Dems kill God

We did just fine w/o all this god business for a 150+ yrs before the 'Red Scare'. Thats when god was added to the money & the pledge of allegiance in the 1950's. god doesn't belong in gov't. If god needed to be in gov't, what does that say about the god anyway?

Yeah he's just mentioned in every important document in this county. Declaration, Gettysburg Address, and emancipation proclomation, ect..... yeah never mentioned God until the 1950s, learn some history dumb ass

There has also been an opening prayer from a Chaplain at every opening of Congress since the beginning.

We did just fine w/o all this god business for a 150+ yrs before the 'Red Scare'. Thats when god was added to the money & the pledge of allegiance in the 1950's. god doesn't belong in gov't. If god needed to be in gov't, what does that say about the god anyway?

Yeah he's just mentioned in every important document in this county. Declaration, Gettysburg Address, and emancipation proclomation, ect..... yeah never mentioned God until the 1950s, learn some history dumb ass

There has also been an opening prayer from a Chaplain at every opening of Congress since the beginning.


and it still doesn't help.
The San Antonio mayor just referenced God so can we shut up about God and blast the collectivists for all their other bullshit please.

That was such an obvious tack-on orchestrated by the convention in response to the media and Republicans picking it up. Someone hustled over to him and asked him to stick that in. Too late, fuckers. Nobody is going to forget that the Democrats in 2012 eliminated "God" from the convention. In a country where more than 90 percent believe in God, that's dumb, but it luckily shows us who they really are.

You just can't kill God and expect it to go unnoticed.
Do Republicans really support the right of a brutal rapist to be a "dad"?
No problem. I say we take responsibility for our actions.

That is the LAST thing the Democrats believe in.

"I don't have insurance and I want you to make that guy over there pay for it!!!"

"I dropped out of high school and refuse to take a job where I am not in charge, and I want you to make that guy over there buy my food and housing and medical!!!"

"I have a problem. Why is the government not spending money to fix it?!?!?!"


or like sarges thread today wondering where FEMA was for the hurricane victims and a couple of repubs were complaining that they did'nt get much from the govt. for the generator they bought.
The San Antonio mayor just referenced God so can we shut up about God and blast the collectivists for all their other bullshit please.

That was such an obvious tack-on orchestrated by the convention in response to the media and Republicans picking it up. Someone hustled over to him and asked him to stick that in. Too late, fuckers. Nobody is going to forget that the Democrats in 2012 eliminated "God" from the convention. In a country where more than 90 percent believe in God, that's dumb, but it luckily shows us who they really are.

You just can't kill God and expect it to go unnoticed.

Where is the tombstone at?
Because He IS God, the Fountainhead of Truth, Love and Righteousness. God can no more do evil than you can crap a new Mercedes-Benz.

Maybe if you took a little time to enlighten yourself these questions wouldn't be such posers to you.

Ah Predictable response. He's omnipotent and omniscient etc etc, so on and so forth. Been there, heard that. Well that's disappointing. Thought you were actually going to make me think there for a bit.

I'm generally a fan of enlightenment and strive to ask questions when curious. However, I get the feeling you don't like me asking such questions about your God. Why is that? Is it sacrilege to question his omnipotency?

I shall return to this thread in the morning.

Sorry to disappoint you. If the answer is predictable does that give it more credence? One would think it should, being as it's obvious that you've heard it before.

And I have no problem with you questioning 'my' God, or anyone else's. I spent close to 30 years doing the same thing. It's not sacrilege, it's education.

Ah there we are. That's a better response.

I mentioned sacrilege because you noticeably bristled when I questioned God's omnipotence. Understandable I suppose as it's instinctual to do as much when someone questions a tenant of your faith.

I will agree with you on this though: Predictability does not give an answer more or less credence. I merely dislike predictability and chose to express it.

But back to the exactly can an all-powerful being such as Yahweh be "killed" as the OP says when you just told me -

Because He IS God, the Fountainhead of Truth, Love and Righteousness. God can no more do evil than you can crap a new Mercedes-Benz

How can he be all of that, do all of that......and yet be "killed"? Maybe I read too much into what the OP said, but then that would beg the question, if that's not what they meant....then what exactly did they mean?

From where I'm sitting, It appears to me that the OP just admitted that God is indeed a fallible being. Perhaps they were being facetious though and this is just another DNC troll thread. For predictability's sake, I hope not.
He's gone from their platform...........they don't need him anymore, just the votes. How can a Christian, white, black, yellow or red stand with a group so brazen they just don't have any remorse about killing babies or God.

Guess what? God’s name has been removed from the Democratic National Committee platform.

This is the paragraph that was in the 2008 platform:

“We need a government that stands up for the hopes, values, and interests of working people, and gives everyone willing to work hard the chance to make the most of their God-given potential.”

Now the words “God-given” have been removed. The paragraph has been restructured to say this:

“We gather to reclaim the basic bargain that built the largest middle class and the most prosperous nation on Earth – the simple principle that in America, hard work should pay off, responsibility should be rewarded, and each one of us should be able to go as far as our talent and drive take us.”

Exclusive: Democrats Drop 'God' From Party Platform

Ahhhhh.... Progress!
How do you know? Maybe things would be even worse now without the prayers. God doesn't make "everything" perfect just because people pray for it. But he helps us the pray get through it all....
See that's just the thing....................why are you so sure there isn't a God?? What if you're wrong??

Then I guess I burn in a lake of fire for all eternity because god has such a mother fucking complex that he has to punish people for not just a little while, but all of eternity forever and ever without any chance of redemption because they didn't believe in him?

Yeah, I guess that.

Haven't you ever wondered why the god of your holy book(once mine) is such a shallow asshole? You wouldn't respect a human who treated you like that...

No, you'll burn because you are a foul sinner, as we all are, and you reject salvation.
How do you know? Maybe things would be even worse now without the prayers. God doesn't make "everything" perfect just because people pray for it. But he helps us the pray get through it all....

If God doesn't answer the starving Somalian's prayer for food, but he does answer Tebow's prayer for a touchdown, I think that's a God with some fairly messed up priorities.
See that's just the thing....................why are you so sure there isn't a God?? What if you're wrong??

Then I guess I burn in a lake of fire for all eternity because god has such a mother fucking complex that he has to punish people for not just a little while, but all of eternity forever and ever without any chance of redemption because they didn't believe in him?

Yeah, I guess that.

Haven't you ever wondered why the god of your holy book(once mine) is such a shallow asshole? You wouldn't respect a human who treated you like that...

No, you'll burn because you are a foul sinner, as we all are, and you reject salvation.

Honestly, you make God sound like Joan Crawford in Mommy Dearest. (Actually, that was Faye Dunaway as Joan Crawford, but you get the point.)
I can't help the paths your ignorance takes you. Perhaps you should broaden your knowledge base.
I think I'll err on the side of caution, in case God really does exist. :D

Y'all can do what ever you want, isn't it great God gave you freewill to do that??
You live in fear of him now. The funny thing is, the being you imagine and fear doesn't exist anyway.

But you're too ignorant and resistant to education to pursue the truth.
I can't help the paths your ignorance takes you. Perhaps you should broaden your knowledge base.

Nice dodge...

But again, your whole faith is based on God demanding we beg for salvation because 6000 years ago a rib-woman listed to a talking snake and ate fruit from a magic tree.

Besides the absurdness of that story, I reject the notion of infinite punishment for finite sin.

By the logic you put out, Ann Frank is burning in Hell and Jeffrey Dahmner is sitting on a cloud in Heaven.

Ann Frank never accepted Jesus into her soul. Probably because Christians were killing her and her family after making her hide in a smelly attic for a couple years.

Reject my son. Off to Hell you go, Sinner.

Jeff Dahmner killed and ATE 17 people. But he found Jesus in prison, got baptized and was subsequently brained to death by another inmate who ironically called himself "Christ".

Why, you found Jesus, I forgive you off all your sins here's your harp and halo.

Now, pardon me if I think that kind of theology is all kinds of messed up.

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