Democrats: your children do not belong to you - they belong to the state

And don't try to tell me what the job is. I did the job.
As I stated before, it doesn't surprise me in the least that you would work for the government confiscating children. In fact, you would have been one of the top 5 people I picked on USMB if I were asked who is the most likely to do that job.
Confiscating children? Seriously. Thank you for clearly demonstrating that you are unable to learn or understand a damned thing. You can repeat ignorant equine excrement as many times as you want, but it is still ignorant equine excrement , and will always be ignorant equine excrement.
If the circumstances presented by this woman are accurate and true, the agency may have acted inappropriately. However, you do not know and cannot know the agencies side of the story because of confidentiality
The court knows - and they clearly agreed. Therefore, we do know that they (CPS) acted inappropriately.
Based on false information PROVIDED BY A NURSE
It's the job of CPS to ignore false information and determine facts.
Oh please give it up. You're grasping at straws because you don't want to admit that CPS did not screw up. They have to rely on what medical people say and have a right to expect that it's accurate.
Yeah...nothing says "grasping at straws" like demanding constitutional government (ie due process).

It has been explained to you that parents are afforded due process when it comes to placing children. Apparently you are to dense to understand that, or just playing a sick and dishonest game by pretending that you don't . I have had enough of your idiocy.
It has been explained to you that parents are afforded due process when it comes to placing children. Apparently you are to dense to understand that, or just playing a sick and dishonest game by pretending that you don't . I have had enough of your idiocy.
And as I've explained to you, we're talking about the story linked. As an emotional left-wing hippie and long time brain-fried stoner, you keep struggling to maintain focus. You're so wrapped up in yourself and your own experience. Typical of your side of the aisle. Nobody exists beyond themselves when it comes to the left.
A rational person would ask themselves - why do people like Kondor and ProgressiveHatriot support and celebrate children being kidnapped by the government?

Well for starters, I would bet my home that neither of them have children (no self-respecting woman would ever mate with them). But I suspect there is something much darker and much more disturbing to it than just that.


It has been explained to you that parents are afforded due process when it comes to placing children. Apparently you are to dense to understand that, or just playing a sick and dishonest game by pretending that you don't . I have had enough of your idiocy.

You've had enough of his idiocy?


You've posted more idiocy in the last month than the entire country wants to tolerate. People are so sick of your idiocy, they elected the World's Richest Professional Clown and the most hysterical part is that he's doing a better job than any "professional" political whore alive.

It's because of YOUR idiocy, which is the same idiocy as every other mindless bed wetting parrot's, that the democrook party has less elected offices in it's control than they have since 1929, and if you lose as bad as I believe you will in 5 weeks you are one of millions of drones who is to be thanked for burrowing so deep into stupid that you saved the republic from yourselves.

It has been explained to you that parents are afforded due process when it comes to placing children. Apparently you are to dense to understand that, or just playing a sick and dishonest game by pretending that you don't . I have had enough of your idiocy.
And as I've explained to you, we're talking about the story linked. As an emotional left-wing hippie and long time brain-fried stoner, you keep struggling to maintain focus. You're so wrapped up in yourself and your own experience. Typical of your side of the aisle. Nobody exists beyond themselves when it comes to the left.

NO! It started to be about the linked story and we dealt with it. YOU have persisted in making this a smear campaign against the entire CPS system which you seem to have a vendetta against. And when you employ ad hominems and make assumptions about me you do not do anything for your credibility and just make yourself sound like more of a fool than you are.
A rational person would ask themselves - why do people like Kondor and ProgressiveHatriot support and celebrate children being kidnapped by the government?

Well for starters, I would bet my home that neither of them have children (no self-respecting woman would ever mate with them). But I suspect there is something much darker and much more disturbing to it than just that.


Oh Gezzzzuz Christ! What is this horseshit now!
Foster care is often subpar to say the least. I can agree with that.
Birth families are often sub par as well,
So if both are sub-par, it only goes to reason that everyone involved is better off with the children with their biological parents. This is the kind of disturbing stuff we see when children are kidnapped by the state...

Russian former foster parent sentenced to 22 years for committing over 900 rapes and/or sex attacks
Foster care is often subpar to say the least. I can agree with that.
Birth families are often sub par as well,
So if both are sub-par, it only goes to reason that everyone involved is better off with the children with their biological parents. This is the kind of disturbing stuff we see when children are kidnapped by the state...

Russian former foster parent sentenced to 22 years for committing over 900 rapes and/or sex attacks
You are truly insufferable!! I have NEVER said-and no agency will ever say- that children are not better off with their parents. My position, and that of any CPS agency that you can find is that children should be maintained in their own home AS LONG AS THAT CANE BE ACCOMPLISHED SAFELY without undue risk of harm.

If you have evidence to the contrary let's see it

In addition, no one has ever claimed that bad shit cannot happen in foster homes, so your little anecdotal horror story from Russia is pretty useless. And cut the crap about kidnapping. You are either lying or suffering from paranoid schizophrenia. Which is it?

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