Dems "crack down" on illegals - THREE DUIs and we'll deport you


Gold Member
May 13, 2012
Democrats know that 99% of mexicans are serial DUIs and they don't want to deport these deadly criminal parasites and lose their vote. Dems are the criminal coddler party.

Senate panel OKs tax-welfare benefits for newly legal immigrants |

Posted on May 21, 2013 by Admin
The Senate Judiciary Committee voted Monday to allow illegal immigrants who get legal status to begin collecting tax-welfare payments, as the panel spent a fourth day working through amendments to the massive immigration bill and party-line splits began to emerge.

In one major change, the committee voted 17-1 to make a third drunken-driving conviction a deportable offense for the newly legalized immigrants if at least one of those offenses occurs after they are approved for legal status.
But immigrant-rights groups called that a rollback of due-process rights for the immigrants and said a drunken-driving incident shouldn’t cost someone a chance at citizenship.
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WTF? Americans with ONE D.U.I can not even vist Canada on vaction.... And this is a problem with some folks?

That's true about canada. I remember when Bush was prez and there was controversy when he made a trip there since he had a dui conviction.
Ummm....How about one or even none, just the fact they're illegal should give them a one way ticket out of here.

Amnesty is any legislation or act that removes the illegal status from illegal aliens and allows them to remain in these United States. Under any terms or conditions, legalization is amnesty and amnesty is legalization. Remember 1986.

Fool me once, shame on you; Fool me twice, shame on me.
Democrats know that 99% of mexicans are serial DUIs and they don't want to deport these deadly criminal parasites and lose their vote. Dems are the criminal coddler party.

Senate panel OKs tax-welfare benefits for newly legal immigrants |

Posted on May 21, 2013 by Admin
The Senate Judiciary Committee voted Monday to allow illegal immigrants who get legal status to begin collecting tax-welfare payments, as the panel spent a fourth day working through amendments to the massive immigration bill and party-line splits began to emerge.

In one major change, the committee voted 17-1 to make a third drunken-driving conviction a deportable offense for the newly legalized immigrants if at least one of those offenses occurs after they are approved for legal status.
But immigrant-rights groups called that a rollback of due-process rights for the immigrants and said a drunken-driving incident shouldn’t cost someone a chance at citizenship.

I was just reading about the Dreamer act and the USCIS Union being ticked and stating they are being forced to rubber stamp just about every application. As of now 99.2 percent have been approved, the Union states there is no time for review and they are forced to approve, so far they have approved near 300,000

Union President Kenneth Palinkas said agency leaders have "intentionally" set up a process that "bypasses" traditional screening methods - like in-person interviews with the applicants.

The USCIS union, though, alleged Monday that the culture of the agency had changed to encourage approval of applications and discourage "proper investigation into red flags." They aired their complaints as part of a statement announcing their opposition to a major Senate immigration bill.

USCIS union president fights immigration reform bill

Fraud, security concerns as approval rate for 'dreamers' hits 99 percent | Fox News
Three? Really? And that is somehow too much for the advocacy groups. Absurd. A DUI is a major issue and should be treated as such. If you are unable to follow such basic rules then you should be sent out of the country. We want intelligent and hardworking immigrants, not people that are criminals or put others in danger.

There are millions that want into this nation. We can easily let one of them take the place of one that wants to put other in immediate danger.
Somehow, I seriously doubt that 99% of all Mexicans are serial DUIs...

Nor do I believe that the Democrat Party is a collection of 'criminal coddlers'...

Although in an Immigration context, I do believe a number of things...

1. the Republicans want the 12,000,000 Illegal Aliens to stay as a source of cheap labor

2. the Democrats want the 12,000,000 Illegal Aliens to stay as a future source of loyal voters

3. both Parties have become Vote-Whores - bedding the Latino vote in order to enhance their prospects for election

4. both Parties have long-since abandoned America and its People in this context

5. Immigration Reform = code-speak for Shamnesty

6. very few US Senators and Congressman are on our side in the matter any longer

The 1986 Reagan Shamnesty for 3,000,000 was supposed to be a one-time shot and we were promised back then that it would never happen again.

They lied to us.

27 years later there are 4 times as many (3,000,000 X 4 = 12,000,000) Illegals demanding to be let in.

27 years from now (2040) will we be looking at another quadrupling (12,000,000 x 4 = 48,000,000)?

We have lost the collective common sense and backbone to act on our own behalf and that of our posterity, in this context.

Rationalizing our cowardice with a thin veneer of supposed 'practicality'.

A nation that cannot (or will not) control its own borders and enforce its own admission statutes is destined to be overrun eventually.

Turn Left OR Right, here, to head down the path towards Third World $hithole status.

Welcome to your consequences.

God Save the Republic.
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Somehow, I seriously doubt that 99% of all Mexicans are serial DUIs...

Nor do I believe that the Democrat Party is a collection of 'criminal coddlers'...

Although in an Immigration context, I do believe a number of things...

1. the Republicans want the 12,000,000 Illegal Aliens to stay as a source of cheap labor

2. the Democrats want the 12,000,000 Illegal Aliens to stay as a future source of loyal voters

3. both Parties have become Vote-Whores - bedding the Latino vote in order to enhance their prospects for election

4. both Parties have long-since abandoned America and its People in this context

5. Immigration Reform = code-speak for Shamnesty

6. very few US Senators and Congressman are on our side in the matter any longer

The 1986 Reagan Shamnesty for 3,000,000 was supposed to be a one-time shot and we were promised back then that it would never happen again.

They lied to us.

27 years later there are 4 times as many (3,000,000 X 4 = 12,000,000) Illegals demanding to be let in.

27 years from now (2040) will we be looking at another quadrupling (12,000,000 x 4 = 48,000,000)?

We have lost the collective common sense and backbone to act on our own behalf and that of our posterity, in this context.

Rationalizing our cowardice with a thin veneer of supposed 'practicality'.

A nation that cannot (or will not) control its own borders and enforce its own admission statutes is destined to be overrun eventually.

Turn Left OR Right, here, to head down the path towards Third World $hithole status.

Welcome to your consequences.

God Save the Republic.

"3. both Parties have become Vote-Whores - bedding the Latino vote in order to enhance their prospects for election"

This time that's what it is all about. In this regard the Republicans are total fools!
Somehow, I seriously doubt that 99% of all Mexicans are serial DUIs...

Nor do I believe that the Democrat Party is a collection of 'criminal coddlers'...

Although in an Immigration context, I do believe a number of things...

1. the Republicans want the 12,000,000 Illegal Aliens to stay as a source of cheap labor

2. the Democrats want the 12,000,000 Illegal Aliens to stay as a future source of loyal voters

3. both Parties have become Vote-Whores - bedding the Latino vote in order to enhance their prospects for election

4. both Parties have long-since abandoned America and its People in this context

5. Immigration Reform = code-speak for Shamnesty

6. very few US Senators and Congressman are on our side in the matter any longer

The 1986 Reagan Shamnesty for 3,000,000 was supposed to be a one-time shot and we were promised back then that it would never happen again.

They lied to us.

27 years later there are 4 times as many (3,000,000 X 4 = 12,000,000) Illegals demanding to be let in.

27 years from now (2040) will we be looking at another quadrupling (12,000,000 x 4 = 48,000,000)?

We have lost the collective common sense and backbone to act on our own behalf and that of our posterity, in this context.

Rationalizing our cowardice with a thin veneer of supposed 'practicality'.

A nation that cannot (or will not) control its own borders and enforce its own admission statutes is destined to be overrun eventually.

Turn Left OR Right, here, to head down the path towards Third World $hithole status.

Welcome to your consequences.

God Save the Republic.

"3. both Parties have become Vote-Whores - bedding the Latino vote in order to enhance their prospects for election"

This time that's what it is all about. In this regard the Republicans are total fools!

No this is were I think your wrong (sorry to the mods and the rest to say this) mexicans by culture is conservative bunch. everyone I met legal and illegal is about the family, they started voting Democrat because they want the Illegal family members to be citizens of the U.S. and they think republicans dont give a shit. But they are on the same team when values come into play.
Btw I wouldnt mind more latinos become Senators or Govenors because it would surprise the hell out of the Democrats when they find out they really are right leaning conservatives.
No this is were I think your wrong (sorry to the mods and the rest to say this) mexicans by culture is conservative bunch. everyone I met legal and illegal is about the family, they started voting Democrat because they want the Illegal family members to be citizens of the U.S. and they think republicans dont give a shit. But they are on the same team when values come into play.

Branding in action right there. Not much difference in the two parties actually when it comes to illegals. Both say they are going to fix the issues and both stubbornly ignore it but the right gets caught saying dumb shit all the time and the dems are good at smacking them in the face with it.

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