Democrays Should Leave USA, NOW.

Wrong. You argue against tradition and family and nation.
I have not done that, you piece of trash. Oppression of a people leads to disaster, as it has done in the red and orange countries in the map I posted. I argue for the tradition of rights and freedom, I argue for the rights of people to form families, and I argue for this nation to not become one of the 3rd world shitholes that ban abortion and gay rights.
There are scores of liberal countries you could go to, with liberal policies galore. Canada, UK, France, Denmark...they're all out there waiting for you. The longer you wait, the tougher it will be to go there.

I don't think any of those countries want our losers and rejects, any more than we want those of Mexico and other countries further south.
Without Blue states money red states would starve How much SOS can you eat?
BIg lib lie. California has more deficit that several states combined. It must be terrible to be a lib that has to lie all the time.
There are scores of liberal countries you could go to, with liberal policies galore. Canada, UK, France, Denmark...they're all out there waiting for you. The longer you wait, the tougher it will be to go there.

I don't think any of those countries want our losers and rejects, any more than we want those of Mexico and other countries further south.
Without Blue states money red states would starve How much SOS can you eat?
BIg lib lie. California has more deficit that several states combined. It must be terrible to be a lib that has to lie all the time.
I used to be a repub Guess some stuck to me
I have not done that, you piece of trash. Oppression of a people leads to disaster, as it has done in the red and orange countries in the map I posted. I argue for the tradition of rights and freedom, I argue for the rights of people to form families, and I argue for this nation to not become one of the 3rd world shitholes that ban abortion and gay rights.
You're not arguing for the rights of the people being killed in abortions. You're not arguing for the rights of the people being killed in gun-free zones. You're not arguing for the rights of people who want heterosexual rights (which includes not having sex perverts floating around, and influencing children), you piece of trash.
Wrong. You argue against tradition and family and nation.
I have not done that, you piece of trash. Oppression of a people leads to disaster, as it has done in the red and orange countries in the map I posted. I argue for the tradition of rights and freedom, I argue for the rights of people to form families, and I argue for this nation to not become one of the 3rd world shitholes that ban abortion and gay rights.

All you have Left is personal attack and name calling.

Abortion? Ban it, save for extremist situations. Gay rights? Perhaps, but not marriage. Arguing for either or both is a direct attack on fundamental human tradition. Promoting and pushing both issues on the American people is a call for a authoritarian smackdown. The radical left has pushed and pushed cultural perversions the American majority finds disgusting. Now the push back comes. Observe.
There are scores of liberal countries you could go to, with liberal policies galore. Canada, UK, France, Denmark...they're all out there waiting for you. The longer you wait, the tougher it will be to go there.

I don't think any of those countries want our losers and rejects, any more than we want those of Mexico and other countries further south.
Without Blue states money red states would starve How much SOS can you eat?

Where do you think the majority of food is grown?
I have not done that, you piece of trash. Oppression of a people leads to disaster, as it has done in the red and orange countries in the map I posted. I argue for the tradition of rights and freedom, I argue for the rights of people to form families, and I argue for this nation to not become one of the 3rd world shitholes that ban abortion and gay rights.
You're not arguing for the rights of the people being killed in abortions. You're not arguing for the rights of the people being killed in gun-free zones. You're not arguing for the rights of people who want heterosexual rights (which includes not having sex perverts floating around, and influencing children), you piece of trash.
You are arguing for 3rd world policies. You won't ever get them. Fuck yourself.
There are scores of liberal countries you could go to, with liberal policies galore. Canada, UK, France, Denmark...they're all out there waiting for you. The longer you wait, the tougher it will be to go there.

I don't think any of those countries want our losers and rejects, any more than we want those of Mexico and other countries further south.
Without Blue states money red states would starve How much SOS can you eat?

Where do you think the majority of food is grown?
We subsidize the fuck out of flyover country's farms. We pay farmers to throw crops away, or to not grow them at all. Trash country, that's where a majority of our food is grown.
I have not done that, you piece of trash. Oppression of a people leads to disaster, as it has done in the red and orange countries in the map I posted. I argue for the tradition of rights and freedom, I argue for the rights of people to form families, and I argue for this nation to not become one of the 3rd world shitholes that ban abortion and gay rights.
You're not arguing for the rights of the people being killed in abortions. You're not arguing for the rights of the people being killed in gun-free zones. You're not arguing for the rights of people who want heterosexual rights (which includes not having sex perverts floating around, and influencing children), you piece of trash.
You are arguing for 3rd world policies. You won't ever get them. Fuck yourself.
Why are you America haters here?
But if all of the Democrats left America that would create severe shortage of morons, assholes, crooks, criminals, dirty corrupt politicians, racist, twits, jackasses and lunatics
We'll just bash their memory, with old film footage. Like PBS does, with all their B & W footage of 1950s civil rights unrest, targeted at 2018 blacks.
I have not done that, you piece of trash. Oppression of a people leads to disaster, as it has done in the red and orange countries in the map I posted. I argue for the tradition of rights and freedom, I argue for the rights of people to form families, and I argue for this nation to not become one of the 3rd world shitholes that ban abortion and gay rights.
You're not arguing for the rights of the people being killed in abortions. You're not arguing for the rights of the people being killed in gun-free zones. You're not arguing for the rights of people who want heterosexual rights (which includes not having sex perverts floating around, and influencing children), you piece of trash.
You are arguing for 3rd world policies. You won't ever get them. Fuck yourself.
Why are you America haters here?
We built this place. Why are YOU still here?
There are scores of liberal countries you could go to, with liberal policies galore. Canada, UK, France, Denmark...they're all out there waiting for you. The longer you wait, the tougher it will be to go there.

I don't think any of those countries want our losers and rejects, any more than we want those of Mexico and other countries further south.
Without Blue states money red states would starve How much SOS can you eat?

Where do you think the majority of food is grown?
We subsidize the fuck out of flyover country's farms. We pay farmers to throw crops away, or to not grow them at all. Trash country, that's where a majority of our food is grown.

So you'll have to rely on trash country for your survival.
The writing is on the wall. It's time for Democrats to get out o the US. US SCOTUS is going almost solid red, and will be 7-2 before long, with 2 Democrat SCOTUS members in their 80s. Democrats! Everything you value is disappearing before your eyes. Goodbye Roe vs Wade. Goodbye Affirmative Action. Goodbye Same Sex Marriage. Goodbye gun-free zones. I could go on and on with this but you have the idea.

There are scores of liberal countries you could go to, with liberal policies galore. Canada, UK, France, Denmark...they're all out there waiting for you. The longer you wait, the tougher it will be to go there.
The countries you mentioned don't have the freedom of speech and that which you say or do (no matter how innocuous you may think it is) can land you in jail for a lengthy period. So, the left might want to take a good while to think about leaving, or actually supporting the Constitution and its Amendments.
I have not done that, you piece of trash. Oppression of a people leads to disaster, as it has done in the red and orange countries in the map I posted. I argue for the tradition of rights and freedom, I argue for the rights of people to form families, and I argue for this nation to not become one of the 3rd world shitholes that ban abortion and gay rights.
You're not arguing for the rights of the people being killed in abortions. You're not arguing for the rights of the people being killed in gun-free zones. You're not arguing for the rights of people who want heterosexual rights (which includes not having sex perverts floating around, and influencing children), you piece of trash.
You are arguing for 3rd world policies. You won't ever get them. Fuck yourself.
Why are you America haters here?
We built this place. Why are YOU still here?
You have built the current situation we are in. Third world invasion, regulations on everything, crime, murdering babies, crapping in the street, filth on TV, and the list goes on.
We subsidize the fuck out of flyover country's farms. We pay farmers to throw crops away, or to not grow them at all. Trash country, that's where a majority of our food is grown.
So let's stop subsidizing, yeah ? No more food stamps. No more welfare. No more Medicaid. Canada is calling. Legal pot smoking too. BYE!
There are scores of liberal countries you could go to, with liberal policies galore. Canada, UK, France, Denmark...they're all out there waiting for you. The longer you wait, the tougher it will be to go there.

I don't think any of those countries want our losers and rejects, any more than we want those of Mexico and other countries further south.
Without Blue states money red states would starve How much SOS can you eat?

We have guns and plenty of deer.
There are scores of liberal countries you could go to, with liberal policies galore. Canada, UK, France, Denmark...they're all out there waiting for you. The longer you wait, the tougher it will be to go there.

I don't think any of those countries want our losers and rejects, any more than we want those of Mexico and other countries further south.
Without Blue states money red states would starve How much SOS can you eat?

Where do you think the majority of food is grown?
We subsidize the fuck out of flyover country's farms. We pay farmers to throw crops away, or to not grow them at all. Trash country, that's where a majority of our food is grown.

So you'll have to rely on trash country for your survival.
I want to cut all subsidies. We only need a fraction of those farms, and they'll do whatever we say because they need our money.
We subsidize the fuck out of flyover country's farms. We pay farmers to throw crops away, or to not grow them at all. Trash country, that's where a majority of our food is grown.
So let's stop subsidizing, yeah ? No more food stamps. No more welfare. No more Medicaid. Canada is calling. Legal pot smoking too. BYE!
Sure. Since red states take in more subsidy money than they put out, I'm all for it. Let them starve.
The countries you mentioned don't have the freedom of speech and that which you say or do (no matter how innocuous you may think it is) can land you in jail for a lengthy period. So, the left might want to take a good while to think about leaving, or actually supporting the Constitution and its Amendments.
No freedom of speech in UK, Canada, France, or Denmark ? Are you dreaming ?

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