Dems got the Trump Racism thing all wrong

The democrat system where only 3rd world welfare abusers are imported, who don't believe in any of the American values, is NOT racist?

It's not only racist regarding immigration, even worse, it's racist against Americans.

Yes, we don't want any immigrants from shithole countries. Why would we, when there are plenty of non shithole countries with far better immigrant pools?

Er... not really:

African immigrants are more educated than most — including people born in U.S.

It Isn't Just Asian Immigrants Who Thrive

I wonder how much of tax payer money is wasted to get these guys degrees.

And when they have children.... single mothers, public schools... that will be the end of that intelligence.

Wrong... These people are educated and bring their high African values with them... they aren't gang bangers.
The democrat system where only 3rd world welfare abusers are imported, who don't believe in any of the American values, is NOT racist?

It's not only racist regarding immigration, even worse, it's racist against Americans.

Yes, we don't want any immigrants from shithole countries. Why would we, when there are plenty of non shithole countries with far better immigrant pools?

Er... not really:

African immigrants are more educated than most — including people born in U.S.

It Isn't Just Asian Immigrants Who Thrive

I wonder how much of tax payer money is wasted to get these guys degrees.

And when they have children.... single mothers, public schools... that will be the end of that intelligence.

Wrong... These people are educated and bring their high African values with them... they aren't gang bangers.

"high African values"???

Could you name one African country that's not at least close to being a 3rd world nation?

With the "high African values", they aren't able to even run a singly country properly. You want them to spread that here obviously.

To be honest, I would rather go with Trump's plan. Import proven people from proven countries.
The democrat system where only 3rd world welfare abusers are imported, who don't believe in any of the American values, is NOT racist?

It's not only racist regarding immigration, even worse, it's racist against Americans.

Yes, we don't want any immigrants from shithole countries. Why would we, when there are plenty of non shithole countries with far better immigrant pools?

Er... not really:

African immigrants are more educated than most — including people born in U.S.

It Isn't Just Asian Immigrants Who Thrive

I wonder how much of tax payer money is wasted to get these guys degrees.

And when they have children.... single mothers, public schools... that will be the end of that intelligence.

Wrong... These people are educated and bring their high African values with them... they aren't gang bangers.

"high African values"???

Could you name one African country that's not at least close to being a 3rd world nation?

With the "high African values", they aren't able to even run a singly country properly. You want them to spread that here obviously.

Im talking about families staying together through thick and thin. These highly educated immigrants have advanced degrees. Many are doctors... They are superior to YOU in every way.
The democrat system where only 3rd world welfare abusers are imported, who don't believe in any of the American values, is NOT racist?

It's not only racist regarding immigration, even worse, it's racist against Americans.

Yes, we don't want any immigrants from shithole countries. Why would we, when there are plenty of non shithole countries with far better immigrant pools?

Er... not really:

African immigrants are more educated than most — including people born in U.S.

It Isn't Just Asian Immigrants Who Thrive

I wonder how much of tax payer money is wasted to get these guys degrees.

And when they have children.... single mothers, public schools... that will be the end of that intelligence.

Wrong... These people are educated and bring their high African values with them... they aren't gang bangers.

"high African values"???

Could you name one African country that's not at least close to being a 3rd world nation?

With the "high African values", they aren't able to even run a singly country properly. You want them to spread that here obviously.

Im talking about families staying together through thick and thin. These highly educated immigrants have advanced degrees. Many are doctors... They are superior to YOU in every way.

No... they aren't. They may be superior to you in every way.

I have degrees, a leftist degree is easier to attain than almost anything. And it's highly damaging...

So given that you have no arguments, I think it's clear to everyone it's better to have immigrants from functional countries and immigrate only the most functional of the people. The ones who would almost certainly not vote democrat.

Actually, just importing the ones who would never vote for democrats is likely the best proxy for a good immigration policy.

I wonder how much of tax payer money is wasted to get these guys degrees.

And when they have children.... single mothers, public schools... that will be the end of that intelligence.

Wrong... These people are educated and bring their high African values with them... they aren't gang bangers.

"high African values"???

Could you name one African country that's not at least close to being a 3rd world nation?

With the "high African values", they aren't able to even run a singly country properly. You want them to spread that here obviously.

Im talking about families staying together through thick and thin. These highly educated immigrants have advanced degrees. Many are doctors... They are superior to YOU in every way.

No... they aren't. They may be superior to you in every way.

I have degrees, a leftist degree is easier to attain than almost anything. And it's highly damaging...

So given that you have no arguments, I think it's clear to everyone it's better to have immigrants from functional countries and immigrate only the most functional of the people. The ones who would almost certainly vote not democrat.

Actually, just importing the ones who would never vote for democrats is likely the best proxy for a good immigration policy.

You have a BS degree but the BS acronym in your degree is Bull Shit.
BTW The Africans are going for the STEM courses...all necessary to facilitate their majors in the medical fields...including Medical Doctor....
I wonder how much of tax payer money is wasted to get these guys degrees.

And when they have children.... single mothers, public schools... that will be the end of that intelligence.

Wrong... These people are educated and bring their high African values with them... they aren't gang bangers.

"high African values"???

Could you name one African country that's not at least close to being a 3rd world nation?

With the "high African values", they aren't able to even run a singly country properly. You want them to spread that here obviously.

Im talking about families staying together through thick and thin. These highly educated immigrants have advanced degrees. Many are doctors... They are superior to YOU in every way.

No... they aren't. They may be superior to you in every way.

I have degrees, a leftist degree is easier to attain than almost anything. And it's highly damaging...

So given that you have no arguments, I think it's clear to everyone it's better to have immigrants from functional countries and immigrate only the most functional of the people. The ones who would almost certainly vote not democrat.

Actually, just importing the ones who would never vote for democrats is likely the best proxy for a good immigration policy.

You have a BS degree but the BS acronym in your degree is Bull Shit.
BTW The Africans are going for the STEM courses...all necessary to facilitate their majors in the medical fields...including Medical Doctor....

I am waiting for you to provide me the percentage of African immigrants who have doctorate.

Then do the same regarding immigrants of European heritage.

Then we can discuss where the immigrants are going to come from.
The immigration issue just shows everyone that the Democratic Party is on a mission to make White Voters the minority ASAP.
It's the Democrats who are the real racist.
People don't want to allow the Corrupt Democratic Party to change America into a "shithole" third world country just for more votes.
People have a 100% right to complain about it.
Which countries should we accept immigrants from, answered.

Wrong... These people are educated and bring their high African values with them... they aren't gang bangers.

"high African values"???

Could you name one African country that's not at least close to being a 3rd world nation?

With the "high African values", they aren't able to even run a singly country properly. You want them to spread that here obviously.

Im talking about families staying together through thick and thin. These highly educated immigrants have advanced degrees. Many are doctors... They are superior to YOU in every way.

No... they aren't. They may be superior to you in every way.

I have degrees, a leftist degree is easier to attain than almost anything. And it's highly damaging...

So given that you have no arguments, I think it's clear to everyone it's better to have immigrants from functional countries and immigrate only the most functional of the people. The ones who would almost certainly vote not democrat.

Actually, just importing the ones who would never vote for democrats is likely the best proxy for a good immigration policy.

You have a BS degree but the BS acronym in your degree is Bull Shit.
BTW The Africans are going for the STEM courses...all necessary to facilitate their majors in the medical fields...including Medical Doctor....

I am waiting for you to provide me the percentage of African immigrants who have doctorate.

Then do the same regarding immigrants of European heritage.

Then we can discuss where the immigrants are going to come from.
Read the links I provided MF. I ain't yer daddy!
"high African values"???

Could you name one African country that's not at least close to being a 3rd world nation?

With the "high African values", they aren't able to even run a singly country properly. You want them to spread that here obviously.

Im talking about families staying together through thick and thin. These highly educated immigrants have advanced degrees. Many are doctors... They are superior to YOU in every way.

No... they aren't. They may be superior to you in every way.

I have degrees, a leftist degree is easier to attain than almost anything. And it's highly damaging...

So given that you have no arguments, I think it's clear to everyone it's better to have immigrants from functional countries and immigrate only the most functional of the people. The ones who would almost certainly vote not democrat.

Actually, just importing the ones who would never vote for democrats is likely the best proxy for a good immigration policy.

You have a BS degree but the BS acronym in your degree is Bull Shit.
BTW The Africans are going for the STEM courses...all necessary to facilitate their majors in the medical fields...including Medical Doctor....

I am waiting for you to provide me the percentage of African immigrants who have doctorate.

Then do the same regarding immigrants of European heritage.

Then we can discuss where the immigrants are going to come from.
Read the links I provided MF. I ain't yer daddy!

"There was one African immigrant once who almost did not use obscene amount of welfare and tax-payer money, and who almost got a doctorate".

Great... great.

I believe, at this point it's obvious to everyone which countries we should accept immigrants from. Hate to break you to reality:

This is only possible because of policy that favors the democrat vote grabbing habit, over Americans:


But you realize he is talking about poor countries and poor, uneducated people right? He brought up Norway, i'm assuming, because he just met with their leader and they are one of the richest countries in the world. In Trumps mind he is thinking, I want to bring rich, smart, successful people over here, not poor, uneducated, 3rd world people... Get what i'm saying?

I do get what you are's just hard to think of what he said without a racial overtone - there are many poor countries not in Africa and not Haiti...former E. European Soviet Bloc nations for example...Asian countries....large swathes of India....

Either what he said was racist or - horribly ignorant.

Newark New Jersey is a shit hole in my opinion. Is that racist? My old public middle school was a shit hole. Is that racist?

People who hate Trump will see racism in virtually everything he says. Most sane people see that and understand it.

See Coyote the left focuses primarily on Trump's tweets and goofy things he says in order to deflect from his policies and accomplishments. Again...most sane people understand that.

I don't give a crap about the stupid stuff he says. I care that the economy is going great....ISIS is mostly destroyed, good judges are coming on the bench and bad regulations are being rolled back. See the difference?

The problem is - the "stupid crap he says" aligns with his actions. For example deciding to remove TPS from Haitians and El Salvadorians in this country, which pretty much fits with the "stupid crap" he was saying about "shithole countries"....and sending them back.

ISIS is mostly destroyed due to the efforts of the former administration over time - Trump basically kept to the same plan. Credit belongs to Obama and Trump together there. Bad regulations...well...some good ones are going down as well for no reason beyond "Obama made them". It makes no sense to me, but then again - I'm on the left and you're on the right :lol:

People who have been here 17 years for a temporary emergency in their home Countries need to go home. Telling them to go back after 17 years is not racist. Surely you understand that.

Again, I get that you hate Trump. But because you disagree with his policies does not make him a racist. If folks could truly argue coherently about his policies that's what they would do...but instead it's about tweets and words they don't like. :_

I'm on the fence as to whether he is racist or just offensive and leaning towards offensive jerk who is ignorant rather than racist.

But - what a president says matters. What he tweets matters. He's the president of the United States and his tweets have the implication of policy - or at the very least blur the line. And yes - good point about arguing about his policies.

Is there any point though, when you decide he just goes to far in his rhetoric? Is it all just ok it's just Trump?

I just laugh at the media's obsession with his tweets. The guy trolls all the time, and yeah sometimes he just says stupid shit. But people need to lighten up. Just my opinion.
Im talking about families staying together through thick and thin. These highly educated immigrants have advanced degrees. Many are doctors... They are superior to YOU in every way.

No... they aren't. They may be superior to you in every way.

I have degrees, a leftist degree is easier to attain than almost anything. And it's highly damaging...

So given that you have no arguments, I think it's clear to everyone it's better to have immigrants from functional countries and immigrate only the most functional of the people. The ones who would almost certainly vote not democrat.

Actually, just importing the ones who would never vote for democrats is likely the best proxy for a good immigration policy.

You have a BS degree but the BS acronym in your degree is Bull Shit.
BTW The Africans are going for the STEM courses...all necessary to facilitate their majors in the medical fields...including Medical Doctor....

I am waiting for you to provide me the percentage of African immigrants who have doctorate.

Then do the same regarding immigrants of European heritage.

Then we can discuss where the immigrants are going to come from.
Read the links I provided MF. I ain't yer daddy!

"There was one African immigrant once who almost did not use obscene amount of welfare and tax-payer money, and who almost got a doctorate".

Great... great.

I believe, at this point it's obvious to everyone which countries we should accept immigrants from. Hate to break you to reality:


I don't know where you dug that chart up but it tells me that African immigrants are obtaining degrees and are more educated than their white counterparts and still facing discrimination in hiring.... that would account for some using welfare programs despite being among the smartest people on thelanet.
This is only possible because of policy that favors the democrat vote grabbing habit, over Americans:



I don't care... Trump underestimated the potential of these African immigrants and he needs to apologize and tap into their amazing brain power.
No... they aren't. They may be superior to you in every way.

I have degrees, a leftist degree is easier to attain than almost anything. And it's highly damaging...

So given that you have no arguments, I think it's clear to everyone it's better to have immigrants from functional countries and immigrate only the most functional of the people. The ones who would almost certainly vote not democrat.

Actually, just importing the ones who would never vote for democrats is likely the best proxy for a good immigration policy.

You have a BS degree but the BS acronym in your degree is Bull Shit.
BTW The Africans are going for the STEM courses...all necessary to facilitate their majors in the medical fields...including Medical Doctor....

I am waiting for you to provide me the percentage of African immigrants who have doctorate.

Then do the same regarding immigrants of European heritage.

Then we can discuss where the immigrants are going to come from.
Read the links I provided MF. I ain't yer daddy!

"There was one African immigrant once who almost did not use obscene amount of welfare and tax-payer money, and who almost got a doctorate".

Great... great.

I believe, at this point it's obvious to everyone which countries we should accept immigrants from. Hate to break you to reality:


I don't know where you dug that chart up but it tells me that African immigrants are obtaining degrees and are more educated than their white counterparts and still facing discrimination in hiring.... that would account for some using welfare programs despite being among the smartest people on thelanet.

The average IQ in the nations they came from is 80 or in the case of Haiti I believe 67. I am not aware of a single half decent invention that came out of the countries.

And yet here you are, thinking they produce the smartest in the world. Reality: they are almost as good at siphoning welfare as Mexicans.

Meanwhile, the Europeans and South Asians, who produce great innovations daily, are in your opinion worse immigration material.

The only reason why you are spinning this, is because you know the African is going to be a failure and thus a vote for democrats. Maybe even bringing over some of that 3rd world influence, that any first rate country is just dying to have.
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You have a BS degree but the BS acronym in your degree is Bull Shit.
BTW The Africans are going for the STEM courses...all necessary to facilitate their majors in the medical fields...including Medical Doctor....

I am waiting for you to provide me the percentage of African immigrants who have doctorate.

Then do the same regarding immigrants of European heritage.

Then we can discuss where the immigrants are going to come from.
Read the links I provided MF. I ain't yer daddy!

"There was one African immigrant once who almost did not use obscene amount of welfare and tax-payer money, and who almost got a doctorate".

Great... great.

I believe, at this point it's obvious to everyone which countries we should accept immigrants from. Hate to break you to reality:


I don't know where you dug that chart up but it tells me that African immigrants are obtaining degrees and are more educated than their white counterparts and still facing discrimination in hiring.... that would account for some using welfare programs despite being among the smartest people on thelanet.

The average IQ in the nations they came from is 80. I am not aware of a single half decent invention that came out of the countries.

And yet here you are, thinking they produce the smartest in the world. Reality: they are almost as good at siphoning welfare as Mexicans.

Meanwhile, the Europeans and South Asians, who produce great innovations daily, are in your opinion worse immigration material.

The only reason why you are spinning this, is because you know the African is going to be a failure and thus a vote for democrats.
Who measured the average iQ of Africans in any nation?i'd like to see how that test was conducted. I think it is a western myth. But even if
an average of 80 is the IQ for a group of millions there are thousands who have IQs far above the 100 western standard. Those are the Black African immigrants who are excelling in our Universities.
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Lets get real for a second. If you are partisan spinner on either side please leave now. Here's the deal. Trump made a stupid ignorant statement the other day when he said he didn't want people from Shithole countries coming here. His lackies are looking like fools trying to make excuses for him, trying to make this thing about a PC language issue or pretending that he was simply talking about the conditions of 3rd world countries, or spreading the idiotic narrative that he didn't even say it. Its embarrassing for them. On the flip side, the dems are over playing their hand by going after Trump as a Racist... Let me explain.

I understand the racist argument that the Left is making based on Trumps statements, but I believe that to be subjective and over played in this case. The real issue from what i've seen has more to do with class. Trump doesn't want poor uneducated people coming into our Country. His statement was discriminatory, no question, so lets be accurate and call it that. I don't think Trump would have a problem with a bunch of Ben Carson's coming into our country, I don't think it is a race issue.

Trump wants merit based immigration where we give priority to people who have proven that they have something to contribute to society. People with achievements in education, work, or monetary means have proven merit under his standards and those who are poor or uneducated do not have the same merit. I don't agree with Trump, I believe in giving people opportunity and that nobody is better than the other just because they are born somewhere else or born with more means than another. I also believe that people from poor countries represent a perspective that those from rich countries don't have. They have a great sense of appreciation for opportunity and the American dream because they have gone through the struggle of not having it. That is a valuable perspective to have.

I understand given Trumps history that a link can be made to say that he may assume people of color to fit a certain stereotype unless they have proven otherwise and with that a case for Racism could be made. However, I'd like to see our political discussion less polarized and hyperbolized and more realistic based on the facts. Dems should stop with the hyperfocus on Racism and call this what it is, class based discrimination... Reps need to stop being spin doctor puppets... and Trump needs to grow the fuck up and start acting like a leader

If you are a Liberal and have ever used the word Shithole to describe anything and have criticized Trump for doing the same, the only honorable thing left for you to do is killl yourselves.
If you are an idiot that thinks this thing is about using the word shithole to describe something then go get your eyes checked because you aren't seeing what is right in front of your face. Either that or you are too dumb to get it and should probably leave this board for a while to go get an education.
I am waiting for you to provide me the percentage of African immigrants who have doctorate.

Then do the same regarding immigrants of European heritage.

Then we can discuss where the immigrants are going to come from.
Read the links I provided MF. I ain't yer daddy!

"There was one African immigrant once who almost did not use obscene amount of welfare and tax-payer money, and who almost got a doctorate".

Great... great.

I believe, at this point it's obvious to everyone which countries we should accept immigrants from. Hate to break you to reality:


I don't know where you dug that chart up but it tells me that African immigrants are obtaining degrees and are more educated than their white counterparts and still facing discrimination in hiring.... that would account for some using welfare programs despite being among the smartest people on thelanet.

The average IQ in the nations they came from is 80. I am not aware of a single half decent invention that came out of the countries.

And yet here you are, thinking they produce the smartest in the world. Reality: they are almost as good at siphoning welfare as Mexicans.

Meanwhile, the Europeans and South Asians, who produce great innovations daily, are in your opinion worse immigration material.

The only reason why you are spinning this, is because you know the African is going to be a failure and thus a vote for democrats.
Who measured the average iQ of Africans in any nation?i'd like to see how that test was conducted. I think it is a western myth. But even if
an average of 80 is the IQ for a group of millions there are thousands who have IQs far above the 100 western standard. Those are the Black African immigrants who are excelling in our Universities.

Your thoughts do not matter. They have been measured by multiple groups.

Of course, the IQ of the blacks is in general, lower than that of whites. And if we bring over smart Africans, their children will again regress to being dumber, since IQ is highly genetic. But democrats do not even want the smart ones - they would not vote for a party that displaces its own population to gain votes.
Lets get real for a second. If you are partisan spinner on either side please leave now. Here's the deal. Trump made a stupid ignorant statement the other day when he said he didn't want people from Shithole countries coming here. His lackies are looking like fools trying to make excuses for him, trying to make this thing about a PC language issue or pretending that he was simply talking about the conditions of 3rd world countries, or spreading the idiotic narrative that he didn't even say it. Its embarrassing for them. On the flip side, the dems are over playing their hand by going after Trump as a Racist... Let me explain.

I understand the racist argument that the Left is making based on Trumps statements, but I believe that to be subjective and over played in this case. The real issue from what i've seen has more to do with class. Trump doesn't want poor uneducated people coming into our Country. His statement was discriminatory, no question, so lets be accurate and call it that. I don't think Trump would have a problem with a bunch of Ben Carson's coming into our country, I don't think it is a race issue.

Trump wants merit based immigration where we give priority to people who have proven that they have something to contribute to society. People with achievements in education, work, or monetary means have proven merit under his standards and those who are poor or uneducated do not have the same merit. I don't agree with Trump, I believe in giving people opportunity and that nobody is better than the other just because they are born somewhere else or born with more means than another. I also believe that people from poor countries represent a perspective that those from rich countries don't have. They have a great sense of appreciation for opportunity and the American dream because they have gone through the struggle of not having it. That is a valuable perspective to have.

I understand given Trumps history that a link can be made to say that he may assume people of color to fit a certain stereotype unless they have proven otherwise and with that a case for Racism could be made. However, I'd like to see our political discussion less polarized and hyperbolized and more realistic based on the facts. Dems should stop with the hyperfocus on Racism and call this what it is, class based discrimination... Reps need to stop being spin doctor puppets... and Trump needs to grow the fuck up and start acting like a leader

That may be one of the best posts I have ever read here and with your permission? I would like to put it on my FB page so let me know. Trump needs to stop denying that he said what he said... even if his comment had some merit. He can be a bit abrupt, blunt and a bit uncouth. If we were to take off our partisan blinders like you did and see "the big picture"? We can only take in so many from other countries and they need to bring something to the table. Trump is being less than honest about the unemployment rate because it is much higher than what he is saying and he is just as guilty of embellishing the numbers that he accused Obama of doing. If manufacturing jobs could really be coming back? I think we have a problem because the technical abilities of the blue collar set has eroded over the last thirty years due to NAFTA, CAFTA and GATT.

The serfs have (for the most part) been given the options of working in the service industry while having to compete with illegals that were willing to "work under the table" thus driving down wages due to competition. The U.N push to push migrants off on Europe and the U.S has caused a major destabilization in the functioning of the countries that have had these people pushed off on them. So if I may, I would like to give my theory as to why this has happened.

Third world countries (though poor) have resources that these multi-corporations covet and they have managed to use the military industrial complex as the hammer to rape, pillage and plunder what they have. They create "revolutions", they destabilize governments that refuse to play ball with them, they back coups and then install a puppet. They back the drug cartels not only in Mexico but South America and the violence and lack of hope causes the very problem we are seeing via immigration.

IMHO, we have to look at the root cause as to why people flee their countries in order to come here or to Europe... and if we are absolutely HONEST about it? We will see that those we believe "govern" us are the ones causing the chaos. I would be interested in your thoughts.
Thanks Dale, yes please feel free to share my thoughts if you are keen to do so. I'm glad I was able to strike a chord, and take it as a great compliment!

As for your theory, that is a very interesting observation. I am not well versed in the details of our foreign affairs as I slept threw most my history classes way back when I was in school and only recently got interested in politics. But would be very interested to look into it at a deeper level. I have tremendous mistrust in our media and government when it comes to reporting the facts, especially with foreign affairs. It is easier to see first had more of the domestic events but the foreign stuff that happens behind closed doors gets spun out to us by the powers at be to tell the story that they want to tell. Thats why I like programs like Vice that do in depth reporting about things happening all over the world.

Im with you on the effect that our trade deals have had on our manufacturing economy. It never made sense to me why we would set such high standards for our manufacturers and then allow our retailers to buy from over seas manufacturers that pay pennies on the dollar under horrible work conditions and standards that we wouldn't allow in our own country.

Thanks for giving me some homework and something to look into. Do you have a recommendation on a situation that best displays your theory?
l. Trump made a stupid ignorant statement the other day when he said he didn't want people from Shithole countries coming here.

It was not ignorant

And it was not stupid
well thats your ignorant and stupid opinion now isn't it? ;-)

You go there and report back, next you going to tell us , Detroit, East saint Louis, South side of Chicago, and Mississippi are not shit holes ?
Did I ever say it wasn't a shithole you dupe? Have you been following this thread at all? My whole point is that the controversy isn't about calling 3rd world countries shitholes. Its about our POTUS saying he doesn't want people from shithole countries to come to the US. Do you get it now or shall I use smaller words?

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