Democrats: your children do not belong to you - they belong to the state

Being turned away is breaking the law.
Oh are an emotional train wreck right now. The U.S. has every right to turn away anyone for any reason. You may be a globalist, but we haven’t surrendered our sovereignty despite your wishes otherwise.
The court decision establishes that the US Constitution’s Fifth and Sixth amendments—which grant the right to a public trial and prohibit detention without due legal process—extend to all people on US soil.

Do undocumented immigrants have the right to a day in court? The Supreme Court answered in 1896

Don't be stupid fool. I really, really hate stupid. It's not something Republicans should be proud of so just stop.
Thread is WAY off the topic of CPServices abuse.. Need to get OFF immigration law/policy (unless it's about kids in custody) and back on the topic.
Sickening. Absolutely sickening. This woman had her child kidnapped by the left for merely exercising her rights as a parent.

‘Legal kidnapping’: CPS took infant from mother for four months; judge rules ‘disinformation’ used

What is the Family Preservation Foundation doing about the separation of immigrant children from their Families?
What do they do about all criminals who are separated from their families?

For that matter, what are they doing for the families that have their children separated from them by an illegal killing them?

Not much hope of reunification in the latter case.
Sickening. Absolutely sickening. This woman had her child kidnapped by the left for merely exercising her rights as a parent.

‘Legal kidnapping’: CPS took infant from mother for four months; judge rules ‘disinformation’ used

The headline of this thread is "Democrats: your children do not belong to you--they belong to the state," but there is no mention of politics in the linked article, which, incidentally comes from a less-than-trustworthy source that is run by a well-known sniveler.
It’s chilling becaus this is literally the doctrine of communists.
“We’ve always had kind of a private notion of children. Your kid is yours and totally your responsibility. We have to break through our kind of private idea that kids belong to their parents or kids belong to their families.” - Melissa Harris-Perry
Of course, they will come up with every excuse in the book to deny that the left completely sees eye-to-eye with communism.

MSNBC: Kids Don't Belong to Their Parents | RealClearPolitics

She was riffing on Khalil Gibran's "On Children":

Your children are not your children.
They are the sons and daughters of Life’s longing for itself.
They come through you but not from you,
And though they are with you yet they belong not to you.

You may give them your love but not your thoughts,
For they have their own thoughts.
You may house their bodies but not their souls,
For their souls dwell in the house of tomorrow,
which you cannot visit, not even in your dreams.

You may strive to be like them,
but seek not to make them like you.
For life goes not backward nor tarries with yesterday.

You are the bows from which your children
as living arrows are sent forth.
The archer sees the mark upon the path of the infinite,
and He bends you with His might
that His arrows may go swift and far.

Let your bending in the archer’s hand be for gladness;
For even as He loves the arrow that flies,
so He loves also the bow that is stable.

That's prolly way too deep for your tiny little dichotomy-infested mind Buttsoiler, so here's a treatise from somebody who's actually qualified --- a mother --- analyzing what that means.

I'm sure that's gonna be beyond your intellectual pay grade as well, but there it is, isn't it.

Actually I'm a conservative Christian, and though I know this is not a Christian poem, if more parent had the above philosophy these days kids would be a LOT better off. Notice: I am NOT saying children belong to THE STATE (perish the thought). But they certainly don't belong to their parents either. Parents are primary caregivers to age 18 and that is all (well over and above the State). But parent do not OWN them.

"Parenting" in 2018 is entirely too much tied up in the parents' egos. Rather than see their children as individual humans they are only charged to raise to healthy adulthood, parents see children as precious commodities they are charged to PROTECT and CODDLE and FOSTER. And this, believe me, has the worst detrimental effect.

I've had a front seat for this whole thing, having been a teacher since the early 90s. It's really bad.
Kids are not your property .
Well I don’t know about “kids”, but my children absolutely belong to me. Period. End of story.

Don't know how old they are. But they're going to absolutely hate that attitude once they're teenagers.

Sorry, they don't "belong" to you. They absolutely belong to your family and you have the absolute right to raise them as you see fit. But human beings are not property. I thought we got that settled when we abolished slavery.
It’s chilling becaus this is literally the doctrine of communists.
“We’ve always had kind of a private notion of children. Your kid is yours and totally your responsibility. We have to break through our kind of private idea that kids belong to their parents or kids belong to their families.” - Melissa Harris-Perry
Of course, they will come up with every excuse in the book to deny that the left completely sees eye-to-eye with communism.

MSNBC: Kids Don't Belong to Their Parents | RealClearPolitics

She was riffing on Khalil Gibran's "On Children":

Your children are not your children.
They are the sons and daughters of Life’s longing for itself.
They come through you but not from you,
Wow! Look at you, Homo...“riffing” on a little bat-shit crazy left-wing propaganda!

My children didn’t come “through me” - they came from me. DNA indisputably, unequivocally proves it. Unfortunately, being a nit-wit progressive science-denier, the concept of DNA is waaaaay beyond your mental capacity.

But hey...stick with Khalil Gibran! I mean, sure, she’s making you the laughing stock of USMB. But she’s easier to digest than facts and science. Perfect for you low IQ Dumbocrats!

Are you pro-life by any chance? Because if so you just shot your argument right to shreds. They came FROM your DNA but they also have UNIQUE DNA.

Dude, you own your toes but not your children. You don't "own" them just because you share some genes.

This is not rocket science. Not on the Left when they make stone cold stupid arguments about how fetuses are not "human beings", and not on the Right when someone makes arguments about "owning" his children.

Human Rights are fundamental. C'mon people
Sickening. Absolutely sickening. This woman had her child kidnapped by the left for merely exercising her rights as a parent.

‘Legal kidnapping’: CPS took infant from mother for four months; judge rules ‘disinformation’ used
The blaze?? Really ?
When you can’t attack the message, attack the messenger. Right out of the liberal lunatic playbook.

The Blaze has an absolutely impeccable history. Which is why people like you attempt to smear it.

And nothing to say about the others points that I made. You should be ashamed and embarrassed!!!
A child is much more likely to be abused (especially sexually) when taken into recievership of CPS than if they had been allowed to remain with parents. Fuck "da gubermint"....
Sickening. Absolutely sickening. This woman had her child kidnapped by the left for merely exercising her rights as a parent.

‘Legal kidnapping’: CPS took infant from mother for four months; judge rules ‘disinformation’ used

What is the Family Preservation Foundation doing about the separation of immigrant children from their Families?
They can't do anything about parents abandoning their children by breaking the law and going to jail.

Nor can they do anything about kids running away from home and sneaking into the USA to become hitmen for MS-13. A big wall is needed to stop them.
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Sickening. Absolutely sickening. This woman had her child kidnapped by the left for merely exercising her rights as a parent.

‘Legal kidnapping’: CPS took infant from mother for four months; judge rules ‘disinformation’ used
The blaze?? Really ?
When you can’t attack the message, attack the messenger. Right out of the liberal lunatic playbook.

The Blaze has an absolutely impeccable history. Which is why people like you attempt to smear it.

And nothing to say about the others points that I made. You should be ashamed and embarrassed!!!
A child is much more likely to be abused (especially sexually) when taken into recievership of CPS than if they had been allowed to remain with parents. Fuck "da gubermint"....

Foster care is often subpar to say the least. I can agree with that.
Sickening. Absolutely sickening. This woman had her child kidnapped by the left for merely exercising her rights as a parent.

‘Legal kidnapping’: CPS took infant from mother for four months; judge rules ‘disinformation’ used

CPS is accountable to no one. They really lean on the black and brown families.
You're just pulling that crap out of your pie hole. These agencies are highly accountable. In my state, where I worked in CPS, very child placement matter must go before a family court Judge. In addition, the plan to reunite the family is presented to the Child Placement Review Board, and their recommendation is approved or disapproved by a separate judge. So put a lid on it until you learn what you're talking about
Sickening. Absolutely sickening. This woman had her child kidnapped by the left for merely exercising her rights as a parent.

‘Legal kidnapping’: CPS took infant from mother for four months; judge rules ‘disinformation’ used

CPS is accountable to no one. They really lean on the black and brown families.
You're just pulling that crap out of your pie hole. These agencies are highly accountable. In my state, where I worked in CPS, very child placement matter must go before a family court Judge. In addition, the plan to reunite the family is presented to the Child Placement Review Board, and their recommendation is approved or disapproved by a separate judge. So put a lid on it until you learn what you're talking about

Nope. Not really. Look it up. CPS is accountable to no one, and they typically feed children to a foster care system that’s nothing but a rape and abuse factory.
Sickening. Absolutely sickening. This woman had her child kidnapped by the left for merely exercising her rights as a parent.

‘Legal kidnapping’: CPS took infant from mother for four months; judge rules ‘disinformation’ used

CPS is accountable to no one. They really lean on the black and brown families.
You're just pulling that crap out of your pie hole. These agencies are highly accountable. In my state, where I worked in CPS, very child placement matter must go before a family court Judge. In addition, the plan to reunite the family is presented to the Child Placement Review Board, and their recommendation is approved or disapproved by a separate judge. So put a lid on it until you learn what you're talking about

Nope. Not really. Look it up. CPS is accountable to no one, and they typically feed children to a foster care system that’s nothing but a rape and abuse factory.

That’s a lie .

As soon as serVices pulls a kid that triggers all kinds of court action .

The only people stealing kids alway is Trumps and his immigration/separation policy .
Sickening. Absolutely sickening. This woman had her child kidnapped by the left for merely exercising her rights as a parent.

‘Legal kidnapping’: CPS took infant from mother for four months; judge rules ‘disinformation’ used

CPS is accountable to no one. They really lean on the black and brown families.
You're just pulling that crap out of your pie hole. These agencies are highly accountable. In my state, where I worked in CPS, very child placement matter must go before a family court Judge. In addition, the plan to reunite the family is presented to the Child Placement Review Board, and their recommendation is approved or disapproved by a separate judge. So put a lid on it until you learn what you're talking about

Nope. Not really. Look it up. CPS is accountable to no one, and they typically feed children to a foster care system that’s nothing but a rape and abuse factory.

That’s a lie .

As soon as serVices pulls a kid that triggers all kinds of court action .

The only people stealing kids alway is Trumps and his immigration/separation policy .

Yeah, just like they did all those illegal alien kids? CPS is nothing but pimps who sell kids to rapeo’s. And the separation policy was your token negros policy, not trumps.
Sickening. Absolutely sickening. This woman had her child kidnapped by the left for merely exercising her rights as a parent.

‘Legal kidnapping’: CPS took infant from mother for four months; judge rules ‘disinformation’ used

CPS is accountable to no one. They really lean on the black and brown families.
You're just pulling that crap out of your pie hole. These agencies are highly accountable. In my state, where I worked in CPS, very child placement matter must go before a family court Judge. In addition, the plan to reunite the family is presented to the Child Placement Review Board, and their recommendation is approved or disapproved by a separate judge. So put a lid on it until you learn what you're talking about

Nope. Not really. Look it up. CPS is accountable to no one, and they typically feed children to a foster care system that’s nothing but a rape and abuse factory.

Have you been listening to Alex Jones again while sucking on a crack pipe. Did you miss the part where I said that I worked in the system- for 26 years . Yes there were problems but they have been fixed and it was never the hell hole that the voices in your head are telling you it is- and it is highly accountable- to the courts, and through the administrative chain of command right up to the commissioner and governor. You nonsensical and ill informed blathering and bloviating is dangerous and irresponsible because it make the hard and necessary work done by CPS staff harder and thus it puts kids at risk. You should be ashamed!
Sickening. Absolutely sickening. This woman had her child kidnapped by the left for merely exercising her rights as a parent.

‘Legal kidnapping’: CPS took infant from mother for four months; judge rules ‘disinformation’ used
The blaze?? Really ?
When you can’t attack the message, attack the messenger. Right out of the liberal lunatic playbook.

The Blaze has an absolutely impeccable history. Which is why people like you attempt to smear it.

And nothing to say about the others points that I made. You should be ashamed and embarrassed!!!
A child is much more likely to be abused (especially sexually) when taken into recievership of CPS than if they had been allowed to remain with parents. Fuck "da gubermint"....

Foster care is often subpar to say the least. I can agree with that.
Birth families are often sub par as well,
Sickening. Absolutely sickening. This woman had her child kidnapped by the left for merely exercising her rights as a parent.

‘Legal kidnapping’: CPS took infant from mother for four months; judge rules ‘disinformation’ used
The blaze?? Really ?
When you can’t attack the message, attack the messenger. Right out of the liberal lunatic playbook.

The Blaze has an absolutely impeccable history. Which is why people like you attempt to smear it.

And nothing to say about the others points that I made. You should be ashamed and embarrassed!!!
A child is much more likely to be abused (especially sexually) when taken into recievership of CPS than if they had been allowed to remain with parents. Fuck "da gubermint"....

You people do realize that by simply repeating this kind of shit, you are engaging in an appeal to ignorance logical fallacy - "I said it so just believe me. You impress no one. And by the way, CPS always tries to keep the children in their own home as long as they can be kept there safely. None of you have a clue about how the system works, yet you continue to blather about it as though you do.
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You people do realize that by simply repeating this kind of shit, you are engaging in an appeal to ignorance logical fallacy - "I said it so just believe me. You impress no one. And my the way, CPS always tries to keep the children in their own home as long as they can be kept there safely. None of you have a clue about how the system works, yet you continue to blather about it as though you do.
I agree. The goal of all CPS is to keep children with (or return children to) their parents.

I strongly disagree with many of their methods, but they and the Court Appointed Special Advocates (CASA) share that same goal of returning children to parents.

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