Dems abandoned Trannies due to backlash..will they abandon illegal Mexicans next?

Democrats quickly realized how fuckin crazy they were being by getting behind the men shitting next to little girls thing and gender choice...Will they realize the same and start to distance themselves from the “Mexico First” position?
re you saying the Homestead Act was a failure?

Besides the fact that the homesteaders weren't give a home, they had to build their own?


And if we're really going authentic, we're going to have to dispossess a few million Native Americans to accommodate them

I hope you're cool with that.

Thank goodness we don't have to displace any natives. You know, if I were President in 1870 I might have resigned because I could see colonizing the west was the right thing to do for the country but the effects on the natives were terrible.

And don't worry, we're not giving these folks much of a home. These are the houses that when the cities can unload them its to folks buying them to recycle the bricks.
We’re off topic. Nowhere in the title is native Americans & western settlers.

I’d like a link to what the OP claims.
Democrats quickly realized how fuckin crazy they were being by getting behind the men shitting next to little girls thing and gender choice...Will they realize the same and start to distance themselves from the “Mexico First” position?

That's deep man. If you are talking about me, I'm not soo interested in what you do with your sticks and holes, small government, ya know. Don't hurt other people and I don't care.

You know my opinions on us needing a working population and unemployment being too low. For readers who haven't heard somehow I want a 21st Century Homestead Act, make the illegals legal and give them a house the city owns in St Louis or Cleveland. They stay clean and work for a decade its theirs and they're a citizen free to sell it and move wherever.
Yeah, giving away free shit works well. We spend a trillion a year on free shit for others. Absolute failure.

Was the Homestead Act a failure?

Yes, it was. Few people took the govt. up on it, since the railroads got all the good land and mineral rights, and the Act was manipulated for the benefit of big corporations and land speculators. Same for all the other scams foisted on the public by Lincoln and the Republicans. the govt. gave away trillions in future revenues and mineral rights to crooked scum, raising taxes on the public in the process, which was the whole point of the scam.

Well, that probably counts as a 'success' to Democrats.

Homestead Acts - Wikipedia

Are we talking about the same thing?

Apparently 1.6 million ppl got 10% of the land of the country this way. We colonized the west through a century of amazingly successful land giveaways.

Did we gove the railroads too much? That's a different debate but one I'm open to. If u wanted that transcontinental line opened soo quickly it was probably necessary. I can see the urge given the civil war being fresh on ppl's minds. It was a heck of a big government give away though.
I've never understood the Democrats' pandering to trannies when they make up about .001% of the American population, so it's not like they're securing a massive voting bloc.

No, strike my previous sentence, I do understand because Obama has such a outspoken affection for trannies (being married to one who resembles the Star Trek salt vampire) and due to Obama's "cult of personality" liberals worship every word that spoiled brat traitor says, whether it makes sense or not.
Democrats quickly realized how fuckin crazy they were being by getting behind the men shitting next to little girls thing and gender choice...Will they realize the same and start to distance themselves from the “Mexico First” position?
I do hope they have given up on the trannies
I thought they are supposed to be all chill and accepting of people’s beliefs without judgement. Sounds like the description of the typical homeless guy.

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