Democrats: your children do not belong to you - they belong to the state

Sickening. Absolutely sickening. This woman had her child kidnapped by the left for merely exercising her rights as a parent.

‘Legal kidnapping’: CPS took infant from mother for four months; judge rules ‘disinformation’ used
The blaze?? Really ?
When you can’t attack the message, attack the messenger. Right out of the liberal lunatic playbook.

The Blaze has an absolutely impeccable history. Which is why people like you attempt to smear it.
Absolutely impeccable about being full of BS...
Sickening. Absolutely sickening. This woman had her child kidnapped by the left for merely exercising her rights as a parent.

‘Legal kidnapping’: CPS took infant from mother for four months; judge rules ‘disinformation’ used

What is the Family Preservation Foundation doing about the separation of immigrant children from their Families?
Um...all criminals lose custody of their children when they go to prison. This woman didn’t commit a crime, you nitwit. Why are you incapable of comparing apples-to-apples? Oh yeah, that’s right, you’re a left-wing nut job who is in the wrong side of the facts so you’re forced to resort to tactics like that.
Sickening. Absolutely sickening. This woman had her child kidnapped by the left for merely exercising her rights as a parent.

‘Legal kidnapping’: CPS took infant from mother for four months; judge rules ‘disinformation’ used

What is the Family Preservation Foundation doing about the separation of immigrant children from their Families?
We don’t worry about illegal aliens, dolt. The U.S. Constitution is not an international document. It applies to U.S. citizens only on U.S. soil only.
Sickening. Absolutely sickening. This woman had her child kidnapped by the left for merely exercising her rights as a parent.

‘Legal kidnapping’: CPS took infant from mother for four months; judge rules ‘disinformation’ used

What is the Family Preservation Foundation doing about the separation of immigrant children from their Families?
Um...all criminals lose custody of their children when they go to prison. This woman didn’t commit a crime, you nitwit. Why are you incapable of comparing apples-to-apples? Oh yeah, that’s right, you’re a left-wing nut job who is in the wrong side of the facts so you’re forced to resort to tactics like that.

The fact is that don’t know and can’t know what actually happened there. If you think that you do- it’s just confirms your delusions

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Kids are not your property .
Well I don’t know about “kids”, but my children absolutely belong to me. Period. End of story.
How ironic . You want to government to interfere with a woman’s body when the kid is a zygote , but after it’s born it’s “your kid” and the government has no say?
How have to resort to lying in every post. I don’t believe the government should TOUCH a woman or her fetus. Upholding our laws against murder is not “interfering” in anything. How sad that you have to resort to such desperate claims.
The fact is that don’t know and can’t know what actually happened there. If you think that you do- it’s just confirms your delusions
We do know (thanks to the impeccable history and reputation of The Blaze). If the woman had done anything, the courts would not have given her son back to her.

Nobody here is surprised by your inability to accept the facts or that you support government confiscating children.
And nothing to say about the others points that I made.
What other point? That you worked for CPS? Nothing to comment on there. I’m not the least bit surprised that someone like you would work for the government confiscating children from their parents.

Dahhh I dunnno How about the fact the it is clear that only one side of the story is being told…… ya Dolt. Confiscating children? Idiotic and dangerous bovine excrement!
Is that like what Trump did. Trump actually had children kidnapped. Hundreds still live in camps.
That’s what happens when you break the law - you go to prison and lose custody of your children. This woman didn’t break the law.

Criminals defend their own, hey ReDeanTard?
And nothing to say about the others points that I made.
What other point? That you worked for CPS? Nothing to comment on there. I’m not the least bit surprised that someone like you would work for the government confiscating children from their parents.

Dahhh I dunnno How about the fact the it is clear that only one side of the story is being told…… ya Dolt. Confiscating children? Idiotic and dangerous bovine excrement!
Both sides have been told in a court of law. You should have had someone read the story to you before commenting, you illiterate nitwit.
Kids are not your property .
Well I don’t know about “kids”, but my children absolutely belong to me. Period. End of story.
How ironic . You want to government to interfere with a woman’s body when the kid is a zygote , but after it’s born it’s “your kid” and the government has no say?
How have to resort to lying in every post. I don’t believe the government should TOUCH a woman or her fetus. Upholding our laws against murder is not “interfering” in anything. How sad that you have to resort to such desperate claims.
Translation: Protect the unborn at all costs because abortion is murder, but once born, it's OK for them to be at the complete mercy of bad parents and we don't need no stinkin' CPS
Translation: Protect the unborn at all costs because abortion is murder, but once born, it's OK for them to be at the complete mercy of bad parents and we don't need no stinkin' CPS
Wow. Very good, Progressive Communist. You actually got something accurate. Unless a parent has been charged with a crime, tried, and convicted, the state has no business touching their children.

I can under why that concepts frustrates you though. Lord knows a stoned hippie stuck in the 60’s couldn’t make it in the real world. What else would you do if you couldn’t work for the government placing your hands on other people’s children?
And nothing to say about the others points that I made.
What other point? That you worked for CPS? Nothing to comment on there. I’m not the least bit surprised that someone like you would work for the government confiscating children from their parents.

Dahhh I dunnno How about the fact the it is clear that only one side of the story is being told…… ya Dolt. Confiscating children? Idiotic and dangerous bovine excrement!
Both sides have been told in a court of law. You should have had someone read the story to you before commenting, you illiterate nitwit.
Really? Where is the transcript of the court proceedings.? Where is the CPS record? You don't know what is in there because CPS records and family court cases are confidential. All that you know is what the Blaze- which has no credibility- reported so stop lying and pretending that you really know more than you do.
Wow. Very good, Progressive Communist. You actually got something accurate. Unless a parent has been charged with a crime, tried, and convicted, the state has no business touching their children.
Right, after the kid is dead!
Yeah. Sorry, comrade communist cock-sucker, but in this nation we have freedom and constitutional rights until after we commit a crime.

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