Demonstrators protesting shutdown arrested outside McConnell's office

the other mike

Diamond Member
Jan 5, 2019
Secret City under Denver Airport
Nancy Pelosi, Mitch McConnell and their wealthy friends in Washington can ride this game out as long as they want to, but when it's at boiling point and you're starting to see some federal employees on the verge of bankruptcy and losing their homes, you can expect this to be heating up more and more in the coming days.

Demonstrators protesting shutdown arrested outside McConnell's office

A group of demonstrators were arrested Wednesday after holding a sit-in outside an office for Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) to protest the partial government shutdown.

Video posted on social media showed several people sitting and repeatedly chanting "stop the shutdown" and "we need a paycheck" outside McConnell's office in the Russell Senate Office Building.

The protesters were later shown being zip-tied and detained by Capitol Police officers. Chants of "we want to work" and "where is Mitch?" could be heard as individuals were escorted out of the building.

We can end the shutdown with $1 billion — Trump and Democrats already agree on border security

Amid the fog of battle over the wall, two undisputed points of agreement are emerging over how to improve border security: first, fix the immigration court system and second, beef-up ports of entry. The president proposed them in his latest speech and so have Democrats. If Congress and the president genuinely want our nation re-opened, they should agree to these settled points, instead of reaching for an impossible grand bargain in just a few days on Trump’s wall, the Dreamers and Temporary Protected Status (TPS).
Nancy Pelosi, Mitch McConnell and their wealthy friends in Washington can ride this game out as long as they want to, but when it's at boiling point and you're starting to see some federal employees on the verge of bankruptcy and losing their homes, you can expect this to be heating up more and more in the coming days.

Demonstrators protesting shutdown arrested outside McConnell's office

A group of demonstrators were arrested Wednesday after holding a sit-in outside an office for Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) to protest the partial government shutdown.

Video posted on social media showed several people sitting and repeatedly chanting "stop the shutdown" and "we need a paycheck" outside McConnell's office in the Russell Senate Office Building.

The protesters were later shown being zip-tied and detained by Capitol Police officers. Chants of "we want to work" and "where is Mitch?" could be heard as individuals were escorted out of the building.

We can end the shutdown with $1 billion — Trump and Democrats already agree on border security

Amid the fog of battle over the wall, two undisputed points of agreement are emerging over how to improve border security: first, fix the immigration court system and second, beef-up ports of entry. The president proposed them in his latest speech and so have Democrats. If Congress and the president genuinely want our nation re-opened, they should agree to these settled points, instead of reaching for an impossible grand bargain in just a few days on Trump’s wall, the Dreamers and Temporary Protected Status (TPS).

Who arrested them? Aren't the cops laid off too?
So, apparently, essential services aren't shut down.
You would know as well as me.
I'm sure the information is out there.
Why Unpaid Federal Workers Don't Strike in a Shutdown - The Atlantic

If they don’t show up, “they’d be considered absent without leave,” said Jacque Simon, the policy director for the American Federation of Government Employees, by far the largest union representing federal employees. “When they’re told to come to work, they are required to come to work.” An awol designation could lead to disciplinary action, including termination. For longtime government employees, that could put in jeopardy a federal pension they’ve spent a career accruing, union leaders said.
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Who arrested them? Aren't the cops laid off too?
It's highly doubtful that any members of Congress would ever show up for work
if there were no cops on duty.

So, apparently, essential services aren't shut down.
You would know as well as me.
I'm sure the information is out there.

I think this is a very good object lesson as to just how little government we need as a people to get on with our lives.

I just hope we remember the lesson.
Another George Soros rent a mob.
Really ?
Maybe a Koch Brothers TEA party mob.

What does a globalist elite Israel protector like Soros have to gain from
any of this ?
Really your that stupid . whats pelosi got to gain ask your self that no wait 9f you cant figure out what the nazi socialist Soros has to ga8n you to stupid to answer either question
Really your that stupid . whats pelosi got to gain ask your self that no wait 9f you cant figure out what the nazi socialist Soros has to ga8n you to stupid to answer either question

You know if your knowledge of what you're attempting to say is as
impressive as your sentence structuring and grammar skills, then you're probably not going to
be very convincing to me.:26:
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Really your that stupid . whats pelosi got to gain ask your self that no wait 9f you cant figure out what the nazi socialist Soros has to ga8n you to stupid to answer either question

I'm guessing someone with a really good
sense of humor.

Who arrested them? Aren't the cops laid off too?
It's highly doubtful that any members of Congress would ever show up for work
if there were no cops on duty.

So, apparently, essential services aren't shut down.

The Capitol Police are funded by which department? Oh, that's right! They are funded by the city of Washington DC. They are getting their paychecks just fine!
so the gub'mit workers getting paid arte arresting the gub'mit workers not getting paid for protesting a shutdown gub'mit who's not listening anyways...?

can't write this stuff.......


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