Dems kill God

Because He IS God, the Fountainhead of Truth, Love and Righteousness. God can no more do evil than you can crap a new Mercedes-Benz.

Then he isn't exactly "all powerful," is he?

Maybe if you took a little time to enlighten yourself these questions wouldn't be such posers to you.

I strongly support the right of people to worship, express, and honor their gods as they see fit. I am a civil libertarian and stand shoulder to shoulder with in in defending your right to display a creche on the lawn of city hall. I oppose government prohibition of little girls saying prayers at off campus football games (Santa Fe).

But, because I don't share your faith, do not consider me unenlightened or ignorant.
If God wants his name in the Democratic Platform, he is powerful enough to put it in there himself
Along with being pro-choice.... God strongly believes in the seperation of church and State.
Obamination attended a black racist, anti-US, anti-Israel church for decades yet some so-called Christians voted for him because he is half black....ludicrous.

He supports any term of abortion, he supports gay marriage, he is pro-PLO, he has islamic roots/beliefs, he supports laziness in people, he is a snakeoil salesmen...yet some believe he is a Christian.

He is the biggest piece of crap and fraud to ever step foot in the White House. God has a ticket to hell waiting for him.
Along with being pro-choice.... God strongly believes in the seperation of church and State.

That would be YOUR god.

Which God? There are thousands...

There are no Gods mentioned in the U.S. Constitution.

Article 11 of the Treaty of Tripoli clearly states that the U.S. was not founded on the Christian religion.

Therefore, what's your point?

Despite the secular nature of our national government, there is one unambiguous reference to Christ in the Constitution. Article VII dates the Constitution in "the Year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and Eighty seven."
"The Year of Our Lord" and separation.
If God wants his name in the Democratic Platform, he is powerful enough to put it in there himself

God doesnt force us to do things. He respects the agency we have because He has given us that agency. However, that doesnt eliminate the consequences we face when we make bad choices.
We are generally a nation of Christians with a secular Constitutional repulbic that protects minorities. We allow a general tolerance for weirdo atheists and weirdo extremist religious groups.

Both parties have wackos because we tolerate those differences.

None of this has anything to do with Romney being the better candidate.

Vote Romney.
Along with being pro-choice.... God strongly believes in the seperation of church and State.

He is pro life. And He does believe in Separation of Church and state. He gave us the First Amendment. But unfortunately there are people who dont understand that there is no Church established when we acknowledge our Creator and encourage people to worship Him according to their conscience. Nor is there any Church established when someone freely worships in public the way they choose.
Obamination attended a black racist, anti-US, anti-Israel church for decades yet some so-called Christians voted for him because he is half black....ludicrous.

He supports any term of abortion, he supports gay marriage, he is pro-PLO, he has islamic roots/beliefs, he supports laziness in people, he is a snakeoil salesmen...yet some believe he is a Christian.

He is the biggest piece of crap and fraud to ever step foot in the White House. God has a ticket to hell waiting for him.

I would recommend against judging the salvation or damnation of someone when life isnt over and things can change. Unless you are denying the fact that God has the power to save Obama.
This thread should show Americans the demented minds of liberals.

First they claim this country wasn't founded Under God when God is mentioned on our currency and numerous historic documents.

Then they mock God by saying that he can just add himself to the DNC platform. Anti-Christians always play the "God should prove himself" crap to reassure themselves that they are important and that God doesn't exist.

If Obamination won't do everything demanded of him from you libs, then why would God stoop so low?

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