Dems have a plan to punish the Repubs for blocking USSC nominee hearings

Dems Plan To Make Republicans Pay For Blockading The Supreme Court

The GOP is playing a very dangerous game of Judicial Chicken. Better have you seatbelt on Mister McConnell. Oh, and strap down your three chins....THIS IS WAR!

If you weren't so liberal, or blind, you would know that Senator Obama tried to filibuster Bush's Supreme Court nominee. Samuel Alito.

Karma's a bitch. If you don't like it when it's done to you, don't set the precedent.

White House: Obama 'regrets' decision to filibuster Supreme Court Justice Alito | Fox News

Voters will punish the GOP if they do not hold hearings on an Obama appointment. The GOP has tow HUGE problems. They either hold hearings on O's nomination or voters kill them in November and....well...


is the other problem. He is determined to win the GOP nod and when the Repub brass take that away from him, HE WILL run third party. The GOP loses and then, even to the disdain of many of us moderates, we get an Ultra-Liberal Justice in 2017...and the Senate.

If you think the GOP would "take" the nomination away from Trump you are delusional.
That would 100% guarantee that Trump would go third party guaranteeing the end of the REP party.
NOT going to happen.
Already RP the head of the REP party is on the phone and at Trump's headquarters every day.
The Senate is going to stand firm.
Dems Plan To Make Republicans Pay For Blockading The Supreme Court

The GOP is playing a very dangerous game of Judicial Chicken. Better have you seatbelt on Mister McConnell. Oh, and strap down your three chins....THIS IS WAR!

If you weren't so liberal, or blind, you would know that Senator Obama tried to filibuster Bush's Supreme Court nominee. Samuel Alito.

Karma's a bitch. If you don't like it when it's done to you, don't set the precedent.

White House: Obama 'regrets' decision to filibuster Supreme Court Justice Alito | Fox News

Whiners, where does Alito sit now?

Republicans have constructed and run at full capacity the new company Red Herrings Inc. "Need to lie to people but also need to make it look like you aren't? Come to Red Herrings Inc, we'll construct a lie so beautiful your mother would love its face."

No, we're just demonstrating how hypocritical Democrats are being.

If you don't like what Republicans are doing to Obama's potential appointment/nominee, then Obama shouldn't have set the precedent all those years ago.

So from today going forward each party in the Senate should stop the government from functioning until they get what they want.

This is how 8 year olds act. That is who you are and that is what the Republican party has become. The Tea Party has turned you all into a bunch of children that only know how to throw tantrums and cry for you bottle.
It's hilarious to watch the LIBs screaming and wailing and blubbering now.
I can't WAIT to read your posts a couple of days before the General hen the Senate still hasn't even opened the envelope containing LL's nomination.
She's the first one Obama will try to throw under the bus.
Negro with a Vagina. Never 'judged' even a watermelon eating contest in her life.
Democrats use terms like "punish" and "enemies" when it comes to referring to persons with views not the same as theirs yet they expect US to view them as the "uniters"?
If you weren't so liberal, or blind, you would know that Senator Obama tried to filibuster Bush's Supreme Court nominee. Samuel Alito.

Karma's a bitch. If you don't like it when it's done to you, don't set the precedent.

White House: Obama 'regrets' decision to filibuster Supreme Court Justice Alito | Fox News

Whiners, where does Alito sit now?

Republicans have constructed and run at full capacity the new company Red Herrings Inc. "Need to lie to people but also need to make it look like you aren't? Come to Red Herrings Inc, we'll construct a lie so beautiful your mother would love its face."

No, we're just demonstrating how hypocritical Democrats are being.

If you don't like what Republicans are doing to Obama's potential appointment/nominee, then Obama shouldn't have set the precedent all those years ago.

So from today going forward each party in the Senate should stop the government from functioning until they get what they want.

This is how 8 year olds act. That is who you are and that is what the Republican party has become. The Tea Party has turned you all into a bunch of children that only know how to throw tantrums and cry for you bottle.

The government will operate just fine. It's not imperative that we have 9 justices instead of 8.

So you dont' have a problem if the Democrats never approve of a single candidate nominated by any future Republican president.

You do understand that this entails the end of this democracy don't you. Once a single political party decides they do not have to follow the Constitution, which for the Senate means vetting and APPROVING some new judge, then the democracy has been compromised.

This is in fact the very reason for the Constitution, to force all parties to carry out their function whether they like it or not.

We have arrived at a moment when conservatives now understand their worldview is at the tipping point of being relegated to minority status, and you don't like it. Understandable. But that's how it works. Your viewpoint is slowly being outweighed by numbers of voters who want something else. In a democracy that's how it goes.

Stop whining like children and live with reality.
WOW! You really are having a tantrum today!
Yes Obama can "appoint" a SCJ. But only after the Senate gives him permission to make the 'appointment'. That doesn't seem like Obama has much say in the matter does it?
The odds of a DEM becoming the next President are now less than zero.
Thank Debbie for telling Biden and Warren to get lost. "It's MY girl who will be the nominee!" Fucking dumb-ass loser!
THAT'S what's got your panties in a twist!
President Trump will have a REP Senate and Congress.
In eighth years he could "appoint", with the REP majority's blessing, 5-6 SCJ's.
This will mean a REP controlled SC for decades to come.
There. You can now go hit your head against a wall.
Dems Plan To Make Republicans Pay For Blockading The Supreme Court

The GOP is playing a very dangerous game of Judicial Chicken. Better have you seatbelt on Mister McConnell. Oh, and strap down your three chins....THIS IS WAR!

If you weren't so liberal, or blind, you would know that Senator Obama tried to filibuster Bush's Supreme Court nominee. Samuel Alito.

Karma's a bitch. If you don't like it when it's done to you, don't set the precedent.

White House: Obama 'regrets' decision to filibuster Supreme Court Justice Alito | Fox News

Voters will punish the GOP if they do not hold hearings on an Obama appointment. The GOP has tow HUGE problems. They either hold hearings on O's nomination or voters kill them in November and....well...


is the other problem. He is determined to win the GOP nod and when the Repub brass take that away from him, HE WILL run third party. The GOP loses and then, even to the disdain of many of us moderates, we get an Ultra-Liberal Justice in 2017...and the Senate.

If you think the GOP would "take" the nomination away from Trump you are delusional.
That would 100% guarantee that Trump would go third party guaranteeing the end of the REP party.
NOT going to happen.
Already RP the head of the REP party is on the phone and at Trump's headquarters every day.
The Senate is going to stand firm.

And Trump nominates a Liberal and we all laugh and laugh......:badgrin:
Dems Plan To Make Republicans Pay For Blockading The Supreme Court

The GOP is playing a very dangerous game of Judicial Chicken. Better have you seatbelt on Mister McConnell. Oh, and strap down your three chins....THIS IS WAR!

If you weren't so liberal, or blind, you would know that Senator Obama tried to filibuster Bush's Supreme Court nominee. Samuel Alito.

Karma's a bitch. If you don't like it when it's done to you, don't set the precedent.

White House: Obama 'regrets' decision to filibuster Supreme Court Justice Alito | Fox News

Voters will punish the GOP if they do not hold hearings on an Obama appointment. The GOP has tow HUGE problems. They either hold hearings on O's nomination or voters kill them in November and....well...


is the other problem. He is determined to win the GOP nod and when the Repub brass take that away from him, HE WILL run third party. The GOP loses and then, even to the disdain of many of us moderates, we get an Ultra-Liberal Justice in 2017...and the Senate.

If you think the GOP would "take" the nomination away from Trump you are delusional.
That would 100% guarantee that Trump would go third party guaranteeing the end of the REP party.
NOT going to happen.
Already RP the head of the REP party is on the phone and at Trump's headquarters every day.
The Senate is going to stand firm.

And Trump nominates a Liberal and we all laugh and laugh......:badgrin:
Little early isn't it? Good to see you've already started to accept the fact that Trump will be the next President though.
In eight years President Trump could put 5-6 SCJ's on the bench. Fundamentally affecting the course of American history for many decades.
To GOD be the Praise!
Dems Plan To Make Republicans Pay For Blockading The Supreme Court

The GOP is playing a very dangerous game of Judicial Chicken. Better have you seatbelt on Mister McConnell. Oh, and strap down your three chins....THIS IS WAR!

If you weren't so liberal, or blind, you would know that Senator Obama tried to filibuster Bush's Supreme Court nominee. Samuel Alito.

Karma's a bitch. If you don't like it when it's done to you, don't set the precedent.

White House: Obama 'regrets' decision to filibuster Supreme Court Justice Alito | Fox News

Voters will punish the GOP if they do not hold hearings on an Obama appointment. The GOP has tow HUGE problems. They either hold hearings on O's nomination or voters kill them in November and....well...


is the other problem. He is determined to win the GOP nod and when the Repub brass take that away from him, HE WILL run third party. The GOP loses and then, even to the disdain of many of us moderates, we get an Ultra-Liberal Justice in 2017...and the Senate.

If you think the GOP would "take" the nomination away from Trump you are delusional.
That would 100% guarantee that Trump would go third party guaranteeing the end of the REP party.
NOT going to happen.
Already RP the head of the REP party is on the phone and at Trump's headquarters every day.
The Senate is going to stand firm.

And Trump nominates a Liberal and we all laugh and laugh......:badgrin:
Little early isn't it? Good to see you've already started to accept the fact that Trump will be the next President though.
In eight years President Trump could put 5-6 SCJ's on the bench. Fundamentally affecting the course of American history for many decades.
To GOD be the Praise!

Trump will NEVER win the General. He has the greatest negatives of anyone in the field. That is why the GOP is desperately trying to stop him. But you are stuck with the Liberal in Conservative clothing. If he ever were elected, he would tell you RWers to f_ _ _ off. It will be hilarious!
Interesting in that the conduct of liberals in their past record of obstructionism is no longer valid if a republican or conservative should employ the same stunt?
Oh the weak feeble mindset of a liberal when they are held accountable for their actions.
Whiners, where does Alito sit now?

Republicans have constructed and run at full capacity the new company Red Herrings Inc. "Need to lie to people but also need to make it look like you aren't? Come to Red Herrings Inc, we'll construct a lie so beautiful your mother would love its face."

No, we're just demonstrating how hypocritical Democrats are being.

If you don't like what Republicans are doing to Obama's potential appointment/nominee, then Obama shouldn't have set the precedent all those years ago.

So from today going forward each party in the Senate should stop the government from functioning until they get what they want.

This is how 8 year olds act. That is who you are and that is what the Republican party has become. The Tea Party has turned you all into a bunch of children that only know how to throw tantrums and cry for you bottle.

The government will operate just fine. It's not imperative that we have 9 justices instead of 8.

So you dont' have a problem if the Democrats never approve of a single candidate nominated by any future Republican president.

You do understand that this entails the end of this democracy don't you. Once a single political party decides they do not have to follow the Constitution, which for the Senate means vetting and APPROVING some new judge, then the democracy has been compromised.

This is in fact the very reason for the Constitution, to force all parties to carry out their function whether they like it or not.

We have arrived at a moment when conservatives now understand their worldview is at the tipping point of being relegated to minority status, and you don't like it. Understandable. But that's how it works. Your viewpoint is slowly being outweighed by numbers of voters who want something else. In a democracy that's how it goes.

Stop whining like children and live with reality.

If you really believe that, then why not wait until the next President? If you have Bernie or Hillary, they can nominate who they desire. If we decide to elect either of these two for President, then the people have spoken.

Since DumBama won his second term, people have disapproved of him. He won on lies, and we reacted by strengthening the Republican Congress and giving Republican leadership to the Senate.

And I have to ask, were you so concerned about the Constitution when DumBama went around our process multiple times? You know "I have a pen and I have a cell phone?"

If Republicans cave in, review Obama's nominee, and then reject him or her, would you be happy then? I'm willing to bet my dime to your dollar that you will not. If it happens, come on back to USMB and see how pissed off Democrats will be. You'll be complaining about the same thing.

We had an election, the current president was elected. Not for a 3 year term, but for a 4 year term.

You want to nullify that election because you didn't like the outcome. Too bad.
No, we're just demonstrating how hypocritical Democrats are being.

If you don't like what Republicans are doing to Obama's potential appointment/nominee, then Obama shouldn't have set the precedent all those years ago.

So from today going forward each party in the Senate should stop the government from functioning until they get what they want.

This is how 8 year olds act. That is who you are and that is what the Republican party has become. The Tea Party has turned you all into a bunch of children that only know how to throw tantrums and cry for you bottle.

The government will operate just fine. It's not imperative that we have 9 justices instead of 8.

So you dont' have a problem if the Democrats never approve of a single candidate nominated by any future Republican president.

You do understand that this entails the end of this democracy don't you. Once a single political party decides they do not have to follow the Constitution, which for the Senate means vetting and APPROVING some new judge, then the democracy has been compromised.

This is in fact the very reason for the Constitution, to force all parties to carry out their function whether they like it or not.

We have arrived at a moment when conservatives now understand their worldview is at the tipping point of being relegated to minority status, and you don't like it. Understandable. But that's how it works. Your viewpoint is slowly being outweighed by numbers of voters who want something else. In a democracy that's how it goes.

Stop whining like children and live with reality.

If you really believe that, then why not wait until the next President? If you have Bernie or Hillary, they can nominate who they desire. If we decide to elect either of these two for President, then the people have spoken.

Since DumBama won his second term, people have disapproved of him. He won on lies, and we reacted by strengthening the Republican Congress and giving Republican leadership to the Senate.

And I have to ask, were you so concerned about the Constitution when DumBama went around our process multiple times? You know "I have a pen and I have a cell phone?"

If Republicans cave in, review Obama's nominee, and then reject him or her, would you be happy then? I'm willing to bet my dime to your dollar that you will not. If it happens, come on back to USMB and see how pissed off Democrats will be. You'll be complaining about the same thing.

We had an election, the current president was elected. Not for a 3 year term, but for a 4 year term.

You want to nullify that election because you didn't like the outcome. Too bad.

And do you want to do the same with the Senate?
Patriotic Americans will, indeed, punish the GOP if they hold hearings and fail in their duty to properly bork any nominee foolish enough to allow her/his/its name into the game.
Vetting and rejecting one or two is expected. Not approving anyone because you've decided only your picks for the Supreme Court will ever get nominated is utter rejection of American democracy.

If the Republicans cross this line they are not Americans anymore. Their political party is their almighty god.
Reality Check: One of the main reasons that people vote for Republican Senators is because people understand the importance of the Senate's role in reviewing Federal Court nominees, especially Supreme Court nominees. And they vote REPUBLICAN because they are unhappy (or, in the case of many, outraged) at what this Court has done to the Constitution.

This is THE SPECIFIC TIME AND SITUATION for which they cast their Republican votes. THEY WANT the Republicans in the Senate to prevent a Liberal/Progressive takeover of the court.

So anyone who thinks that they can be embarrassed into confirming another unqualified, token, ideologue is simply delusional. If they DON'T block an Obama nominee (who will be an unqualified, token, ideologue), they will be in trouble with their constituents.

Of course, he should nominate someone, and the Senate is obliged to consider the nominee. That much is clear. A recess appointment would be best (would only be in office for the remainder of Barry's term), but time is running out on that.
and thomas doesn't embarrass the hell out of you
Funny how fast people's memories fade

More recently, when he was Senate Majority Leader at the end of the Bush administration, Harry Reid took dramatic action to prevent President Bush from making any appointments whatsoever. Democrats were frustrated by some of Bush's recess appointments, especially John Bolton as U.N. ambassador. But in fairness to Bush, the Democratic Senate's partisan obstruction was completely out of hand. In late 2007, the Harry Reid-led Senate had a backlog of more than 200 appointments that it had failed to act on, including dozens of judges. In order to prevent Bush from filling any of those slots with recess appointments, Reid started holding 30 second "pro-forma" sessions over the holidays so the Senate would technically be in session and the president would be constitutionally prohibited from making recess appointments.

The Democrats' Hypocrisy on Partisan Obstruction of Judicial Nominations
Funny how fast people's memories fade

More recently, when he was Senate Majority Leader at the end of the Bush administration, Harry Reid took dramatic action to prevent President Bush from making any appointments whatsoever. Democrats were frustrated by some of Bush's recess appointments, especially John Bolton as U.N. ambassador. But in fairness to Bush, the Democratic Senate's partisan obstruction was completely out of hand. In late 2007, the Harry Reid-led Senate had a backlog of more than 200 appointments that it had failed to act on, including dozens of judges. In order to prevent Bush from filling any of those slots with recess appointments, Reid started holding 30 second "pro-forma" sessions over the holidays so the Senate would technically be in session and the president would be constitutionally prohibited from making recess appointments.

The Democrats' Hypocrisy on Partisan Obstruction of Judicial Nominations
and keeping all of those republican appointments and dozens of judges out was a bad thing Mr mod ??
you really want to screw up America ??
Funny how fast people's memories fade

More recently, when he was Senate Majority Leader at the end of the Bush administration, Harry Reid took dramatic action to prevent President Bush from making any appointments whatsoever. Democrats were frustrated by some of Bush's recess appointments, especially John Bolton as U.N. ambassador. But in fairness to Bush, the Democratic Senate's partisan obstruction was completely out of hand. In late 2007, the Harry Reid-led Senate had a backlog of more than 200 appointments that it had failed to act on, including dozens of judges. In order to prevent Bush from filling any of those slots with recess appointments, Reid started holding 30 second "pro-forma" sessions over the holidays so the Senate would technically be in session and the president would be constitutionally prohibited from making recess appointments.

The Democrats' Hypocrisy on Partisan Obstruction of Judicial Nominations
and keeping all of those republican appointments and dozens of judges out was a bad thing Mr mod ??
you really want to screw up America ??

If that's what you feel is acceptable behavior by your elected representatives then that's your privilege, but don't run around bitching about it when they turn around and do it back to you.
Funny how fast people's memories fade

More recently, when he was Senate Majority Leader at the end of the Bush administration, Harry Reid took dramatic action to prevent President Bush from making any appointments whatsoever. Democrats were frustrated by some of Bush's recess appointments, especially John Bolton as U.N. ambassador. But in fairness to Bush, the Democratic Senate's partisan obstruction was completely out of hand. In late 2007, the Harry Reid-led Senate had a backlog of more than 200 appointments that it had failed to act on, including dozens of judges. In order to prevent Bush from filling any of those slots with recess appointments, Reid started holding 30 second "pro-forma" sessions over the holidays so the Senate would technically be in session and the president would be constitutionally prohibited from making recess appointments.

The Democrats' Hypocrisy on Partisan Obstruction of Judicial Nominations
and keeping all of those republican appointments and dozens of judges out was a bad thing Mr mod ??
you really want to screw up America ??

If that's what you feel is acceptable behavior by your elected representatives then that's your privilege, but don't run around bitching about it when they turn around and do it back to you.
I don't like it one sided in either direction taz ,,,,not good for the country But I truly believe that the man in the WH bush clinton obama hillary ,,,should hold an edge when filling slots but one sided ain't getting it

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