DemoRATS have now declared political civil war....

Its clear Dem's only respect free elections if they win.
That's hilarious coming from the pure obstruction 35 years at least GOP. There are a hundred bills waiting for the tortoise to look at....this has nothing to do with the election this has to do with the president blackmailing a foreign leader for dirt on his opponent. End of story, brainwashed functional moron. Everything you know is garbage propaganda.

Franco you are not helping the left's cause brother lol.
The brainwashed are hopeless, like you. It only work with the Independents hopefully.... You know reality and the facts that kind of thing LOL

Independents and moderate Dems are leaning Trump, we picked off 3 blue states in 2016. I'm afraid you are stuck with leftist freaks and none of the 2020 Dem candidates socialism is resonating in swing states.
I think I'm for Biden, he can win and he is old enough to remember what a great country we used to have before reaganism give away to the rich and screwjob for everybody else, not to mention the most hateful gigantic propaganda machine in history. Good job.
No one in law enforcement investigated the matter. No one in law enforcement saw a transcript of Trump's call. There was more than one call, no one in law enforcement knows the contents of any other calls.

Too bad you're clueless, the Criminal Division of the DOJ reviewed the "official record" of the call and found no violations of the law, not even campaign finance laws. Now feel free to prove that wrong with credible links. I've already provided a link to the DOJ statement.

Sure they did........sure they did.....:71:

They sure did.

The Justice Department’s Criminal Division has already investigated President Trump’s conversation with the Ukrainian president about Joseph R. Biden and concluded Mr. Trump did not violate campaign finance laws, officials announced Wednesday.

And a separate division of the department has also ruled that the administration did not break the law by failing to quickly share a whistleblower’s complaint with Congress, saying the matter didn’t meet the definition of “urgent” that would trigger the law.

Justice Department clears Trump of wrongdoing on Ukraine call
Who does the Justice Department work for again? Oh yeah..the President of the United States..that's who.

OK, so the DOJ can never ever be trusted, NO MATTER WHAT!



pretty much, except for the top guys if the crook president gives us a crook attorney general like attorney general Barr.
Too bad you're clueless, the Criminal Division of the DOJ reviewed the "official record" of the call and found no violations of the law, not even campaign finance laws. Now feel free to prove that wrong with credible links. I've already provided a link to the DOJ statement.

Sure they did........sure they did.....:71:

They sure did.

The Justice Department’s Criminal Division has already investigated President Trump’s conversation with the Ukrainian president about Joseph R. Biden and concluded Mr. Trump did not violate campaign finance laws, officials announced Wednesday.

And a separate division of the department has also ruled that the administration did not break the law by failing to quickly share a whistleblower’s complaint with Congress, saying the matter didn’t meet the definition of “urgent” that would trigger the law.

Justice Department clears Trump of wrongdoing on Ukraine call
Who does the Justice Department work for again? Oh yeah..the President of the United States..that's who.

OK, so the DOJ can never ever be trusted, NO MATTER WHAT!



pretty much, except for the top guys if the crook president gives us a crook attorney general like attorney general Barr.

except for the top guys
How to you get a more top guy than the AG? I don't think you thought that through to well there commie.

Trump asked Zelensky for cooperation with the AG 4 times during the call. That is a perfectly acceptable practice. Mueller sent people to 13 countries, was that not legally allowed?


They have specific rules for Trump
They lost the they want to be able to tell the president what he can and cannot do.
That way they still get most of what they want.
Which is nothing good for the American people.

This isn't about the rule of law....but about undermining the current administration thru lies and deceptions.
We CAN tell the President he is not allowed to break the law

Isn't that what law enforcement agencies are for? Name one that says he broke any law.


Oh, stop it, just stop it. It's been covered and covered over and over. This is right up there with your "Build the Wall" bs that fell flat on it's face.

I would add that our DOJ and law enforcement agencies did have the opportunity to do an investigation. They refused.

So now it's up to the House to do the investigation.

This fact has been posted over and over on this board. It's been stated in the testimony in the investigations.

However the trump people will always ignore it.
Sure they did........sure they did.....:71:

They sure did.

The Justice Department’s Criminal Division has already investigated President Trump’s conversation with the Ukrainian president about Joseph R. Biden and concluded Mr. Trump did not violate campaign finance laws, officials announced Wednesday.

And a separate division of the department has also ruled that the administration did not break the law by failing to quickly share a whistleblower’s complaint with Congress, saying the matter didn’t meet the definition of “urgent” that would trigger the law.

Justice Department clears Trump of wrongdoing on Ukraine call
Who does the Justice Department work for again? Oh yeah..the President of the United States..that's who.

OK, so the DOJ can never ever be trusted, NO MATTER WHAT!



pretty much, except for the top guys if the crook president gives us a crook attorney general like attorney general Barr.

except for the top guys
How to you get a more top guy than the AG? I don't think you thought that through to well there commie.

The guys the President appoints to run the doj are the scum bags when you have a scumbag president like we have now, super duper.
Its clear Dem's only respect free elections if they win.
That's hilarious coming from the pure obstruction 35 years at least GOP. There are a hundred bills waiting for the tortoise to look at....this has nothing to do with the election this has to do with the president blackmailing a foreign leader for dirt on his opponent. End of story, brainwashed functional moron. Everything you know is garbage propaganda.

Franco you are not helping the left's cause brother lol.
The brainwashed are hopeless, like you. It only work with the Independents hopefully.... You know reality and the facts that kind of thing LOL

Independents and moderate Dems are leaning Trump, we picked off 3 blue states in 2016. I'm afraid you are stuck with leftist freaks and none of the 2020 Dem candidates socialism is resonating in swing states.

And now Hillary is hinting at getting in. If the DNC can only rely on the bottom of the barrel they had the last time to save the day, you know they are in big trouble. Kind of like us bringing back Bob Dole because our candidate are so pathetic.
They sure did.

The Justice Department’s Criminal Division has already investigated President Trump’s conversation with the Ukrainian president about Joseph R. Biden and concluded Mr. Trump did not violate campaign finance laws, officials announced Wednesday.

And a separate division of the department has also ruled that the administration did not break the law by failing to quickly share a whistleblower’s complaint with Congress, saying the matter didn’t meet the definition of “urgent” that would trigger the law.

Justice Department clears Trump of wrongdoing on Ukraine call
Who does the Justice Department work for again? Oh yeah..the President of the United States..that's who.

OK, so the DOJ can never ever be trusted, NO MATTER WHAT!



pretty much, except for the top guys if the crook president gives us a crook attorney general like attorney general Barr.

except for the top guys
How to you get a more top guy than the AG? I don't think you thought that through to well there commie.

The guys the President appoints to run the doj are the scum bags when you have a scumbag president like we have now, super duper.

Hey idiot, you're the one that excepted the ones at the top. I bet you thought Eric (I'm maobabas wingman) Holder and Loretta Lynch were just peachy. You're nothing but a commie hypocrite and political hack.

They have specific rules for Trump
They lost the they want to be able to tell the president what he can and cannot do.
That way they still get most of what they want.
Which is nothing good for the American people.

This isn't about the rule of law....but about undermining the current administration thru lies and deceptions.
We CAN tell the President he is not allowed to break the law

Isn't that what law enforcement agencies are for? Name one that says he broke any law.


Oh, stop it, just stop it. It's been covered and covered over and over. This is right up there with your "Build the Wall" bs that fell flat on it's face.

I would add that our DOJ and law enforcement agencies did have the opportunity to do an investigation. They refused.

So now it's up to the House to do the investigation.

This fact has been posted over and over on this board. It's been stated in the testimony in the investigations.

However the trump people will always ignore it.

You're a liar, the call was reviewed by the DOJ, they said no laws were broken. That's been linked several times in this thread.

They lost the they want to be able to tell the president what he can and cannot do.
That way they still get most of what they want.
Which is nothing good for the American people.

This isn't about the rule of law....but about undermining the current administration thru lies and deceptions.
We CAN tell the President he is not allowed to break the law

Isn't that what law enforcement agencies are for? Name one that says he broke any law.


Oh, stop it, just stop it. It's been covered and covered over and over. This is right up there with your "Build the Wall" bs that fell flat on it's face.

I would add that our DOJ and law enforcement agencies did have the opportunity to do an investigation. They refused.

So now it's up to the House to do the investigation.

This fact has been posted over and over on this board. It's been stated in the testimony in the investigations.

However the trump people will always ignore it.

You're a liar, the call was reviewed by the DOJ, they said no laws were broken. That's been linked several times in this thread.


Words dont mean specific things to them
They pick a words meaning like they pick their gender
..this has nothing to do with the election this has to do with the president blackmailing a foreign leader for dirt on his opponent. End of story...
:21: :21:
Why do you think people running against an incumbent white house are immune to federal investigations into their past acts while in federal office?
Why do you think asking the government of another country to help investigate the possible corrupt actions of a VPotUS with regard to that country is immoral, illegal or impeachable?
:21: :21:
We CAN tell the President he is not allowed to break the law

Isn't that what law enforcement agencies are for? Name one that says he broke any law.


Oh, stop it, just stop it. It's been covered and covered over and over. This is right up there with your "Build the Wall" bs that fell flat on it's face.

I would add that our DOJ and law enforcement agencies did have the opportunity to do an investigation. They refused.

So now it's up to the House to do the investigation.

This fact has been posted over and over on this board. It's been stated in the testimony in the investigations.

However the trump people will always ignore it.

You're a liar, the call was reviewed by the DOJ, they said no laws were broken. That's been linked several times in this thread.


Words dont mean specific things to them
They pick a words meaning like they pick their gender

Or their morality, very fluid.

They lost the they want to be able to tell the president what he can and cannot do.
That way they still get most of what they want.
Which is nothing good for the American people.

This isn't about the rule of law....but about undermining the current administration thru lies and deceptions.
We CAN tell the President he is not allowed to break the law

Isn't that what law enforcement agencies are for? Name one that says he broke any law.


Oh, stop it, just stop it. It's been covered and covered over and over. This is right up there with your "Build the Wall" bs that fell flat on it's face.

I would add that our DOJ and law enforcement agencies did have the opportunity to do an investigation. They refused.

So now it's up to the House to do the investigation.

This fact has been posted over and over on this board. It's been stated in the testimony in the investigations.

However the trump people will always ignore it.

You're a liar, the call was reviewed by the DOJ, they said no laws were broken. That's been linked several times in this thread.

no they did not say there were no laws broken....!!!

they did not investigate ANY of the possible laws broken, they did read the shortened transcript, (even they could not get in to the above top secret vault where the more full transcript is locked up in), but they said they saw no campaign finance law broken that they could see... of course they did not even bother to check with the FEC... :rolleyes:
Who does the Justice Department work for again? Oh yeah..the President of the United States..that's who.

OK, so the DOJ can never ever be trusted, NO MATTER WHAT!



pretty much, except for the top guys if the crook president gives us a crook attorney general like attorney general Barr.

except for the top guys
How to you get a more top guy than the AG? I don't think you thought that through to well there commie.

The guys the President appoints to run the doj are the scum bags when you have a scumbag president like we have now, super duper.

Hey idiot, you're the one that excepted the ones at the top. I bet you thought Eric (I'm maobabas wingman) Holder and Loretta Lynch were just peachy. You're nothing but a commie hypocrite and political hack.

you have nothing on holder but pure garbage propaganda. Just like Lois Lerner Hillary Obama Biden the FBI etcetera etcetera etcetera. Gets more laughable every new scandal....
We CAN tell the President he is not allowed to break the law

Isn't that what law enforcement agencies are for? Name one that says he broke any law.


Oh, stop it, just stop it. It's been covered and covered over and over. This is right up there with your "Build the Wall" bs that fell flat on it's face.

I would add that our DOJ and law enforcement agencies did have the opportunity to do an investigation. They refused.

So now it's up to the House to do the investigation.

This fact has been posted over and over on this board. It's been stated in the testimony in the investigations.

However the trump people will always ignore it.

You're a liar, the call was reviewed by the DOJ, they said no laws were broken. That's been linked several times in this thread.

no they did not say there were no laws broken....!!!

they did not investigate ANY of the possible laws broken, they did read the shortened transcript, (even they could not get in to the above top secret vault where the more full transcript is locked up in), but they said they saw no campaign finance law broken that they could see... of course they did not even bother to check with the FEC... :rolleyes:

Not what the DOJ spokesperson said, she said the Criminal Division reviewed the "official record" and found no violations.

But hey, feel free to keep spewing your commie talking points.

OK, so the DOJ can never ever be trusted, NO MATTER WHAT!



pretty much, except for the top guys if the crook president gives us a crook attorney general like attorney general Barr.

except for the top guys
How to you get a more top guy than the AG? I don't think you thought that through to well there commie.

The guys the President appoints to run the doj are the scum bags when you have a scumbag president like we have now, super duper.

Hey idiot, you're the one that excepted the ones at the top. I bet you thought Eric (I'm maobabas wingman) Holder and Loretta Lynch were just peachy. You're nothing but a commie hypocrite and political hack.

you have nothing on holder but pure garbage propaganda. Just like Lois Lerner Hillary Obama Biden the FBI etcetera etcetera etcetera. Gets more laughable every new scandal....

We'll see what Horowitz and Durham have to say about that.

They have specific rules for Trump
They lost the they want to be able to tell the president what he can and cannot do.
That way they still get most of what they want.
Which is nothing good for the American people.

This isn't about the rule of law....but about undermining the current administration thru lies and deceptions.
We CAN tell the President he is not allowed to break the law

Isn't that what law enforcement agencies are for? Name one that says he broke any law.


Oh, stop it, just stop it. It's been covered and covered over and over. This is right up there with your "Build the Wall" bs that fell flat on it's face.

I would add that our DOJ and law enforcement agencies did have the opportunity to do an investigation. They refused.

So now it's up to the House to do the investigation.

This fact has been posted over and over on this board. It's been stated in the testimony in the investigations.

However the trump people will always ignore it.
You're crazy.
The DOJ has been conducting a one-sided investigation since before Trump took office. What do you think the Mueller INVESTIGATION was, Dumbass?
They did, however, refuse to investigate Hillary.
We CAN tell the President he is not allowed to break the law

Isn't that what law enforcement agencies are for? Name one that says he broke any law.


Oh, stop it, just stop it. It's been covered and covered over and over. This is right up there with your "Build the Wall" bs that fell flat on it's face.

I would add that our DOJ and law enforcement agencies did have the opportunity to do an investigation. They refused.

So now it's up to the House to do the investigation.

This fact has been posted over and over on this board. It's been stated in the testimony in the investigations.

However the trump people will always ignore it.

You're a liar, the call was reviewed by the DOJ, they said no laws were broken. That's been linked several times in this thread.


Words dont mean specific things to them
They pick a words meaning like they pick their gender
There's THE Truth....and then there's Their Truth.
We CAN tell the President he is not allowed to break the law

Isn't that what law enforcement agencies are for? Name one that says he broke any law.


Oh, stop it, just stop it. It's been covered and covered over and over. This is right up there with your "Build the Wall" bs that fell flat on it's face.

I would add that our DOJ and law enforcement agencies did have the opportunity to do an investigation. They refused.

So now it's up to the House to do the investigation.

This fact has been posted over and over on this board. It's been stated in the testimony in the investigations.

However the trump people will always ignore it.

You're a liar, the call was reviewed by the DOJ, they said no laws were broken. That's been linked several times in this thread.

no they did not say there were no laws broken....!!!

they did not investigate ANY of the possible laws broken, they did read the shortened transcript, (even they could not get in to the above top secret vault where the more full transcript is locked up in), but they said they saw no campaign finance law broken that they could see... of course they did not even bother to check with the FEC... :rolleyes:
Course they never try to get a copy of this so-called full transcript....because they know it doesn't exist.

  • We do know that they announced impeachment on the word of a whistleblower/Obama Administration spy....before the transcripts were released....not caring what actually was said in the phone call....leading one to believe that they were planning this all along regardless of the facts.
  • We do know that they tried to enter into the record perjured testimony by the Intelligence Committee Chairman.
  • We do know that the whistleblower worked for Obama and worked with Biden and that Adam Schiff helped him file his complaint.
  • We do know that Trump haters like you will believe anything these lying assholes say that is bad about Orange Man.

Democrats were planning on an impeachment during the 2020 election as a campaign tactic and hoped that the Mueller Investigation would give them the crimes that would make it believable.....but even Democrat voters question it's validity.
FYI, they're stealing millions from Social Security to pay for this witch-hunt which is a misappropriation of funds.
pretty much, except for the top guys if the crook president gives us a crook attorney general like attorney general Barr.

except for the top guys
How to you get a more top guy than the AG? I don't think you thought that through to well there commie.

The guys the President appoints to run the doj are the scum bags when you have a scumbag president like we have now, super duper.

Hey idiot, you're the one that excepted the ones at the top. I bet you thought Eric (I'm maobabas wingman) Holder and Loretta Lynch were just peachy. You're nothing but a commie hypocrite and political hack.

you have nothing on holder but pure garbage propaganda. Just like Lois Lerner Hillary Obama Biden the FBI etcetera etcetera etcetera. Gets more laughable every new scandal....

We'll see what Horowitz and Durham have to say about that.

You know every detail of imaginary scandals but nothing about the facts, super duper.
How to you get a more top guy than the AG? I don't think you thought that through to well there commie.

The guys the President appoints to run the doj are the scum bags when you have a scumbag president like we have now, super duper.

Hey idiot, you're the one that excepted the ones at the top. I bet you thought Eric (I'm maobabas wingman) Holder and Loretta Lynch were just peachy. You're nothing but a commie hypocrite and political hack.

you have nothing on holder but pure garbage propaganda. Just like Lois Lerner Hillary Obama Biden the FBI etcetera etcetera etcetera. Gets more laughable every new scandal....

We'll see what Horowitz and Durham have to say about that.

You know every detail of imaginary scandals but nothing about the facts, super duper.
You have nothing but pure garbage propaganda

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