Democrats: your children do not belong to you - they belong to the state

When you can’t attack the message, attack the messenger. Right out of the liberal lunatic playbook.

The Blaze has an absolutely impeccable history. Which is why people like you attempt to smear it.

And nothing to say about the others points that I made. You should be ashamed and embarrassed!!!
A child is much more likely to be abused (especially sexually) when taken into recievership of CPS than if they had been allowed to remain with parents. Fuck "da gubermint"....

You people do realize that by simply repeating this kind of shit, you are engaging in an appeal to ignorance logical fallacy - "I said it so just believe me. You impress no one. And by the way, CPS always tries to keep the children in their own home as long as they can be kept there safely. None of you have a clue about how the system works, yet you continue to blather about it as though you do.

Google " CPS, child trafficking" and then get back to me. It ain't me that is uninformed, pal.
It is true that some CPS workers are motivated to place the children in foster care because their friends are foster parents and they get paid to take kids. It's hard to prove. I have successfully busted them only once in 17 years.
I never saw any evidence of any such thing in my 26 tears of experience in the agency, which included supervision of protective services units, working with foster children and parents, and facilitating placement of children. It was alays a struggle to just find a home with an open bed, leave alone engage in such shenanigans
This thread reveals a lot of misconceptions about CPS.

99% of the time, if parents cooperate with CPS and quit treating them as enemies, they get their kids back quickly.

My experience has been that a long fight ususally is a result of failure to cooperate, or two parents get in a legal fight with each other or a medling grandparent. CPS is done with the case long before interested parties are finished slinging mud at each other.

It is true I have no mainstream link to a CPS bust for sex trafficking, but I do know from Conspiracy of Silence that law enforcement can be part of the cover up. You have corrupt cops and corrupt police chiefs same as you have corrupt anything else. FBI? ESPECIALLY FBI. They are the ones who squashed the Franklin Scandal in Conspiracy of Silence, after a Nebraska State Senator held hearings and found his witnesses credible, along with the state police. It was the FBI that came in and prosecuted Alyssa Owen. And she has not taken back one word since. Man she is one tough girl.

I recommend 50 minute Conspiracy of Silence, was about to go on Discovery Channel before it got pulled. This is what they can do. This is what they can cover up.

Thank you for admitting that the allegations against CPS are hogwash. Therefore this who post about the Conspiracy of Silence is pointless. No one is saying that there is no problem with child sex trafficking But since the CPS angle fell flat on its face, I guess you guys had to come up with something to throw at the wall in the hope that it will stick

And nothing to say about the others points that I made. You should be ashamed and embarrassed!!!
A child is much more likely to be abused (especially sexually) when taken into recievership of CPS than if they had been allowed to remain with parents. Fuck "da gubermint"....

You people do realize that by simply repeating this kind of shit, you are engaging in an appeal to ignorance logical fallacy - "I said it so just believe me. You impress no one. And by the way, CPS always tries to keep the children in their own home as long as they can be kept there safely. None of you have a clue about how the system works, yet you continue to blather about it as though you do.

Google " CPS, child trafficking" and then get back to me. It ain't me that is uninformed, pal.

I have.
Here is an example of the kind of crap that gullible people like you believe because you have some perverse need to believe it

Lets think about these outlandish allegations. The state is profiting on foster care? How exactly?

The CPS agency is turning children over to sex offender? Holy shit! You believe that? Do you really think that an agency can just place a child anywhere with no judicial over sight?

That is just two examples of the absurdity that that you are buying into. What is this Health Impact News? Are they believable?

Sources in the Conspiracy-Pseudoscience category may publish unverifiable information that is not always supported by evidence. These sources may be untrustworthy for credible/verifiable information, therefore fact checking and further investigation is recommended on a per article basis when obtaining information from these sources. See all Conspiracy-Pseudoscience sources.

Factual Reporting: LOW

Now let’s consider what the National Safe Child Coalition (NSCC) is and, as we will see, more importantly, who Tammi Stefano. The NSCC does appear to be a legitimate child advocacy organization, but Stefano- that is another matter:

This blog is to alert people in the child protection and protective parent movement that Tammi Stefano is a fraud. She stole the National Safe Child Coalition and has harmed many protective parents and advocates.

Tammi is falsely claiming to be the Executive Director of the National Safe Child Coalition (NSCC), but she is just a volunteer who staged a takeover to get a name for herself and make a profit. She started as a volunteer and then declared herself Executive Director against the will of NSCC founders and Board members which include long-time respected advocates including Connie Valentine and president Barry Goldstein.

Lets see who else give Stefani a platform:

Ah, the Liberty Beacon.

Now what do we know about them? :

The Liberty Beacon (TLB) is a fringe online news source that promotes vaccine hysteria, chemtrail conspiracy theories, the FEMA concentration camps conspiracy theory, hysterical GMO woo and other far-right survivalist bullshit.

Liberty Beacon - RationalWiki

Enough said. Let me know when there is something about CPS sex trafficking on the evening news or in the local newspaper. Meanwhile I will shread any of this bogus horseshit that you come up with

90 percent of all media is controlled by six mega corporations whose CEOs belong to the same exclusive "clubs" like the CFR and the Committee of 300 AND attend Bilderberg annual meetings. Where was the lamestream media when the Franklin scandal broke in 1990? Why is it that some ugly liberal chick is the bastion of truth about a sexual assault that she claims happened 36 years ago and has a national stage...but numerous boys from Boystown, Nebraska were smeared, demonized and marginalized while the FBI told them that unless they retracted their stories that they WOULD be found guilty of perjury? You can't shred diddly squat, homeboy....just because you don't like the source of news doesn't make it any less credible.

That was on the same level as Pizzagate Franklin child prostitution ring allegations - Wikipedia

After investigation, a grand jury in Douglas County, where Omaha, Nebraska is situated, determined the abuse allegations were baseless, describing them as a "carefully crafted hoax" and indicting two of the original accusers on perjury charges.[1] The grand jury suspected that the false stories originated from a fired employee of Boys Town, who might have "fueled the fire of rumor and innuendo" because of personal grudges.[1] A federal grand jury also concluded that the abuse allegations were unfounded and indicted 21-year-old Alisha Owen, an alleged victim, on eight counts of perjury. Owen served 4-1/2 years in prison.[6] Separately, the federal grand jury indicted multiple officers of the credit union for embezzlement of funds, including King.[1][2]
A child is much more likely to be abused (especially sexually) when taken into recievership of CPS than if they had been allowed to remain with parents. Fuck "da gubermint"....

You people do realize that by simply repeating this kind of shit, you are engaging in an appeal to ignorance logical fallacy - "I said it so just believe me. You impress no one. And by the way, CPS always tries to keep the children in their own home as long as they can be kept there safely. None of you have a clue about how the system works, yet you continue to blather about it as though you do.

Google " CPS, child trafficking" and then get back to me. It ain't me that is uninformed, pal.

I have. Here is an example of the kind of crap that gullible people like you believe because you have some perverse need to believe it

Lets think about these outlandish allegations. The state is profiting on foster care? How exactly?

The CPS agency is turning children over to sex offender? Holy shit! You believe that? Do you really think that an agency can just place a child anywhere with no judicial over sight?

That is just two examples of the absurdity that that you are buying into. What is this Health Impact News? Are they believable?

Sources in the Conspiracy-Pseudoscience category may publish unverifiable information that is not always supported by evidence. These sources may be untrustworthy for credible/verifiable information, therefore fact checking and further investigation is recommended on a per article basis when obtaining information from these sources. See all Conspiracy-Pseudoscience sources.

Factual Reporting: LOW

Now let’s consider what the National Safe Child Coalition (NSCC) is and, as we will see, more importantly, who Tammi Stefano. The NSCC does appear to be a legitimate child advocacy organization, but Stefano- that is another matter:

This blog is to alert people in the child protection and protective parent movement that Tammi Stefano is a fraud. She stole the National Safe Child Coalition and has harmed many protective parents and advocates.

Tammi is falsely claiming to be the Executive Director of the National Safe Child Coalition (NSCC), but she is just a volunteer who staged a takeover to get a name for herself and make a profit. She started as a volunteer and then declared herself Executive Director against the will of NSCC founders and Board members which include long-time respected advocates including Connie Valentine and president Barry Goldstein.

Lets see who else give Stefani a platform:

Ah, the Liberty Beacon.

Now what do we know about them? :

The Liberty Beacon (TLB) is a fringe online news source that promotes vaccine hysteria, chemtrail conspiracy theories, the FEMA concentration camps conspiracy theory, hysterical GMO woo and other far-right survivalist bullshit.

Liberty Beacon - RationalWiki

Enough said. Let me know when there is something about CPS sex trafficking on the evening news or in the local newspaper. Meanwhile I will shread any of this bogus horseshit that you come up with

Sure with CPS and law enforcement complicit it's going to be on the local news. See the problem? As for your list of what the Deep State tells you are conspiracy theories, yep there were also WMD in Iraq. When will stooges ever learn.

Ok, debunk this:

I notice you never responded to the actual link, source: John Podestas leaked emails. That's why they are so mad. Not because it's not true, but because they have been exposed. The FBI says there are thousands of disappeared kids every year. Disproportionately from around Washington DC DUH. The Pizzagate Images Never, Ever Discussed by the "Fake News" Media — Steemit

Instagram social media post from James Alefantis' "jimmycomet" account

I did not respond to it because it is not worth of a response. It is complete and utter horseshit and one would have to be really stupid and delusional to believe that there is anything here that proves these bizarre claims.

No you did not respond because you could not rebut the evidence. The evidence stands.
You people do realize that by simply repeating this kind of shit, you are engaging in an appeal to ignorance logical fallacy - "I said it so just believe me. You impress no one. And by the way, CPS always tries to keep the children in their own home as long as they can be kept there safely. None of you have a clue about how the system works, yet you continue to blather about it as though you do.

Google " CPS, child trafficking" and then get back to me. It ain't me that is uninformed, pal.

I have. Here is an example of the kind of crap that gullible people like you believe because you have some perverse need to believe it

Lets think about these outlandish allegations. The state is profiting on foster care? How exactly?

The CPS agency is turning children over to sex offender? Holy shit! You believe that? Do you really think that an agency can just place a child anywhere with no judicial over sight?

That is just two examples of the absurdity that that you are buying into. What is this Health Impact News? Are they believable?

Sources in the Conspiracy-Pseudoscience category may publish unverifiable information that is not always supported by evidence. These sources may be untrustworthy for credible/verifiable information, therefore fact checking and further investigation is recommended on a per article basis when obtaining information from these sources. See all Conspiracy-Pseudoscience sources.

Factual Reporting: LOW

Now let’s consider what the National Safe Child Coalition (NSCC) is and, as we will see, more importantly, who Tammi Stefano. The NSCC does appear to be a legitimate child advocacy organization, but Stefano- that is another matter:

This blog is to alert people in the child protection and protective parent movement that Tammi Stefano is a fraud. She stole the National Safe Child Coalition and has harmed many protective parents and advocates.

Tammi is falsely claiming to be the Executive Director of the National Safe Child Coalition (NSCC), but she is just a volunteer who staged a takeover to get a name for herself and make a profit. She started as a volunteer and then declared herself Executive Director against the will of NSCC founders and Board members which include long-time respected advocates including Connie Valentine and president Barry Goldstein.

Lets see who else give Stefani a platform:

Ah, the Liberty Beacon.

Now what do we know about them? :

The Liberty Beacon (TLB) is a fringe online news source that promotes vaccine hysteria, chemtrail conspiracy theories, the FEMA concentration camps conspiracy theory, hysterical GMO woo and other far-right survivalist bullshit.

Liberty Beacon - RationalWiki

Enough said. Let me know when there is something about CPS sex trafficking on the evening news or in the local newspaper. Meanwhile I will shread any of this bogus horseshit that you come up with

Sure with CPS and law enforcement complicit it's going to be on the local news. See the problem? As for your list of what the Deep State tells you are conspiracy theories, yep there were also WMD in Iraq. When will stooges ever learn.

Ok, debunk this:

I notice you never responded to the actual link, source: John Podestas leaked emails. That's why they are so mad. Not because it's not true, but because they have been exposed. The FBI says there are thousands of disappeared kids every year. Disproportionately from around Washington DC DUH. The Pizzagate Images Never, Ever Discussed by the "Fake News" Media — Steemit

Instagram social media post from James Alefantis' "jimmycomet" account

I did not respond to it because it is not worth of a response. It is complete and utter horseshit and one would have to be really stupid and delusional to believe that there is anything here that proves these bizarre claims.

No you did not respond because you could not rebut the evidence. The evidence stands.

It depends on what you call "evidence" Feel free to continue to believe your far right conspiracy theorists and Trump boot licker. The only thing that it proves is that you're one of them. This is what I believe (see below).....and save the horseshit about the "failing" New York Times and fake news. I really don't believe the insanity and gullibility of you people...….or is it just dishonesty??

How the #PizzaGate conspiracy theory evolved
Dissecting the #PizzaGate Conspiracy Theories
  • 1
    WikiLeaks began releasing emails hacked from the account of John Podesta, Hillary Clinton’s campaign chairman, a month before the election.

  • 2
    Social media users on a popular Reddit forum dedicated to Donald J. Trump and 4chan’s far-right fringe message board searched the releases for evidence of wrongdoing.

  • 3
    Within the emails were discussions that include the word pizza, including dinner plans between Mr. Podesta and his lobbyist brother, Tony Podesta.

  • 4
    A participant on 4chan connected the phrase “cheese pizza” to pedophiles, who on chat boards use the initials “c.p.” to denote child pornography.

  • 5
    Following the use of “pizza,” theorists focused on the Washington pizza restaurant Comet Ping Pong. The WikiLeaks emails revealed that John Podesta corresponded with Comet’s owner, James Alefantis, who had connections to Democratic operatives.

  • 6
    The theory started snowballing, taking on the meme #PizzaGate. Fake news articles emerged and were spread on Twitter and Facebook.

  • 7
    The false stories swept up neighboring businesses and bands that had played at Comet. Theories about kill rooms, underground tunnels, satanism and even cannibalism emerged in fabricated stories and on social media.

  • 8
    On Dec. 4, Edgar M. Welch, a 28-year-old from North Carolina, arrived at Comet with a military-style rifle and a handgun. The police said he fired the rifle inside the pizzeria, hurting no one, and surrendered after finding no evidence to support claims of child slaves being held there.

  • 9
    The shooting did not put the theory to rest. Purveyors of the theory and fake news pointed to the mainstream media as conspirators of a coverup to protect what they said was a crime ring.
The conspiracy theory took the internet by storm. YouTube clips pushed the false story, racking up hundreds of thousands of views. Tens of thousands of individuals subscribed to message boards, feeding into theories with fake news reports and crowd-driven detective work. The police refuted the claims of an online pedophile ring running out of Comet Ping Pong, but the theories continued. Here are eight that gave #PizzaGate momentum.
Last edited:
Sickening. Absolutely sickening. This woman had her child kidnapped by the left for merely exercising her rights as a parent.

‘Legal kidnapping’: CPS took infant from mother for four months; judge rules ‘disinformation’ used
CPS... DCFS... DFS... CFS... whatever your State calls it... does this sort of thing when they believe parents are being negligent.
Oh boy... Kondor3 is “triggered” again. Snowflake, in the U.S., the government doesn’t get to take action because they “believe” something. They must prove it first.
...Oh boy...@Kondor3 is “triggered” again. Snowflake, in the U.S., the government doesn’t get to take action because they “believe” something. They must prove it first.
Calm yourself, Princess... child welfare agencies routinely take endangered children into custody first, then ask questions later.

Happens every time...
every time... take it from someone who served more than a decade at a large-scale private child welfare agency.

Your range of experience and knowledge on the subject is woefully inadequate for you to try participating in any such discussion.

Calm yourself, Princess... child welfare agencies routinely take endangered children into custody first, then ask questions later.
The fact that you find that a “defense” is fucking fall-down hilarious. Snowflake, women are routinely raped in the U.S. I guess that makes rape ok in your simple mind? :laugh:
Calm yourself, Princess... child welfare agencies routinely take endangered children into custody first, then ask questions later.
The fact that you find that a “defense” is fucking fall-down hilarious. Snowflake, women are routinely raped in the U.S. I guess that makes rape ok in your simple mind? :laugh:
Dumb-ass, we're talking about agencies taking custody of children, not rape.

Nice attempt at deflection and distraction.


You have zero expertise on this subject.

You are not qualified to comment in a definitive fashion.

But you go right ahead and pretend that agencies don't take custody first and ask questions later... every time.

In doing so, you simply demonstrate your ignorance on the subject, and paint a target on your chest.

Epic fail.

Well done... :21:
A rational person would ask themselves - why do people like Kondor and ProgressiveHatriot support and celebrate children being kidnapped by the government?

Well for starters, I would bet my home that neither of them have children (no self-respecting woman would ever mate with them). But I suspect there is something much darker and much more disturbing to it than just that.
But you go right ahead and pretend that agencies don't take custody first and ask questions later... every time.
Oh my God, snowflake here still doesn’t see the irony of his statement or the flaw in it. I literally cannot stop laughing.

Just so you know - I’m going to advocate for your local law enforcement to take you into custody and “ask questions later” about why they did so. :lmao:

(Psst...asshole...that is a major violation of the U.S. Constitution)
A rational person would ask themselves - why do people like Kondor and ProgressiveHatriot support and celebrate children being kidnapped by the government?

Well for starters, I would bet my home that neither of them have children (no self-respecting woman would ever mate with them). But I suspect there is something much darker and much more disturbing to it than just that.
You're an idiot.

You've been called-out for your laughable lack of expertise and understanding, and now you're trying to distract and deflect.

No sale.

But you go right on ahead, shooting off your mouth, about the complex social and psychological aspects of such custody-taking.

Happens dozens of times every day, in every State of the Union.

Ignorant fool.

You do nothing more than demonstrate your ignorance and incompetence on the subject.

All subsequent noise and protestations to the contrary notwithstanding.

Have fun talking to yourself.
I never saw any evidence of any such thing in my 26 tears of experience in the agency, which included supervision of protective services units, working with foster children and parents, and facilitating placement of children. It was alays a struggle to just find a home with an open bed, leave alone engage in such shenanigans
I say this with full sincerity,

Thank you for doing a thankless job.

With the exception of one or two people, every one of those in CPS are top notch. The caseworker I spoke with just this morning was nothing but helpful, and has even gone out of her way to protect my client from her superiors, who would not be wrong in removing the child.

As I said, pretty much all CPS (Texas uses DFPS) people are truly public servants.
You have zero expertise on this subject.’re so slow you’re not even grasping the problem here. One does not need to know shit about “CPS” to know that the government cannot enter your home, take your child, confiscate property, or arrest you without a warrant. A warrant requires evidence first.

God damn are you a special kind of stupid.
I find it ironic that some of the people who care so much about the unborn are the same people who hate CPS.

Children have rights. They are not property.
You've been called-out for your laughable lack of expertise and understanding, and now you're trying to distract and deflect.
It’s been spelled out for this poor little nitwit, and yet 5 posts later, she still doesn’t get it. :lmao:

But she did confirm for us that she has no children! No surprise there. Just like I said.
You have zero expertise on this subject.’re so slow you’re not even grasping the problem here. One does not need to know shit about “CPS” to know that the government cannot enter your home, take your child, confiscate property, or arrest you without a warrant. A warrant requires evidence first.

God damn are you a special kind of stupid.
One of the very few of such government actions that does not require a warrant is action to protect children. They can always be returned. It is exponentially more difficult (impossible) to bring a kid back to life.
...One of the very few of such government actions that does not require a warrant is action to protect children. They can always be returned. It is exponentially more difficult (impossible) to bring a kid back to life.

In the State of Illinois, each-and-every custody intervention is reviewed by a G(uarian) A(t) L(aw).

This happens beforehand, if practicable, or post facto, in the event of an emergency on-the-spot intervention.

The G.A.L. then appears before a Family Court judge to confirm the custody; the judge can also order the child returned to its parent(s).

Reviewing beforehand renders a process similar to a conventional Warrant.

Reviewing post facto renders a process designed to quickly gauge the merit of an emergency intervention.

In both cases (beforehand, and after custody is taken)...

The oversight of a court-appointed G.A.L. and the courts themselves satisfy all legal requirements in this context...

Every State in the Union makes similar provisions...

Every one of them...

If such actions on the part of State agencies were unconstitutional, as Bright Boy would like his Kool-Aid -drinking Sheeple to believe...

Such interventions would have been shut down eons (and several million abused kids and dozens of thousands of dead kids) sooner...

Last edited:
Sickening. Absolutely sickening. This woman had her child kidnapped by the left for merely exercising her rights as a parent.

‘Legal kidnapping’: CPS took infant from mother for four months; judge rules ‘disinformation’ used
CPS... DCFS... DFS... CFS... whatever your State calls it... does this sort of thing when they believe parents are being negligent.
Oh boy... Kondor3 is “triggered” again. Snowflake, in the U.S., the government doesn’t get to take action because they “believe” something. They must prove it first.

"Take action" means investigate . All alleged crimes must be investigated and child abuse is no different. CPS is required to investigate all allegation of abuse and neglect. Seriously....Do you have a problem with that? If so why. Should they ignor that information until the child turns up in the ER or dead?

If an investigator believes that a child is at imminent risk of harm they do have the authority to remove him, but evidence must be presented in court soon after. What is proof? In these cases it is a " preponderance of evidence" A lower standard than " beyond a reasonable doubt " used in criminal cases but it is still evidence. How the fuck are they to find evidence unless they investigate?

You need to educate yourself on these matter before continuing to make a damned ass of yourself.
Google " CPS, child trafficking" and then get back to me. It ain't me that is uninformed, pal.

I have. Here is an example of the kind of crap that gullible people like you believe because you have some perverse need to believe it

Lets think about these outlandish allegations. The state is profiting on foster care? How exactly?

The CPS agency is turning children over to sex offender? Holy shit! You believe that? Do you really think that an agency can just place a child anywhere with no judicial over sight?

That is just two examples of the absurdity that that you are buying into. What is this Health Impact News? Are they believable?

Sources in the Conspiracy-Pseudoscience category may publish unverifiable information that is not always supported by evidence. These sources may be untrustworthy for credible/verifiable information, therefore fact checking and further investigation is recommended on a per article basis when obtaining information from these sources. See all Conspiracy-Pseudoscience sources.

Factual Reporting: LOW

Now let’s consider what the National Safe Child Coalition (NSCC) is and, as we will see, more importantly, who Tammi Stefano. The NSCC does appear to be a legitimate child advocacy organization, but Stefano- that is another matter:

This blog is to alert people in the child protection and protective parent movement that Tammi Stefano is a fraud. She stole the National Safe Child Coalition and has harmed many protective parents and advocates.

Tammi is falsely claiming to be the Executive Director of the National Safe Child Coalition (NSCC), but she is just a volunteer who staged a takeover to get a name for herself and make a profit. She started as a volunteer and then declared herself Executive Director against the will of NSCC founders and Board members which include long-time respected advocates including Connie Valentine and president Barry Goldstein.

Lets see who else give Stefani a platform:

Ah, the Liberty Beacon.

Now what do we know about them? :

The Liberty Beacon (TLB) is a fringe online news source that promotes vaccine hysteria, chemtrail conspiracy theories, the FEMA concentration camps conspiracy theory, hysterical GMO woo and other far-right survivalist bullshit.

Liberty Beacon - RationalWiki

Enough said. Let me know when there is something about CPS sex trafficking on the evening news or in the local newspaper. Meanwhile I will shread any of this bogus horseshit that you come up with

Sure with CPS and law enforcement complicit it's going to be on the local news. See the problem? As for your list of what the Deep State tells you are conspiracy theories, yep there were also WMD in Iraq. When will stooges ever learn.

Ok, debunk this:

I notice you never responded to the actual link, source: John Podestas leaked emails. That's why they are so mad. Not because it's not true, but because they have been exposed. The FBI says there are thousands of disappeared kids every year. Disproportionately from around Washington DC DUH. The Pizzagate Images Never, Ever Discussed by the "Fake News" Media — Steemit

Instagram social media post from James Alefantis' "jimmycomet" account

I did not respond to it because it is not worth of a response. It is complete and utter horseshit and one would have to be really stupid and delusional to believe that there is anything here that proves these bizarre claims.

No you did not respond because you could not rebut the evidence. The evidence stands.

It depends on what you call "evidence" Feel free to continue to believe your far right conspiracy theorists and Trump boot licker. The only thing that it proves is that you're one of them. This is what I believe (see below).....and save the horseshit about the "failing" New York Times and fake news. I really don't believe the insanity and gullibility of you people...….or is it just dishonesty??

How the #PizzaGate conspiracy theory evolved
Dissecting the #PizzaGate Conspiracy Theories
  • 1
    WikiLeaks began releasing emails hacked from the account of John Podesta, Hillary Clinton’s campaign chairman, a month before the election.

  • 2
    Social media users on a popular Reddit forum dedicated to Donald J. Trump and 4chan’s far-right fringe message board searched the releases for evidence of wrongdoing.

  • 3
    Within the emails were discussions that include the word pizza, including dinner plans between Mr. Podesta and his lobbyist brother, Tony Podesta.

  • 4
    A participant on 4chan connected the phrase “cheese pizza” to pedophiles, who on chat boards use the initials “c.p.” to denote child pornography.

  • 5
    Following the use of “pizza,” theorists focused on the Washington pizza restaurant Comet Ping Pong. The WikiLeaks emails revealed that John Podesta corresponded with Comet’s owner, James Alefantis, who had connections to Democratic operatives.

  • 6
    The theory started snowballing, taking on the meme #PizzaGate. Fake news articles emerged and were spread on Twitter and Facebook.

  • 7
    The false stories swept up neighboring businesses and bands that had played at Comet. Theories about kill rooms, underground tunnels, satanism and even cannibalism emerged in fabricated stories and on social media.

  • 8
    On Dec. 4, Edgar M. Welch, a 28-year-old from North Carolina, arrived at Comet with a military-style rifle and a handgun. The police said he fired the rifle inside the pizzeria, hurting no one, and surrendered after finding no evidence to support claims of child slaves being held there.

  • 9
    The shooting did not put the theory to rest. Purveyors of the theory and fake news pointed to the mainstream media as conspirators of a coverup to protect what they said was a crime ring.
The conspiracy theory took the internet by storm. YouTube clips pushed the false story, racking up hundreds of thousands of views. Tens of thousands of individuals subscribed to message boards, feeding into theories with fake news reports and crowd-driven detective work. The police refuted the claims of an online pedophile ring running out of Comet Ping Pong, but the theories continued. Here are eight that gave #PizzaGate momentum.

No one debunked the goings on at Comet Ping Pong and Pizza and they got busy covering up strange and disturbing art when John Podesta's e-mail account was hacked. Cyber detectives went about investigating Podesta's of which was James Alefantis and his Instagram page with very disturbing photos and cryptic comments of his own and his fellow pals which led to the investigation of his pals that had very disturbing photos like those of Alefantis that reeked of pedophilia. Podesta's e-mails were full of references to pizza, pasta, hot dogs and in ways that should raise a lot of "I need a pizza for an hour". Do you think I would have better luck playing dominos on pizza rather than pasta?". One e-mail where a property manager tells him that she found a black and white checkered handkerchief with a "map" on it that seems to be pizza related and wanted to know if it was his.

Did you leave a handkerchief
From:[email protected] To: [email protected] CC: [email protected] Date: 2014-09-02 17:54 Subject: Did you leave a handkerchief
Hi John, The realtor found a handkerchief (I think it has a map that seems pizza-related. Is it yorus? They can send it if you want. I know you're busy, so feel free not to respond if it's not yours or you don't want it. Susaner From: Kathryn Tate [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Tuesday, September 02, 2014 10:04 AM To: Sandler, Susan Cc: Sandler, Herbert Subject: You left something at the Field house Susan & Herb I just came from checking the Field house and I have a square cloth handkerchief (white w/ black) that was left on the kitchen island. Happy to send it via the mail if you let me know where I should send it.

Since you know nothing of the practices of the Ordo Templi Orientis of practitioners like Aleister Crowley and "sex majick" that spirit cookers like Marina Abramovic (close friends of the Clintons, Podesta and Alefantis) but the black and white checkered handkerchief has freemasonic ties and the "map" is that of catching blood and semen from a child victim placed underneath them which is then used in a "spirit cooking" type ritual. Now, let's do a little delving into the Edgar Welch event where he blindly fired one shot, through a door and into a room that just happened to strike hard drive of the computer server of Comet Ping Pong and Pizza. Talk about your once in a lifetime shot, no? Alefantis came on Fox news and stated this, BTW.

Now, before the Welch incident, a hacker was able to break into the CPP@P's server and found that it was connected to eight other servers (some of which were in Europe) that were selling child porn and child snuff films in exchange for Bitcoin. He contacted the D.C police and came in contact with Detective Marcus Stevens and he shows the e-mail exchanges. Mere days later? Ol Edgar Welch walks into CPP&P and fires a single shot and "destroys" the server. You buy that shit???

Here is his interview on Titus Frost's youtube channel that was suspended for months. You tell ME if you doubt the veracity of his claims.


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