DemonRATS IN A PANIC!~Lindsey Graham Begins Senate Investigation Into The Bidens

No one who knows the facts is panicking.

Yes they are. They are trying to stop the truth from coming out by impeaching the guy who ordered the investigation.... just as Low IQ got the Ukrainian prosecutor fired....

The guy who ordered the phony investigation is Trump. The facts around Biden are unassailable:

1. The prosecutor was fired because he wasn 't prosecuting Burisma, not because he was;

2. Hunter Biden was NOT under investigagtion when the prosecutor was fired;

3. Biden was asked by NATO, the IMF, the EU, and the Obama Administration to fire the prosecutor. The IMF would not loan the Ukraine the money it needed as long as the corrupt, Kremlin controlled prosecutor was in office. This was not Biden's decision, it was his assignment.

Now you fools are all in a froth. When your sham investigation is completed and Barr issues his report, you will close the book which recommends no charges and finds no wrong doing and then say you know Biden is corrupt, and you're going to keep investigating until you find something.

This is how Republicans have been acting since Clinton was elected. Churning up rumours about Democrats and then investigating them. Finding nothing, and then claiming that Democrats are still dirty, even as Republicans are going to jail for the corruption.

More than 20 investigations of the Clintons. How many indictments? Guilty pleas? How many Clinton staffers went to jail? How many Obama staffers went to jail?
None of those claims are facts.

They aren't "claims". They're historical facts. That you don't know this shows how little attention you pay to current events.
They are rhe unproven claims of paranoid conspiratorialists, and nothing more.
I think that the American people will be appalled by the attempts of the Republican Party to falsely smear Joe Biden. Americans aren't nearly as stupid as Republicans and Russians seem to think they are.
Well the problem is that Hunter Biden really is dirty at least to the extent of trading on his father's influence in Ukraine. He's literally no different from Jared, although he got a lot less money.

Trump's quid pro was unnecessary and Trump inflicted impeachment on himself, but there is a reason that impeachment does not hurt him in the polls, and independents seem to be growing tired of the pissing contest.

And the dems problem is their candidates really suck.

Trump has been daring the House to impeach him since the day he was Inaugurated.
I think that the American people will be appalled by the attempts of the Republican Party to falsely smear Joe Biden. Americans aren't nearly as stupid as Republicans and Russians seem to think they are.
Well the problem is that Hunter Biden really is dirty at least to the extent of trading on his father's influence in Ukraine. He's literally no different from Jared, although he got a lot less money.

Trump's quid pro was unnecessary and Trump inflicted impeachment on himself, but there is a reason that impeachment does not hurt him in the polls, and independents seem to be growing tired of the pissing contest.

And the dems problem is their candidates really suck.

Trump has been daring the House to impeach him since the day he was Inaugurated.
Yeah, he got elected as a Republican. That's all it takes.
Clinton’s won’t like this. Watch for banana peels Mr Graham
Our ABNORMALS will probably fault the source, even though it is Huff Post!....I think too many are trying to play Trump’s 86D chess. I think Lindsey might be doing this the Dimwits thinking they will back off on impeachment in exchange for going silent on the Bidens (and the Pelosis and the Obamas and the Clintons al)....LAST CHANCE to save the party of INFANTICIDE from huge losses, indictments and jail time....or suicide...lololol!


Yahoo - Huff Post ^

Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) sent a letter to Secretary of State Mike Pompeo requesting documentation on former Vice President Joe Biden and his son Hunter’s work in Ukraine on Thursday, as the week’s public impeachment inquiry hearings in the House drew to a close.

In his two-page letter, Graham asked for a number of call transcripts, notes and communications involving Joe Biden, former Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko, former Secretary of State John Kerry, a former Ukrainian prosecutor and people connected to the Ukrainian energy company Burisma.

While the impeachment proceedings target President Donald Trump’s dealings with current Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, Trump’s Republican supporters have attempted to steer the discussion toward the Bidens, claiming that the father-son pair were involved in Ukrainian corruption
Repug investigations never turn up anything unless Joe lied about a blowjob sometime in the past.
No, but EXTORTION WORKS everytime!

Yeah, well I suppose that if the repugs launch a dozen or so investigations into the matter, nothing will turn up. Like Ben Gassy.
ore than 20 investigations of the Clintons. How many indictments? Guilty pleas? How many Clinton staffers went to jail?


Are you kidding me???

14 of 16 Whitewater partners went to prison, the only two who didn't being Bill and Hill
Webster Hubbell went twice, the second time for taking credit in court for legal work HILLARY BILLED FOR
Henry Cisneros was convicted of stealing

It goes on and on, because we haven't even named all the DEAD, not just Vince Foster and Jerry Parks....

Deaths Clinton Coincidence

Your side doesn't want an "investigation" into your side getting KICKBACKS from US foreign aid, because that's what your side and the post 1998 GOP do, they STEAL....

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