DemonRATS IN A PANIC!~Lindsey Graham Begins Senate Investigation Into The Bidens


Who? Names, please
Search for it, dummy!

Never mind, you aren't smart enough to find shit!

Vulnerable Democrats panic amid GOP impeachment ad onslaught
16 minutes ago · Democratic and pro- impeachment groups have spent about $2.7 million in TV ads, according to an analysis of spending by the ad

Now I suppose you will use your MOD POWER EVEN MORE TO CENSURE ME!

It's not my responsibility to search for it. You made the claim; you provide the evidence.
I did, made it so easy even a subversive could find it!
Who specifically is panicking?

I am not.

I guess Graham figures that if Trump is not going to have the FBI investigate the Biden's the Senate will step up........
We don't count special needs and heavily medicated, demented people, you are out!
Who specifically is panicking? I am not.
You're not the one who made a videotaped confession of extorting a Ukraine PM.

That would be former VP Joe Biden.

Does a C-SPAN Video Show Joe Biden 'Confessing to Bribery'?
:laughing0301: snopes...

Democrats fact checking Democrats...

Democrats be like, what you saw and heard you did not see or hear. Same with Democrats all raising their hands for free healthcare for any foreign national that makes it to America paid for by Americans.​

You know why Biden was so proud? Because it was a good thing he did. Getting rid of people standing in the way of a free and less corrupt Ukraine is a good thing. Wouldn’t you say?
I agree and getting his kid the gravy train was even better. Joe always was a train guy.
Our ABNORMALS will probably fault the source, even though it is Huff Post!....I think too many are trying to play Trump’s 86D chess. I think Lindsey might be doing this the Dimwits thinking they will back off on impeachment in exchange for going silent on the Bidens (and the Pelosis and the Obamas and the Clintons al)....LAST CHANCE to save the party of INFANTICIDE from huge losses, indictments and jail time....or suicide...lololol!


Yahoo - Huff Post ^

Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) sent a letter to Secretary of State Mike Pompeo requesting documentation on former Vice President Joe Biden and his son Hunter’s work in Ukraine on Thursday, as the week’s public impeachment inquiry hearings in the House drew to a close.

In his two-page letter, Graham asked for a number of call transcripts, notes and communications involving Joe Biden, former Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko, former Secretary of State John Kerry, a former Ukrainian prosecutor and people connected to the Ukrainian energy company Burisma.

While the impeachment proceedings target President Donald Trump’s dealings with current Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, Trump’s Republican supporters have attempted to steer the discussion toward the Bidens, claiming that the father-son pair were involved in Ukrainian corruption

No one who knows the facts is panicking. What are you going to do when all of your conspiracy theory investigations go bust? You could watch all of the Trump staffers being frog marched to prison when all of this is over.

Even if Dumb Donald escapes impeachment and removal from office, SOMEBODY is going to go to jail for this massive bribery and extortion scheme. Sondland is not going to go down alone. I suspect Rudy, Pompeo and Mulvaney are quaking in their wing tips right now.

What you suspect matters to any of ?

Our ABNORMALS will probably fault the source, even though it is Huff Post!....I think too many are trying to play Trump’s 86D chess. I think Lindsey might be doing this the Dimwits thinking they will back off on impeachment in exchange for going silent on the Bidens (and the Pelosis and the Obamas and the Clintons al)....LAST CHANCE to save the party of INFANTICIDE from huge losses, indictments and jail time....or suicide...lololol!


Yahoo - Huff Post ^

Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) sent a letter to Secretary of State Mike Pompeo requesting documentation on former Vice President Joe Biden and his son Hunter’s work in Ukraine on Thursday, as the week’s public impeachment inquiry hearings in the House drew to a close.

In his two-page letter, Graham asked for a number of call transcripts, notes and communications involving Joe Biden, former Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko, former Secretary of State John Kerry, a former Ukrainian prosecutor and people connected to the Ukrainian energy company Burisma.

While the impeachment proceedings target President Donald Trump’s dealings with current Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, Trump’s Republican supporters have attempted to steer the discussion toward the Bidens, claiming that the father-son pair were involved in Ukrainian corruption

No one who knows the facts is panicking. What are you going to do when all of your conspiracy theory investigations go bust? You could watch all of the Trump staffers being frog marched to prison when all of this is over.

Even if Dumb Donald escapes impeachment and removal from office, SOMEBODY is going to go to jail for this massive bribery and extortion scheme. Sondland is not going to go down alone. I suspect Rudy, Pompeo and Mulvaney are quaking in their wing tips right now.
What would you know about facts?
You don't even know the story other then
what the MSM has created.
The "ReTHUGlican's" have all sorts of names for Democrats. > I need to go to Redneck school to learn all of them.
so you're making fun of "republicans" calling "democrats" names by calling them names.

god damn you got a triple dose of stupid at birth.
I have a feeling an investigation into the Biden money is actually going to uncover the global Biden money laundering scheme. This goes way beyond, "Make my son rich, or else"...
there's a whole lot of high power people working hard to protect how they got said power and what they did with it along the way right now.
Who specifically is panicking?

I am not.

I guess Graham figures that if Trump is not going to have the FBI investigate the Biden's the Senate will step up........
Trump must have dirt on good ol' Lyndsey Boy. Try and explain why he flipped so hard to kiss Donnie's ass.
Graham will do anything, and I mean anything, to curry Trump's favor, because he was an original "anybody but Trump" and he can be primaried in SC at the drop of Trump's combover.

But NOTHING stands in the House dems way of investigating Jared's ME loans.

Biden is pretty much an empty shell anyway. He doesn't want to do the the 90 sec soundbites, but when he tries to discuss concrete issues, he tends to lose track of his thoughts
There it is... I can't wait to see the SC results of the 2020 election.
It's very scary how many people who call themselves patriotic Americans are trying to cover up a blatant take-over attempt by the Russians. To which country do they pledge alliance?
It's very scary how many people who call themselves patriotic Americans are trying to cover up a blatant take-over attempt by the Russians. To which country do they pledge alliance?
It's very scary how so many people, like yourself
have their head shoved so far up their ass
they can chew their food twice
It's very scary how many people who call themselves patriotic Americans are trying to cover up a blatant take-over attempt by the Russians. To which country do they pledge alliance?
It's very scary how so many people, like yourself
have their head shoved so far up their ass
they can chew their food twice

Well said by a putin lover who wants a Russian takeover of the United States. Why don't you just move to Moscow?
Our ABNORMALS will probably fault the source, even though it is Huff Post!....I think too many are trying to play Trump’s 86D chess. I think Lindsey might be doing this the Dimwits thinking they will back off on impeachment in exchange for going silent on the Bidens (and the Pelosis and the Obamas and the Clintons al)....LAST CHANCE to save the party of INFANTICIDE from huge losses, indictments and jail time....or suicide...lololol!


Yahoo - Huff Post ^

Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) sent a letter to Secretary of State Mike Pompeo requesting documentation on former Vice President Joe Biden and his son Hunter’s work in Ukraine on Thursday, as the week’s public impeachment inquiry hearings in the House drew to a close.

In his two-page letter, Graham asked for a number of call transcripts, notes and communications involving Joe Biden, former Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko, former Secretary of State John Kerry, a former Ukrainian prosecutor and people connected to the Ukrainian energy company Burisma.

While the impeachment proceedings target President Donald Trump’s dealings with current Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, Trump’s Republican supporters have attempted to steer the discussion toward the Bidens, claiming that the father-son pair were involved in Ukrainian corruption

No one who knows the facts is panicking. What are you going to do when all of your conspiracy theory investigations go bust? You could watch all of the Trump staffers being frog marched to prison when all of this is over.

Even if Dumb Donald escapes impeachment and removal from office, SOMEBODY is going to go to jail for this massive bribery and extortion scheme. Sondland is not going to go down alone. I suspect Rudy, Pompeo and Mulvaney are quaking in their wing tips right now.
No one told Sondland they wanted a quid pro quo, he assumed that was what they wanted. When you assume something it's because that's how things are done as normal. I doubt that this was the first time Sondland tried a quid pro quo bet he did many during the obama years.
No one who knows the facts is panicking.

Yes they are. They are trying to stop the truth from coming out by impeaching the guy who ordered the investigation.... just as Low IQ got the Ukrainian prosecutor fired....

The guy who ordered the phony investigation is Trump. The facts around Biden are unassailable:

1. The prosecutor was fired because he wasn 't prosecuting Burisma, not because he was;

2. Hunter Biden was NOT under investigagtion when the prosecutor was fired;

3. Biden was asked by NATO, the IMF, the EU, and the Obama Administration to fire the prosecutor. The IMF would not loan the Ukraine the money it needed as long as the corrupt, Kremlin controlled prosecutor was in office. This was not Biden's decision, it was his assignment.

Now you fools are all in a froth. When your sham investigation is completed and Barr issues his report, you will close the book which recommends no charges and finds no wrong doing and then say you know Biden is corrupt, and you're going to keep investigating until you find something.

This is how Republicans have been acting since Clinton was elected. Churning up rumours about Democrats and then investigating them. Finding nothing, and then claiming that Democrats are still dirty, even as Republicans are going to jail for the corruption.

More than 20 investigations of the Clintons. How many indictments? Guilty pleas? How many Clinton staffers went to jail? How many Obama staffers went to jail?
None of those claims are facts.

They aren't "claims". They're historical facts. That you don't know this shows how little attention you pay to current events.
Here's a FEW FACTS..
The Ukraine scandal timeline Democrats and their media allies don't want America to see
View attachment 291144
2 days ago · Here is a detailed timeline of key events in the Ukraine scandal, complete ... stepson of Secretary of State John Kerry, is named an independent
That Soloman, what a POS. He constantly spoon feeds Hannity and the RW ilk huge amounts of Russian propaganda and all his pathetic dumbass followers eat it up. In gulps.

What is false in Soloman's reporting?

Either way the whole thing could be cleared up simply by releasing the documents involving Biden's dealing with the Ukraine, along with Hunter and others giving testimony under oath on their involvement in Ukraine.

If they did nothing wrong they have nothing to hide...Biden's threat to Lindsey sure makes him sound guilty.
Here's a FEW FACTS..
The Ukraine scandal timeline Democrats and their media allies don't want America to see
View attachment 291144
2 days ago · Here is a detailed timeline of key events in the Ukraine scandal, complete ... stepson of Secretary of State John Kerry, is named an independent
That Soloman, what a POS. He constantly spoon feeds Hannity and the RW ilk huge amounts of Russian propaganda and all his pathetic dumbass followers eat it up. In gulps.

What is false in Soloman's reporting?

Either way the whole thing could be cleared up simply by releasing the documents involving Biden's dealing with the Ukraine, along with Hunter and others giving testimony under oath on their involvement in Ukraine.

If they did nothing wrong they have nothing to hide...Biden's threat to Lindsey sure makes him sound guilty.
Nothing false in Solomon's report. Just another one of our commies hitting out in blind range over another 100% FACTUAL article....
Here's a FEW FACTS..
The Ukraine scandal timeline Democrats and their media allies don't want America to see
View attachment 291144
2 days ago · Here is a detailed timeline of key events in the Ukraine scandal, complete ... stepson of Secretary of State John Kerry, is named an independent
That Soloman, what a POS. He constantly spoon feeds Hannity and the RW ilk huge amounts of Russian propaganda and all his pathetic dumbass followers eat it up. In gulps.

What is false in Soloman's reporting?

Either way the whole thing could be cleared up simply by releasing the documents involving Biden's dealing with the Ukraine, along with Hunter and others giving testimony under oath on their involvement in Ukraine.

If they did nothing wrong they have nothing to hide...Biden's threat to Lindsey sure makes him sound guilty.

Everything you're asking for has already been done. Joe Biden fired the Ukrainian prosecutor in PUBLIC with the whole world watching. I remember it clearly. The Ukrainian President had fled to Russia. Russian was sending "green men" to invade the Ukraine. There was corruption everywhere, and the Ukraine was desperate for aid, even though the same Russian thieves were still in key positions in the country.

This wasn't Biden skulking around with a secret agenda. If you were paying attention when it happened, you'd know this stuff.
Our ABNORMALS will probably fault the source, even though it is Huff Post!....I think too many are trying to play Trump’s 86D chess. I think Lindsey might be doing this the Dimwits thinking they will back off on impeachment in exchange for going silent on the Bidens (and the Pelosis and the Obamas and the Clintons al)....LAST CHANCE to save the party of INFANTICIDE from huge losses, indictments and jail time....or suicide...lololol!


Yahoo - Huff Post ^

Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) sent a letter to Secretary of State Mike Pompeo requesting documentation on former Vice President Joe Biden and his son Hunter’s work in Ukraine on Thursday, as the week’s public impeachment inquiry hearings in the House drew to a close.

In his two-page letter, Graham asked for a number of call transcripts, notes and communications involving Joe Biden, former Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko, former Secretary of State John Kerry, a former Ukrainian prosecutor and people connected to the Ukrainian energy company Burisma.

While the impeachment proceedings target President Donald Trump’s dealings with current Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, Trump’s Republican supporters have attempted to steer the discussion toward the Bidens, claiming that the father-son pair were involved in Ukrainian corruption

No one who knows the facts is panicking. What are you going to do when all of your conspiracy theory investigations go bust? You could watch all of the Trump staffers being frog marched to prison when all of this is over.

Even if Dumb Donald escapes impeachment and removal from office, SOMEBODY is going to go to jail for this massive bribery and extortion scheme. Sondland is not going to go down alone. I suspect Rudy, Pompeo and Mulvaney are quaking in their wing tips right now.
Months ago, Moscow Mitch recommended Pompeeo go back to Kansas. Now Trump is saying the same. They all knew then that Pompeeo needed to tuck tail. They are all in on this anti-American, Russia loving BS.
I doubt the KS voters will have him, if the 2018 election was any indication.

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