Dempsy is a scum sucking Obama butt kisser

How exactly do you lose a war that is already won? Please let me know another time that has happened in the history of the universe.

And what year did we win, pray tell?
Can you send me an unbiased, fact based source that proves this claim?

If you can't, quit replying.

First, don't EVER try and tell me what to do. Understand this, I don't take direction from you.

You progs love to compare Nam and Iraq as "bad wars" and they are very similar in one regard, they were both won...and then lost. Why? Because Washington walked away. We achieved results and then "got tired" of war and walked away. Both times leaving us in a poor strategic position. That weak position in Iraq is why what's happening now is happening and it's spilling over into the entire ME. Our enemies know Obama is a paper tiger, they also knew President Bush wasn't.

Once again, give me a source, or don't reply.

And just to make sure we're on the same page, this:


is not a valid source.

Once again, egghead, I do NOT take direction from you. Now unball your little fists and stop stomping your feet....and get over yourself.
Good one.

Source your claims, Sass.
I'm not humoring anymore ridiculous notions. Only factual arguments on a subject like this that involves fallen Americans.

That's all I have to say.

Either come back with a fact, or don't come back at all.

I came back, now what's your plan? Again, get over yourself, little dude. You are a nothing, learn it....then live it

I'm a 'nothing'?

No, 'nothing' is what you brought with you to this discussion. Aren't you the least bit embarrassed?

Why are you so anti fact? I know it's not just a conservative thing. Some conservatives on here will actually back up their points with sources if asked.
'Mudwhistle' comes to mind.

Can't you be more like him (i.e. intelligent)?
First, don't EVER try and tell me what to do. Understand this, I don't take direction from you.

You progs love to compare Nam and Iraq as "bad wars" and they are very similar in one regard, they were both won...and then lost. Why? Because Washington walked away. We achieved results and then "got tired" of war and walked away. Both times leaving us in a poor strategic position. That weak position in Iraq is why what's happening now is happening and it's spilling over into the entire ME. Our enemies know Obama is a paper tiger, they also knew President Bush wasn't.

Once again, give me a source, or don't reply.

And just to make sure we're on the same page, this:


is not a valid source.

Once again, egghead, I do NOT take direction from you. Now unball your little fists and stop stomping your feet....and get over yourself.
Good one.

Source your claims, Sass.
I'm not humoring anymore ridiculous notions. Only factual arguments on a subject like this that involves fallen Americans.

That's all I have to say.

Either come back with a fact, or don't come back at all.

I came back, now what's your plan? Again, get over yourself, little dude. You are a nothing, learn it....then live it

I'm a 'nothing'?

No, 'nothing' is what you brought with you to this discussion. Aren't you the least bit embarrassed?

Why are you so anti fact? I know it's not just a conservative thing. Some conservatives on here who will back up their points with sources.
'Mudwhistle' comes to mind.

Can't you be more like him (i.e. intelligent)?

Do you EVER shut up? Blabbering away is not impressing me. Oh dear....I came back again. What's your plan, fruitcake? :) Are you going to bore me into submission? AHAHAHAHA Pipsqueak
Once again, give me a source, or don't reply.

And just to make sure we're on the same page, this:


is not a valid source.

Once again, egghead, I do NOT take direction from you. Now unball your little fists and stop stomping your feet....and get over yourself.
Good one.

Source your claims, Sass.
I'm not humoring anymore ridiculous notions. Only factual arguments on a subject like this that involves fallen Americans.

That's all I have to say.

Either come back with a fact, or don't come back at all.

I came back, now what's your plan? Again, get over yourself, little dude. You are a nothing, learn it....then live it

I'm a 'nothing'?

No, 'nothing' is what you brought with you to this discussion. Aren't you the least bit embarrassed?

Why are you so anti fact? I know it's not just a conservative thing. Some conservatives on here who will back up their points with sources.
'Mudwhistle' comes to mind.

Can't you be more like him (i.e. intelligent)?

Do you EVER shut up? Blabbering away is not impressing me. Oh dear....I came back again. What's your plan, fruitcake? :) Are you going to bore me into submission? AHAHAHAHA Pipsqueak

You need to have Mudwhistle teach you how to cite a source. He and I had a discussion yesterday, and when I asked for a source to prove a claim, he gave one.

You make other conservatives look bad with your silly "AHAHAHA" antics.

Be more like Mudwhistle.
The American people did not believe we won. There was no victory. We stepped into a thousand year religious war in a place where tribes have been fighting for even longer. Only reason peace of any kind was achieved was because the warring factions were waiting for us to leave. After the initial invasion, capture of Saddam and search for WMD's the victory was turned into defeat.

"The American people did not believe we won"???

That is the dumbest thing I've read here to date. Who are you to speak for all of America? I know we had that Country beat. You can spout any BS you want but you're wrong and speaking out of your ass. If you think we lost that war before Obama took over tell me how.
The American people spoke when they elected Obama. Both Iraq and Afghanistan could have been considered victories if they hadn't been turned into defeats. Bush turned Iraq over to a pro Iranian government and dumped that mess on us when he left office. Leaving the nation of Iraq in the hands with a pro Iranian government with aims of conducting a civil war against the Sunni citizens is a sad a perverted way to declare victory.
Once again, egghead, I do NOT take direction from you. Now unball your little fists and stop stomping your feet....and get over yourself.
Good one.

Source your claims, Sass.
I'm not humoring anymore ridiculous notions. Only factual arguments on a subject like this that involves fallen Americans.

That's all I have to say.

Either come back with a fact, or don't come back at all.

I came back, now what's your plan? Again, get over yourself, little dude. You are a nothing, learn it....then live it

I'm a 'nothing'?

No, 'nothing' is what you brought with you to this discussion. Aren't you the least bit embarrassed?

Why are you so anti fact? I know it's not just a conservative thing. Some conservatives on here who will back up their points with sources.
'Mudwhistle' comes to mind.

Can't you be more like him (i.e. intelligent)?

Do you EVER shut up? Blabbering away is not impressing me. Oh dear....I came back again. What's your plan, fruitcake? :) Are you going to bore me into submission? AHAHAHAHA Pipsqueak

You need to have Mudwhistle teach you how to cite a source. He and I had a discussion yesterday, and when I asked for a source to prove a claim, he gave one.

You make other conservatives look bad with your silly "AHAHAHA" antics.

Be more like Mudwhistle.
One's opinion doesn't need to be sourced, pipsqueak. Now shush, you're becoming a redundant bore.
Good one.

Source your claims, Sass.
I'm not humoring anymore ridiculous notions. Only factual arguments on a subject like this that involves fallen Americans.

That's all I have to say.

Either come back with a fact, or don't come back at all.

I came back, now what's your plan? Again, get over yourself, little dude. You are a nothing, learn it....then live it

I'm a 'nothing'?

No, 'nothing' is what you brought with you to this discussion. Aren't you the least bit embarrassed?

Why are you so anti fact? I know it's not just a conservative thing. Some conservatives on here who will back up their points with sources.
'Mudwhistle' comes to mind.

Can't you be more like him (i.e. intelligent)?

Do you EVER shut up? Blabbering away is not impressing me. Oh dear....I came back again. What's your plan, fruitcake? :) Are you going to bore me into submission? AHAHAHAHA Pipsqueak

You need to have Mudwhistle teach you how to cite a source. He and I had a discussion yesterday, and when I asked for a source to prove a claim, he gave one.

You make other conservatives look bad with your silly "AHAHAHA" antics.

Be more like Mudwhistle.
One's opinion doesn't need to be sourced, pipsqueak. Now shush, you're becoming a redundant bore.


I knew if I was persistent enough, I could get you to admit your bullshit claims were just 'opinions'.

I guess that concludes this 'conversation'.
I came back, now what's your plan? Again, get over yourself, little dude. You are a nothing, learn it....then live it

I'm a 'nothing'?

No, 'nothing' is what you brought with you to this discussion. Aren't you the least bit embarrassed?

Why are you so anti fact? I know it's not just a conservative thing. Some conservatives on here who will back up their points with sources.
'Mudwhistle' comes to mind.

Can't you be more like him (i.e. intelligent)?

Do you EVER shut up? Blabbering away is not impressing me. Oh dear....I came back again. What's your plan, fruitcake? :) Are you going to bore me into submission? AHAHAHAHA Pipsqueak

You need to have Mudwhistle teach you how to cite a source. He and I had a discussion yesterday, and when I asked for a source to prove a claim, he gave one.

You make other conservatives look bad with your silly "AHAHAHA" antics.

Be more like Mudwhistle.
One's opinion doesn't need to be sourced, pipsqueak. Now shush, you're becoming a redundant bore.


I knew if I was persistent enough, I could get you to admit your bullshit claims were just 'opinions'.

I guess that concludes this 'conversation'.

Thank god, now run along dimwit and cherish your faux victory, I notice you claim things....after the fact. It reveals how utterly worthless and weak you are. But IU suspect you've been told you're worthless and weak many times. No? Oh and are you gay? You seem gay
It must be lunch time for the Government trolls...
I came back, now what's your plan? Again, get over yourself, little dude. You are a nothing, learn it....then live it

I'm a 'nothing'?

No, 'nothing' is what you brought with you to this discussion. Aren't you the least bit embarrassed?

Why are you so anti fact? I know it's not just a conservative thing. Some conservatives on here who will back up their points with sources.
'Mudwhistle' comes to mind.

Can't you be more like him (i.e. intelligent)?

Do you EVER shut up? Blabbering away is not impressing me. Oh dear....I came back again. What's your plan, fruitcake? :) Are you going to bore me into submission? AHAHAHAHA Pipsqueak

You need to have Mudwhistle teach you how to cite a source. He and I had a discussion yesterday, and when I asked for a source to prove a claim, he gave one.

You make other conservatives look bad with your silly "AHAHAHA" antics.

Be more like Mudwhistle.
One's opinion doesn't need to be sourced, pipsqueak. Now shush, you're becoming a redundant bore.


I knew if I was persistent enough, I could get you to admit your bullshit claims were just 'opinions'.

I guess that concludes this 'conversation'.
I'm a 'nothing'?

No, 'nothing' is what you brought with you to this discussion. Aren't you the least bit embarrassed?

Why are you so anti fact? I know it's not just a conservative thing. Some conservatives on here who will back up their points with sources.
'Mudwhistle' comes to mind.

Can't you be more like him (i.e. intelligent)?

Do you EVER shut up? Blabbering away is not impressing me. Oh dear....I came back again. What's your plan, fruitcake? :) Are you going to bore me into submission? AHAHAHAHA Pipsqueak

You need to have Mudwhistle teach you how to cite a source. He and I had a discussion yesterday, and when I asked for a source to prove a claim, he gave one.

You make other conservatives look bad with your silly "AHAHAHA" antics.

Be more like Mudwhistle.
One's opinion doesn't need to be sourced, pipsqueak. Now shush, you're becoming a redundant bore.


I knew if I was persistent enough, I could get you to admit your bullshit claims were just 'opinions'.

I guess that concludes this 'conversation'.

Thank god, now run along dimwit and cherish your faux victory, I notice you claim things....after the fact. It reveals how utterly worthless and weak you are. But IU suspect you've been told you're worthless and weak many times. No? Oh and are you gay? You seem gay

How funny :laugh: Now I'm 'worthless', 'weak',and 'gay' because I caught you in a lie.

Thanks for the win :thup:
Do you EVER shut up? Blabbering away is not impressing me. Oh dear....I came back again. What's your plan, fruitcake? :) Are you going to bore me into submission? AHAHAHAHA Pipsqueak

You need to have Mudwhistle teach you how to cite a source. He and I had a discussion yesterday, and when I asked for a source to prove a claim, he gave one.

You make other conservatives look bad with your silly "AHAHAHA" antics.

Be more like Mudwhistle.
One's opinion doesn't need to be sourced, pipsqueak. Now shush, you're becoming a redundant bore.


I knew if I was persistent enough, I could get you to admit your bullshit claims were just 'opinions'.

I guess that concludes this 'conversation'.

Thank god, now run along dimwit and cherish your faux victory, I notice you claim things....after the fact. It reveals how utterly worthless and weak you are. But IU suspect you've been told you're worthless and weak many times. No? Oh and are you gay? You seem gay

How funny :laugh: Now I'm 'worthless', 'weak',and 'gay' because I caught you in a lie.

Thanks for the win :thup:

I never got caught in a lie. keep claiming "victory" and you haven't won. Let me guess, you got trophies for participating in school didn't you, Moon Beam?
KT McFarland outraged by Dempsey s Ramadi remarks On Air Videos Fox News

Why can't we win a war when we have a Democrat led government? People should go to jail for screwing up what our troops fought and died for. We should all be disgusted with Obama and his weak ass followers including this phony General.
Which wars in the last 100 years did we win while a Republican was in charge? And why do you blame Obama for a General who rose through the ranks and was put in charge under Republican Bush?

Iraq...then your boy lost it.
Iraq hasn't been lost. The thread is bull crap.

Oh? So why is Iraq in turmoil? What has happened in Ramadi? Again, you're just trying to defend the indefensible, Obama blew the victory
Bush blew the victory when he demobilized the Iraqi Army. That will go down as the biggest military blunder in history.
What the fuck good is the Iraqi army? He should have demilitarized the whole country...a raghead with a gun is a danger to all.
You need to have Mudwhistle teach you how to cite a source. He and I had a discussion yesterday, and when I asked for a source to prove a claim, he gave one.

You make other conservatives look bad with your silly "AHAHAHA" antics.

Be more like Mudwhistle.
One's opinion doesn't need to be sourced, pipsqueak. Now shush, you're becoming a redundant bore.


I knew if I was persistent enough, I could get you to admit your bullshit claims were just 'opinions'.

I guess that concludes this 'conversation'.

Thank god, now run along dimwit and cherish your faux victory, I notice you claim things....after the fact. It reveals how utterly worthless and weak you are. But IU suspect you've been told you're worthless and weak many times. No? Oh and are you gay? You seem gay

How funny :laugh: Now I'm 'worthless', 'weak',and 'gay' because I caught you in a lie.

Thanks for the win :thup:

I never got caught in a lie. keep claiming "victory" and you haven't won. Let me guess, you got trophies for participating in school didn't you, Moon Beam?
What does the "S" stand for Irish? And what did he do with the "B"?
One's opinion doesn't need to be sourced, pipsqueak. Now shush, you're becoming a redundant bore.


I knew if I was persistent enough, I could get you to admit your bullshit claims were just 'opinions'.

I guess that concludes this 'conversation'.

Thank god, now run along dimwit and cherish your faux victory, I notice you claim things....after the fact. It reveals how utterly worthless and weak you are. But IU suspect you've been told you're worthless and weak many times. No? Oh and are you gay? You seem gay

How funny :laugh: Now I'm 'worthless', 'weak',and 'gay' because I caught you in a lie.

Thanks for the win :thup:

I never got caught in a lie. keep claiming "victory" and you haven't won. Let me guess, you got trophies for participating in school didn't you, Moon Beam?
What does the "S" stand for Irish? And what did he do with the "B"?
We won in 2003. The shots they called after that failed to win the peace. Of course they didn't really have a plan, we were going to be greeted as liberators remember?

:cuckoo: We put their first government together...we owned that country but OBAMA didn't pull his weight. He could have forced them to allow a residual force to remain in place but he is a political coward.
No U.S. Troops Didn t Have to Leave Iraq National Review Online

Why did President Bush acquiesce to the demands of the Iraqis and the UN in 2008? The only way President Obama could have done it was to illegally bypass the Iraqi Parliament and made a deal with the Prime Minister.

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