Dems give White House tight deadline to fix Obamacare

We in the Tea Party have said all along the pile of crap Pelousy and Reid stitched together and called Barry-Care would come apart at the seams.....the web-site swindle is just the beginning.....nobody knows if the site is hacked or not (it sure seems to be) and now web-wary potential customers won't touch it with a stick. $600M of OUR dollars go POOF! We told you progs Barry is a fairy, a fraud, and an idiot but you'd swallowed too much you'll be out of power for another 10-12 years while we fix this mess. We know that fixing causes some pain, we know you believe life should be pain-free so you'll make a comeback in a decade or so and destroy what we built....that's life in the fast lane.
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The only way to fix ObamaCare is to get rid of it.

The problem is not the's the distorted economics and perverse incentives that are turning this thing into a giant flaming bleeding hemmorhoid.

Getting rid of it won't fix it.

The system is already broken. People would go months without insurance if they waited for their old policies to make it through the state certification process. Jobs lost aren't going to be easy to restore. Employers and insurers and citizens have moved on, trying to find a way to survive the unfriendly market.

This eff-up is a money pit. No fix in sight.

Our healthcare problems were ignored until the Rats stepped up and tried to fix burning the whole system down. :cuckoo: All that was ever needed was to get competition from all insurance companies in all states instead of the current monopolies. One fix might be getting the insurance companies out of healthcare alltogether and getting hospitals out of the profit motive. When I grew up nobody had health needed an operation you paid for it...on time if necessary. Hospitals were mainly county-run and met expenses....doctors' wives wore mink coats but they weren't millionaires. This mess took a long time to happen and won't be fixed overnight. State government clinics staffed by medical school grads serving their internships.....pill companies given longer patents on their discoveries would let them produce generics of their own to the poor. And make it perfectly clear that illegals cannot come to this country and expect free healthcare. PERIOD. That clears out the ORs and lets the hospital cut to the bone. Insurance companies exist by screwing you whenever they can.....the quickest solution is getting them out of healthcare altogether and unti then, make every nickel spent for it, tax-deductible.
Cognition failure on display.

HaHa. So you think Fienstein and Landrieu are poised to bring Obamacare down?

Also, fix it by sometime in 2014 isn't exactly a tight leash. Cognition failure indeed but it's all yours.

Keep thinking that if it gives you comfort. 2014 is going to be a nightmare for the Dems facing reelection if millions of people are without insurance due to ObamaCare or paying much more for worse coverage.


The last nightmare the Damnocrats faced was in 2010. That does not even compare to the potential tragedy of 2014. Americans didn't have their pocketbooks invested in 2010 whereas they do in 2014. And if Congressmen are not up for reelection in 2014, they are looking at 2016! They cannot escape!

They are losing the insurance coverage and some are going to pay more than double what they were paying before for less coverage than they had before and they don't like that one bit!

We are looking at something BIG! IT may be time to dump Obama, who knows! :eusa_pray: We may be seeing Obamacare go down!
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Republicans are walking into a trap and they don’t even realize it.

They are about to consider, in the House of Representatives, legislation by Congressman Upton that would allow people to keep their insurance plans.

There’s a problem though. It is widely acknowledged that Congressman Upton’s legislation is more messaging than substance. His legislation does not have anything in it that can force insurance companies, in the topsy-turvy world of Obamacare, to keep insurance plans going.

But there is a plan than does. Senator Mary Landrieu has written legislation in the United States Senate that the Democrats love. It mandates insurance companies have to keep people on their present insurance. The GOP is supposedly against mandates and against government forcing private businesses and individuals into contracts they don’t want.

Here’s what is going to happen.

The House, with the help of a good number of Democrats, will pass the Upton plan and send it to the Senate. Harry Reid will substitute the Landrieu plan and send it back to the House. The House will be forced to either vote for the Landrieu plan or be characterized as siding with insurance companies against people.

In one fell swoop, the Democrats will have the GOP on record saving Mary Landrieu’s re-election in Louisiana by casting her as the one who saved Americans’ health care plans, and also getting on record as really being in favor of fixing Obamacare with the use of mandates.

But, the gov't could not manage that. Hell, they couldn't manage a website and signing up for Obama any of three ways with three years to manage that. They could not do the logistics of Landrieu's bill either.
Republicans are walking into a trap and they don’t even realize it.

They are about to consider, in the House of Representatives, legislation by Congressman Upton that would allow people to keep their insurance plans.

There’s a problem though. It is widely acknowledged that Congressman Upton’s legislation is more messaging than substance. His legislation does not have anything in it that can force insurance companies, in the topsy-turvy world of Obamacare, to keep insurance plans going.

But there is a plan than does. Senator Mary Landrieu has written legislation in the United States Senate that the Democrats love. It mandates insurance companies have to keep people on their present insurance. The GOP is supposedly against mandates and against government forcing private businesses and individuals into contracts they don’t want.

Here’s what is going to happen.

The House, with the help of a good number of Democrats, will pass the Upton plan and send it to the Senate. Harry Reid will substitute the Landrieu plan and send it back to the House. The House will be forced to either vote for the Landrieu plan or be characterized as siding with insurance companies against people.

In one fell swoop, the Democrats will have the GOP on record saving Mary Landrieu’s re-election in Louisiana by casting her as the one who saved Americans’ health care plans, and also getting on record as really being in favor of fixing Obamacare with the use of mandates.

But, the gov't could not manage that. Hell, they couldn't manage a website and signing up for Obama any of three ways with three years to manage that. They could not do the logistics of Landrieu's bill either.

See what happens when you hire an Asian to build a web site.
Republicans are walking into a trap and they don’t even realize it.

They are about to consider, in the House of Representatives, legislation by Congressman Upton that would allow people to keep their insurance plans.

There’s a problem though. It is widely acknowledged that Congressman Upton’s legislation is more messaging than substance. His legislation does not have anything in it that can force insurance companies, in the topsy-turvy world of Obamacare, to keep insurance plans going.

But there is a plan than does. Senator Mary Landrieu has written legislation in the United States Senate that the Democrats love. It mandates insurance companies have to keep people on their present insurance. The GOP is supposedly against mandates and against government forcing private businesses and individuals into contracts they don’t want.

Here’s what is going to happen.

The House, with the help of a good number of Democrats, will pass the Upton plan and send it to the Senate. Harry Reid will substitute the Landrieu plan and send it back to the House. The House will be forced to either vote for the Landrieu plan or be characterized as siding with insurance companies against people.

In one fell swoop, the Democrats will have the GOP on record saving Mary Landrieu’s re-election in Louisiana by casting her as the one who saved Americans’ health care plans, and also getting on record as really being in favor of fixing Obamacare with the use of mandates.

Interesting scenario....Upton is a pretty bright fella.....not all that brave when he flipped on allowing abortion coverage in the ACC but he's a GOPer in democrat Michigan and was being labeled "anti-women" as usual. Reid can't simply substitute one plan for another without a conference committee hearing as Upton is surely aware. There's no reason why the feds can't order the reinstatement of plans in force before the deadline. But to do that they pretty much have to put Barry-Care on ice for a year and that will kill it in it's crib. :clap2:
It appears Democrats have finally had enough. They've given The Obama Administration until Friday of this week to repair Obamacare, or else they will consider breaking ranks and backing a GOP proposal to delay the mandate. Meanwhile Harry Reid insisted that the Republicans were still stuck in the past, "Stop carping about this. Get over it. It’s the law. It’s the legacy of Barack Obama and always will be. Let’s get over this and stop the mischievous, misfortunate speeches out here every day about how bad it is." He said. It appears this law is now entering its final hour of life.

Democratic senators facing voters next year are willing to give the White House time to resolve the glaring problems with Obamacare.

At the pleading of senior White House officials, Senate Democrats are holding off on demands to delay major aspects of the health care law until the Obama administration has the opportunity to fix the website problems that are thwarting enrollment in the program.

Democratic senators facing reelection have a green light to bash the White House and call for certain legislative fixes. But they’ve been urged by senior administration officials not to insist on delaying the controversial law’s core: The mandate for individuals to purchase insurance coverage or face penalties.

Their requests are being heeded — for now.

Sen. Chris Coons (D-Del.), who attended a tense two-hour meeting with President Barack Obama and Vice President Joe Biden on Wednesday over the issue, stressed that senators should give the administration just “a little bit” of breathing room.
Dems give White House tight deadline to fix Obamacare - Manu Raju and Seung Min Kim -

What happened to all those people who told me how popular that this was going to be after it started?
I don't see how it is possible to get veto proof majorities in both houses of congress. More than 1/3 of the house is made up of Democrats who have safe seats as long as they stay to the left of Obama. On the otherhand why in hell would the GOP give up this wetdream of a campaign issue without major concessions?

If you think anybody has a safe seat because of Obamacare you are seriously deluded.

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