, so I can qualify for the same "government help" they are now receiving.

I hope that Trump puts their lazy parasitic asses on the street where they belong.

Apples and oranges...but I'll play along anyway.
You must have forgot....I'll enlighten you at no charge.
Your Liberal, foreign, negro president gave banks $700 billion to subsidize homeowners that are / were upside down and or in "creative" type loans. If you can truly qualify for said help you'd be stupid not to...but no-one smart accuses Liberals of the same.

Yeah, you missed the point of my post.

I was not making a comparison between those who qualify for a home loan refi through NO FAULT of their own and those who show up at the welfare office shamelessly clamoring for for MORE handouts and free gubmint cheese.

I was making a comparison of the shameless ATTITUDES between my own SHAMELESS neighbors who told Me to QUIT making payments on my OWN home, so I could suck on the government TITS with them, as they do!
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I was talking with a friend of mine who works as an investigator for social services; he says he can't stand walking into a welfare office these days because it disgusts him to see how shameless the people are that are there...he's says it's like a ghetto party inside with people smiling, laughing, discussing with one another how they don't get enough and how they can barely make it, arguing with social workers about how they need and deserve more. He's been doing this a long time and he remembers when he'd visit an office and it was quiet and everyone was embarrassed and ashamed to be there...people were thankful for whatever they were able to get for free.
Is there nothing to be ashamed of anymore?
I remember when a man felt like it was a given expectation to provide for his family and if he couldn't he was embarrassed and ashamed...Do todays welfare recipients feel that way? Humans are built with the amazing ability to acclimate and grow custom to whatever it is that becomes common and acceptable. What motivates a shameless loser to find a way off welfare? How do you teach someone to take pride in something without also teaching them what to be ashamed of? Shame and pride have been motivational emotions for hundreds of years...Remove the shame and end up with shameless lowlifes who take no pride in anything. How long will Liberals perpetuate and enable people to take pride in relying on others to survive?

Sounds like your friend would be happier doing something else for a living.

On a more serious note, we are entering a time when there simply isn't enough work being generated for everyone to be doing something productive... at least not by the private sector.

Now, I'd have no problem if we replaced welfare with workfare. You are required to show up in the morning, work 8 hours doing something useful, and then you get your check. if you want to make more money, then develop the skills to do something more useful.
I was talking with a friend of mine who works as an investigator for social services; he says he can't stand walking into a welfare office these days because it disgusts him to see how shameless the people are that are there...he's says it's like a ghetto party inside with people smiling, laughing, discussing with one another how they don't get enough and how they can barely make it, arguing with social workers about how they need and deserve more. He's been doing this a long time and he remembers when he'd visit an office and it was quiet and everyone was embarrassed and ashamed to be there...people were thankful for whatever they were able to get for free.
Is there nothing to be ashamed of anymore?
I remember when a man felt like it was a given expectation to provide for his family and if he couldn't he was embarrassed and ashamed...Do todays welfare recipients feel that way? Humans are built with the amazing ability to acclimate and grow custom to whatever it is that becomes common and acceptable. What motivates a shameless loser to find a way off welfare? How do you teach someone to take pride in something without also teaching them what to be ashamed of? Shame and pride have been motivational emotions for hundreds of years...Remove the shame and end up with shameless lowlifes who take no pride in anything. How long will Liberals perpetuate and enable people to take pride in relying on others to survive?

Sounds like your friend would be happier doing something else for a living.

On a more serious note, we are entering a time when there simply isn't enough work being generated for everyone to be doing something productive... at least not by the private sector.

Now, I'd have no problem if we replaced welfare with workfare. You are required to show up in the morning, work 8 hours doing something useful, and then you get your check. if you want to make more money, then develop the skills to do something more useful.

Nah, few people actually and truly love everything about what they do for work. Further, it's okay to be disgusted by what should be disgusting. We're moving into a time where it will be okay to be truthful and call it as it is.
It's in the liberal best interest to dumb us down and eliminate ethical behavior.

What I win?
It's in the liberal best interest to dumb us down and eliminate ethical behavior.

What I win?

True...They prey on lost twisted souls whom always seek change...Libs adjust their agenda to appear as if they always favor change. They hate tradition and traditionalist; they hate all things that made America the greatest country in the world.
Nah, few people actually and truly love everything about what they do for work. Further, it's okay to be disgusted by what should be disgusting. We're moving into a time where it will be okay to be truthful and call it as it is.

Guy, if we were to be truthful, then people like you would stop hating on poor people who aren't hurting you and start hating on rich people who are.

So, Donald Trump, a Teabagger and a welfare recipient go into a restaurant. The waiter brings out 12 cookies. Trump wolfs down 11 of them and says to the Teabagger, "That dirty welfare person wants half your cookie!"

And you fall for it.
Sounds like your friend needs a new career and is just being lazy and blaming someone else for his lack of motivation. Funny thing about americans; all so entitled that they think change is something someone else should have to do to accomodate us. Never something we should have to do to achieve a different outcome or improvement.
Typical libstain.
Nah, few people actually and truly love everything about what they do for work. Further, it's okay to be disgusted by what should be disgusting. We're moving into a time where it will be okay to be truthful and call it as it is.

Guy, if we were to be truthful, then people like you would stop hating on poor people who aren't hurting you and start hating on rich people who are.

So, Donald Trump, a Teabagger and a welfare recipient go into a restaurant. The waiter brings out 12 cookies. Trump wolfs down 11 of them and says to the Teabagger, "That dirty welfare person wants half your cookie!"

And you fall for it.
Another libstain gmmee free stuff loser.
Another libstain gmmee free stuff loser.

If people were fairly compensated and provided work, this wouldn't be an issue.

Instead, what you advocate is taking from the taxpayer to subsidize the work forces of McDonald's and WalMart...

You just aren't very bright, are you?
Nah, few people actually and truly love everything about what they do for work. Further, it's okay to be disgusted by what should be disgusting. We're moving into a time where it will be okay to be truthful and call it as it is.

Guy, if we were to be truthful, then people like you would stop hating on poor people who aren't hurting you and start hating on rich people who are.

So, Donald Trump, a Teabagger and a welfare recipient go into a restaurant. The waiter brings out 12 cookies. Trump wolfs down 11 of them and says to the Teabagger, "That dirty welfare person wants half your cookie!"

And you fall for it.

You may have watched Robin Hood a few too many times bud.
Explain to me how the poor aren't hurting me, other taxpayers and society as a whole?
Who drains the taxpayer tit, who gets free health care, who commits crime, who's incarcerated...etc etc...COME ON BUD...WAKE THE PHUCK UP!
You live within a free enterprise, equal opportunity democracy. Do you even understand what that means?
Everyone is provided resources from the education...etc etc and a proven, paved pathway to success....low-lifes deviate from the pathway that has worked a billion times over...It's just that simple...don't overthink this and try so hard to make it complex. GRAB YOUR BALLS FOR ONCE and stop blinding yourself to feel noble...stop loving the the way pity feels and think clearly. Let me know if you still don't 'get it'...If you need a deeper lesson I'll spend more time on you. Like Democrats...I love human projects.
Another libstain gmmee free stuff loser.

If people were fairly compensated and provided work, this wouldn't be an issue.

Instead, what you advocate is taking from the taxpayer to subsidize the work forces of McDonald's and WalMart...

You just aren't very bright, are you?

People aren't "provided work"....I'm guessing you aren't an economics major?
Here's a free lesson in the basics:
There must be fewer people than there are available jobs (you wanted millions of immigrants here...right?)
People must diligently seek employment; they must be motivated, ambitious and relentless.
Job seekers must have basic communication skills at very minimum (most barely speak the native language and most speak a weird barrio or ghetto form of it)
I could go on and on but hopefully you're able to wrap the peanut brain around it all by now. OR, maybe "You just aren't very bright, are you?"
I was talking with a friend of mine who works as an investigator for social services; he says he can't stand walking into a welfare office these days because it disgusts him to see how shameless the people are that are there...he's says it's like a ghetto party inside with people smiling, laughing, discussing with one another how they don't get enough and how they can barely make it, arguing with social workers about how they need and deserve more. He's been doing this a long time and he remembers when he'd visit an office and it was quiet and everyone was embarrassed and ashamed to be there...people were thankful for whatever they were able to get for free.
Is there nothing to be ashamed of anymore?
I remember when a man felt like it was a given expectation to provide for his family and if he couldn't he was embarrassed and ashamed...Do todays welfare recipients feel that way? Humans are built with the amazing ability to acclimate and grow custom to whatever it is that becomes common and acceptable. What motivates a shameless loser to find a way off welfare? How do you teach someone to take pride in something without also teaching them what to be ashamed of? Shame and pride have been motivational emotions for hundreds of years...Remove the shame and end up with shameless lowlifes who take no pride in anything. How long will Liberals perpetuate and enable people to take pride in relying on others to survive?
How is this a liberal concept when rightist get welfare also, and the right, which is in power and has been before, has never once stopped all forms of welfare..
You may have watched Robin Hood a few too many times bud.
Explain to me how the poor aren't hurting me, other taxpayers and society as a whole?
Who drains the taxpayer tit, who gets free health care, who commits crime, who's incarcerated...etc etc...COME ON BUD...WAKE THE PHUCK UP!

Okay, who is draining the taxpayer teet?

Well- let's look at that.


so taking out the 34% that is military and other discretionary spending, and the 6 that is interest on the debt, you have 60% that are "entitlements"

But wait. 23% of that is social security- payments to taxpayers who are middle class when they retire. Another 14% of that is Medicare, which also goes to mostly middle class people. We can also take out the 2.5% for Federal/Military retirees and 2.3% for veteran's education.

That leaves just 18% of the budget that the poor might have a crack at.

Okay, so let's look at that. It does include programs like Medicaid and SNAP, but it also includes such Middle Class entitlements like Unemployment insurance.

So, um, guy, it's not "the poor" who are ripping you off. Sorry.

You live within a free enterprise, equal opportunity democracy. Do you even understand what that means?

Yes, I understand exactly what that means. It means that I can have an underwater Mortgage and a busted 401K because people with more money and influence I have gamed the system and fucked me over. But, um, "Freedom". Let's issue those rape victims some strap on dildos because... um, Freedom.

Everyone is provided resources from the education...etc etc and a proven, paved pathway to success....low-lifes deviate from the pathway that has worked a billion times over...It's just that simple...don't overthink this and try so hard to make it complex. GRAB YOUR BALLS FOR ONCE and stop blinding yourself to feel noble...stop loving the the way pity feels and think clearly. Let me know if you still don't 'get it'...If you need a deeper lesson I'll spend more time on you. Like Democrats...I love human projects.

Guy, I used to be more right wing then you are. Then I busted up my knee and realized just how close to the precipice I really was.

People aren't "provided work"....I'm guessing you aren't an economics major?
Here's a free lesson in the basics:
There must be fewer people than there are available jobs (you wanted millions of immigrants here...right?)

I think you are a little confused as to who invited the immigrants. Hint, it was the same One Percenters who busted up your unions, moved your factory job to China and told you they were doing you a favor letting you be an Uber Driver with no benefits.

People must diligently seek employment; they must be motivated, ambitious and relentless.
Job seekers must have basic communication skills at very minimum (most barely speak the native language and most speak a weird barrio or ghetto form of it)
I could go on and on but hopefully you're able to wrap the peanut brain around it all by now. OR, maybe "You just aren't very bright, are you?"

Guy, during the worst of recessions, I've seen guys with college degrees working in warehouses. I've seen people fired from jobs because they were gay. I've seen people fired from jobs because they got pregnant.

The thing is, rich people don't provide jobs, consumer activity does. A rich person can open a factory selling literal shit sandwiches, and they'd go out of business because no one wants to buy a shit sandwich.

So really, a system where everyone had a renumerative job that paid a living wage would be the best system... it would actually require LESS government spending.
Another libstain gmmee free stuff loser.

If people were fairly compensated and provided work, this wouldn't be an issue.

Instead, what you advocate is taking from the taxpayer to subsidize the work forces of McDonald's and WalMart...

You just aren't very bright, are you?

Nope, he ain't, and he seems determined to be even less bright.
You may have watched Robin Hood a few too many times bud.
Explain to me how the poor aren't hurting me, other taxpayers and society as a whole?
Who drains the taxpayer tit, who gets free health care, who commits crime, who's incarcerated...etc etc...COME ON BUD...WAKE THE PHUCK UP!

Okay, who is draining the taxpayer teet?

Well- let's look at that.


so taking out the 34% that is military and other discretionary spending, and the 6 that is interest on the debt, you have 60% that are "entitlements"

But wait. 23% of that is social security- payments to taxpayers who are middle class when they retire. Another 14% of that is Medicare, which also goes to mostly middle class people. We can also take out the 2.5% for Federal/Military retirees and 2.3% for veteran's education.

That leaves just 18% of the budget that the poor might have a crack at.

Okay, so let's look at that. It does include programs like Medicaid and SNAP, but it also includes such Middle Class entitlements like Unemployment insurance.

So, um, guy, it's not "the poor" who are ripping you off. Sorry.

You live within a free enterprise, equal opportunity democracy. Do you even understand what that means?

Yes, I understand exactly what that means. It means that I can have an underwater Mortgage and a busted 401K because people with more money and influence I have gamed the system and fucked me over. But, um, "Freedom". Let's issue those rape victims some strap on dildos because... um, Freedom.

Everyone is provided resources from the education...etc etc and a proven, paved pathway to success....low-lifes deviate from the pathway that has worked a billion times over...It's just that simple...don't overthink this and try so hard to make it complex. GRAB YOUR BALLS FOR ONCE and stop blinding yourself to feel noble...stop loving the the way pity feels and think clearly. Let me know if you still don't 'get it'...If you need a deeper lesson I'll spend more time on you. Like Democrats...I love human projects.

Guy, I used to be more right wing then you are. Then I busted up my knee and realized just how close to the precipice I really was.

People aren't "provided work"....I'm guessing you aren't an economics major?
Here's a free lesson in the basics:
There must be fewer people than there are available jobs (you wanted millions of immigrants here...right?)

I think you are a little confused as to who invited the immigrants. Hint, it was the same One Percenters who busted up your unions, moved your factory job to China and told you they were doing you a favor letting you be an Uber Driver with no benefits.

People must diligently seek employment; they must be motivated, ambitious and relentless.
Job seekers must have basic communication skills at very minimum (most barely speak the native language and most speak a weird barrio or ghetto form of it)
I could go on and on but hopefully you're able to wrap the peanut brain around it all by now. OR, maybe "You just aren't very bright, are you?"

Guy, during the worst of recessions, I've seen guys with college degrees working in warehouses. I've seen people fired from jobs because they were gay. I've seen people fired from jobs because they got pregnant.

The thing is, rich people don't provide jobs, consumer activity does. A rich person can open a factory selling literal shit sandwiches, and they'd go out of business because no one wants to buy a shit sandwich.

So really, a system where everyone had a renumerative job that paid a living wage would be the best system... it would actually require LESS government spending.

But the US and Israeli arms industries are allies, so, yeah.

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