Democrays Should Leave USA, NOW.

I don't think any of those countries want our losers and rejects, any more than we want those of Mexico and other countries further south.
Without Blue states money red states would starve How much SOS can you eat?

Where do you think the majority of food is grown?
We subsidize the fuck out of flyover country's farms. We pay farmers to throw crops away, or to not grow them at all. Trash country, that's where a majority of our food is grown.

So you'll have to rely on trash country for your survival.
I want to cut all subsidies. We only need a fraction of those farms, and they'll do whatever we say because they need our money.

Smells like Bolshevism. How did that work out for traditional Russian farmers?
I have not done that, you piece of trash. Oppression of a people leads to disaster, as it has done in the red and orange countries in the map I posted. I argue for the tradition of rights and freedom, I argue for the rights of people to form families, and I argue for this nation to not become one of the 3rd world shitholes that ban abortion and gay rights.
You're not arguing for the rights of the people being killed in abortions. You're not arguing for the rights of the people being killed in gun-free zones. You're not arguing for the rights of people who want heterosexual rights (which includes not having sex perverts floating around, and influencing children), you piece of trash.
You are arguing for 3rd world policies. You won't ever get them. Fuck yourself.
Why are you America haters here?
We built this place. Why are YOU still here?

A little 30 year old child is saying this?
The writing is on the wall. It's time for Democrats to get out o the US. US SCOTUS is going almost solid red, and will be 7-2 before long, with 2 Democrat SCOTUS members in their 80s. Democrats! Everything you value is disappearing before your eyes. Goodbye Roe vs Wade. Goodbye Affirmative Action. Goodbye Same Sex Marriage. Goodbye gun-free zones. I could go on and on with this but you have the idea.

There are scores of liberal countries you could go to, with liberal policies galore. Canada, UK, France, Denmark...they're all out there waiting for you. The longer you wait, the tougher it will be to go there.
Don't count your eggs before they Hatch Maine R senator might not vote for Repub Justice

Ed, I like you personally, and you know that, but your peeps are between a rock and a hard place because of this Kennedy retirement.


Because Trump is going to put up a NASTY anti Socialist, interpret the constitution as written...…….. constitutionalist BEFORE the midterm elections.

IF the 3 stooges in Indiana. North Dakota, and Missouri vote against him/her, they are 100% out of there. (maybe Joe Manchin too) If they vote FOR him/her, the Democratic base will NOT vote for them, which also means they are 100% OUT OF THERE.

So what this really means is, those 3 races are OVER! The GOP has won, and all you really have is a possible Tennessee pick up.

These elections in all fairness, look like a change in house members of 4 or 5 in either direction...…...which means NOTHING in the grand scheme of things; and a pick up of at least 2 for the GOP in the Senate; meaning regardless of EVERYTHING/ANYTHING, Trump is going to get a pick of his liking to the Supreme Court.

I know, I know, you don't like it, or don't believe it, but that is the reality of the situation, trust me on this one. The polls on specific policies say it is so, the demographics of where it will happen say it is so, and the insertion of the new Supreme that activated the rest of the Trump constituency to vote says it is so also.

I would NOT bet against the fact, that YOUR side again has more votes. But I would again bet, that your votes will be concentrated in areas that just send your people in with a tidal wave to those particular districts, thus winning the battle, but as usual, losing the war.

It is, what it is, and that is politics! We all must learn to move within the system, or change it. Without someone at the top wielding EOs to help you, you are going to lose, and lose big...…….while carrying a predominance of the vote.

Let me put it to you this way, and I am sure you will and others will get it----------> Hillary received over 3 million MORE votes than Trump, and still LOST the Presidency. LOOK at the map! Now after looking at the map, and KNOWING that this time it is more about LOCAL control, we both can agree, that Democrats could probably get 5 million MORE votes over their districts and areas, and still LOSE more control than what they had! That is why the GOP scoffs at Democrats plus 3, 4, or 5, 6! They are all in 3 or 4 areas, and that does NOT gain control of the House, or Senate; it only makes a landslide in those areas!

You may no longer like me personally, but I won't lie to you because I respect you; along with our nice conversations. Truth is, Democrats...….if nothing changes......are screwed!
I have nothing against you at all So few of folks that think as you do can articulate as well As far as I believe,,,those dem states that went repub won't do so again and I strongly believe the house is well within grasp and as far as the SC goes as long as roe v wade remains I won't care as much

Roe V Wade is a non starter.


Because the Supreme Court could over turn it, and it has NOTHING WHATSOEVER to do with what each individual state decides.

As far as the states turning red or blue, it has absolutely NOTHING to do with the mid terms. Only way it does, is local areas for the House, and states for the Senate. That is why if everyone looks at the map of what happened in 2016, they can see 4 or 5 House seats flipping one way or the other, and the GOP picking up at least 2 Senate seats.

Again Ed, it is what it is. In 2020, more GOP seats are up for grabs in purple areas. But for this election, the Democrats are screwed, blued, and tattooed. There only chance to do stop anything is regain the House, and I am here to tell you, the odds of that is less than 15%.

What that means is-----------> For YOUR PERSONAL position on most issues, the Republicans are going to reverse everything. Then the American public has to decide if it is better, or worse, than it was, and vote accordingly in 2020.

That is how we got here! America could NOT remove Obama, so they made the other 2 branches as solid as they could, and then they snuck in Trump into the executive branch. If anyone actually thinks that the people who forced control of the other 2 branches of government to stop Obama are going to snooze on 2018, I got some swampland in Florida I will sell you!

That being said Ed, to you and your family, I wish you all the best.
I don't think any of those countries want our losers and rejects, any more than we want those of Mexico and other countries further south.
Without Blue states money red states would starve How much SOS can you eat?

Where do you think the majority of food is grown?
We subsidize the fuck out of flyover country's farms. We pay farmers to throw crops away, or to not grow them at all. Trash country, that's where a majority of our food is grown.

So you'll have to rely on trash country for your survival.
I want to cut all subsidies. We only need a fraction of those farms, and they'll do whatever we say because they need our money.
Lookie, Hillary wants to put more Americans out of work.
Without Blue states money red states would starve How much SOS can you eat?

Where do you think the majority of food is grown?
We subsidize the fuck out of flyover country's farms. We pay farmers to throw crops away, or to not grow them at all. Trash country, that's where a majority of our food is grown.

So you'll have to rely on trash country for your survival.
I want to cut all subsidies. We only need a fraction of those farms, and they'll do whatever we say because they need our money.

Smells like Bolshevism. How did that work out for traditional Russian farmers?
Soviets subsidized the fuck out of their farmers. I don't know if they paid them to throw away food or to not grow anything, the way we stupidly do to flyover country.
Without Blue states money red states would starve How much SOS can you eat?

Where do you think the majority of food is grown?
We subsidize the fuck out of flyover country's farms. We pay farmers to throw crops away, or to not grow them at all. Trash country, that's where a majority of our food is grown.

So you'll have to rely on trash country for your survival.
I want to cut all subsidies. We only need a fraction of those farms, and they'll do whatever we say because they need our money.
Lookie, Hillary wants to put more Americans out of work.
Look at you, endorsing libtard policy.
There are scores of liberal countries you could go to, with liberal policies galore. Canada, UK, France, Denmark...they're all out there waiting for you. The longer you wait, the tougher it will be to go there.

I don't think any of those countries want our losers and rejects, any more than we want those of Mexico and other countries further south.
Without Blue states money red states would starve How much SOS can you eat?

We have guns and plenty of deer.

One word...Texas.
We have more beef than we know what to do with in the flyover states.
Texas being number 1,followed by Nebraska at 2, Kansas at 3 and Oklahoma at 5.
We subsidize the fuck out of flyover country's farms. We pay farmers to throw crops away, or to not grow them at all. Trash country, that's where a majority of our food is grown.
So let's stop subsidizing, yeah ? No more food stamps. No more welfare. No more Medicaid. Canada is calling. Legal pot smoking too. BYE!
Sure. Since red states take in more subsidy money than they put out, I'm all for it. Let them starve.

You don't put in a dime, don't even say you do..
Where do you think the majority of food is grown?
We subsidize the fuck out of flyover country's farms. We pay farmers to throw crops away, or to not grow them at all. Trash country, that's where a majority of our food is grown.

So you'll have to rely on trash country for your survival.
I want to cut all subsidies. We only need a fraction of those farms, and they'll do whatever we say because they need our money.

Smells like Bolshevism. How did that work out for traditional Russian farmers?
Soviets subsidized the fuck out of their farmers. I don't know if they paid them to throw away food or to not grow anything, the way we stupidly do to flyover country.

LOL . . .@they killed entire generations of them comrade for much the same argument you just made.
There are scores of liberal countries you could go to, with liberal policies galore. Canada, UK, France, Denmark...they're all out there waiting for you. The longer you wait, the tougher it will be to go there.

I don't think any of those countries want our losers and rejects, any more than we want those of Mexico and other countries further south.
Without Blue states money red states would starve How much SOS can you eat?

We have guns and plenty of deer.

One word...Texas.
We have more beef than we know what to do with in the flyover states.
Texas being number 1,followed by Nebraska at 2, Kansas at 3 and Oklahoma at 5.

I never killed a wild cow but I sure have killed and gutted a deer..
The countries you mentioned don't have the freedom of speech and that which you say or do (no matter how innocuous you may think it is) can land you in jail for a lengthy period. So, the left might want to take a good while to think about leaving, or actually supporting the Constitution and its Amendments.
No freedom of speech in UK, Canada, France, or Denmark ? Are you dreaming ?
Criticizing Islam in those countries will land you in jail. Take a trip up to our neighbor, Canada. Walk up to a public area and harshly criticize Islam and you'll be facing a fine and/or some jail time. Any criticism of Islam is strictly forbidden there. Do the same in the UK and if you're not an actual politician there, you could end up in jail.
We subsidize the fuck out of flyover country's farms. We pay farmers to throw crops away, or to not grow them at all. Trash country, that's where a majority of our food is grown.

So you'll have to rely on trash country for your survival.
I want to cut all subsidies. We only need a fraction of those farms, and they'll do whatever we say because they need our money.

Smells like Bolshevism. How did that work out for traditional Russian farmers?
Soviets subsidized the fuck out of their farmers. I don't know if they paid them to throw away food or to not grow anything, the way we stupidly do to flyover country.

LOL . . .@they killed entire generations of them comrade for much the same argument you just made.
They killed entire generations because of an overabundance of food? Sooooo stupid MY GOD :rolleyes:
Liberals don't want to leave this country, they want to stay here and fuck it up. We'll need to kick them out.
So you'll have to rely on trash country for your survival.
I want to cut all subsidies. We only need a fraction of those farms, and they'll do whatever we say because they need our money.

Smells like Bolshevism. How did that work out for traditional Russian farmers?
Soviets subsidized the fuck out of their farmers. I don't know if they paid them to throw away food or to not grow anything, the way we stupidly do to flyover country.

LOL . . .@they killed entire generations of them comrade for much the same argument you just made.
They killed entire generations because of an overabundance of food? Sooooo stupid MY GOD :rolleyes:

Collectivization in the USSR: How the Russian peasantry was smashed
I want to cut all subsidies. We only need a fraction of those farms, and they'll do whatever we say because they need our money.

Smells like Bolshevism. How did that work out for traditional Russian farmers?
Soviets subsidized the fuck out of their farmers. I don't know if they paid them to throw away food or to not grow anything, the way we stupidly do to flyover country.

LOL . . .@they killed entire generations of them comrade for much the same argument you just made.
They killed entire generations because of an overabundance of food? Sooooo stupid MY GOD :rolleyes:

Collectivization in the USSR: How the Russian peasantry was smashed
They were smashed by people winning gay rights, abortion rights, and well regulated gun rights? :cuckoo:
And Democrats are done. They've seen their last majority.

Tell THAT to TX....with a 40% Latino population soon to be over 50%.

AND.......without TX your fucking party will only see the oval office as "tourists.".....LOL
And Democrats are done. They've seen their last majority.

Tell THAT to TX....with a 40% Latino population soon to be over 50%.

AND.......without TX your fucking party will only see the oval office as "tourists.".....LOL

Yet you will never have the one thing that matters the most again in your life time....

The supreme Court.. :)

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