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Dems got the Trump Racism thing all wrong

Lets get real for a second. If you are partisan spinner on either side please leave now. Here's the deal. Trump made a stupid ignorant statement the other day when he said he didn't want people from Shithole countries coming here. His lackies are looking like fools trying to make excuses for him, trying to make this thing about a PC language issue or pretending that he was simply talking about the conditions of 3rd world countries, or spreading the idiotic narrative that he didn't even say it. Its embarrassing for them. On the flip side, the dems are over playing their hand by going after Trump as a Racist... Let me explain.

I understand the racist argument that the Left is making based on Trumps statements, but I believe that to be subjective and over played in this case. The real issue from what i've seen has more to do with class. Trump doesn't want poor uneducated people coming into our Country. His statement was discriminatory, no question, so lets be accurate and call it that. I don't think Trump would have a problem with a bunch of Ben Carson's coming into our country, I don't think it is a race issue.

Trump wants merit based immigration where we give priority to people who have proven that they have something to contribute to society. People with achievements in education, work, or monetary means have proven merit under his standards and those who are poor or uneducated do not have the same merit. I don't agree with Trump, I believe in giving people opportunity and that nobody is better than the other just because they are born somewhere else or born with more means than another. I also believe that people from poor countries represent a perspective that those from rich countries don't have. They have a great sense of appreciation for opportunity and the American dream because they have gone through the struggle of not having it. That is a valuable perspective to have.

I understand given Trumps history that a link can be made to say that he may assume people of color to fit a certain stereotype unless they have proven otherwise and with that a case for Racism could be made. However, I'd like to see our political discussion less polarized and hyperbolized and more realistic based on the facts. Dems should stop with the hyperfocus on Racism and call this what it is, class based discrimination... Reps need to stop being spin doctor puppets... and Trump needs to grow the fuck up and start acting like a leader
Well done. I hate seeing such an important word turned into mush, and used as a weapon, for pure political gain.

Unfortunately, with where we are right now, all we can do is wish. The Democrats are 100% committed to cramming PC and Identity Politics into every last damn crevice of our society; Trump is not going to stop saying sophomoric, embarrassing things; and the Trumpsters are going to keep lowering standards for the office of President. This is a shit show from one end to the other.

The best we can hope for is that one day, we'll look back and see that cooler heads finally prevailed above this madness. I sure as hell don't see it happening soon, but that hope is pretty much all I have at this point.

Awwww. How sweet.

The "both sides do it equally" theme. Perfect.

Trump = Obama. Just opposite ends.

Nailed it.
How do you draw that from what he said? There is no doubt that both sides play the same games and are at fault. It is pointless drawing comparisons over who does it worse. That is childish. If your response to a Trump critique is, well Obama did this and that, then you have lost the argument... And vice versa. That does prove anything except that you want to make excuses for wrong doing.
Lets get real for a second. If you are partisan spinner on either side please leave now. Here's the deal. Trump made a stupid ignorant statement the other day when he said he didn't want people from Shithole countries coming here. His lackies are looking like fools trying to make excuses for him, trying to make this thing about a PC language issue or pretending that he was simply talking about the conditions of 3rd world countries, or spreading the idiotic narrative that he didn't even say it. Its embarrassing for them. On the flip side, the dems are over playing their hand by going after Trump as a Racist... Let me explain.

I understand the racist argument that the Left is making based on Trumps statements, but I believe that to be subjective and over played in this case. The real issue from what i've seen has more to do with class. Trump doesn't want poor uneducated people coming into our Country. His statement was discriminatory, no question, so lets be accurate and call it that. I don't think Trump would have a problem with a bunch of Ben Carson's coming into our country, I don't think it is a race issue.

Trump wants merit based immigration where we give priority to people who have proven that they have something to contribute to society. People with achievements in education, work, or monetary means have proven merit under his standards and those who are poor or uneducated do not have the same merit. I don't agree with Trump, I believe in giving people opportunity and that nobody is better than the other just because they are born somewhere else or born with more means than another. I also believe that people from poor countries represent a perspective that those from rich countries don't have. They have a great sense of appreciation for opportunity and the American dream because they have gone through the struggle of not having it. That is a valuable perspective to have.

I understand given Trumps history that a link can be made to say that he may assume people of color to fit a certain stereotype unless they have proven otherwise and with that a case for Racism could be made. However, I'd like to see our political discussion less polarized and hyperbolized and more realistic based on the facts. Dems should stop with the hyperfocus on Racism and call this what it is, class based discrimination... Reps need to stop being spin doctor puppets... and Trump needs to grow the fuck up and start acting like a leader
Well done. I hate seeing such an important word turned into mush, and used as a weapon, for pure political gain.

Unfortunately, with where we are right now, all we can do is wish. The Democrats are 100% committed to cramming PC and Identity Politics into every last damn crevice of our society; Trump is not going to stop saying sophomoric, embarrassing things; and the Trumpsters are going to keep lowering standards for the office of President. This is a shit show from one end to the other.

The best we can hope for is that one day, we'll look back and see that cooler heads finally prevailed above this madness. I sure as hell don't see it happening soon, but that hope is pretty much all I have at this point.

Awwww. How sweet.

The "both sides do it equally" theme. Perfect.

Trump = Obama. Just opposite ends.

Nailed it.
How do you draw that from what he said? There is no doubt that both sides play the same games and are at fault. It is pointless drawing comparisons over who does it worse. That is childish. If your response to a Trump critique is, well Obama did this and that, then you have lost the argument... And vice versa. That does prove anything except that you want to make excuses for wrong doing.

Sorry. One side revels in fucking up the norms. One is trying to maintain them. One base cheers when nothing is done. The other keeps trying.

Both sides don't do it.
Lets get real for a second. If you are partisan spinner on either side please leave now. Here's the deal. Trump made a stupid ignorant statement the other day when he said he didn't want people from Shithole countries coming here. His lackies are looking like fools trying to make excuses for him, trying to make this thing about a PC language issue or pretending that he was simply talking about the conditions of 3rd world countries, or spreading the idiotic narrative that he didn't even say it. Its embarrassing for them. On the flip side, the dems are over playing their hand by going after Trump as a Racist... Let me explain.

I understand the racist argument that the Left is making based on Trumps statements, but I believe that to be subjective and over played in this case. The real issue from what i've seen has more to do with class. Trump doesn't want poor uneducated people coming into our Country. His statement was discriminatory, no question, so lets be accurate and call it that. I don't think Trump would have a problem with a bunch of Ben Carson's coming into our country, I don't think it is a race issue.

Trump wants merit based immigration where we give priority to people who have proven that they have something to contribute to society. People with achievements in education, work, or monetary means have proven merit under his standards and those who are poor or uneducated do not have the same merit. I don't agree with Trump, I believe in giving people opportunity and that nobody is better than the other just because they are born somewhere else or born with more means than another. I also believe that people from poor countries represent a perspective that those from rich countries don't have. They have a great sense of appreciation for opportunity and the American dream because they have gone through the struggle of not having it. That is a valuable perspective to have.

I understand given Trumps history that a link can be made to say that he may assume people of color to fit a certain stereotype unless they have proven otherwise and with that a case for Racism could be made. However, I'd like to see our political discussion less polarized and hyperbolized and more realistic based on the facts. Dems should stop with the hyperfocus on Racism and call this what it is, class based discrimination... Reps need to stop being spin doctor puppets... and Trump needs to grow the fuck up and start acting like a leader
Well done. I hate seeing such an important word turned into mush, and used as a weapon, for pure political gain.

Unfortunately, with where we are right now, all we can do is wish. The Democrats are 100% committed to cramming PC and Identity Politics into every last damn crevice of our society; Trump is not going to stop saying sophomoric, embarrassing things; and the Trumpsters are going to keep lowering standards for the office of President. This is a shit show from one end to the other.

The best we can hope for is that one day, we'll look back and see that cooler heads finally prevailed above this madness. I sure as hell don't see it happening soon, but that hope is pretty much all I have at this point.

Awwww. How sweet.

The "both sides do it equally" theme. Perfect.

Trump = Obama. Just opposite ends.

Nailed it.
How do you draw that from what he said? There is no doubt that both sides play the same games and are at fault. It is pointless drawing comparisons over who does it worse. That is childish. If your response to a Trump critique is, well Obama did this and that, then you have lost the argument... And vice versa. That does prove anything except that you want to make excuses for wrong doing.

Sorry. One side revels in fucking up the norms. One is trying to maintain them. One base cheers when nothing is done. The other keeps trying.

Both sides don't do it.
Thats exactly what happens. Reps just spent 8 years trying to block everything Obama was doing and now thats what Dems are doing to Trump. The nature of the democratic ideology to evolve and change to fix problems while the Right wants to keep traditions and reduce government to let the market decide. There is definitely a push and pull between ideologies and it can be a healthy thing as too much of one side is bad for our country IMO.
Trust me, i don't go out of my way to spin for Trump, I think the guy is disgusting as a president. I think he brought up Norway because he had just finished meeting with their leader and that country was fresh on his mind. Don't get me wrong, I think his shithole comment was inappropriate and embarrassing, I just think it was a class discrimination comment and not a racist one

I then apologize, Slade....I know you're an astute poster....I guess I see it a bit differently having grown up in NYC where Trump's racism was often in the news.
It's not that I disagree, but I have a serious question. How do you objectively judge something without taking the past in consideration? The statement, when standing on itself could, and should be taken as discriminatory but not actually racist, but considering a lot of different incidents it fits something which makes the actual statement less a mistake and more a pattern. I also want to point out that objectivity never stopped Republicans to go after Hillary so calling for it rings a bit hollow.
I agree with you and history does play a role when analyzing the character of a person. This latest comment certainly reenforces the narrative that Trump is a racist for those who believe he is. I just don't think that needs to be the main heading spinning 24/7 from our news outlets. You are taking a smaller subjective point and making it the focus and it reenforces the Media bias narrative that is driving Trumps Fake News campaign. I think it is counter productive. As to your point about the Republicans doing it to Hillary, don't go there. The "whatabout" diversion is something that Trump does all the time to take the focus off the subject at hand. You don't like it when he does it so don't do it yourself. Do better.
Pointing out that POTUS is racist is not counterproductive at least from a political standpoint, it energizes Democrats to want to go out and vote. Not talking morals just purely political. I do want to know what your goal is? If you want people to start judging politicians on their merits, you are a bit naive. Don't get me wrong, it's commendable. But Real politics is as old as politics itself, and trying to fight fair when the other side has no interest in doing so, just sets you up to lose.
I pointed that out in the OP. I realize it energizes the Dem base, but it also energizes Trumps base and polarizes moderates which in my opinion is not productive for our country as a whole. My goal is simple... To engage in more honest and respectful conversations so we can work together to build a better nation. Stop the trend of dirty politics, demonization, hyperbole, and dishonesty that is destroying our discourse and polarizing our leaders and our people
For the record, I nearly always am respectful, I rarely, if ever use hyperbole, and I strife for honesty. Having said that, in the year or something on USMB, I haven't encountered any of these scruples on the people on the right, unless prompted and even then with great reluctance. I do it because I want to be fair. I also have seen that doesn't score me any points. It makes the people I talk to think of me as arrogant, ignore or ridicule me. It's a micro cosmos of US politics. If you don't realize that fairness doesn't mean shit, if fairness makes you lose elections. It makes it that people who aren't fair but unscrupulous get what they want. Now that's NOT fair.
I understand where you are coming from. I've noticed something interesting about people on this board. Many when poked jump to their side and go into full wingnut mode. But i've crossed over with a few by finding common ground and showing respect and understanding of their perspective. It's been quite amazing the shift in how they treat you and the quality of the conversations. I'm quite liberal and get called libtard all the time but have actually developed some respect from and for people that I once thought of as opposition wingnuts. Dale Smith P@triot iceberg to name a few who I had early battles with but have grown to respect over time as good opposition. They piss me off sometimes and say things that I disagree with, but there has also been a very healthy flip side to that coin. Something to think about...

Thank you, Slade.....and I feel the same way about you, eddiew37 and a few others here that are on the left. You have my respect and I listen to you regardless of whether we agree or not.
Lets get real for a second. If you are partisan spinner on either side please leave now. Here's the deal. Trump made a stupid ignorant statement the other day when he said he didn't want people from Shithole countries coming here. His lackies are looking like fools trying to make excuses for him, trying to make this thing about a PC language issue or pretending that he was simply talking about the conditions of 3rd world countries, or spreading the idiotic narrative that he didn't even say it. Its embarrassing for them. On the flip side, the dems are over playing their hand by going after Trump as a Racist... Let me explain.

I understand the racist argument that the Left is making based on Trumps statements, but I believe that to be subjective and over played in this case. The real issue from what i've seen has more to do with class. Trump doesn't want poor uneducated people coming into our Country. His statement was discriminatory, no question, so lets be accurate and call it that. I don't think Trump would have a problem with a bunch of Ben Carson's coming into our country, I don't think it is a race issue.

Trump wants merit based immigration where we give priority to people who have proven that they have something to contribute to society. People with achievements in education, work, or monetary means have proven merit under his standards and those who are poor or uneducated do not have the same merit. I don't agree with Trump, I believe in giving people opportunity and that nobody is better than the other just because they are born somewhere else or born with more means than another. I also believe that people from poor countries represent a perspective that those from rich countries don't have. They have a great sense of appreciation for opportunity and the American dream because they have gone through the struggle of not having it. That is a valuable perspective to have.

I understand given Trumps history that a link can be made to say that he may assume people of color to fit a certain stereotype unless they have proven otherwise and with that a case for Racism could be made. However, I'd like to see our political discussion less polarized and hyperbolized and more realistic based on the facts. Dems should stop with the hyperfocus on Racism and call this what it is, class based discrimination... Reps need to stop being spin doctor puppets... and Trump needs to grow the fuck up and start acting like a leader

You regressives take the cake, you constantly bitch about the poor yet you insist on importing more poor people to compete for the resources allocated. Think of an immigrant like you would someone dating your kid. Which would you prefer to bring into you family, an uneducated no skilled individual or a person you won't have to worry about having to move in with you? It's not about race, it's all about who can make the family stronger.

Of course that scenario couldn't possibly fit in you partisan propaganda, would it?

Trump wants people that will make the family stronger, why don't you?

Lets get real for a second. If you are partisan spinner on either side please leave now. Here's the deal. Trump made a stupid ignorant statement the other day when he said he didn't want people from Shithole countries coming here. His lackies are looking like fools trying to make excuses for him, trying to make this thing about a PC language issue or pretending that he was simply talking about the conditions of 3rd world countries, or spreading the idiotic narrative that he didn't even say it. Its embarrassing for them. On the flip side, the dems are over playing their hand by going after Trump as a Racist... Let me explain.

I understand the racist argument that the Left is making based on Trumps statements, but I believe that to be subjective and over played in this case. The real issue from what i've seen has more to do with class. Trump doesn't want poor uneducated people coming into our Country. His statement was discriminatory, no question, so lets be accurate and call it that. I don't think Trump would have a problem with a bunch of Ben Carson's coming into our country, I don't think it is a race issue.

Trump wants merit based immigration where we give priority to people who have proven that they have something to contribute to society. People with achievements in education, work, or monetary means have proven merit under his standards and those who are poor or uneducated do not have the same merit. I don't agree with Trump, I believe in giving people opportunity and that nobody is better than the other just because they are born somewhere else or born with more means than another. I also believe that people from poor countries represent a perspective that those from rich countries don't have. They have a great sense of appreciation for opportunity and the American dream because they have gone through the struggle of not having it. That is a valuable perspective to have.

I understand given Trumps history that a link can be made to say that he may assume people of color to fit a certain stereotype unless they have proven otherwise and with that a case for Racism could be made. However, I'd like to see our political discussion less polarized and hyperbolized and more realistic based on the facts. Dems should stop with the hyperfocus on Racism and call this what it is, class based discrimination... Reps need to stop being spin doctor puppets... and Trump needs to grow the fuck up and start acting like a leader
Well done. I hate seeing such an important word turned into mush, and used as a weapon, for pure political gain.

Unfortunately, with where we are right now, all we can do is wish. The Democrats are 100% committed to cramming PC and Identity Politics into every last damn crevice of our society; Trump is not going to stop saying sophomoric, embarrassing things; and the Trumpsters are going to keep lowering standards for the office of President. This is a shit show from one end to the other.

The best we can hope for is that one day, we'll look back and see that cooler heads finally prevailed above this madness. I sure as hell don't see it happening soon, but that hope is pretty much all I have at this point.

Awwww. How sweet.

The "both sides do it equally" theme. Perfect.

Trump = Obama. Just opposite ends.

Nailed it.
How do you draw that from what he said? There is no doubt that both sides play the same games and are at fault. It is pointless drawing comparisons over who does it worse. That is childish. If your response to a Trump critique is, well Obama did this and that, then you have lost the argument... And vice versa. That does prove anything except that you want to make excuses for wrong doing.

Sorry. One side revels in fucking up the norms. One is trying to maintain them. One base cheers when nothing is done. The other keeps trying.

Both sides don't do it.
Thats exactly what happens. Reps just spent 8 years trying to block everything Obama was doing and now thats what Dems are doing to Trump. The nature of the democratic ideology to evolve and change to fix problems while the Right wants to keep traditions and reduce government to let the market decide. There is definitely a push and pull between ideologies and it can be a healthy thing as too much of one side is bad for our country IMO.

Not the same.
Trump was at a bipartisan meeting to decide the fate of DACA

All was well until it was brought up that the lottery immigration system would be modified to allow immigration from countries like Haiti, El Salvador and Africa

Trump threw a tantrum and called those nations shitholes. Why not get more immigration from white nations like Norway?

A month ago, he was ranting about everyone in Haiti having AIDS and those in Nigeria not going back to live in huts

Is it racist?
The rest of the world is claiming it is
So is any sensible American
Thats my point... is that Racist or is it Class Discrimination. Does he not want those people here because they are poor or because they are brown/black. Does he want Norway people here because they are white or because they are rich and educated.... Be honest.
Honestly, there are many Eastern European countries that qualify as shitholes

Their country of origin means nothing. Trump should be talking about personal qualifications....education, speak English, job skills

It shouldnt matter if you are Hatians or Norwegians
Lets get real for a second. If you are partisan spinner on either side please leave now. Here's the deal. Trump made a stupid ignorant statement the other day when he said he didn't want people from Shithole countries coming here. His lackies are looking like fools trying to make excuses for him, trying to make this thing about a PC language issue or pretending that he was simply talking about the conditions of 3rd world countries, or spreading the idiotic narrative that he didn't even say it. Its embarrassing for them. On the flip side, the dems are over playing their hand by going after Trump as a Racist... Let me explain.

I understand the racist argument that the Left is making based on Trumps statements, but I believe that to be subjective and over played in this case. The real issue from what i've seen has more to do with class. Trump doesn't want poor uneducated people coming into our Country. His statement was discriminatory, no question, so lets be accurate and call it that. I don't think Trump would have a problem with a bunch of Ben Carson's coming into our country, I don't think it is a race issue.

Trump wants merit based immigration where we give priority to people who have proven that they have something to contribute to society. People with achievements in education, work, or monetary means have proven merit under his standards and those who are poor or uneducated do not have the same merit. I don't agree with Trump, I believe in giving people opportunity and that nobody is better than the other just because they are born somewhere else or born with more means than another. I also believe that people from poor countries represent a perspective that those from rich countries don't have. They have a great sense of appreciation for opportunity and the American dream because they have gone through the struggle of not having it. That is a valuable perspective to have.

I understand given Trumps history that a link can be made to say that he may assume people of color to fit a certain stereotype unless they have proven otherwise and with that a case for Racism could be made. However, I'd like to see our political discussion less polarized and hyperbolized and more realistic based on the facts. Dems should stop with the hyperfocus on Racism and call this what it is, class based discrimination... Reps need to stop being spin doctor puppets... and Trump needs to grow the fuck up and start acting like a leader

You regressives take the cake, you constantly bitch about the poor yet you insist on importing more poor people to compete for the resources allocated. Think of an immigrant like you would someone dating your kid. Which would you prefer to bring into you family, an uneducated no skilled individual or a person you won't have to worry about having to move in with you? It's not about race, it's all about who can make the family stronger.

Of course that scenario couldn't possibly fit in you partisan propaganda, would it?

Trump wants people that will make the family stronger, why don't you?

No, that scenario wouldn't fit my propaganda because it is a lame comparison. We have many great people in our history that have gone from rags to riches, they just needed to work hard and be given the opportunity. Many poor immigrants bring a perspective with them that is very valuable. They have lived through oppression and strife and challenges that many do not know. This gives them a unique appreciation, through contrast, of what America can provide them. That can create a drive and determination to do great things and it is an inspiration to the world. It was and still is a pillar of what we stand for as a Nation, at least in my opinion. Do you think a bite of chicken tastes better to a starving man or a man who has eaten chicken every day of his life? Who do you think appreciates that bite more?

What do you think of that propaganda?
Well done. I hate seeing such an important word turned into mush, and used as a weapon, for pure political gain.

Unfortunately, with where we are right now, all we can do is wish. The Democrats are 100% committed to cramming PC and Identity Politics into every last damn crevice of our society; Trump is not going to stop saying sophomoric, embarrassing things; and the Trumpsters are going to keep lowering standards for the office of President. This is a shit show from one end to the other.

The best we can hope for is that one day, we'll look back and see that cooler heads finally prevailed above this madness. I sure as hell don't see it happening soon, but that hope is pretty much all I have at this point.

Awwww. How sweet.

The "both sides do it equally" theme. Perfect.

Trump = Obama. Just opposite ends.

Nailed it.
How do you draw that from what he said? There is no doubt that both sides play the same games and are at fault. It is pointless drawing comparisons over who does it worse. That is childish. If your response to a Trump critique is, well Obama did this and that, then you have lost the argument... And vice versa. That does prove anything except that you want to make excuses for wrong doing.

Sorry. One side revels in fucking up the norms. One is trying to maintain them. One base cheers when nothing is done. The other keeps trying.

Both sides don't do it.
Thats exactly what happens. Reps just spent 8 years trying to block everything Obama was doing and now thats what Dems are doing to Trump. The nature of the democratic ideology to evolve and change to fix problems while the Right wants to keep traditions and reduce government to let the market decide. There is definitely a push and pull between ideologies and it can be a healthy thing as too much of one side is bad for our country IMO.

Not the same.
Who cares if it is the same or not? To play the comparison game is giving up on the argument.
"I've been at parties where democrats called Detroit a shithole" - Sneaky Jesse Watters
Trump was at a bipartisan meeting to decide the fate of DACA

All was well until it was brought up that the lottery immigration system would be modified to allow immigration from countries like Haiti, El Salvador and Africa

Trump threw a tantrum and called those nations shitholes. Why not get more immigration from white nations like Norway?

A month ago, he was ranting about everyone in Haiti having AIDS and those in Nigeria not going back to live in huts

Is it racist?
The rest of the world is claiming it is
So is any sensible American
Thats my point... is that Racist or is it Class Discrimination. Does he not want those people here because they are poor or because they are brown/black. Does he want Norway people here because they are white or because they are rich and educated.... Be honest.
Honestly, there are many Eastern European countries that qualify as shitholes

Their country of origin means nothing. Trump should be talking about personal qualifications....education, speak English, job skills

It shouldnt matter if you are Hatians or Norwegians
Thats true and thats why he is being discriminatory. He is stereotyping everybody from 3rd world countries and saying they aren't worthy which is sad and wrong in my opinion. I'm not excusing his statement at all. I'm saying its not racist, its stereotyping based on country of origin and discriminating to those people . Get what i'm saying?
Lets get real for a second. If you are partisan spinner on either side please leave now. Here's the deal. Trump made a stupid ignorant statement the other day when he said he didn't want people from Shithole countries coming here. His lackies are looking like fools trying to make excuses for him, trying to make this thing about a PC language issue or pretending that he was simply talking about the conditions of 3rd world countries, or spreading the idiotic narrative that he didn't even say it. Its embarrassing for them. On the flip side, the dems are over playing their hand by going after Trump as a Racist... Let me explain.

I understand the racist argument that the Left is making based on Trumps statements, but I believe that to be subjective and over played in this case. The real issue from what i've seen has more to do with class. Trump doesn't want poor uneducated people coming into our Country. His statement was discriminatory, no question, so lets be accurate and call it that. I don't think Trump would have a problem with a bunch of Ben Carson's coming into our country, I don't think it is a race issue.

Trump wants merit based immigration where we give priority to people who have proven that they have something to contribute to society. People with achievements in education, work, or monetary means have proven merit under his standards and those who are poor or uneducated do not have the same merit. I don't agree with Trump, I believe in giving people opportunity and that nobody is better than the other just because they are born somewhere else or born with more means than another. I also believe that people from poor countries represent a perspective that those from rich countries don't have. They have a great sense of appreciation for opportunity and the American dream because they have gone through the struggle of not having it. That is a valuable perspective to have.

I understand given Trumps history that a link can be made to say that he may assume people of color to fit a certain stereotype unless they have proven otherwise and with that a case for Racism could be made. However, I'd like to see our political discussion less polarized and hyperbolized and more realistic based on the facts. Dems should stop with the hyperfocus on Racism and call this what it is, class based discrimination... Reps need to stop being spin doctor puppets... and Trump needs to grow the fuck up and start acting like a leader

You regressives take the cake, you constantly bitch about the poor yet you insist on importing more poor people to compete for the resources allocated. Think of an immigrant like you would someone dating your kid. Which would you prefer to bring into you family, an uneducated no skilled individual or a person you won't have to worry about having to move in with you? It's not about race, it's all about who can make the family stronger.

Of course that scenario couldn't possibly fit in you partisan propaganda, would it?

Trump wants people that will make the family stronger, why don't you?

No, that scenario wouldn't fit my propaganda because it is a lame comparison. We have many great people in our history that have gone from rags to riches, they just needed to work hard and be given the opportunity. Many poor immigrants bring a perspective with them that is very valuable. They have lived through oppression and strife and challenges that many do not know. This gives them a unique appreciation, through contrast, of what America can provide them. That can create a drive and determination to do great things and it is an inspiration to the world. It was and still is a pillar of what we stand for as a Nation, at least in my opinion. Do you think a bite of chicken tastes better to a starving man or a man who has eaten chicken every day of his life? Who do you think appreciates that bite more?

What do you think of that propaganda?

You might want to actually check US history concerning immigration, from 1921 to 1965 legal immigration was nearly nothing compared to today. Right now about 20% of our population is foreign born. We have all the bodies we need and then some, now what we need is proven talent.

Lets get real for a second. If you are partisan spinner on either side please leave now. Here's the deal. Trump made a stupid ignorant statement the other day when he said he didn't want people from Shithole countries coming here. His lackies are looking like fools trying to make excuses for him, trying to make this thing about a PC language issue or pretending that he was simply talking about the conditions of 3rd world countries, or spreading the idiotic narrative that he didn't even say it. Its embarrassing for them. On the flip side, the dems are over playing their hand by going after Trump as a Racist... Let me explain.

I understand the racist argument that the Left is making based on Trumps statements, but I believe that to be subjective and over played in this case. The real issue from what i've seen has more to do with class. Trump doesn't want poor uneducated people coming into our Country. His statement was discriminatory, no question, so lets be accurate and call it that. I don't think Trump would have a problem with a bunch of Ben Carson's coming into our country, I don't think it is a race issue.

Trump wants merit based immigration where we give priority to people who have proven that they have something to contribute to society. People with achievements in education, work, or monetary means have proven merit under his standards and those who are poor or uneducated do not have the same merit. I don't agree with Trump, I believe in giving people opportunity and that nobody is better than the other just because they are born somewhere else or born with more means than another. I also believe that people from poor countries represent a perspective that those from rich countries don't have. They have a great sense of appreciation for opportunity and the American dream because they have gone through the struggle of not having it. That is a valuable perspective to have.

I understand given Trumps history that a link can be made to say that he may assume people of color to fit a certain stereotype unless they have proven otherwise and with that a case for Racism could be made. However, I'd like to see our political discussion less polarized and hyperbolized and more realistic based on the facts. Dems should stop with the hyperfocus on Racism and call this what it is, class based discrimination... Reps need to stop being spin doctor puppets... and Trump needs to grow the fuck up and start acting like a leader

You regressives take the cake, you constantly bitch about the poor yet you insist on importing more poor people to compete for the resources allocated. Think of an immigrant like you would someone dating your kid. Which would you prefer to bring into you family, an uneducated no skilled individual or a person you won't have to worry about having to move in with you? It's not about race, it's all about who can make the family stronger.

Of course that scenario couldn't possibly fit in you partisan propaganda, would it?

Trump wants people that will make the family stronger, why don't you?

No, that scenario wouldn't fit my propaganda because it is a lame comparison. We have many great people in our history that have gone from rags to riches, they just needed to work hard and be given the opportunity. Many poor immigrants bring a perspective with them that is very valuable. They have lived through oppression and strife and challenges that many do not know. This gives them a unique appreciation, through contrast, of what America can provide them. That can create a drive and determination to do great things and it is an inspiration to the world. It was and still is a pillar of what we stand for as a Nation, at least in my opinion. Do you think a bite of chicken tastes better to a starving man or a man who has eaten chicken every day of his life? Who do you think appreciates that bite more?

What do you think of that propaganda?

You might want to actually check US history concerning immigration, from 1921 to 1965 legal immigration was nearly nothing compared to today. Right now about 20% of our population is foreign born. We have all the bodies we need and then some, now what we need is proven talent.

Yeah, in that time period laws restricted immigration from Asia, Africa, and Latin America vs. the overwhelming European immigrants that we primarily only accepted. And how has our economy performed from 1921-1965 vs 1965 - Present?? Want to see a chart?
Lets get real for a second. If you are partisan spinner on either side please leave now. Here's the deal. Trump made a stupid ignorant statement the other day when he said he didn't want people from Shithole countries coming here. His lackies are looking like fools trying to make excuses for him, trying to make this thing about a PC language issue or pretending that he was simply talking about the conditions of 3rd world countries, or spreading the idiotic narrative that he didn't even say it. Its embarrassing for them. On the flip side, the dems are over playing their hand by going after Trump as a Racist... Let me explain.

I understand the racist argument that the Left is making based on Trumps statements, but I believe that to be subjective and over played in this case. The real issue from what i've seen has more to do with class. Trump doesn't want poor uneducated people coming into our Country. His statement was discriminatory, no question, so lets be accurate and call it that. I don't think Trump would have a problem with a bunch of Ben Carson's coming into our country, I don't think it is a race issue.

Trump wants merit based immigration where we give priority to people who have proven that they have something to contribute to society. People with achievements in education, work, or monetary means have proven merit under his standards and those who are poor or uneducated do not have the same merit. I don't agree with Trump, I believe in giving people opportunity and that nobody is better than the other just because they are born somewhere else or born with more means than another. I also believe that people from poor countries represent a perspective that those from rich countries don't have. They have a great sense of appreciation for opportunity and the American dream because they have gone through the struggle of not having it. That is a valuable perspective to have.

I understand given Trumps history that a link can be made to say that he may assume people of color to fit a certain stereotype unless they have proven otherwise and with that a case for Racism could be made. However, I'd like to see our political discussion less polarized and hyperbolized and more realistic based on the facts. Dems should stop with the hyperfocus on Racism and call this what it is, class based discrimination... Reps need to stop being spin doctor puppets... and Trump needs to grow the fuck up and start acting like a leader
Lets get real for a second. If you are partisan spinner on either side please leave now. Here's the deal. Trump made a stupid ignorant statement the other day when he said he didn't want people from Shithole countries coming here. His lackies are looking like fools trying to make excuses for him, trying to make this thing about a PC language issue or pretending that he was simply talking about the conditions of 3rd world countries, or spreading the idiotic narrative that he didn't even say it. Its embarrassing for them. On the flip side, the dems are over playing their hand by going after Trump as a Racist... Let me explain.

I understand the racist argument that the Left is making based on Trumps statements, but I believe that to be subjective and over played. The real issue from what i've seen has more to do with class. Trump doesn't want poor uneducated people coming into our Country. His statement was discriminatory, no question, so lets be accurate and call it that. I don't think Trump would have a problem with a bunch of Ben Carson's coming into our country, I don't think it is a race issue.

Trump wants merit based immigration where we give priority to people who have proven that they have something to contribute to society. People with achievements in education, work, or monetary means have proven merit under his standards and those who are poor or uneducated do not have the same merit. I don't agree with Trump, I believe in giving people opportunity and that nobody is better than the other just because they are born somewhere else or born with more means than another. I also believe that people from poor countries represent a perspective that those from rich countries don't have. They have a great sense of appreciation for opportunity and the American dream because they have gone through the struggle of not having it. That is a valuable perspective to have.

I understand given Trumps history that a link can be made to say that he may assume people of color to fit a certain stereotype unless they have proven otherwise and with that a case for Racism could be made. However, I'd like to see our political discussion less polarized and hyperbolized and more realistic based on the facts. Dems should stop with the hyperfocus on Racism and call this what it is, class based discrimination... Reps need to stop being spin doctor puppets... and Trump needs to grow the fuck up and start acting like a leader
It's not that I disagree, but I have a serious question. How do you objectively judge something without taking the past in consideration? The statement, when standing on itself could, and should be taken as discriminatory but not actually racist, but considering a lot of different incidents it fits something which makes the actual statement less a mistake and more a pattern. I also want to point out that objectivity never stopped Republicans to go after Hillary so calling for it rings a bit hollow.
I agree with you and history does play a role when analyzing the character of a person. This latest comment certainly reenforces the narrative that Trump is a racist for those who believe he is. I just don't think that needs to be the main heading spinning 24/7 from our news outlets. You are taking a smaller subjective point and making it the focus and it reenforces the Media bias narrative that is driving Trumps Fake News campaign. I think it is counter productive. As to your point about the Republicans doing it to Hillary, don't go there. The "whatabout" diversion is something that Trump does all the time to take the focus off the subject at hand. You don't like it when he does it so don't do it yourself. Do better.

Dems cry Racism when one or many goes against them. How is this still news?
Lets get real for a second. If you are partisan spinner on either side please leave now. Here's the deal. Trump made a stupid ignorant statement the other day when he said he didn't want people from Shithole countries coming here. His lackies are looking like fools trying to make excuses for him, trying to make this thing about a PC language issue or pretending that he was simply talking about the conditions of 3rd world countries, or spreading the idiotic narrative that he didn't even say it. Its embarrassing for them. On the flip side, the dems are over playing their hand by going after Trump as a Racist... Let me explain.

I understand the racist argument that the Left is making based on Trumps statements, but I believe that to be subjective and over played in this case. The real issue from what i've seen has more to do with class. Trump doesn't want poor uneducated people coming into our Country. His statement was discriminatory, no question, so lets be accurate and call it that. I don't think Trump would have a problem with a bunch of Ben Carson's coming into our country, I don't think it is a race issue.

Trump wants merit based immigration where we give priority to people who have proven that they have something to contribute to society. People with achievements in education, work, or monetary means have proven merit under his standards and those who are poor or uneducated do not have the same merit. I don't agree with Trump, I believe in giving people opportunity and that nobody is better than the other just because they are born somewhere else or born with more means than another. I also believe that people from poor countries represent a perspective that those from rich countries don't have. They have a great sense of appreciation for opportunity and the American dream because they have gone through the struggle of not having it. That is a valuable perspective to have.

I understand given Trumps history that a link can be made to say that he may assume people of color to fit a certain stereotype unless they have proven otherwise and with that a case for Racism could be made. However, I'd like to see our political discussion less polarized and hyperbolized and more realistic based on the facts. Dems should stop with the hyperfocus on Racism and call this what it is, class based discrimination... Reps need to stop being spin doctor puppets... and Trump needs to grow the fuck up and start acting like a leader

You regressives take the cake, you constantly bitch about the poor yet you insist on importing more poor people to compete for the resources allocated. Think of an immigrant like you would someone dating your kid. Which would you prefer to bring into you family, an uneducated no skilled individual or a person you won't have to worry about having to move in with you? It's not about race, it's all about who can make the family stronger.

Of course that scenario couldn't possibly fit in you partisan propaganda, would it?

Trump wants people that will make the family stronger, why don't you?

No, that scenario wouldn't fit my propaganda because it is a lame comparison. We have many great people in our history that have gone from rags to riches, they just needed to work hard and be given the opportunity. Many poor immigrants bring a perspective with them that is very valuable. They have lived through oppression and strife and challenges that many do not know. This gives them a unique appreciation, through contrast, of what America can provide them. That can create a drive and determination to do great things and it is an inspiration to the world. It was and still is a pillar of what we stand for as a Nation, at least in my opinion. Do you think a bite of chicken tastes better to a starving man or a man who has eaten chicken every day of his life? Who do you think appreciates that bite more?

What do you think of that propaganda?

You might want to actually check US history concerning immigration, from 1921 to 1965 legal immigration was nearly nothing compared to today. Right now about 20% of our population is foreign born. We have all the bodies we need and then some, now what we need is proven talent.


We have 320 million people here. We do not need masses immigrating. Today we need smart immigration, we need to pick and choose people based on what they can contribute.
The days are over for the "give me your tired, your huddled masses .................yada yada.
Lets get real for a second. If you are partisan spinner on either side please leave now. Here's the deal. Trump made a stupid ignorant statement the other day when he said he didn't want people from Shithole countries coming here. His lackies are looking like fools trying to make excuses for him, trying to make this thing about a PC language issue or pretending that he was simply talking about the conditions of 3rd world countries, or spreading the idiotic narrative that he didn't even say it. Its embarrassing for them. On the flip side, the dems are over playing their hand by going after Trump as a Racist... Let me explain.

I understand the racist argument that the Left is making based on Trumps statements, but I believe that to be subjective and over played in this case. The real issue from what i've seen has more to do with class. Trump doesn't want poor uneducated people coming into our Country. His statement was discriminatory, no question, so lets be accurate and call it that. I don't think Trump would have a problem with a bunch of Ben Carson's coming into our country, I don't think it is a race issue.

Trump wants merit based immigration where we give priority to people who have proven that they have something to contribute to society. People with achievements in education, work, or monetary means have proven merit under his standards and those who are poor or uneducated do not have the same merit. I don't agree with Trump, I believe in giving people opportunity and that nobody is better than the other just because they are born somewhere else or born with more means than another. I also believe that people from poor countries represent a perspective that those from rich countries don't have. They have a great sense of appreciation for opportunity and the American dream because they have gone through the struggle of not having it. That is a valuable perspective to have.

I understand given Trumps history that a link can be made to say that he may assume people of color to fit a certain stereotype unless they have proven otherwise and with that a case for Racism could be made. However, I'd like to see our political discussion less polarized and hyperbolized and more realistic based on the facts. Dems should stop with the hyperfocus on Racism and call this what it is, class based discrimination... Reps need to stop being spin doctor puppets... and Trump needs to grow the fuck up and start acting like a leader

You regressives take the cake, you constantly bitch about the poor yet you insist on importing more poor people to compete for the resources allocated. Think of an immigrant like you would someone dating your kid. Which would you prefer to bring into you family, an uneducated no skilled individual or a person you won't have to worry about having to move in with you? It's not about race, it's all about who can make the family stronger.

Of course that scenario couldn't possibly fit in you partisan propaganda, would it?

Trump wants people that will make the family stronger, why don't you?

No, that scenario wouldn't fit my propaganda because it is a lame comparison. We have many great people in our history that have gone from rags to riches, they just needed to work hard and be given the opportunity. Many poor immigrants bring a perspective with them that is very valuable. They have lived through oppression and strife and challenges that many do not know. This gives them a unique appreciation, through contrast, of what America can provide them. That can create a drive and determination to do great things and it is an inspiration to the world. It was and still is a pillar of what we stand for as a Nation, at least in my opinion. Do you think a bite of chicken tastes better to a starving man or a man who has eaten chicken every day of his life? Who do you think appreciates that bite more?

What do you think of that propaganda?

You might want to actually check US history concerning immigration, from 1921 to 1965 legal immigration was nearly nothing compared to today. Right now about 20% of our population is foreign born. We have all the bodies we need and then some, now what we need is proven talent.


We have 320 million people here. We do not need masses immigrating. Today we need smart immigration, we need to pick and choose people based on what they can contribute.
The days are over for the "give me your tired, your huddled masses .................yada yada.
Your opinion is noted. Many disagree
Awwww. How sweet.

The "both sides do it equally" theme. Perfect.

Trump = Obama. Just opposite ends.

Nailed it.
How do you draw that from what he said? There is no doubt that both sides play the same games and are at fault. It is pointless drawing comparisons over who does it worse. That is childish. If your response to a Trump critique is, well Obama did this and that, then you have lost the argument... And vice versa. That does prove anything except that you want to make excuses for wrong doing.

Sorry. One side revels in fucking up the norms. One is trying to maintain them. One base cheers when nothing is done. The other keeps trying.

Both sides don't do it.
Thats exactly what happens. Reps just spent 8 years trying to block everything Obama was doing and now thats what Dems are doing to Trump. The nature of the democratic ideology to evolve and change to fix problems while the Right wants to keep traditions and reduce government to let the market decide. There is definitely a push and pull between ideologies and it can be a healthy thing as too much of one side is bad for our country IMO.

Not the same.
Who cares if it is the same or not? To play the comparison game is giving up on the argument.

No. That's not accurate. FFS, one side is reacting to the other. That's plain.as the nose on your face.
What trump says is usually true. I agree

Do democrats have any other strategy than calling someone racist? No. I agree

Immigrants have depressed wages for native Americans. I agree

Maybe it would be helpful to review some facts. No country in the world allows more legal immigration than the us. No other country in the world has a lottery immigration program. No other country in the world is more generous than the us in helping victims of national disaster. DACA so-called children are going to be a drag on the us economy, a fact never uncovered in the main stream media.
DACA Is Not What the Democrats Say It Is. Here Are the Facts.
This of course supports trump statements but no one is allowed to argue this point.

Democrats for all their bluster are really regressive. They do not understand how the world has changed, what practical limits of governance are, and that there I is not an unlimited supply of money. For them, the world has been placed in a funnel with the United States on the small end. Dems and globalists are trying to squeeze the whole world through that funnel on to,the us. There are too many people in the world and we cannot take care of them all. In order to preserve not only our country but our system of government we have to start limiting migration, especially since unlike the past, new immigrants are not assimilating like they used to. In order to preserve what the Statue of Liberty represents we are going to have to limit immigration. While Dems decry efforts to nation build, they have no compunction about spending our treasure wealth building on every country in the world. Donald Trump as a realist and business man sees the world as it is, Dems see it as they want it to be.

The meeting in question was strictly a political ambush. Durbin and the never trumpets came in with a bipartisan proposal that was doa. That pissed trump off. It was not even close to a,good faith proposal. I don’t know what trump said, but it doesn’t matter because we will only hear what durbin said. Trump is not a racist, but he sure doesn’t make it easy on himself by giving the left so much ammunition.

So with the economy humming, a president who has done more for black and Hispanic employment than any president before him, bonuses being handed out everywhere, we are supposed to focus on racism. People from Haiti and elsalvador have no gratitude for the charity and bigness of America and are indignant that they are being told they have to go back home now. This does not go over well in trump country. And one of my questions about all these groups is why haven’t they applied for citizenship in the 20 years they have been here? Because like most all illegals, they figure with dem help they can scam the system, and for the most part they are right.

Dems get Daca, pubs get a wall, end to chain and lottery migration. For most Americans this is a straightforward deal, a compromise, and a good step forward. Failure to consummate this deal will hurt the Dems much more than republicans. Remember, the election in 2016 was a repudiation of democratic racebaiting. It is a tired, worn out, toothless strategy, and Americans know it.

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