Dems got beat by a game show host with bad hair in 2016…could they lose to an incarcerated felon this time?

You left out 2020. What happened then?
Is that the year Democrats formulated a virus with China to beat Trump? The year Democrats rode George Floyd‘s back to the election? The year the Democrat Party colluded with social media to beat Trump?
That 2020?
Could you imagine…Are they that bad?
Keep an eye on the polls….watch this give Trump a boost. America isn’t buying the bullshit dems are selling.
False premise. Trump is not going to be incarcerated.

You fools have no idea how hilarious you sound, do you.

REPORT: Trump convicted on 34 felony counts.

MAGATARD: HAHAHAHAHAHA! We just owned the libs! :spinner:
Could you imagine…Are they that bad?
Keep an eye on the polls….watch this give Trump a boost. America isn’t buying the bullshit dems are selling.
Hillary got more votes. And as we see with this conviction, Trump had to cheat to be in the game.
Is that the year Democrats formulated a virus with China to beat Trump? The year Democrats rode George Floyd‘s back to the election? The year the Democrat Party colluded with social media to beat Trump?
That 2020?
Nobody formulated a virus. George Floyd shouldn't have been murdered. Nbody colluded with social media.
Is that the year Democrats formulated a virus with China to beat Trump?
No, that was the year Trump showed the entire world what a "fucking moron" he is,

First, by blowing off Covid as a "Democrat hoax".

Then by waving his magic hands in the air and declaring the virus would go away on his holy word alone.

Next, by refusing to enact tracing and testing at the beginning of the pandemic, which is the most critical time to do so. He thus allowed the virus to run completely unimpeded and untracked, allowing it to ultimately kill a million Americans.

And finally, the trophy winning moment for Dumbest Shit Ever Said By Any American President Ever, he declared our scientists should look into injecting us with detergent or a very bright light.

THAT is why America kicked his tiny orange balls over the moon.

Trump also received the silver medal for Dumbest Shit Ever Said By Any American President when he made this entirely retarded statement:

“When you test, you have a case. When you test, you find something is wrong with people. If we didn’t do any testing, we would have very few cases.”

I think those two moments are when several million Trump supporters were snapped out of their stupor and asked themselves, "Wait wut? What did the stable genius just fucking say?!?"

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