Dems be classy


Diamond Member
Jan 13, 2016
Im as disappointed and shocked as the next guy about the results of this election. I always knew Trump had a shot but really hoped that the American people wouldnt elect a character like Trump to run the country. I was wrong.

I now hope that Dems won't turn into the same thing they have criticized over the past 8 years, obstructionist partisan crybabies. Please show some class and do your best to support the will of the people and rise above the petty insults that this election seemed to run on.

I've already seen a handful of Trumpsters gloating and making an effort to rub in the victory. Some are going to do that and it just shows their true colors. Don't stoop to their level, there will be plenty of others that just want to make our country better so do your best to engage in healthy substantive debate and conversations.

That's all I got
We shall see.

Trump actually gave a good speech after the election. I have to say though that I blame Obama as the leader of the nation for the chasm that was never bridged during his 8 years. Should the democrats not be able to work with Trump it will be on him IMHO.

One of the core jobs of the president is to get the parties to come together. We will see how well Trump does in unifying the nation after running such a divisive campaign.
Im as disappointed and shocked as the next guy about the results of this election. I always knew Trump had a shot but really hoped that the American people wouldnt elect a character like Trump to run the country. I was wrong.

I now hope that Dems won't turn into the same thing they have criticized over the past 8 years, obstructionist partisan crybabies. Please show some class and do your best to support the will of the people and rise above the petty insults that this election seemed to run on.

I've already seen a handful of Trumpsters gloating and making an effort to rub in the victory. Some are going to do that and it just shows their true colors. Don't stoop to their level, there will be plenty of others that just want to make our country better so do your best to engage in healthy substantive debate and conversations.

That's all I got

Great election and hope you can find someone in 2020, but if it is Warren then expect Trump to do it again...
Im as disappointed and shocked as the next guy about the results of this election. I always knew Trump had a shot but really hoped that the American people wouldnt elect a character like Trump to run the country. I was wrong.

I now hope that Dems won't turn into the same thing they have criticized over the past 8 years, obstructionist partisan crybabies. Please show some class and do your best to support the will of the people and rise above the petty insults that this election seemed to run on.

I've already seen a handful of Trumpsters gloating and making an effort to rub in the victory. Some are going to do that and it just shows their true colors. Don't stoop to their level, there will be plenty of others that just want to make our country better so do your best to engage in healthy substantive debate and conversations.

That's all I got
I'm actually cool w/Trump.

Been that way from the beginning.

Here's Why Liberals Win This Election No Matter Who Takes The Presidency

I just preferred to see Hillary win.
Trump actually gave a good speech after the election. I have to say though that I blame Obama as the leader of the nation for the chasm that was never bridged during his 8 years. Should the democrats not be able to work with Trump it will be on him IMHO.

Mate, it was just hyperbole, empty promises, and sucking up.

Literally the only things that ever come out of his mouth.
Trump actually gave a good speech after the election. I have to say though that I blame Obama as the leader of the nation for the chasm that was never bridged during his 8 years. Should the democrats not be able to work with Trump it will be on him IMHO.

Mate, it was just hyperbole, empty promises, and sucking up.

Literally the only things that ever come out of his mouth.
Then you have not been listening.

The vast majority of what comes out of his mouth is complementing himself or attacking someone.
I now hope that Dems won't turn into the same thing they have criticized over the past 8 years, obstructionist partisan crybabies.

I was planning on supporting obstructionism no matter who won.

It weakens the state, therefore making it harder for those bunch of crooked megalomaniacs to fuck with my life.
Im as disappointed and shocked as the next guy about the results of this election. I always knew Trump had a shot but really hoped that the American people wouldnt elect a character like Trump to run the country. I was wrong.

I now hope that Dems won't turn into the same thing they have criticized over the past 8 years, obstructionist partisan crybabies. Please show some class and do your best to support the will of the people and rise above the petty insults that this election seemed to run on.

I've already seen a handful of Trumpsters gloating and making an effort to rub in the victory. Some are going to do that and it just shows their true colors. Don't stoop to their level, there will be plenty of others that just want to make our country better so do your best to engage in healthy substantive debate and conversations.

That's all I got

Great election and hope you can find someone in 2020, but if it is Warren then expect Trump to do it again...
I hope not her. I'm sick of both parties and especially the wingnuts. I was fine with a republican winning this year and was planning to vote that way. Just couldn't stomach Trump and read him as a con man. Hope I'm wrong
Then you have not been listening.

The vast majority of what comes out of his mouth is complementing himself or attacking someone.

Oh yeah, almost forgot about that.

There is something that I find deeply unsettling about Donald Trump, even when I look past how he seems to embody the personas of dozens of historical dictators. I am trusting my gut, when I say that his administration is going to be plagued with vindictive attacks and power plays. .
Im as disappointed and shocked as the next guy about the results of this election. I always knew Trump had a shot but really hoped that the American people wouldnt elect a character like Trump to run the country. I was wrong.

I now hope that Dems won't turn into the same thing they have criticized over the past 8 years, obstructionist partisan crybabies. Please show some class and do your best to support the will of the people and rise above the petty insults that this election seemed to run on.

I've already seen a handful of Trumpsters gloating and making an effort to rub in the victory. Some are going to do that and it just shows their true colors. Don't stoop to their level, there will be plenty of others that just want to make our country better so do your best to engage in healthy substantive debate and conversations.

That's all I got

Great election and hope you can find someone in 2020, but if it is Warren then expect Trump to do it again...
I hope not her. I'm sick of both parties and especially the wingnuts. I was fine with a republican winning this year and was planning to vote that way. Just couldn't stomach Trump and read him as a con man. Hope I'm wrong

I am willing to bet Trump is more Liberal than Hillary and will drive his own political party nuts... He might be asking himself how the hell did he win?

The reality is he won because the rural American and the forgotten white voter had enough... Is this going to last?

For awhile and Trump GOP will revert to a cross of something like T.Roosevelt and Nixon which could be great for the nation...

I hope to God I am correct and he does not turn out to be the next damn Stalin!
Then you have not been listening.

The vast majority of what comes out of his mouth is complementing himself or attacking someone.

Oh yeah, almost forgot about that.

There is something that I find deeply unsettling about Donald Trump, even when I look past how he seems to embody the personas of dozens of historical dictators. I am trusting my gut, when I say that his administration is going to be plagued with vindictive attacks and power plays. .

Nixon with a little McCarthy on the side!?!
Just couldn't stomach Trump and read him as a con man. Hope I'm wrong

My ability to read others has never failed me. I am not speculating that Donald Trump is a conman. I know Donald Trump is a conman.

Only a fool would brush aside his intuition, and willingly drop his guard. You are beginning to sound like you may be having doubts. Your lack of vigilance puts you among his con victims.
Im as disappointed and shocked as the next guy about the results of this election. I always knew Trump had a shot but really hoped that the American people wouldnt elect a character like Trump to run the country. I was wrong.

I now hope that Dems won't turn into the same thing they have criticized over the past 8 years, obstructionist partisan crybabies. Please show some class and do your best to support the will of the people and rise above the petty insults that this election seemed to run on.

I've already seen a handful of Trumpsters gloating and making an effort to rub in the victory. Some are going to do that and it just shows their true colors. Don't stoop to their level, there will be plenty of others that just want to make our country better so do your best to engage in healthy substantive debate and conversations.

That's all I got
Then you have not been listening.

The vast majority of what comes out of his mouth is complementing himself or attacking someone.

Oh yeah, almost forgot about that.

There is something that I find deeply unsettling about Donald Trump, even when I look past how he seems to embody the personas of dozens of historical dictators. I am trusting my gut, when I say that his administration is going to be plagued with vindictive attacks and power plays. .

Nixon with a little McCarthy on the side!?!
Yes, but trump wont get caught like Nixon did. Trump will have his vengeance and it will be sweet. No one is safe now. Not even YOU!

Im as disappointed and shocked as the next guy about the results of this election. I always knew Trump had a shot but really hoped that the American people wouldnt elect a character like Trump to run the country. I was wrong.

I now hope that Dems won't turn into the same thing they have criticized over the past 8 years, obstructionist partisan crybabies. Please show some class and do your best to support the will of the people and rise above the petty insults that this election seemed to run on.

I've already seen a handful of Trumpsters gloating and making an effort to rub in the victory. Some are going to do that and it just shows their true colors. Don't stoop to their level, there will be plenty of others that just want to make our country better so do your best to engage in healthy substantive debate and conversations.

That's all I got
Democrats cannot "be classy" when they are the most hateful and divisive people I know.
Im as disappointed and shocked as the next guy about the results of this election. I always knew Trump had a shot but really hoped that the American people wouldnt elect a character like Trump to run the country. I was wrong.

I now hope that Dems won't turn into the same thing they have criticized over the past 8 years, obstructionist partisan crybabies. Please show some class and do your best to support the will of the people and rise above the petty insults that this election seemed to run on.

I've already seen a handful of Trumpsters gloating and making an effort to rub in the victory. Some are going to do that and it just shows their true colors. Don't stoop to their level, there will be plenty of others that just want to make our country better so do your best to engage in healthy substantive debate and conversations.

That's all I got
Kick the GOP establishment out is a wonderful start
Nixon with a little McCarthy on the side!?!

Like neither.

Trump is not merely greedy and self absorbed like the rest of the Washington rat pack. He is a full blown narcissist with a strange obsession with 'luxury' materialism (such as the golden wall).

You guys really have no idea what you have gotten yourself into. Not that it comes unexpected, as Americans have always been a population of naive socially conformed tools.
Then you have not been listening.

The vast majority of what comes out of his mouth is complementing himself or attacking someone.

Oh yeah, almost forgot about that.

There is something that I find deeply unsettling about Donald Trump, even when I look past how he seems to embody the personas of dozens of historical dictators. I am trusting my gut, when I say that his administration is going to be plagued with vindictive attacks and power plays. .

Nixon with a little McCarthy on the side!?!
Yes, but trump wont get caught like Nixon did. Trump will have his vengeance and it will be sweet. No one is safe now. Not even YOU!



Good Luck because all Trump can do to me is tell the world I am alive and then that is hell enough for me!
Just couldn't stomach Trump and read him as a con man. Hope I'm wrong

My ability to read others has never failed me. I am not speculating that Donald Trump is a conman. I know Donald Trump is a conman.

Only a fool would brush aside his intuition, and willingly drop his guard. You are beginning to sound like you may be having doubts. Your lack of vigilance puts you among his con victims.
I'm not doubting my read on his character. It disgusts me that a guy like Trump, who ran a campaign like he did, was elected. But despite my objections to Trumps character and my lack in trust, I can still have hope for positive results and give him support and critique on the journey to prosperity. Straight obstruction by a group of poor losers won't result in anything good. Look what happened to Obama. At some point we need to start working together

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