Democrats: your children do not belong to you - they belong to the state

Is that like what Trump did. Trump actually had children kidnapped. Hundreds still live in camps.
Thatā€™s what happens when you break the law - you go to prison and lose custody of your children. This woman didnā€™t break the law.

Criminals defend their own, hey ReDeanTard?
That's what happens when you break the law?

Not for Republicans.

In our constitution, it says that anyone, and I repeat "ANYONE" who comes to this country seeking asylum has the right to be heard. Get it? It's in our constitution.

Asylum seekers reportedly denied entry at border as Trump tightens 'zero tolerance' immigration policies | Immigration | Dallas News

At the U.S. border, asylum seekers fleeing violence are told to come back later

Being turned away is breaking the law.

And these people who were ILLEGALLY turned away were only committing a misdemeanor.

So Republicans were stripping children from asylum seekers protected by our constitution.

This is why your kind is kind of nasty and a dirty people. You defend lawbreakers knowing they are wrong and committing a horrendous crime against humanity refusing to help people Jesus gave instructions to help. Not only are your kind illegal, but immoral. Your kind better hope there is no Jesus. Cuz if there is, you have a lot to answer for.

In our constitution, it says that anyone, and I repeat "ANYONE" who comes to this country seeking asylum has the right to be heard. Get it? It's in our constitution. poor little nitwit. You should have tried actually reading our U.S. Constitution one time before commenting on it.

It doesnā€™t say that ANYWHERE in the U.S. Constitution. I repeat, it doesnā€™t say that ANYWHERE in the U.S. Constitution. How embarrassing for you.
This is why your kind is kind of nasty and a dirty people. You defend lawbreakers knowing they are wrong and committing a horrendous crime against humanity refusing to help people Jesus gave instructions to help.
Please cite for the class where in The Bible it says ā€œand government shall hold a gun to the head of people...and they shall take from those people...and they shall ā€˜helpā€™ peopleā€. Chapter and verse. Iā€™ll wait. :popcorn:
Your kind better hope there is no Jesus. Cuz if there is, you have a lot to answer for.
Not only do I ā€˜hopeā€™ there is a Jesus, I know there is. And I know heā€™s disgusted that people like you want communism because youā€™re too lazy and too greedy to help those in need yourself. You want government to place a gun to the head of other people and force them to do what you refuse to do.
Itā€™s chilling becaus this is literally the doctrine of communists.
ā€œWeā€™ve always had kind of a private notion of children. Your kid is yours and totally your responsibility. We have to break through our kind of private idea that kids belong to their parents or kids belong to their families.ā€ - Melissa Harris-Perry
Of course, they will come up with every excuse in the book to deny that the left completely sees eye-to-eye with communism.

MSNBC: Kids Don't Belong to Their Parents | RealClearPolitics

So it makes sense the Democrats years long attack on families. For Marxists the state replaces families and God. And they have no room for divided loyalties.
Sickening. Absolutely sickening. This woman had her child kidnapped by the left for merely exercising her rights as a parent.

ā€˜Legal kidnappingā€™: CPS took infant from mother for four months; judge rules ā€˜disinformationā€™ used
The blaze?? Really ?
When you canā€™t attack the message, attack the messenger. Right out of the liberal lunatic playbook.

The Blaze has an absolutely impeccable history. Which is why people like you attempt to smear it.

Know why they call it "the Blaze", Buttsoiler?

Ever hear the expression "pants on fire"?

But still, compared to you they're ice cold. While we're still waiting for you to figure out where it says anything about "the left" why don't you go ahead and essplain to the class where it says anything about "Democrats". Or any kind of politics.

Or is that beyond your literacy level?
Being turned away is breaking the law.
Oh are an emotional train wreck right now. The U.S. has every right to turn away anyone for any reason. You may be a globalist, but we havenā€™t surrendered our sovereignty despite your wishes otherwise.
In our constitution, it says that anyone, and I repeat "ANYONE" who comes to this country seeking asylum has the right to be heard. Get it? It's in our constitution. poor little nitwit. You should have tried actually reading our U.S. Constitution one time before commenting on it.

It doesnā€™t say that ANYWHERE in the U.S. Constitution. I repeat, it doesnā€™t say that ANYWHERE in the U.S. Constitution. How embarrassing. for you.

It does not say that constitutional protections are limited to citizens and those here legally How embarrassing for you.

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Kids are not your property .
Well I donā€™t know about ā€œkidsā€, but my children absolutely belong to me. Period. End of story.

How ironic . You want to government to interfere with a womanā€™s body when the kid is a zygote , but after itā€™s born itā€™s ā€œyour kidā€ and the government has no say?
Abort your children.

The "Government" has no say in how my children are raised.
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Know why they call it "the Blaze"?
Why yes, Homo, I do. Itā€™s from The Bible (the book of Exodus) with Moses. I remember well when they announced that they would be creating The Blaze. Thanks for asking. Your IQ just went from -9 to -8. Congrats!
Is that like what Trump did. Trump actually had children kidnapped. Hundreds still live in camps.
Thatā€™s what happens when you break the law - you go to prison and lose custody of your children. This woman didnā€™t break the law.

Criminals defend their own, hey ReDeanTard?

Claiming asylum is not breaking the law .
It does not say that constitutional protections are limited to citizens and those here legally How embarrassing for you.
So Chinese citizens can tell their government to go fuck themselves citing their 2nd Amendment right to keep and bear arms because the U.S. Constitution is an international document? Really?

Clearly youā€™re not a constitutional lawyer. :laugh:
Kids are not your property .
Well I donā€™t know about ā€œkidsā€, but my children absolutely belong to me. Period. End of story.

How ironic . You want to government to interfere with a womanā€™s body when the kid is a zygote , but after itā€™s born itā€™s ā€œyour kidā€ and the government has no say?
Abort your children.

The "Government" has no say in how my children are raised.

Sure they do . With some stuff . You canā€™t abuse kids, we have child labor laws , compulsory education.

Can child services go overboard sometimes . Sure . There are also many times when they are justified .
Claiming asylum is not breaking the law .
It is after youā€™ve entered our nation. True asylum seekers report to the U.S. consulate in their own nation and request asylum. At worst, they show up at a foreign nations border, announce themselves, and request it there. Any other desperate arguments you would like to try?

And not for nothing, but you donā€™t get to ā€œclaimā€ asylum. You request it.
It does not say that constitutional protections are limited to citizens and those here legally How embarrassing for you.
So Chinese citizens can tell their government to go fuck themselves citing their 2nd Amendment right to keep and bear arms because the U.S. Constitution is an international document? Really?

Clearly youā€™re not a constitutional lawyer. :laugh:
Now you are just blathering senselessly and throwing dung at the wall hoping that something will stick. The fact is that anyone om US soil, regardless of citizenship or legal status , is entitled to due process and equal protection under the law.
While we're still waiting for you to figure out where it says anything about "the left" why don't you go ahead and essplain to the class where it says anything about "Democrats". Or any kind of politics.
Doh! My bad. I always forget how dumb you are. And disingenuous. And disgusting. Hey, I just realized, youā€™re Triple D!

See, conservatives believe in small, constitutional government. They donā€™t use government to confiscate children. Idiot.
Claiming asylum is not breaking the law .
It is after youā€™ve entered our nation. True asylum seekers report to the U.S. consulate in their own nation and request asylum. At worst, they show up at a foreign nations border, announce themselves, and request it there. Any other desperate arguments you would like to try?

And not for nothing, but you donā€™t get to ā€œclaimā€ asylum. You request it.

lol . Yeah sure, very feasible scenarios. You can also claim asylum at the border or customs.

The only ā€œcrimeā€ is not making yourself available for Inspection upon entry . Even then, if you want to charge a person they are entitled to a lawyer and due process . Which is why itā€™s rare to see those chargers . Better to use the immigration process instead .
It does not say that constitutional protections are limited to citizens and those here legally How embarrassing for you.
So Chinese citizens can tell their government to go fuck themselves citing their 2nd Amendment right to keep and bear arms because the U.S. Constitution is an international document? Really?

Clearly youā€™re not a constitutional lawyer. :laugh:
Now you are just blathering senselessly and throwing dung at the wall hoping that something will stick. The fact is that anyone om US soil, regardless of citizenship or legal status , is entitled to due process and equal protection under the law.
No, thatā€™s what youā€™ve been doing. What Iā€™ve been doing is schooling you with facts. Only U.S. citizens are ā€œentitledā€ to ā€˜equal protectionā€™ and ā€˜due processā€™. The U.S. Constitution is not an international document. Period. That is a fact.

Do we extended everyone those things? Yeah. Almost always. But we donā€™t have to. Just ask every idiot of Al Qaeda who have been tortured and who have been sitting in prisons for more than a decade without a single trial. Idiot.
It does not say that constitutional protections are limited to citizens and those here legally How embarrassing for you.
So Chinese citizens can tell their government to go fuck themselves citing their 2nd Amendment right to keep and bear arms because the U.S. Constitution is an international document? Really?

Clearly youā€™re not a constitutional lawyer. :laugh:

They can if they are in the USA .

Do you think it would be legal to have a law saying ONLY citizens can own firearms?

Why donā€™t you try reading the Constitution sometimes . Few parts refer to ā€œcitizensā€.

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