Dems Are Determined To Destroy This Country...


Diamond Member
Feb 26, 2012
... One way or another.

The opening salvos have been fired with "Senate Republicans on the Judiciary Committee focused on Judge Barrett’s qualifications and their responsibility to approve her nomination" and Democrats concerned with "the haste of the confirmation process" and spoke of what they said was "the threat posed by conservatives on the court to the Affordable Care Act."

Oh ... so for Dems it's not about Barrett's qualifications (or the legality of the process) but rather that she might be a threat to their "progressive" political agenda.

Yeah ... heaven forbid she should base her decisions on our constitution rather than what is best for The Democrat Socialist Party.

So? Given the right hand bent that the court seems to be about to take, they are right to bring these things up. Republicans seek to do the same things in stacking the SC. So in that respect the sides are no different. The difference here, is that Democrats seem to be worried about basic liberties and freedoms being taken away from people that don't fit the religious litmus test of the right wing. Or have precedent overturned because it offends their delicate sense of what they view the world should be. Republicans and conservatives have long used the courts and legislation to impose their rigid belief systems on the majority. So, good for Democrats.
Dems are claiming millions of people will lose their health insurance, pre-existing conditions will not be covered, and everyone will die. Oh the humanity. Not even Democrats spewing this crap believe it. FEAR MONGERING it's all Dems have left, pathetic.

The bloody democrats are damn right about one thing, though. The neck of Roe v. Wade is on the chopping block. Swing that axe . . . chop, chop.
So? Given the right hand bent that the court seems to be about to take, they are right to bring these things up. Republicans seek to do the same things in stacking the SC. So in that respect the sides are no different. The difference here, is that Democrats seem to be worried about basic liberties and freedoms being taken away from people that don't fit the religious litmus test of the right wing. Or have precedent overturned because it offends their delicate sense of what they view the world should be. Republicans and conservatives have long used the courts and legislation to impose their rigid belief systems on the majority. So, good for Democrats.

What specific rulings by conservative judges on SCOTUS violate the Constitution?
So? Given the right hand bent that the court seems to be about to take, they are right to bring these things up. Republicans seek to do the same things in stacking the SC. So in that respect the sides are no different...
Repubs aren't stacking the USSC but rather acting in accordance with their constitutional rights and duties. Dems, OTOH, are acting like spoiled, petulant children.

You have heard of the US Constitution, right?
The bloody democrats are damn right about one thing, though. The neck of Roe v. Wade is on the chopping block. Swing that axe . . . chop, chop.
Domestic policies - including abortion laws - should be determined by state legislatures in accordance with state and federal constitutions, not by our central gov't. The court is where any discrepancies should be judged.
So? Given the right hand bent that the court seems to be about to take, they are right to bring these things up. Republicans seek to do the same things in stacking the SC. So in that respect the sides are no different. The difference here, is that Democrats seem to be worried about basic liberties and freedoms being taken away from people that don't fit the religious litmus test of the right wing. Or have precedent overturned because it offends their delicate sense of what they view the world should be. Republicans and conservatives have long used the courts and legislation to impose their rigid belief systems on the majority. So, good for Democrats.
Yea sure , democrats take our freedoms . They sure as hell aint protecting anyones rights . They hate America and freedom . Watch as they steal the election next.
So? Given the right hand bent that the court seems to be about to take, they are right to bring these things up. Republicans seek to do the same things in stacking the SC. So in that respect the sides are no different. The difference here, is that Democrats seem to be worried about basic liberties and freedoms being taken away from people that don't fit the religious litmus test of the right wing. Or have precedent overturned because it offends their delicate sense of what they view the world should be. Republicans and conservatives have long used the courts and legislation to impose their rigid belief systems on the majority. So, good for Democrats.

What specific rulings by conservative judges on SCOTUS violate the Constitution?

Knock it off................PROGS are run off emotional rants, don't bring this shit to the forefront when it doesn't matter to them.
So? Given the right hand bent that the court seems to be about to take, they are right to bring these things up. Republicans seek to do the same things in stacking the SC. So in that respect the sides are no different...
Repubs aren't stacking the USSC but rather acting in accordance with their constitutional rights and duties. Dems, OTOH, are acting like spoiled, pertulant children.

You have heard of the US Constitution, right?
The bloody democrats are damn right about one thing, though. The neck of Roe v. Wade is on the chopping block. Swing that axe . . . chop, chop.
Domestic policies - including abortion laws - should be determined by state legislatures in accordance with state and federal constitutions, not by our central gov't. The court is where any discrepancies should be judged.

Again, it's all about preserving and maintaining rights and freedoms for people who look like you and believe what you believe. If they're different, they don't get the protection of that Constitution. That's been the conservative way and that's why they want to stack the court. Sure, kick it back to the right leaning states so they can outlaw, ban and overturn. There are arguments out there that the Constitution was meant by the framers to be a living document. Meant to change with the times. And don't get your hopes up about ACB overturning precedent. Once people sit in that chair, the enormity of the responsibility becomes more clear for them.
The bloody democrats are damn right about one thing, though. The neck of Roe v. Wade is on the chopping block.

They are about to be hoisted by their own petard. Roe v. Wade was a blatantly political decision which forced the issue of abortion into the federal sphere. SCOTUS will eventually have to overturn Roe and kick it back to the states or else decide when life/personhood begins. Ironically, the former alternative would likely result in more liberal abortion laws than the latter.

"He who lives by the sword shall die by the sword."
So? Given the right hand bent that the court seems to be about to take, they are right to bring these things up. Republicans seek to do the same things in stacking the SC. So in that respect the sides are no different. The difference here, is that Democrats seem to be worried about basic liberties and freedoms being taken away from people that don't fit the religious litmus test of the right wing. Or have precedent overturned because it offends their delicate sense of what they view the world should be. Republicans and conservatives have long used the courts and legislation to impose their rigid belief systems on the majority. So, good for Democrats.
You really need to learn what the term stacking/packing means before you start your texting...
So? Given the right hand bent that the court seems to be about to take, they are right to bring these things up. Republicans seek to do the same things in stacking the SC. So in that respect the sides are no different. The difference here, is that Democrats seem to be worried about basic liberties and freedoms being taken away from people that don't fit the religious litmus test of the right wing. Or have precedent overturned because it offends their delicate sense of what they view the world should be. Republicans and conservatives have long used the courts and legislation to impose their rigid belief systems on the majority. So, good for Democrats.
You really need to learn what the term stacking/packing means before you start your texting...

Anything to say? Or you just gonna split hairs? know what. Nevermind.
... One way or another.

The opening salvos have been fired with "Senate Republicans on the Judiciary Committee focused on Judge Barrett’s qualifications and their responsibility to approve her nomination" and Democrats concerned with "the haste of the confirmation process" and spoke of what they said was "the threat posed by conservatives on the court to the Affordable Care Act."

Oh ... so for Dems it's not about Barrett's qualifications (or the legality of the process) but rather that she might be a threat to their "progressive" political agenda.

Yeah ... heaven forbid she should base her decisions on our constitution rather than what is best for The Democrat Socialist Party.

lol. Right wingers don't understand our Constitution or don't care. Our welfare clause is General not limited or common like right wingers would have us believe.

This is what our Constitution is supposed to effect, even if it takes a welfare-State:

We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.

Right wingers are only interested in a warfare-State even if on a for-profit basis, and then complain about refugees created as a result.
... One way or another.

The opening salvos have been fired with "Senate Republicans on the Judiciary Committee focused on Judge Barrett’s qualifications and their responsibility to approve her nomination" and Democrats concerned with "the haste of the confirmation process" and spoke of what they said was "the threat posed by conservatives on the court to the Affordable Care Act."

Oh ... so for Dems it's not about Barrett's qualifications (or the legality of the process) but rather that she might be a threat to their "progressive" political agenda.

Yeah ... heaven forbid she should base her decisions on our constitution rather than what is best for The Democrat Socialist Party.

lol. Right wingers don't understand our Constitution or don't care. Our welfare clause is General not limited or common like right wingers would have us believe.

This is what our Constitution is supposed to effect, even if it takes a welfare-State:

We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.

Right wingers are only interested in a warfare-State even if on a for-profit basis, and then complain about refugees created as a result.
"Right wingers, blah, blah, blah..." You are a broken record, Rainman. This thread is about the efforts of our traitorous 5th Column - our Dems - to destroy this country from within. They are openly, blatantly, and admittedly doing so by to stop Barrett's nomination not because she is unsuited or unqualified to be the newest USSC justice but because they fear she will base her decisions on the US Constitution.

Yeah, Rainman ... Dems are traitors (and damned proud of it), every stinkin' one of 'em.
Dems are claiming millions of people will lose their health insurance, pre-existing conditions will not be covered, and everyone will die. Oh the humanity. Not even Democrats spewing this crap believe it. FEAR MONGERING it's all Dems have left, pathetic.

The bloody democrats are damn right about one thing, though. The neck of Roe v. Wade is on the chopping block. Swing that axe . . . chop, chop.

The problem with dems is they're pushing the most extreme forms of abortion.
I'm okay with BC,I'm good with the morning after pill and I'm okay with abortion if it's done immediately.
When they trot out late term abortion it makes them look insane.

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