Dems' continuing witch hunt may put Trump back in the White House

The Democrats' continuing witch hunt after Donald Trump is making it more likely that he will be elected President in 2024. A majority of voters already believe that the 2020 election was a sham, and the former President will eventually start gaining sympathy from the unrelenting persecutions he has endured. Ironically, the only way to end this corrupt conspiracy against him may be to reelect him.

Keep it up, Dems.
Actually, it's a small number of voters and it just got smaller after the phax entertainment email and court testimony revelations.
" A majority of voters already believe that the 2020 election was a sham,"

THAT is a sham.

Rupert Murdoch and Fox entertainers have already owned up that the election was fair, that it was not stolen.

Keep peddling the lie all the way to Antartica.
Same old bleating BULLSHIT from the leftards.

"Rupert Murdoch said so". What a fucking cvnt.

90% of Republicans and 1/3 of Democrats believe there were shenanigans. Do the math. That's a majority of voters. (You can poll the independents too, I'll let you do your own research so you'll believe it).

You lying leftards lie so fucking much no one believes your sorry asses any more.

And yes, there is no question whatsoever the leftards are on a witch hunt. Democrats have become the party of hate and destruction.
Same old bleating BULLSHIT from the leftards.

"Rupert Murdoch said so". What a fucking cvnt.

90% of Republicans and 1/3 of Democrats believe there were shenanigans. Do the math. That's a majority of voters. (You can poll the independents too, I'll let you do your own research so you'll believe it).

You lying leftards lie so fucking much no one believes your sorry asses any more.

And yes, there is no question whatsoever the leftards are on a witch hunt. Democrats have become the party of hate and destruction.
Lies are more associated with the so-called right. However ironic that sounds.
Same old bleating BULLSHIT from the leftards.

"Rupert Murdoch said so". What a fucking cvnt.

90% of Republicans and 1/3 of Democrats believe there were shenanigans. Do the math. That's a majority of voters. (You can poll the independents too, I'll let you do your own research so you'll believe it).

You lying leftards lie so fucking much no one believes your sorry asses any more.

And yes, there is no question whatsoever the leftards are on a witch hunt. Democrats have become the party of hate and destruction.
100% of every court believes there was no serious voter fraud. Many of these courts have judges appointed by republicans and the blob himself.

Explanation please...

Your move.
100% of every court believes there was no serious voter fraud. Many of these courts have judges appointed by republicans and the blob himself.
Explanation please...
Even NPR admits there is a Deep State.

---It was the deep state, an unnamed group of officials within the U.S. government that would always use their leverage in the federal bureaucracy to oppose change, either because the deep staters were wedded to ill-advised policies of the past or because they sought to protect their own power, status, salary and pensions. The menace of the deep state was an idea particularly propagated by backers of President Donald Trump.---

Because their lawyers told them to say that.

Did their lawyers also tell them to send each other IM's and e-mails saying that they knew there was no voter fraud, long before this started to be taken into the courts?

I'm wondering if Trump is gonna manage to get those reporters at FOX who said there was no voter fraud fired like he's been threatening?

I also find it hilarious that Trump's best news station (remember.....he called into FOX news on a regular basis so he could break into their news casts) is now one of his sworn enemies. Those reporters were great when they were fawning over him, but now that they're telling the truth, Trump wants them fired.
Even NPR admits there is a Deep State.

---It was the deep state, an unnamed group of officials within the U.S. government that would always use their leverage in the federal bureaucracy to oppose change, either because the deep staters were wedded to ill-advised policies of the past or because they sought to protect their own power, status, salary and pensions. The menace of the deep state was an idea particularly propagated by backers of President Donald Trump.---

Wow could you imagine if that were true?

The link you provided is apparently from Fresh Air. Its an interview segment, not a news report. So NPR isn't reporting anything on Fresh Air. Fresh Air is not a news is a news magazine and it isn't even produced by's produced by WHYY in Philly.

But not only did you fail (i.e. lie) when you said NPR "admitted" something...the content of the show doesn't even "admit" anything.

Here is an actual quote from your source:

"Our guest, David Rothkopf, says if there is a deep state, we should probably be thanking rather than condemning it. His new book recounts many instances during the Trump administration when veteran government officials quietly intervened to undermine some of Trump's most troubling orders and policy initiatives, not because they threatened the officials' personal interests, but because they were illegal, unworkable, immoral or against the country's interests."
I also find it hilarious that Trump's best news station (remember.....he called into FOX news on a regular basis so he could break into their news casts) is now one of his sworn enemies.
After the Fox debacle on election night Republicans switched to OAN.

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