Democrats will elect Trump in 2020.


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2016
There is a lot of howling consternation coming from the Parts of the US political establishment over the prospect of trade wars with countries that have enriched themselves and their work forces at the expense of average American workers. In the twenty plus years since NAFTA went into effect, US workers have seen their bargaining power crippled by their economic devaluation in a neoliberal global labor market.

As Intellectuals and politicians in the US began the process of selling out the American middle class in 1994, wages stagnated, pensions disappeared, benefits like health insurance were converted to expensive personal burdens carried by workers and their families while millions of illegal workers were moved over the border from Mexico displacing American workers and lowering wages. In effect, the ruling elite in the country dispossessed the working class of everything that made them middle class in order to get a seat at the table of globalization.

Rank and file workers in the United States many of them democrats, have finally found a powerful ally in Donald Trump who is putting the American worker first. Trump doesn’t mince words; he’s hitting the reset button to bring back what has been stolen from working citizens. That includes the standard of living and job security swindled from working Americans and gifted to foreign governments.

Most common breadwinners in America know that there is nothing in the US Constitution that says ordinary citizens should submit to a leadership that delivers control of their economic stability to elitist globalist groups located on different continents. Both Republicans and Democrats in congress have huge amounts of money invested Wall Street which long ago signed on to the betrayal of average Americans to offshored interests. That’s where the real howling originates from.

Trump is a populist that says what he means and means what he says. He’s going to bring back the prosperity that has been plundered from working citizens and stacked in the coffers of American politicians in Wall Street accounts connected to global cohorts on the other side of the world.

This is the real motive behind the ridiculous Russian collusion investigation but the people are wising up as their paychecks grow and they see personal benefits returning. As the American political establishment unleashes a desperate move to save their dirty money with an impeachment, the people will likely re-elect Trump in 2020.
The Russian Collusion Fake Investigation is nothing but Obstruction and an attempt to tie the hands of The Trump Administration. It is nothing but an attempt by The Elite to stop The President forcing them to return to the days of making an honest living, instead of raiding other companies, and raiding America, and redistributing wealth to their friends, families and pet interests.

Mueller is just carrying out the same job as Comey..... He's Insurance.... He's nothing but Brakeman.
A distraction. A song and dance man.

Don't worry Libtards, Mueller is your salvation, right?

"Russian Collusion, It's a Delusion"

You are clueless and a moron. This is a tax on American consumers. There are 144,000 steelworkers in this country and 144 million workers who work for steel users. A good chunk of those people are not going to vote for Trump.

There are good jobs in this country that are going begging. What we have is a skills mismatch. We could work on that but Trump thinks we are back in the 1970s. Trump is the dumbest President in our history.
The Russian Collusion Fake Investigation is nothing but Obstruction and an attempt to tie the hands of The Trump Administration. It is nothing but an attempt by The Elite to stop The President forcing them to return to the days of making an honest living, instead of raiding other companies, and raiding America, and redistributing wealth to their friends, families and pet interests.

Mueller is just carrying out the same job as Comey..... He's Insurance.... He's nothing but Brakeman.
A distraction. A song and dance man.

Don't worry Libtards, Mueller is your salvation, right?

"Russian Collusion, It's a Delusion"


You are the one living in a delusion.
Unless Trump acts more Presidential, and I mean stop the use of Twitter and insults, he will not get re-elected. That said I never thought he would get past February in the primaries in 2016.
Nobody votes against their paycheck and everybody remembers how their
paychecks dwindled or vanished under Obama.
This wasn't written for me it was for you. I get a great pension package to go along with Social Security. Having worked since 1962 I get two pensions, one from the Steel Worker's Union (20years) and one from the last company I retired from (30 years). Added to SS I get a good deal more than the average worker makes in a year. This was stolen from you by an elitist aristocracy that bargained away your future to enrich itself in a global poker game.

These people who make up the political establishment regard you with contempt and place no value at all on your personal prosperity. They've betrayed you to the rest of the world. Wake up.
There is a lot of howling consternation coming from the Parts of the US political establishment over the prospect of trade wars with countries that have enriched themselves and their work forces at the expense of average American workers. In the twenty plus years since NAFTA went into effect, US workers have seen their bargaining power crippled by their economic devaluation in a neoliberal global labor market.

As Intellectuals and politicians in the US began the process of selling out the American middle class in 1994, wages stagnated, pensions disappeared, benefits like health insurance were converted to expensive personal burdens carried by workers and their families while millions of illegal workers were moved over the border from Mexico displacing American workers and lowering wages. In effect, the ruling elite in the country dispossessed the working class of everything that made them middle class in order to get a seat at the table of globalization.

Rank and file workers in the United States many of them democrats, have finally found a powerful ally in Donald Trump who is putting the American worker first. Trump doesn’t mince words; he’s hitting the reset button to bring back what has been stolen from working citizens. That includes the standard of living and job security swindled from working Americans and gifted to foreign governments.

Most common breadwinners in America know that there is nothing in the US Constitution that says ordinary citizens should submit to a leadership that delivers control of their economic stability to elitist globalist groups located on different continents. Both Republicans and Democrats in congress have huge amounts of money invested Wall Street which long ago signed on to the betrayal of average Americans to offshored interests. That’s where the real howling originates from.

Trump is a populist that says what he means and means what he says. He’s going to bring back the prosperity that has been plundered from working citizens and stacked in the coffers of American politicians in Wall Street accounts connected to global cohorts on the other side of the world.

This is the real motive behind the ridiculous Russian collusion investigation but the people are wising up as their paychecks grow and they see personal benefits returning. As the American political establishment unleashes a desperate move to save their dirty money with an impeachment, the people will likely re-elect Trump in 2020.
And PIGS will fly
There is a lot of howling consternation coming from the Parts of the US political establishment over the prospect of trade wars with countries that have enriched themselves and their work forces at the expense of average American workers. In the twenty plus years since NAFTA went into effect, US workers have seen their bargaining power crippled by their economic devaluation in a neoliberal global labor market.

As Intellectuals and politicians in the US began the process of selling out the American middle class in 1994, wages stagnated, pensions disappeared, benefits like health insurance were converted to expensive personal burdens carried by workers and their families while millions of illegal workers were moved over the border from Mexico displacing American workers and lowering wages. In effect, the ruling elite in the country dispossessed the working class of everything that made them middle class in order to get a seat at the table of globalization.

Rank and file workers in the United States many of them democrats, have finally found a powerful ally in Donald Trump who is putting the American worker first. Trump doesn’t mince words; he’s hitting the reset button to bring back what has been stolen from working citizens. That includes the standard of living and job security swindled from working Americans and gifted to foreign governments.

Most common breadwinners in America know that there is nothing in the US Constitution that says ordinary citizens should submit to a leadership that delivers control of their economic stability to elitist globalist groups located on different continents. Both Republicans and Democrats in congress have huge amounts of money invested Wall Street which long ago signed on to the betrayal of average Americans to offshored interests. That’s where the real howling originates from.

Trump is a populist that says what he means and means what he says. He’s going to bring back the prosperity that has been plundered from working citizens and stacked in the coffers of American politicians in Wall Street accounts connected to global cohorts on the other side of the world.

This is the real motive behind the ridiculous Russian collusion investigation but the people are wising up as their paychecks grow and they see personal benefits returning. As the American political establishment unleashes a desperate move to save their dirty money with an impeachment, the people will likely re-elect Trump in 2020.
And PIGS will fly
I guess that makes you a pole-vaulter.
Nobody votes against their paycheck and everybody remembers how their
paychecks dwindled or vanished under Obama.

Good point, the economy has a big influence on the elections and usually the President gets the credit or blame.
You are clueless and a moron. This is a tax on American consumers. There are 144,000 steelworkers in this country and 144 million workers who work for steel users. A good chunk of those people are not going to vote for Trump.

There are good jobs in this country that are going begging. What we have is a skills mismatch. We could work on that but Trump thinks we are back in the 1970s. Trump is the dumbest President in our history.

Wrong, the employment numbers are higher than theyve been in decades. Your own fool,O, promised shovel ready new deal jobs and then quickly fleeced the taxpayer and gave his buddies the gravy train. You're blind.

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