Dems Claiming only Parts of Obama Care can be Repealed with Reconciliation

Of course it was passed wiyh 60 votes, ya gd Pub dupes- They had to use that senate version because with the election if Scott Brown, the age of Pub paralysis began. Don't you remember all the deals Dems had to make to get the Blue dogs on board to get to 60? Absolute idiocy.

Luckily, the more people find out the truth, and that Pubcrappe is just that, the more they like it. The GOP may find its base of corporate cheats and moron Tea party fools may be all they're left with....


Now we have Democrats claiming only the Mandate Can Be Repealed with a 51 Vote Majority.


THEY PASSED the entire bill using Reconciliation, Passed with 51 Votes, should be able to be struck down with 51 Votes.

You reap what you sew.

They ain't repealing shit.

You can quote me on that.
How will you get 51 votes?

The GOP should take back the Senate in 2012. The Democrats are defending more seats this time.

It will be fun to watch the GOP's first move (they said it would be) be to tell persons with pre-existing conditions that they are now going to be out in the cold if they lose their insurance.

It will be fun to watch the GOP's first move (they said it would be) be to tell persons on their parent's insurance to start paying the insurance companies out of their own pockets; if they have pre-existing conditions such as asthma, anti-epileptic, or some sort of congenital defect the drug therapy can be hundreds of dollars a month.

It will be fun to watch the GOP's first move (they said it would be) be to tell the poor and uninsured that they can no longer count on the subsidized health insurance that WAS going to be available to them.

It will be lots of fun. And they wonder why they are thought of the way they are.

I just looked at the toss ups and most of them are getting tighter. Florida, MA, ND, Montana and VA. Democrats had better not lose the senate.

It's likely a foregone conclusion that the Senate is in GOP hands come 2013. Maybe then we can get back to having 2 houses of Congress. Harry Reid has been a travesty.

Now we have Democrats claiming only the Mandate Can Be Repealed with a 51 Vote Majority.


THEY PASSED the entire bill using Reconciliation, Passed with 51 Votes, should be able to be struck down with 51 Votes.

You reap what you sew.

They ain't repealing shit.

You can quote me on that.

Yes, they are repealing the ObamaCare shit.

And that's something you can quote me on.


Now we have Democrats claiming only the Mandate Can Be Repealed with a 51 Vote Majority.


THEY PASSED the entire bill using Reconciliation, Passed with 51 Votes, should be able to be struck down with 51 Votes.

You reap what you sew.

They ain't repealing shit.

You can quote me on that.

Doyle MacManus had a great thought about the new Congress whatever their make-up. The sequestration comes due 1/1/13; the Bush era tax cuts expire, etc... It is unclear that the new Senate would be willing to tackle Healthcare on top of that. Whatever they decide on sequestration will be unpopular. Parts of the healthcare bill are quite popular; will they want to add that to their inbox?
The GOP should take back the Senate in 2012. The Democrats are defending more seats this time.

It will be fun to watch the GOP's first move (they said it would be) be to tell persons with pre-existing conditions that they are now going to be out in the cold if they lose their insurance.

It will be fun to watch the GOP's first move (they said it would be) be to tell persons on their parent's insurance to start paying the insurance companies out of their own pockets; if they have pre-existing conditions such as asthma, anti-epileptic, or some sort of congenital defect the drug therapy can be hundreds of dollars a month.

It will be fun to watch the GOP's first move (they said it would be) be to tell the poor and uninsured that they can no longer count on the subsidized health insurance that WAS going to be available to them.

It will be lots of fun. And they wonder why they are thought of the way they are.

I just looked at the toss ups and most of them are getting tighter. Florida, MA, ND, Montana and VA. Democrats had better not lose the senate.

It's likely a foregone conclusion that the Senate is in GOP hands come 2013. Maybe then we can get back to having 2 houses of Congress. Harry Reid has been a travesty.

I've never read many of your posts but you're crazy. :lol:
I just looked at the toss ups and most of them are getting tighter. Florida, MA, ND, Montana and VA. Democrats had better not lose the senate.

It's likely a foregone conclusion that the Senate is in GOP hands come 2013. Maybe then we can get back to having 2 houses of Congress. Harry Reid has been a travesty.

I've never read many of your posts but you're crazy. :lol:

You think Harry Reid has done his job as a Senator from the State of Nevada? I do not.

He has done his job as Majority Leader just right; he's the veto stamp Obama has never used because nothing the President would have to veto ever gets past the Senate.
i can not fathom in my mind how anyone could condone this Obamacare which is going to causes alot of hardships on them and all of us. I don't know what is wrong with people who still defend and support Obama when he is literally taking their freedoms and livelyhoods away. I wish those people could mentally realize what is happening, but sometimes i read post and I can see there are some who just don't iget the picture.
I just looked at the toss ups and most of them are getting tighter. Florida, MA, ND, Montana and VA. Democrats had better not lose the senate.

It's likely a foregone conclusion that the Senate is in GOP hands come 2013. Maybe then we can get back to having 2 houses of Congress. Harry Reid has been a travesty.

I've never read many of your posts but you're crazy. :lol:

He may be a Bit optimistic but he is dead right about Reed. The man will not even allow Debate on any of the over 30 Bills passed by the House, They have failed to Pass a budget in over 3 years.

Epic and utter failure. and only an intense Partisan hack wont admit it.
It's likely a foregone conclusion that the Senate is in GOP hands come 2013. Maybe then we can get back to having 2 houses of Congress. Harry Reid has been a travesty.

I've never read many of your posts but you're crazy. :lol:

You think Harry Reid has done his job as a Senator from the State of Nevada? I do not.

He has done his job as Majority Leader just right; he's the veto stamp Obama has never used because nothing the President would have to veto ever gets past the Senate.

Nothing Regardless of Merit can get past him. He is the Reason this is a do Nothing Congress. His lack of Leadership on the Budget issue alone is grounds for his immediate Removal. He is an epic Failure.

Pretty funny you think the Function of the Senate is not to be a separate and equal Branch of Government, and instead serve as the Presidents protector.

I've never read many of your posts but you're crazy. :lol:

You think Harry Reid has done his job as a Senator from the State of Nevada? I do not.

He has done his job as Majority Leader just right; he's the veto stamp Obama has never used because nothing the President would have to veto ever gets past the Senate.

Nothing Regardless of Merit can get past him. He is the Reason this is a do Nothing Congress. His lack of Leadership on the Budget issue alone is grounds for his immediate Removal. He is an epic Failure.

Pretty funny you think the Function of the Senate is not to be a separate and equal Branch of Government, and instead serve as the Presidents protector.


Just try informing yourself prior to posting:

It's likely a foregone conclusion that the Senate is in GOP hands come 2013. Maybe then we can get back to having 2 houses of Congress. Harry Reid has been a travesty.

Such things should be in the Constitution is my point; so people like Harry Reid cannot stall legislation by themselves.

USC is right; it is all a game; "game" may be too strong a word--it is all theater because the stakes are for real.

If Romney does win; the debt ceiling will be raised without so much as a peep from the House. If Obama wins, expect WW III. If the parties and roles were reversed the same damn thing would happen. Harry Reid is basically vetoing bills from the House at this point. Why? Because he can. Mitch McConnell would be doing the same thing. Until we fix the Constitution to have rules in it for Congress, nothing is going to change because politics is often the determining factor in what Congress wants to do. Voting 3rd party (regardless of party) in November would send the message. Both parties are out to lunch fiscally.

Harry Reid is a scumbag. That much is something I think all observers can agree on. It is the primary reason we need to strengthen the Constitution to install rules so such shenanigans can go on.

The silent majority of voters do look for specifics. I will agree that the American Voters will believe specifics while discounting the incredible obstructionism that both parties are able to implement in the Senate. Hell, Harry Reid is obstructing right now and that mofo has the statistical majority but not a filibuster-proof majority. Aint our constitution grand?

Harry Reid is not doing his job as a representative of Nevada. He is doing his politically appointed job of party leader in the Senate. Reid is a scumbag (see my posts above) because anyone who places politics above people after asking for votes from those people is, in my book, a scumbag.

There may be times when it can be rationalized effectively but he has turned party hackdom into a 24 hour enterprise.
I just looked at the toss ups and most of them are getting tighter. Florida, MA, ND, Montana and VA. Democrats had better not lose the senate.

It's likely a foregone conclusion that the Senate is in GOP hands come 2013. Maybe then we can get back to having 2 houses of Congress. Harry Reid has been a travesty.

I've never read many of your posts but you're crazy. :lol:

I think she's spot on......
It's likely a foregone conclusion that the Senate is in GOP hands come 2013. Maybe then we can get back to having 2 houses of Congress. Harry Reid has been a travesty.

I've never read many of your posts but you're crazy. :lol:

I think she's spot on......


How can she be spot on when she says something like this:

It's likely a foregone conclusion that the Senate is in GOP hands come 2013

I went to Real Clear and looked at all of the individual toss ups and the races are tightening. The Democrats can't lose the senate.
Oh I think the Reps have a good shot at sweeping the whole deal in Nov.

Its happened in the past and will continue to happen.

Folks were pissed when they were passing Obamacare. Folks are still pissed and for Black ass to say that the Dems and Indis support it is ludicrous.

I'm sure there are some out there who support it. Those without HC will support anything that means they can get HC Of course it doesn't matter that everyone else has to pay higher premiums for that to happen.

Its now a tax and as a tax no one has to fund it and I think Barry is gonna have a big problem explaining this new tax, the biggest in the history of this country, to the American People. I doubt anyone who pays taxes is gonna applaud this. Those that don't pay taxes won't care.

The SC handed Romney and the GOP one big assed gift.
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I've never read many of your posts but you're crazy. :lol:

I think she's spot on......


How can she be spot on when she says something like this:

It's likely a foregone conclusion that the Senate is in GOP hands come 2013

I went to Real Clear and looked at all of the individual toss ups and the races are tightening. The Democrats can't lose the senate.

What I base that on is this:


See the navy blue states? Those are ones where the Democrat is defending.
See the light blue states? Those are ones where a Democrat is retiring the Senate seat.
Together that is something like 18 states.

Currently, the congress has has 53 Dems/Indies and the GOP has 47. Scientists tell us that the GOP only needs to keep what they have (in TX, MS, TN, UT, and WY that won't be a problem by the way), and win 4 seats. Lets say that Nevada and MA flip; so they need now to win 6 seats. Six of the 18 Democratic seats up for grabs--1/3.

I hope they don't because I really hope we get more unity within the party in Washington so we get moving in a direction--any direction. However, I can see the Democrats losing up to 10 of those seats.
Regardless, the revisions of the act must be voted upon by both houses of Congress.
I've never read many of your posts but you're crazy. :lol:

I think she's spot on......


How can she be spot on when she says something like this:

It's likely a foregone conclusion that the Senate is in GOP hands come 2013

I went to Real Clear and looked at all of the individual toss ups and the races are tightening. The Democrats can't lose the senate.

Didnt count on Todd Akin and Snowe screwing the Maine GOP. I was flat out wrong about WI and Montana.
Interestingly enough, this isn't a budget, this is a continuing resolution.... for six weeks. SIX WEEKS. Really? That's laughable.

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