Democrats will bring up the fact Republicans destabilized the ME. Thanks Trump!



Donald Trump has been out there saying the disaster in the Middle East is the fault of the GOP.


"In July of 2004, I came out strongly against the war with Iraq because it was going to destabilize the Middle East. I am the only one on this stage who knew that and had the vision to say it. And that's exactly what happened. The region became totally destabliized.

Donald Trump brags about having the "vision" to oppose the Iraq War a year after it started

The GOP base is eating this up. With him out there spouting this story, Republicans can hardly blame Democrats. Finally the truth. And there is not a lot the GOP can do about it.
With him out there spouting this story, Republicans can hardly blame Democrats.

Darn Republicans, destabilizing Egypt, Libya and Syria.
Oh, wait, that was Obama's Arab Spring. LOL!
So its now Bush''s and GOP's fault for the vacuum created in the mid east and of course failed US foreign policy? As for the Donald, well lets just say he is nothing more than a populist, veneer type, very shallow.
So its now Bush''s and GOP's fault for the vacuum created in the mid east and of course failed US foreign policy? As for the Donald, well lets just say he is nothing more than a populist, veneer type, very shallow.
its now Bush''s and GOP's fault for the vacuum created in the mid east and of course failed US foreign policy?

Exactly. Now you've got it.
it wouldnt of made too much difference, if Sadam Hussain was still in Power, the Middle East would still be in Chaos. its a no win situation out there, too bad we couldnt just live in a world where the east and west were living in their own worlds and fighting our own wars. (but then again, would the USA ever be at war with Canada?}
Where did he say that? Let me guess, more partisanship from the hack deanbat?
Donald Trump has been out there saying the disaster in the Middle East is the fault of the GOP.


"In July of 2004, I came out strongly against the war with Iraq because it was going to destabilize the Middle East. I am the only one on this stage who knew that and had the vision to say it. And that's exactly what happened. The region became totally destabliized.

Donald Trump brags about having the "vision" to oppose the Iraq War a year after it started

The GOP base is eating this up. With him out there spouting this story, Republicans can hardly blame Democrats. Finally the truth. And there is not a lot the GOP can do about it.

Middle east is the result of World War 1. While we think of it as various countries, the people who live there think of themselves as various tribes. They're not Iranian, Iraqi, Syrian, Jordanians, etc. they're tribe A, B, C, or D... So when we try and address problems on national levels and it doesn't work we scratch our heads in confusion.
So when was the ME ever "stable" and why would we care?

Probably during the Ottoman empire.

With the discovery of oil and the Fall of the Ottomans, the ME has been the scene for many military incursions from outsiders.
Trump also called president Obama "insane". Is he always right? Maybe some of the time.
Donald Trump has been out there saying the disaster in the Middle East is the fault of the GOP.


"In July of 2004, I came out strongly against the war with Iraq because it was going to destabilize the Middle East. I am the only one on this stage who knew that and had the vision to say it. And that's exactly what happened. The region became totally destabliized.

Donald Trump brags about having the "vision" to oppose the Iraq War a year after it started

The GOP base is eating this up. With him out there spouting this story, Republicans can hardly blame Democrats. Finally the truth. And there is not a lot the GOP can do about it.
The invasion of Iraq, though Democrats and Republicans supported it, has turned out to be the example of the obsolescence of nation building.

The post WWII model of conquering aggressive armies, and exporting Democratic Republicanism, is not going to work in 2015.

The Republicans and Democrats have to learn from that example
Donald Trump has been out there saying the disaster in the Middle East is the fault of the GOP.


"In July of 2004, I came out strongly against the war with Iraq because it was going to destabilize the Middle East. I am the only one on this stage who knew that and had the vision to say it. And that's exactly what happened. The region became totally destabliized.

Donald Trump brags about having the "vision" to oppose the Iraq War a year after it started

The GOP base is eating this up. With him out there spouting this story, Republicans can hardly blame Democrats. Finally the truth. And there is not a lot the GOP can do about it.

Well I'm sure those of us who listen to the news will also know that the wars were approved by Congress. Both parties.

Guess the Dems destabilized the ME as much as the Reps.

Fair is fair.

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