Dems got the Trump Racism thing all wrong

Trump was at a bipartisan meeting to decide the fate of DACA

All was well until it was brought up that the lottery immigration system would be modified to allow immigration from countries like Haiti, El Salvador and Africa

Trump threw a tantrum and called those nations shitholes. Why not get more immigration from white nations like Norway?

A month ago, he was ranting about everyone in Haiti having AIDS and those in Nigeria not going back to live in huts

Is it racist?
The rest of the world is claiming it is
So is any sensible American
Thats my point... is that Racist or is it Class Discrimination. Does he not want those people here because they are poor or because they are brown/black. Does he want Norway people here because they are white or because they are rich and educated.... Be honest.
Honestly, there are many Eastern European countries that qualify as shitholes

Their country of origin means nothing. Trump should be talking about personal, speak English, job skills

It shouldnt matter if you are Hatians or Norwegians

That's exactly what he's asking for in a merit based system. I guess facts are irrelevant.

The democrat system where only 3rd world welfare abusers are imported, who don't believe in any of the American values, is NOT racist?

It's not only racist regarding immigration, even worse, it's racist against Americans.

Yes, we don't want any immigrants from shithole countries. Why would we, when there are plenty of non shithole countries with far better immigrant pools?
Because not all of us think that the country that somebody is born in defines who they are and what there potential is. Look at somebody like you. You were fortunate enough to be born in the greatest country on earth yet you are a shithole of a person. And then compare to these fellows who immigrated here from shithole countries:

Lowell Hawthorne, founder of Golden Krust Caribbean Bakery & Grill

The emigrated to the U.S. from Jamaica in 1981, where he had to leave behind the family bakery to work for the New York Police Department. He puts it bluntly: "Once I arrived, like most immigrants I had to find employment."

After 10 years of accounting for the NYPD, Hawthorne decided he wanted to return to baking. With no prior business experience, he pooled money from family members (some of whom took out second mortgages to help him) and launched Golden Krust in 1989 in the Bronx.

Today Golden Krust can be found in 125 franchises in nine states along the Eastern seaboard, and grosses more than $100 million in annual sales.

Ahmad Meradji, CEO of Booklogix

At age 21, Meradji left his home in Iran for America. Arriving in 1978, he spoke no English and hustled non-stop, working as a busboy, cab driver, waiter and deliveryman. He also started going to school in order to climb the corporate ladder.

The hard work paid off, and he reached executive positions at both Xerox and H&R Block before starting his own business in 2006: Booklogix, a self-publishing service in Georgia.

In an interview with, Meradji gave the an inspirational explanation for the success of people like him: "...if you are afraid to lose, you will never win. A lot of foreigners are not afraid because they have nothing to lose."
I am waiting for you to provide me the percentage of African immigrants who have doctorate.

Then do the same regarding immigrants of European heritage.

Then we can discuss where the immigrants are going to come from.
Read the links I provided MF. I ain't yer daddy!

"There was one African immigrant once who almost did not use obscene amount of welfare and tax-payer money, and who almost got a doctorate".

Great... great.

I believe, at this point it's obvious to everyone which countries we should accept immigrants from. Hate to break you to reality:


I don't know where you dug that chart up but it tells me that African immigrants are obtaining degrees and are more educated than their white counterparts and still facing discrimination in hiring.... that would account for some using welfare programs despite being among the smartest people on thelanet.

The average IQ in the nations they came from is 80. I am not aware of a single half decent invention that came out of the countries.

And yet here you are, thinking they produce the smartest in the world. Reality: they are almost as good at siphoning welfare as Mexicans.

Meanwhile, the Europeans and South Asians, who produce great innovations daily, are in your opinion worse immigration material.

The only reason why you are spinning this, is because you know the African is going to be a failure and thus a vote for democrats.
Who measured the average iQ of Africans in any nation?i'd like to see how that test was conducted. I think it is a western myth. But even if
an average of 80 is the IQ for a group of millions there are thousands who have IQs far above the 100 western standard. Those are the Black African immigrants who are excelling in our Universities.

And they doing what with this knowledge?
No... they aren't. They may be superior to you in every way.

I have degrees, a leftist degree is easier to attain than almost anything. And it's highly damaging...

So given that you have no arguments, I think it's clear to everyone it's better to have immigrants from functional countries and immigrate only the most functional of the people. The ones who would almost certainly vote not democrat.

Actually, just importing the ones who would never vote for democrats is likely the best proxy for a good immigration policy.

You have a BS degree but the BS acronym in your degree is Bull Shit.
BTW The Africans are going for the STEM courses...all necessary to facilitate their majors in the medical fields...including Medical Doctor....

I am waiting for you to provide me the percentage of African immigrants who have doctorate.

Then do the same regarding immigrants of European heritage.

Then we can discuss where the immigrants are going to come from.
Read the links I provided MF. I ain't yer daddy!

"There was one African immigrant once who almost did not use obscene amount of welfare and tax-payer money, and who almost got a doctorate".

Great... great.

I believe, at this point it's obvious to everyone which countries we should accept immigrants from. Hate to break you to reality:


I don't know where you dug that chart up but it tells me that African immigrants are obtaining degrees and are more educated than their white counterparts and still facing discrimination in hiring.... that would account for some using welfare programs despite being among the smartest people on thelanet.

So in your world they are real smart but can't get a job?
The democrat system where only 3rd world welfare abusers are imported, who don't believe in any of the American values, is NOT racist?

It's not only racist regarding immigration, even worse, it's racist against Americans.

Yes, we don't want any immigrants from shithole countries. Why would we, when there are plenty of non shithole countries with far better immigrant pools?
Because not all of us think that the country that somebody is born in defines who they are and what there potential is. Look at somebody like you. You were fortunate enough to be born in the greatest country on earth yet you are a shithole of a person. And then compare to these fellows who immigrated here from shithole countries:

Lowell Hawthorne, founder of Golden Krust Caribbean Bakery & Grill

The emigrated to the U.S. from Jamaica in 1981, where he had to leave behind the family bakery to work for the New York Police Department. He puts it bluntly: "Once I arrived, like most immigrants I had to find employment."

After 10 years of accounting for the NYPD, Hawthorne decided he wanted to return to baking. With no prior business experience, he pooled money from family members (some of whom took out second mortgages to help him) and launched Golden Krust in 1989 in the Bronx.

Today Golden Krust can be found in 125 franchises in nine states along the Eastern seaboard, and grosses more than $100 million in annual sales.

Ahmad Meradji, CEO of Booklogix

At age 21, Meradji left his home in Iran for America. Arriving in 1978, he spoke no English and hustled non-stop, working as a busboy, cab driver, waiter and deliveryman. He also started going to school in order to climb the corporate ladder.

The hard work paid off, and he reached executive positions at both Xerox and H&R Block before starting his own business in 2006: Booklogix, a self-publishing service in Georgia.

In an interview with, Meradji gave the an inspirational explanation for the success of people like him: "...if you are afraid to lose, you will never win. A lot of foreigners are not afraid because they have nothing to lose."

So to boost up your claim you are googling no one heard of?

A guy from Africa no one has has heard of?
This is only possible because of policy that favors the democrat vote grabbing habit, over Americans:



I don't care... Trump underestimated the potential of these African immigrants and he needs to apologize and tap into their amazing brain power.

Then they would have no problem making it in a merit based system, would they?

The democrat system where only 3rd world welfare abusers are imported, who don't believe in any of the American values, is NOT racist?

It's not only racist regarding immigration, even worse, it's racist against Americans.

Yes, we don't want any immigrants from shithole countries. Why would we, when there are plenty of non shithole countries with far better immigrant pools?
Because not all of us think that the country that somebody is born in defines who they are and what there potential is. Look at somebody like you. You were fortunate enough to be born in the greatest country on earth yet you are a shithole of a person. And then compare to these fellows who immigrated here from shithole countries:

Lowell Hawthorne, founder of Golden Krust Caribbean Bakery & Grill

The emigrated to the U.S. from Jamaica in 1981, where he had to leave behind the family bakery to work for the New York Police Department. He puts it bluntly: "Once I arrived, like most immigrants I had to find employment."

After 10 years of accounting for the NYPD, Hawthorne decided he wanted to return to baking. With no prior business experience, he pooled money from family members (some of whom took out second mortgages to help him) and launched Golden Krust in 1989 in the Bronx.

Today Golden Krust can be found in 125 franchises in nine states along the Eastern seaboard, and grosses more than $100 million in annual sales.

Ahmad Meradji, CEO of Booklogix

At age 21, Meradji left his home in Iran for America. Arriving in 1978, he spoke no English and hustled non-stop, working as a busboy, cab driver, waiter and deliveryman. He also started going to school in order to climb the corporate ladder.

The hard work paid off, and he reached executive positions at both Xerox and H&R Block before starting his own business in 2006: Booklogix, a self-publishing service in Georgia.

In an interview with, Meradji gave the an inspirational explanation for the success of people like him: "...if you are afraid to lose, you will never win. A lot of foreigners are not afraid because they have nothing to lose."

So to boost up your claim you are googling no one heard of?

A guy from Africa no one has has heard of?
Quick google search of rags to riches immigrants from shithole countries easily proves my point
The democrat system where only 3rd world welfare abusers are imported, who don't believe in any of the American values, is NOT racist?

It's not only racist regarding immigration, even worse, it's racist against Americans.

Yes, we don't want any immigrants from shithole countries. Why would we, when there are plenty of non shithole countries with far better immigrant pools?
Because not all of us think that the country that somebody is born in defines who they are and what there potential is. Look at somebody like you. You were fortunate enough to be born in the greatest country on earth yet you are a shithole of a person. And then compare to these fellows who immigrated here from shithole countries:

Lowell Hawthorne, founder of Golden Krust Caribbean Bakery & Grill

The emigrated to the U.S. from Jamaica in 1981, where he had to leave behind the family bakery to work for the New York Police Department. He puts it bluntly: "Once I arrived, like most immigrants I had to find employment."

After 10 years of accounting for the NYPD, Hawthorne decided he wanted to return to baking. With no prior business experience, he pooled money from family members (some of whom took out second mortgages to help him) and launched Golden Krust in 1989 in the Bronx.

Today Golden Krust can be found in 125 franchises in nine states along the Eastern seaboard, and grosses more than $100 million in annual sales.

Ahmad Meradji, CEO of Booklogix

At age 21, Meradji left his home in Iran for America. Arriving in 1978, he spoke no English and hustled non-stop, working as a busboy, cab driver, waiter and deliveryman. He also started going to school in order to climb the corporate ladder.

The hard work paid off, and he reached executive positions at both Xerox and H&R Block before starting his own business in 2006: Booklogix, a self-publishing service in Georgia.

In an interview with, Meradji gave the an inspirational explanation for the success of people like him: "...if you are afraid to lose, you will never win. A lot of foreigners are not afraid because they have nothing to lose."

So to boost up your claim you are googling no one heard of?

A guy from Africa no one has has heard of?
Quick google search of rags to riches immigrants from shithole countries easily proves my point
LMAO I want to know where I can get a job with all these smart Mudd hut builders from I can make millions of dollars where are they?
The democrat system where only 3rd world welfare abusers are imported, who don't believe in any of the American values, is NOT racist?

It's not only racist regarding immigration, even worse, it's racist against Americans.

Yes, we don't want any immigrants from shithole countries. Why would we, when there are plenty of non shithole countries with far better immigrant pools?
Because not all of us think that the country that somebody is born in defines who they are and what there potential is. Look at somebody like you. You were fortunate enough to be born in the greatest country on earth yet you are a shithole of a person. And then compare to these fellows who immigrated here from shithole countries:

Lowell Hawthorne, founder of Golden Krust Caribbean Bakery & Grill

The emigrated to the U.S. from Jamaica in 1981, where he had to leave behind the family bakery to work for the New York Police Department. He puts it bluntly: "Once I arrived, like most immigrants I had to find employment."

After 10 years of accounting for the NYPD, Hawthorne decided he wanted to return to baking. With no prior business experience, he pooled money from family members (some of whom took out second mortgages to help him) and launched Golden Krust in 1989 in the Bronx.

Today Golden Krust can be found in 125 franchises in nine states along the Eastern seaboard, and grosses more than $100 million in annual sales.

Ahmad Meradji, CEO of Booklogix

At age 21, Meradji left his home in Iran for America. Arriving in 1978, he spoke no English and hustled non-stop, working as a busboy, cab driver, waiter and deliveryman. He also started going to school in order to climb the corporate ladder.

The hard work paid off, and he reached executive positions at both Xerox and H&R Block before starting his own business in 2006: Booklogix, a self-publishing service in Georgia.

In an interview with, Meradji gave the an inspirational explanation for the success of people like him: "...if you are afraid to lose, you will never win. A lot of foreigners are not afraid because they have nothing to lose."

Oh shit, we have one of these people who honestly believes that opening up the flood gates to 3rd world immigration is smart because "the birth place of a person should not define who they are". Sad to inform you, the birth place of a person very much defines their nationality.

Open the flood gates and watch America decay into a 3rd world madness, like the countries where the immigrants come from.

Don't let Slade have his dream at any cost. Or do so by deporting him to his utopia.
I posted a thread the other day of all the racist things he’s said and done from the 1970’s - present.
Saying he’s not a racist is ignoring the evidence.

Whether he is or is not a racist is irrelevant. In this particular case, he said nothing racist. Race was not mentioned. Unless you think every single person from Haiti is black, and your assumption is that Haiti is a shithole because black people live there. In which case, I think you are the racist.
He said Haiti and Africa (both majority black) and he suggested Norway (white)...the POS is racist and this is not the first time he showed his true colors.
I posted a thread the other day of all the racist things he’s said and done from the 1970’s - present.
Saying he’s not a racist is ignoring the evidence.

Whether he is or is not a racist is irrelevant. In this particular case, he said nothing racist. Race was not mentioned. Unless you think every single person from Haiti is black, and your assumption is that Haiti is a shithole because black people live there. In which case, I think you are the racist.
He said Haiti and Africa (both majority black) and he suggested Norway (white)...the POS is racist and this is not the first time he showed his true colors.

So are you denying that Haiti is a shithole, and Norway isn't a shithole?
The democrat system where only 3rd world welfare abusers are imported, who don't believe in any of the American values, is NOT racist?

It's not only racist regarding immigration, even worse, it's racist against Americans.

Yes, we don't want any immigrants from shithole countries. Why would we, when there are plenty of non shithole countries with far better immigrant pools?
Because not all of us think that the country that somebody is born in defines who they are and what there potential is. Look at somebody like you. You were fortunate enough to be born in the greatest country on earth yet you are a shithole of a person. And then compare to these fellows who immigrated here from shithole countries:

Lowell Hawthorne, founder of Golden Krust Caribbean Bakery & Grill

The emigrated to the U.S. from Jamaica in 1981, where he had to leave behind the family bakery to work for the New York Police Department. He puts it bluntly: "Once I arrived, like most immigrants I had to find employment."

After 10 years of accounting for the NYPD, Hawthorne decided he wanted to return to baking. With no prior business experience, he pooled money from family members (some of whom took out second mortgages to help him) and launched Golden Krust in 1989 in the Bronx.

Today Golden Krust can be found in 125 franchises in nine states along the Eastern seaboard, and grosses more than $100 million in annual sales.

Ahmad Meradji, CEO of Booklogix

At age 21, Meradji left his home in Iran for America. Arriving in 1978, he spoke no English and hustled non-stop, working as a busboy, cab driver, waiter and deliveryman. He also started going to school in order to climb the corporate ladder.

The hard work paid off, and he reached executive positions at both Xerox and H&R Block before starting his own business in 2006: Booklogix, a self-publishing service in Georgia.

In an interview with, Meradji gave the an inspirational explanation for the success of people like him: "...if you are afraid to lose, you will never win. A lot of foreigners are not afraid because they have nothing to lose."

Oh shit, we have one of these people who honestly believes that opening up the flood gates to 3rd world immigration is smart because "the birth place of a person should not define who they are". Sad to inform you, the birth place of a person very much defines their nationality.

Open the flood gates and watch America decay into a 3rd world country, like the countries where the immigrants come from.
Excuse me, please point to where I said "flood gates" ever. Stop making shit up.

And yes, absolutely, somebodies nationality does not define who they are or what they are capable of, thats not a hard concept to understand.
The democrat system where only 3rd world welfare abusers are imported, who don't believe in any of the American values, is NOT racist?

It's not only racist regarding immigration, even worse, it's racist against Americans.

Yes, we don't want any immigrants from shithole countries. Why would we, when there are plenty of non shithole countries with far better immigrant pools?
Because not all of us think that the country that somebody is born in defines who they are and what there potential is. Look at somebody like you. You were fortunate enough to be born in the greatest country on earth yet you are a shithole of a person. And then compare to these fellows who immigrated here from shithole countries:

Lowell Hawthorne, founder of Golden Krust Caribbean Bakery & Grill

The emigrated to the U.S. from Jamaica in 1981, where he had to leave behind the family bakery to work for the New York Police Department. He puts it bluntly: "Once I arrived, like most immigrants I had to find employment."

After 10 years of accounting for the NYPD, Hawthorne decided he wanted to return to baking. With no prior business experience, he pooled money from family members (some of whom took out second mortgages to help him) and launched Golden Krust in 1989 in the Bronx.

Today Golden Krust can be found in 125 franchises in nine states along the Eastern seaboard, and grosses more than $100 million in annual sales.

Ahmad Meradji, CEO of Booklogix

At age 21, Meradji left his home in Iran for America. Arriving in 1978, he spoke no English and hustled non-stop, working as a busboy, cab driver, waiter and deliveryman. He also started going to school in order to climb the corporate ladder.

The hard work paid off, and he reached executive positions at both Xerox and H&R Block before starting his own business in 2006: Booklogix, a self-publishing service in Georgia.

In an interview with, Meradji gave the an inspirational explanation for the success of people like him: "...if you are afraid to lose, you will never win. A lot of foreigners are not afraid because they have nothing to lose."

Oh shit, we have one of these people who honestly believes that opening up the flood gates to 3rd world immigration is smart because "the birth place of a person should not define who they are". Sad to inform you, the birth place of a person very much defines their nationality.

Open the flood gates and watch America decay into a 3rd world country, like the countries where the immigrants come from.
Excuse me, please point to where I said "flood gates" ever. Stop making shit up.

And yes, absolutely, somebodies nationality does not define who they are or what they are capable of, thats not a hard concept to understand.

Nope, but it does defy their nationality.

And if they are outside of USA it will not be "American", unless one of the parents is American.

Sad to inform you, this is how it works. They also can not vote for democrats in the elections. You will have to convince Americans, not Africans.
I posted a thread the other day of all the racist things he’s said and done from the 1970’s - present.
Saying he’s not a racist is ignoring the evidence.

Whether he is or is not a racist is irrelevant. In this particular case, he said nothing racist. Race was not mentioned. Unless you think every single person from Haiti is black, and your assumption is that Haiti is a shithole because black people live there. In which case, I think you are the racist.
He said Haiti and Africa (both majority black) and he suggested Norway (white)...the POS is racist and this is not the first time he showed his true colors.
Sorry man, I am far from a Trump fan, but you are hearing what you want to hear with this one. Try to be a little more objective. It is class discrimination, not racism.
I want to know where all these smart CEOs from Africa is in the United States is?


This is as good damn stupid as obozo implied Muslims created America.
The democrat system where only 3rd world welfare abusers are imported, who don't believe in any of the American values, is NOT racist?

It's not only racist regarding immigration, even worse, it's racist against Americans.

Yes, we don't want any immigrants from shithole countries. Why would we, when there are plenty of non shithole countries with far better immigrant pools?
Because not all of us think that the country that somebody is born in defines who they are and what there potential is. Look at somebody like you. You were fortunate enough to be born in the greatest country on earth yet you are a shithole of a person. And then compare to these fellows who immigrated here from shithole countries:

Lowell Hawthorne, founder of Golden Krust Caribbean Bakery & Grill

The emigrated to the U.S. from Jamaica in 1981, where he had to leave behind the family bakery to work for the New York Police Department. He puts it bluntly: "Once I arrived, like most immigrants I had to find employment."

After 10 years of accounting for the NYPD, Hawthorne decided he wanted to return to baking. With no prior business experience, he pooled money from family members (some of whom took out second mortgages to help him) and launched Golden Krust in 1989 in the Bronx.

Today Golden Krust can be found in 125 franchises in nine states along the Eastern seaboard, and grosses more than $100 million in annual sales.

Ahmad Meradji, CEO of Booklogix

At age 21, Meradji left his home in Iran for America. Arriving in 1978, he spoke no English and hustled non-stop, working as a busboy, cab driver, waiter and deliveryman. He also started going to school in order to climb the corporate ladder.

The hard work paid off, and he reached executive positions at both Xerox and H&R Block before starting his own business in 2006: Booklogix, a self-publishing service in Georgia.

In an interview with, Meradji gave the an inspirational explanation for the success of people like him: "...if you are afraid to lose, you will never win. A lot of foreigners are not afraid because they have nothing to lose."

Oh shit, we have one of these people who honestly believes that opening up the flood gates to 3rd world immigration is smart because "the birth place of a person should not define who they are". Sad to inform you, the birth place of a person very much defines their nationality.

Open the flood gates and watch America decay into a 3rd world country, like the countries where the immigrants come from.
Excuse me, please point to where I said "flood gates" ever. Stop making shit up.

And yes, absolutely, somebodies nationality does not define who they are or what they are capable of, thats not a hard concept to understand.

Nope, but it does defy their nationality.

And if they are outside of USA it will not be "American", unless one of the parents is American.

Sad to inform you, this is how it works.
No shit sherlock. Did you think I was saying otherwise? Are you having a hard time following what i'm saying or are you just making up fake shit?
I posted a thread the other day of all the racist things he’s said and done from the 1970’s - present.
Saying he’s not a racist is ignoring the evidence.

Whether he is or is not a racist is irrelevant. In this particular case, he said nothing racist. Race was not mentioned. Unless you think every single person from Haiti is black, and your assumption is that Haiti is a shithole because black people live there. In which case, I think you are the racist.
He said Haiti and Africa (both majority black) and he suggested Norway (white)...the POS is racist and this is not the first time he showed his true colors.

So are you denying that Haiti is a shithole, and Norway isn't a shithole?
It depends who you ask. If you ask Norwegians they will tell you most of the US is a shithole. In fact a Swedish woman the other day told me that living conditions of lot of Americans is poor compared to Sweden.
The democrat system where only 3rd world welfare abusers are imported, who don't believe in any of the American values, is NOT racist?

It's not only racist regarding immigration, even worse, it's racist against Americans.

Yes, we don't want any immigrants from shithole countries. Why would we, when there are plenty of non shithole countries with far better immigrant pools?
Because not all of us think that the country that somebody is born in defines who they are and what there potential is. Look at somebody like you. You were fortunate enough to be born in the greatest country on earth yet you are a shithole of a person. And then compare to these fellows who immigrated here from shithole countries:

Lowell Hawthorne, founder of Golden Krust Caribbean Bakery & Grill

The emigrated to the U.S. from Jamaica in 1981, where he had to leave behind the family bakery to work for the New York Police Department. He puts it bluntly: "Once I arrived, like most immigrants I had to find employment."

After 10 years of accounting for the NYPD, Hawthorne decided he wanted to return to baking. With no prior business experience, he pooled money from family members (some of whom took out second mortgages to help him) and launched Golden Krust in 1989 in the Bronx.

Today Golden Krust can be found in 125 franchises in nine states along the Eastern seaboard, and grosses more than $100 million in annual sales.

Ahmad Meradji, CEO of Booklogix

At age 21, Meradji left his home in Iran for America. Arriving in 1978, he spoke no English and hustled non-stop, working as a busboy, cab driver, waiter and deliveryman. He also started going to school in order to climb the corporate ladder.

The hard work paid off, and he reached executive positions at both Xerox and H&R Block before starting his own business in 2006: Booklogix, a self-publishing service in Georgia.

In an interview with, Meradji gave the an inspirational explanation for the success of people like him: "...if you are afraid to lose, you will never win. A lot of foreigners are not afraid because they have nothing to lose."

How do you work in a family bakery and not get some business experience?

I want to know where all these smart CEOs from Africa is in the United States is?


This is as good damn stupid as obozo implied Muslims created America.
Did you know that Elon Musk is from Africa? Do you know who he is?
I posted a thread the other day of all the racist things he’s said and done from the 1970’s - present.
Saying he’s not a racist is ignoring the evidence.

Whether he is or is not a racist is irrelevant. In this particular case, he said nothing racist. Race was not mentioned. Unless you think every single person from Haiti is black, and your assumption is that Haiti is a shithole because black people live there. In which case, I think you are the racist.
He said Haiti and Africa (both majority black) and he suggested Norway (white)...the POS is racist and this is not the first time he showed his true colors.
Sorry man, I am far from a Trump fan, but you are hearing what you want to hear with this one. Try to be a little more objective. It is class discrimination, not racism.

No one has class discrimination except in the blue tards are off the chain to think Africans have more degrees then white Americans or Asian doesn't fit in with reality fool ..

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