Dems kill God

Which God? There are thousands...

There are no Gods mentioned in the U.S. Constitution.

Article 11 of the Treaty of Tripoli clearly states that the U.S. was not founded on the Christian religion.

Therefore, what's your point?

Despite the secular nature of our national government, there is one unambiguous reference to Christ in the Constitution. Article VII dates the Constitution in "the Year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and Eighty seven."
"The Year of Our Lord" and separation.

Come on PC. That doesn't count. It's completely inconvenient to their argument.
Odds are Obamination isn't going to change his life.

He is a secular socialist that has adopted some parts of Christian beliefs to "fit in" with the black community that elected him, but he has also adopted religious beliefs from islam and probably other non-western beliefs.

In his mind, he is God.

Obamination attended a black racist, anti-US, anti-Israel church for decades yet some so-called Christians voted for him because he is half black....ludicrous.

He supports any term of abortion, he supports gay marriage, he is pro-PLO, he has islamic roots/beliefs, he supports laziness in people, he is a snakeoil salesmen...yet some believe he is a Christian.

He is the biggest piece of crap and fraud to ever step foot in the White House. God has a ticket to hell waiting for him.

I would recommend against judging the salvation or damnation of someone when life isnt over and things can change. Unless you are denying the fact that God has the power to save Obama.
All this BS reminds me of this:
A United States Marine was attending some college courses between
assignments. He had completed missions in Iraq and Afghanistan. One of
the courses had a professor who was a vowed atheist and a member of
the ACLU.

One day the professor shocked the class when he came in. He looked to
the ceiling and flatly stated, "God, if you are real, then I want you
to knock me off this platform. I'll give you exactly 15 minutes."
The lecture room fell silent. You could hear a pin drop. Ten minutes
went by and the professor proclaimed, "Here I am God. I'm still

It got down to the last couple of minutes when the Marine got out of his
chair, went up to the professor, and cold-cocked him;
knocking him off the platform. The professor was out cold. The Marine
went back to his seat and sat there, silently.
The other students were shocked and stunned and sat there looking on
in silence.

The professor eventually came to, noticeably shaken, looked at the
and asked, "What the hell is the matter with you? Why did you
do that?"

The Marine calmly replied, "God was too busy today protecting
America's soldiers who are protecting your right to say stupid crap,
so, He sent me."
This thread should show Americans the demented minds of liberals.

First they claim this country wasn't founded Under God when God is mentioned on our currency and numerous historic documents.

Then they mock God by saying that he can just add himself to the DNC platform. Anti-Christians always play the "God should prove himself" crap to reassure themselves that they are important and that God doesn't exist.

If Obamination won't do everything demanded of him from you libs, then why would God stoop so low?

God has no problem proving Himself. He is constantly inviting people to come to Him and ask Him questions and learn from Him. "If any of you lack wisdom let him ask of God who gives to all men liberally and upbraideth not" (James 1:5)

The Lord will always reveal Himself to those who humble themselves before Him and seek Him in faith. He will also reveal Himself before the wicked to in His wrath. Personally, I dont want to be tempting God and making Him angry. He may be slow to anger, but He wont be mocked. Those that do will regret it. No doubt.
Odds are Obamination isn't going to change his life.

He is a secular socialist that has adopted some parts of Christian beliefs to "fit in" with the black community that elected him, but he has also adopted religious beliefs from islam and probably other non-western beliefs.

In his mind, he is God.

God has a way of breaking down and getting into the hearts of the most stubborn people. I know God can change Obama. He may just need to be humbled first. Losing this November might be a good first start.

But as neither of us know the final destination of Obama, it's wiser not to condemn Him to hell.
He's gone from their platform...........they don't need him anymore, just the votes. How can a Christian, white, black, yellow or red stand with a group so brazen they just don't have any remorse about killing babies or God.

Guess what? God’s name has been removed from the Democratic National Committee platform.

This is the paragraph that was in the 2008 platform:

“We need a government that stands up for the hopes, values, and interests of working people, and gives everyone willing to work hard the chance to make the most of their God-given potential.”

Now the words “God-given” have been removed. The paragraph has been restructured to say this:

“We gather to reclaim the basic bargain that built the largest middle class and the most prosperous nation on Earth – the simple principle that in America, hard work should pay off, responsibility should be rewarded, and each one of us should be able to go as far as our talent and drive take us.”

Exclusive: Democrats Drop 'God' From Party Platform

The belief in a just God would naturally conflict with their chosen religion... Collectivism, in all its forms. Their god requires the blood sacrifice of babies and old people. We're talking about people who espouse positions so extreme as to demand tax-payer funded abortion right up to the 9th month of gestation or to put an unelected board of 15 between the elderly and life-sustaining healthcare. A Judeo-Christian God would naturally judge those things as evil. Therefore, they close the door on God.
Along with being pro-choice.... God strongly believes in the seperation of church and State.

He is pro life. And He does believe in Separation of Church and state. He gave us the First Amendment. But unfortunately there are people who dont understand that there is no Church established when we acknowledge our Creator and encourage people to worship Him according to their conscience. Nor is there any Church established when someone freely worships in public the way they choose.

When has God ever been pro life?

Didn't he get pissed off and kill off almost every living thing on the planet?
Didn't God kill the first born sons of Egypt?

How can that be pro life?
The demented mind of a simpleton on display.:eusa_whistle:

Dont' worry, when you can claim stupidity.....:eusa_shhh:

Along with being pro-choice.... God strongly believes in the seperation of church and State.

He is pro life. And He does believe in Separation of Church and state. He gave us the First Amendment. But unfortunately there are people who dont understand that there is no Church established when we acknowledge our Creator and encourage people to worship Him according to their conscience. Nor is there any Church established when someone freely worships in public the way they choose.

When has God ever been pro life?

Didn't he get pissed off and kill off almost every living thing on the planet?
Didn't God kill the first born sons of Egypt?

How can that be pro life?
The best advice comes from Justice Roberts. If you don't like the obamacare tax, vote. If you object to democrats going all in for rejection of religion, vote. The choices couldn't be more clear.
Along with being pro-choice.... God strongly believes in the seperation of church and State.

He is pro life. And He does believe in Separation of Church and state. He gave us the First Amendment.

FAIL. :lol:

Seriously? You think that? You are wiling to deny the fact that our founding fathers were not free willed, ultra intelligent men? Whom actually created the first amendment because of their profound understanding of the religious diversity within their new country?

At least we lead the world in one thing.. Idiot religious nutbags, too bad we can't start exporting that "precious" resource.
Along with being pro-choice.... God strongly believes in the seperation of church and State.

He is pro life. And He does believe in Separation of Church and state. He gave us the First Amendment. But unfortunately there are people who dont understand that there is no Church established when we acknowledge our Creator and encourage people to worship Him according to their conscience. Nor is there any Church established when someone freely worships in public the way they choose.

When has God ever been pro life?

Didn't he get pissed off and kill off almost every living thing on the planet?
Didn't God kill the first born sons of Egypt?

How can that be pro life?

So you are arguing that God has always been in favor of abortion? What evidence is there of that?

He loves life so much He provided a way for us to return to life after death.
The best advice comes from Justice Roberts. If you don't like the obamacare tax, vote. If you object to democrats going all in for rejection of religion, vote. The choices couldn't be more clear.

I completely agree here.


An Atheist proselytizing, how unique...

Are you going to be on my lawn Sunday morning trying hand out your fucking Watchtower again?

Oh, that's the Jehovah's Witnesses. JW's and Atheists both use the "Hard Sell" on their respective bullshit.

Are you talking to me or the article's author? I never said I was an atheist, but the author is.
Along with being pro-choice.... God strongly believes in the seperation of church and State.

He is pro life. And He does believe in Separation of Church and state. He gave us the First Amendment.

FAIL. :lol:

Seriously? You think that? You are wiling to deny the fact that our founding fathers were not free willed, ultra intelligent men? Whom actually created the first amendment because of their profound understanding of the religious diversity within their new country?

At least we lead the world in one thing.. Idiot religious nutbags, too bad we can't start exporting that "precious" resource.

So I fail because you are too ignorant of the history of the founding of our nation to realize that the hand of Divine providence lead and directed our Founders to break away from Great Britain, Establish a Constitution and inspired them to know what to write in that Constitution? Religious liberty has been in the forefront of the purposes of God since the Old Testament "Chose this day whom will serve, but as for me and my House, we will serve the Lord." (Joshua 24:15)

Our Founders recognized the importants of religious liberty in God's purposes. God wants people to come to Him with a willing mind and heart. That's why He has given agency to man. He doesn't force people to come to Him. He invites them. He persuades them. He entices them. He gives them knowledge and allows them to make a choice. Do we serve God or not?

It is our religious liberty that has made our nation great. It is because countless Americans have voluntarily chosen to come to Him and serve Him, that we have prospered the way we have. The knowledge we have recieved is a gift from Him because our Founders and Forefathers were wise enough to recognize the need to covenant with God and seek to do His will.

That is why our Founders called upon the people to humble themselves in fasting and prayer. Thats why Washington was always encouraging the troops to say their prayers and honor the Sabbath. That is why the Continental Congress called upon the people to repent of their sins and turn their lives over to God. Because they were intelligent people. They had read the Bible, unlike many of the Biblically illiterate nowadays. They understood that no nation could be established without the approval of Providence. They wanted the covenant God had with Israel and proceeded to establish it with God and the people. The Declaration and Constitution are the covenants we have made with God as a nation. Religious liberty was a foundation to those documents. That is why the First Amendment to the Constitution was designed to protect exactly that.

As for the exporting religious nutjobs, I would be more than happy to export the teachings of our Founders throughout the world. The rest of the world would have to accept them of their own free will though. Nothing can be forced in the Kingdom of God.
He is pro life. And He does believe in Separation of Church and state. He gave us the First Amendment. But unfortunately there are people who dont understand that there is no Church established when we acknowledge our Creator and encourage people to worship Him according to their conscience. Nor is there any Church established when someone freely worships in public the way they choose.

When has God ever been pro life?

Didn't he get pissed off and kill off almost every living thing on the planet?
Didn't God kill the first born sons of Egypt?

How can that be pro life?

So you are arguing that God has always been in favor of abortion? What evidence is there of that?

He loves life so much He provided a way for us to return to life after death.

Tell us.

In what form does a fertilized egg, aborted by RU486, exist in the afterlife?
Yes, you are demented. Those who believe the Bible literally are demented. That is why they are heretics and some have gone all the way to apostasy.

Christians are found in all parties.

The demented mind of a simpleton on display.:eusa_whistle:

Dont' worry, when you can claim stupidity.....:eusa_shhh:

He is pro life. And He does believe in Separation of Church and state. He gave us the First Amendment. But unfortunately there are people who dont understand that there is no Church established when we acknowledge our Creator and encourage people to worship Him according to their conscience. Nor is there any Church established when someone freely worships in public the way they choose.

When has God ever been pro life?

Didn't he get pissed off and kill off almost every living thing on the planet?
Didn't God kill the first born sons of Egypt?

How can that be pro life?
NYC write, "n what form does a fertilized egg, aborted by RU486, exist in the afterlife?."

That is an interesting part of LDS'ism. The fertilized egg that does not develop and birthe does not end that individual, who returns to the spirit world to await the next chance to obtain a mortal body.

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