Dems Find Themselves In A Deep Quagmire, These Numbers Don’t Lie…President Trump Was Right All A Long

You wouldn’t know it from the media but the Democrats have found themselves in a quagmire because these recent numbers don’t lie.

The President and the White House have fantastically framed the Democrats as the party of those that want to defund the police. Now the Democrats have found themselves in big trouble as activists inside the party have gone full throttle with supporting the idea but the rest of the country being against the idea.

By Tuesday morning the Democrats in DC and the Biden campaign were running away from he idea of defunding the police.

BJ -
Actual American Citizens don't want the Democratic Media, and Twitter want them to want.
The Bubble People right here on USMB show they have no clue as to the real world on a minute by minute basis.

When you start with something based on a lie you still end up with a lie. The Major Players in BOTH Parties do not support defunding Police Departments. The Democrats do support looking into reorganizing the funding. Defunding is a term used by one or two fruitcakes. Biden has NEVER want that and he has stated that he is against it. You Party of the Rumpsters tell a lie long enough and hard enough you believe that it becomes true. Sorry, but the American Public ain't buying the hate and lies you keep telling anymore. There is a reason you have to keep resorting to this sort of behavior. You are doing a series of Hail Mary's and just getting deeper and deeper in that hole. I suggest you just stop digging.
Do the "Major Players" in the Democratic Party control their Party now, Daryl? Quite frankly...I don't think Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer or Joe Biden are calling the shots anymore. They're running scared of the progressive wing of the Party and they don't have a clue how to rein them in at this point!

What do you mean "they're scared of progressives"? They are progressives.

Wow are you out of it

Are you saying that Schumer and Pelosi are not progressives?

Correct, as we know Progressives at this moment.
Paraphrasing The Progressive's Leader - In a sane world, Joe Biden and I wouldn't be in the same party.
You wouldn’t know it from the media but the Democrats have found themselves in a quagmire because these recent numbers don’t lie.

The President and the White House have fantastically framed the Democrats as the party of those that want to defund the police. Now the Democrats have found themselves in big trouble as activists inside the party have gone full throttle with supporting the idea but the rest of the country being against the idea.

By Tuesday morning the Democrats in DC and the Biden campaign were running away from he idea of defunding the police.

BJ -
Actual American Citizens don't want the Democratic Media, and Twitter want them to want.
The Bubble People right here on USMB show they have no clue as to the real world on a minute by minute basis.

When you start with something based on a lie you still end up with a lie. The Major Players in BOTH Parties do not support defunding Police Departments. The Democrats do support looking into reorganizing the funding. Defunding is a term used by one or two fruitcakes. Biden has NEVER want that and he has stated that he is against it. You Party of the Rumpsters tell a lie long enough and hard enough you believe that it becomes true. Sorry, but the American Public ain't buying the hate and lies you keep telling anymore. There is a reason you have to keep resorting to this sort of behavior. You are doing a series of Hail Mary's and just getting deeper and deeper in that hole. I suggest you just stop digging.

I started with The Democratic Media and Twitter-
Are you able to read?

By his response in this and other threads, I believe he can’t read or is a partisan hack, who uses knee jerk responses to throw threads off.
You wouldn’t know it from the media but the Democrats have found themselves in a quagmire because these recent numbers don’t lie.

The President and the White House have fantastically framed the Democrats as the party of those that want to defund the police. Now the Democrats have found themselves in big trouble as activists inside the party have gone full throttle with supporting the idea but the rest of the country being against the idea.

By Tuesday morning the Democrats in DC and the Biden campaign were running away from he idea of defunding the police.

BJ -
Actual American Citizens don't want the Democratic Media, and Twitter want them to want.
The Bubble People right here on USMB show they have no clue as to the real world on a minute by minute basis.

I don't read blogs for news.
When you find a real source and not an opinion, let me know.

Idiotic comment.
The Major Players in BOTH Parties do not support defunding Police Departments.
Is that why they had hearings on capitol hill yesterday about defunding the police? The one dan bongino testified at?

Seems pretty serious to me!

It is all talk, Congress needs to puff out its chest and pretend they care and keep their constituents happy.
You wouldn’t know it from the media but the Democrats have found themselves in a quagmire because these recent numbers don’t lie.

The President and the White House have fantastically framed the Democrats as the party of those that want to defund the police. Now the Democrats have found themselves in big trouble as activists inside the party have gone full throttle with supporting the idea but the rest of the country being against the idea.

By Tuesday morning the Democrats in DC and the Biden campaign were running away from he idea of defunding the police.

BJ -
Actual American Citizens don't want the Democratic Media, and Twitter want them to want.
The Bubble People right here on USMB show they have no clue as to the real world on a minute by minute basis.

When you start with something based on a lie you still end up with a lie. The Major Players in BOTH Parties do not support defunding Police Departments. The Democrats do support looking into reorganizing the funding. Defunding is a term used by one or two fruitcakes. Biden has NEVER want that and he has stated that he is against it. You Party of the Rumpsters tell a lie long enough and hard enough you believe that it becomes true. Sorry, but the American Public ain't buying the hate and lies you keep telling anymore. There is a reason you have to keep resorting to this sort of behavior. You are doing a series of Hail Mary's and just getting deeper and deeper in that hole. I suggest you just stop digging.
Do the "Major Players" in the Democratic Party control their Party now, Daryl? Quite frankly...I don't think Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer or Joe Biden are calling the shots anymore. They're running scared of the progressive wing of the Party and they don't have a clue how to rein them in at this point!

True -
Which totally divides the party and further skews them toward --> totally unelectable nationwide.
Also makes the people of The Lincoln Project like ole Daryl absolutely irrelevant. ( as if they weren't already)

Ooohhh, feel the burn on that one. And Rump slips further into obscurity. It's getting harder to sleep at night for you, isn't it if you actually faced reality. Yes, the Party of the Rump is going away soon and taking you with it.
Democrats are calling for pie in the sky progressive fantasy legislation and you think that the GOP is the Party that's in danger? The bench of the GOP is full of wonderful candidates going forward. The best the Democrats could come up with to run against Trump is a geriatric loser with more baggage than a fully loaded 747!
You wouldn’t know it from the media but the Democrats have found themselves in a quagmire because these recent numbers don’t lie.

The President and the White House have fantastically framed the Democrats as the party of those that want to defund the police. Now the Democrats have found themselves in big trouble as activists inside the party have gone full throttle with supporting the idea but the rest of the country being against the idea.

By Tuesday morning the Democrats in DC and the Biden campaign were running away from he idea of defunding the police.

BJ -
Actual American Citizens don't want the Democratic Media, and Twitter want them to want.
The Bubble People right here on USMB show they have no clue as to the real world on a minute by minute basis.

When you start with something based on a lie you still end up with a lie. The Major Players in BOTH Parties do not support defunding Police Departments. The Democrats do support looking into reorganizing the funding. Defunding is a term used by one or two fruitcakes. Biden has NEVER want that and he has stated that he is against it. You Party of the Rumpsters tell a lie long enough and hard enough you believe that it becomes true. Sorry, but the American Public ain't buying the hate and lies you keep telling anymore. There is a reason you have to keep resorting to this sort of behavior. You are doing a series of Hail Mary's and just getting deeper and deeper in that hole. I suggest you just stop digging.
You guys have voted for Progs and extremists for 60 years at least. All the black guys and gals to. Where were they? Rvrty blue areas has this representation. The cities should be Shan Ri La for what your agendas said things would be like after all of this spending. You are frauds and liars.
You wouldn’t know it from the media but the Democrats have found themselves in a quagmire because these recent numbers don’t lie.

The President and the White House have fantastically framed the Democrats as the party of those that want to defund the police. Now the Democrats have found themselves in big trouble as activists inside the party have gone full throttle with supporting the idea but the rest of the country being against the idea.

By Tuesday morning the Democrats in DC and the Biden campaign were running away from he idea of defunding the police.

BJ -
Actual American Citizens don't want the Democratic Media, and Twitter want them to want.
The Bubble People right here on USMB show they have no clue as to the real world on a minute by minute basis.

When you start with something based on a lie you still end up with a lie. The Major Players in BOTH Parties do not support defunding Police Departments. The Democrats do support looking into reorganizing the funding. Defunding is a term used by one or two fruitcakes. Biden has NEVER want that and he has stated that he is against it. You Party of the Rumpsters tell a lie long enough and hard enough you believe that it becomes true. Sorry, but the American Public ain't buying the hate and lies you keep telling anymore. There is a reason you have to keep resorting to this sort of behavior. You are doing a series of Hail Mary's and just getting deeper and deeper in that hole. I suggest you just stop digging.
Do the "Major Players" in the Democratic Party control their Party now, Daryl? Quite frankly...I don't think Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer or Joe Biden are calling the shots anymore. They're running scared of the progressive wing of the Party and they don't have a clue how to rein them in at this point!

True -
Which totally divides the party and further skews them toward --> totally unelectable nationwide.
Also makes the people of The Lincoln Project like ole Daryl absolutely irrelevant. ( as if they weren't already)

Ooohhh, feel the burn on that one. And Rump slips further into obscurity. It's getting harder to sleep at night for you, isn't it if you actually faced reality. Yes, the Party of the Rump is going away soon and taking you with it.
Democrats are calling for pie in the sky progressive fantasy legislation and you think that the GOP is the Party that's in danger? The bench of the GOP is full of wonderful candidates going forward. The best the Democrats could come up with to run against Trump is a geriatric loser with more baggage than a fully loaded 747!
Two names come to mind. Moscow Mitch and Turnaround Graham.
You wouldn’t know it from the media but the Democrats have found themselves in a quagmire because these recent numbers don’t lie.

The President and the White House have fantastically framed the Democrats as the party of those that want to defund the police. Now the Democrats have found themselves in big trouble as activists inside the party have gone full throttle with supporting the idea but the rest of the country being against the idea.

By Tuesday morning the Democrats in DC and the Biden campaign were running away from he idea of defunding the police.

BJ -
Actual American Citizens don't want the Democratic Media, and Twitter want them to want.
The Bubble People right here on USMB show they have no clue as to the real world on a minute by minute basis.

When you start with something based on a lie you still end up with a lie. The Major Players in BOTH Parties do not support defunding Police Departments. The Democrats do support looking into reorganizing the funding. Defunding is a term used by one or two fruitcakes. Biden has NEVER want that and he has stated that he is against it. You Party of the Rumpsters tell a lie long enough and hard enough you believe that it becomes true. Sorry, but the American Public ain't buying the hate and lies you keep telling anymore. There is a reason you have to keep resorting to this sort of behavior. You are doing a series of Hail Mary's and just getting deeper and deeper in that hole. I suggest you just stop digging.
You guys have voted for Progs and extremists for 60 years at least. All the black guys and gals to. Where were they? Rvrty blue areas has this representation. The cities should be Shan Ri La for what your agendas said things would be like after all of this spending. You are frauds and liars.

So we should have the the party of the rump? All you have to do to get something to happen is irrirate your Orange One and he says, "Here, hold my beer". Year 1 it was humorous. Year 2, it was tolerable. Year 3 it became ridiculous. Year 4 it's now downright dangerous to the Nation.

Now explain to me why the Republicans don't control the large metro cities? And don't bother with the freebie defense.
You wouldn’t know it from the media but the Democrats have found themselves in a quagmire because these recent numbers don’t lie.

The President and the White House have fantastically framed the Democrats as the party of those that want to defund the police. Now the Democrats have found themselves in big trouble as activists inside the party have gone full throttle with supporting the idea but the rest of the country being against the idea.

By Tuesday morning the Democrats in DC and the Biden campaign were running away from he idea of defunding the police.

BJ -
Actual American Citizens don't want the Democratic Media, and Twitter want them to want.
The Bubble People right here on USMB show they have no clue as to the real world on a minute by minute basis.

When you start with something based on a lie you still end up with a lie. The Major Players in BOTH Parties do not support defunding Police Departments. The Democrats do support looking into reorganizing the funding. Defunding is a term used by one or two fruitcakes. Biden has NEVER want that and he has stated that he is against it. You Party of the Rumpsters tell a lie long enough and hard enough you believe that it becomes true. Sorry, but the American Public ain't buying the hate and lies you keep telling anymore. There is a reason you have to keep resorting to this sort of behavior. You are doing a series of Hail Mary's and just getting deeper and deeper in that hole. I suggest you just stop digging.
Do the "Major Players" in the Democratic Party control their Party now, Daryl? Quite frankly...I don't think Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer or Joe Biden are calling the shots anymore. They're running scared of the progressive wing of the Party and they don't have a clue how to rein them in at this point!

True -
Which totally divides the party and further skews them toward --> totally unelectable nationwide.
Also makes the people of The Lincoln Project like ole Daryl absolutely irrelevant. ( as if they weren't already)

Ooohhh, feel the burn on that one. And Rump slips further into obscurity. It's getting harder to sleep at night for you, isn't it if you actually faced reality. Yes, the Party of the Rump is going away soon and taking you with it.
Democrats are calling for pie in the sky progressive fantasy legislation and you think that the GOP is the Party that's in danger? The bench of the GOP is full of wonderful candidates going forward. The best the Democrats could come up with to run against Trump is a geriatric loser with more baggage than a fully loaded 747!

The half black guy being quota hired into office out of turn screwed their bench rotation up badly.
You wouldn’t know it from the media but the Democrats have found themselves in a quagmire because these recent numbers don’t lie.

The President and the White House have fantastically framed the Democrats as the party of those that want to defund the police. Now the Democrats have found themselves in big trouble as activists inside the party have gone full throttle with supporting the idea but the rest of the country being against the idea.

By Tuesday morning the Democrats in DC and the Biden campaign were running away from he idea of defunding the police.

BJ -
Actual American Citizens don't want the Democratic Media, and Twitter want them to want.
The Bubble People right here on USMB show they have no clue as to the real world on a minute by minute basis.

When you start with something based on a lie you still end up with a lie. The Major Players in BOTH Parties do not support defunding Police Departments. The Democrats do support looking into reorganizing the funding. Defunding is a term used by one or two fruitcakes. Biden has NEVER want that and he has stated that he is against it. You Party of the Rumpsters tell a lie long enough and hard enough you believe that it becomes true. Sorry, but the American Public ain't buying the hate and lies you keep telling anymore. There is a reason you have to keep resorting to this sort of behavior. You are doing a series of Hail Mary's and just getting deeper and deeper in that hole. I suggest you just stop digging.

There isn’t a single defund supporter who isn’t a democrat.

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