Dems are against peace


Diamond Member
Aug 11, 2017
The 2020 Dem candidates are attacking president Trump for his North Korea peace talks. It just proves once again that the left doesn't have any real principles.
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What’s ironic is that too many people create their own narrative based on partisan politics.

President Obama meets with NK leader: kowtowing

President Trump meets with NK leader:
Peace talks.

For the record these are examples for discussion, not my perspectives.
The 2020 Dem candidates are attacking president Trump for his North Korea peace talks. It just proves once again that the left doesn't have any real principle.

The Liberals want to see war, it provides them talking points.

Remember that the Far Left Intelligence Establishment told Dubya about the WMD in Iraq- and President Bush believed them.

Trump, OTOH, takes anything that Brennan, Clapper et al say with a pinch of salt. His Senator, Chuck Schumer, told him that the Intelligence community has "6 ways to Sunday" to get back at you, and he took that advice seriously.
What’s ironic is that too many people create their own narrative based on partisan politics.

President Obama meets with NK leader: kowtowing

President Trump meets with NK leader:
Peace talks.

For the record these are examples for discussion, not my perspectives.
did Obama try peace talks with NK?
The 2020 Dem candidates are attacking president Trump for his North Korea peace talks. It just proves once again that the left doesn't have any real principle.

Actually proves that Republicans, conservatives and Trump Humpers are the biggest hypocrites in this country. Had Pres. Obama done this you ass clowns would have been screaming impeachment.
What’s ironic is that too many people create their own narrative based on partisan politics.

President Obama meets with NK leader: kowtowing

President Trump meets with NK leader:
Peace talks.

For the record these are examples for discussion, not my perspectives.

I don't believe O ever reached out to anyone other than Vlad Putin "I'll have more leverage after the Election" on tape. Isn't stopping nuclear proliferation a Liberal goal. Anything that promotes conversation and reduces the possibility of a nuclear war or Accident is a goal to be supported not distorted. He shakes hands with Aspiring dictators everyday in Washington. There are lots of Dems there.
What’s ironic is that too many people create their own narrative based on partisan politics.

President Obama meets with NK leader: kowtowing

President Trump meets with NK leader:
Peace talks.

For the record these are examples for discussion, not my perspectives.

I don't believe O ever reached out to anyone other than Vlad Putin "I'll have more leverage after the Election" on tape. Isn't stopping nuclear proliferation a Liberal goal. Anything that promotes conversation and reduces the possibility of a nuclear war or Accident is a goal to be supported not distorted. He shakes hands with Aspiring dictators everyday in Washington. There are lots of Dems there.

How many nukes has he given up?
The 2020 Dem candidates are attacking president Trump for his North Korea peace talks. It just proves once again that the left doesn't have any real principle.

Actually proves that Republicans, conservatives and Trump Humpers are the biggest hypocrites in this country. Had Pres. Obama done this you ass clowns would have been screaming impeachment.

You could possibly make that claim if he had tried. Obama "Hope and Change" well not so much
The 2020 Dem candidates are attacking president Trump for his North Korea peace talks. It just proves once again that the left doesn't have any real principle.

Actually proves that Republicans, conservatives and Trump Humpers are the biggest hypocrites in this country. Had Pres. Obama done this you ass clowns would have been screaming impeachment.

I just can't see B. Hussein O talking with President Un and cultivating a friendship, talking about bringing 5 star hotels and resorts to North Korea, and explaining how great it could be if North Korea could be made Great again.

You have a hypothetical which just isn't realistic.
The 2020 Dem candidates are attacking president Trump for his North Korea peace talks. It just proves once again that the left doesn't have any real principle.

The Liberals want to see war, it provides them talking points.

Remember that the Far Left Intelligence Establishment told Dubya about the WMD in Iraq- and President Bush believed them.

Trump, OTOH, takes anything that Brennan, Clapper et al say with a pinch of salt. His Senator, Chuck Schumer, told him that the Intelligence community has "6 ways to Sunday" to get back at you, and he took that advice seriously.

The neoconservative bible, Fox News, wrote this opinion piece, a clear refutation that the Democrats are war mongers:

Andy Puzder: Hong Kong protesters are fighting for their freedom -- They deserve US support
The only thing Obama did in EIGHT YEARS was to destroy U.S. Healthcare with Obamacare. Fortunately, his main goal was to get rich in office, and became the stooge of Wall Street and large corporations, so he couldn't do as much damage as he wanted.

Fundamental Transformation? How's that working out for you. In addition he escalated wars, and started new ones. He had no ambition, nor willingness to create more peace in the world like Trump is dong. Trump knows PEACE is good for business, keeps oil prices low (which hurts Putin, btw) and is great for the ECONOMY as it lessens uncertainty.

Obama didn't care about the economy. All he wanted to do was keep people dependent on GOVERNMENT. Effing Commie.
The only thing Obama did in EIGHT YEARS was to destroy U.S. Healthcare with Obamacare. Fortunately, his main goal was to get rich in office, and became the stooge of Wall Street and large corporations, so he couldn't do as much damage as he wanted.

Fundamental Transformation? How's that working out for you. In addition he escalated wars, and started new ones. He had no ambition, nor willingness to create more peace in the world like Trump is dong. Trump knows PEACE is good for business, keeps oil prices low (which hurts Putin, btw) and is great for the ECONOMY as it lessens uncertainty.

Obama didn't care about the economy. All he wanted to do was keep people dependent on GOVERNMENT. Effing Commie.

Are you quoting from the New History of the World, published by The Ministry of Truth?
What’s ironic is that too many people create their own narrative based on partisan politics.

President Obama meets with NK leader: kowtowing

President Trump meets with NK leader:
Peace talks.

For the record these are examples for discussion, not my perspectives.

I don't believe O ever reached out to anyone other than Vlad Putin "I'll have more leverage after the Election" on tape. Isn't stopping nuclear proliferation a Liberal goal. Anything that promotes conversation and reduces the possibility of a nuclear war or Accident is a goal to be supported not distorted. He shakes hands with Aspiring dictators everyday in Washington. There are lots of Dems there.

How many nukes has he given up?

How many nukes has he given up without any talks happening?
Fortunately, his main goal was to get rich in office, and became the stooge of Wall Street and large corporations, so he couldn't do as much damage as he wanted..

This is a fact that really needs to be brought out in the 2020 campaign.

The Clintons and Obamas were as poor as church mice before they decided to enter public "service".

Politics was their golden ticket, the Presidency increased their net worths a hundredfold.

Anyone who is nominated in 2020 to run against the Trumpster needs to be asked if they want to get rich and if that's why they are running.

Remember, Trump was ALREADY incredibly wealthy when he disembarked from the Golden Escalator. He was already one of the most famous people in world history. If Obama and Clinton hadn't won the presidency in their time, they'd be living in a tenement or a trailer now, the answer to a high valued clue on Jeopardy.
The 2020 Dem candidates are attacking president Trump for his North Korea peace talks. It just proves once again that the left doesn't have any real principle.

The anyone but Trump mentality continues to reign supreme over the American Left. I truly believe that the core of the Democratic Party and all its supporting Twitter storm mobs would choose war if going to war meant the end of the Trump Presidency. Ain't that a kick in the head? So many Americans trading love of country and acceptance of any perversion and/or evil for the downfall of one man in over three hundred million of the rest of us. Speaks to a breathtaking lack of personal character and patriotism. The Democrats have already made their deal with the Devil to be rid of Donald Trump. All that's left for the rest of us to do is pop some corn, sit back and witness how far into oblivion our civilization will slide as consequence of their betrayal.
John Lennon would support Trump.
~~~all we are saying is give peace a chance ~~~

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