Dems...Desperation Dough

Lumpy 1

Diamond Member
Jun 19, 2009
It seems Democrats are in full, save MY ass mode, selling out to the deep-pockets and eating their own.. Not to worry though, their certainly not selling out their principles of representing their constituents for campaign dough, just votes...

-----------------------:lol:.. and again..:lol:

House and Senate Democrats are increasingly competing against one another over a small universe of deep-pocketed donors who could make a financial difference in the final stretch before the midterm elections.

In some cases, donors report that they are being urged to fund Senate campaigns at the expense of the House, where Democrats are in danger of losing their majority.

One House Democratic fundraiser said that some Senate operatives are telling big donors and union officials, “The House is lost; you have to save the Senate.”

While top Senate Democrats insist they don’t use that line, some House strategists are playing their own angle. Their money pitch: House Democrats have worked overtime to pass President Barack Obama’s sweeping agenda, parts of which have been stymied in the intractable Senate.

The intense intraparty competition in the final weeks of the campaign shows that “everybody is frantically trying to raise money,” said Tony Podesta, a well-known Washington lobbyist and a top fundraiser for Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.).

Congress tussles over Dem dough - Manu Raju and John Bresnahan -
All they have left is..."DA BOOOOOOOSH!!","YOU a RACIST!!","YOU HATE PO PEOPLE",and of course their old & stale stand-by..."YOU LIKE DOZE CORPORATIONS!!!" The last one is the funniest considering how much cash this current President & Democrats receive from Billionaires like George Soros. My God,i think George Soros now owns the entire Democratic Party at this point. They have nothing to run on in November. They're out of gas. Time for them to get the boot.
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All they have left is..."DA BOOOOOOOSH!!","YOU a RACIST!!","YOU HATE PO PEOPLE",and of course their old & stale stand-by..."YOU LIKE DOZE CORPORATIONS!!!" The last one is the funniest considering how much cash this current President & Democrats receive from Billionaires like George Soros. My God,i think George Soros now owns the entire Democratic Party at this point. They have nothing to run on in November. They're out of gas. Time for them to get the boot.

No doubt.. The All New & Improved Progressive Experiment is a Failure but their sneaky, so who knows......really.
All they have left is..."DA BOOOOOOOSH!!","YOU a RACIST!!","YOU HATE PO PEOPLE",and of course their old & stale stand-by..."YOU LIKE DOZE CORPORATIONS!!!" The last one is the funniest considering how much cash this current President & Democrats receive from Billionaires like George Soros. My God,i think George Soros now owns the entire Democratic Party at this point. They have nothing to run on in November. They're out of gas. Time for them to get the boot.

No doubt.. The All New & Improved Progressive Experiment is a Failure but their sneaky, so who knows......really.

Oh yea,beware of the "Community Organizers" in November. They're more powerful than ever. They will be out rigging elections all over this nation. People better be vigilant and pay attention to what's going on at their polling places. Those busloads of Felons & Illegals are all revved up and ready to go for the Democrats. People shouldn't underestimate them.
Like this asshole.
Report: Baron Hill losing Dem support
Looks like he'll get punished by the voters. Why it's even close is beyond me. All the GOP has to do is play this clip:
[ame=]YouTube - Baron Hill (IN-09): This Is My Town Hall Meeting. I Set the Rules.[/ame]

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