Dems kill God

Yep, you are in the anti-Christian group with right-winger.

Oh, Christians that are liberal, are frauds. So where in the Bible does it promote killing unborn babies.....stealing from others.....promoting sloth in people....promoting homosexuality, etc, etc, etc.

Yes, you are demented. Those who believe the Bible literally are demented. That is why they are heretics and some have gone all the way to apostasy.

Christians are found in all parties.

The demented mind of a simpleton on display.:eusa_whistle:

Dont' worry, when you can claim stupidity.....:eusa_shhh:

When has God ever been pro life?

Didn't he get pissed off and kill off almost every living thing on the planet?
Didn't God kill the first born sons of Egypt?

How can that be pro life?
I, unlike you, are a born again in the blood saved Christian. Your fantasies of the far right are just that, fantasies.

Jehovah, according to the the Bible, ordered entire peoples to be eliminated, including babies and the unborn.

Next? A second thought: go see your pastor.

Yep, you are in the anti-Christian group with right-winger.

Oh, Christians that are liberal, are frauds. So where in the Bible does it promote killing unborn babies.....stealing from others.....promoting sloth in people....promoting homosexuality, etc, etc, etc.

Yes, you are demented. Those who believe the Bible literally are demented. That is why they are heretics and some have gone all the way to apostasy.

Christians are found in all parties.

The demented mind of a simpleton on display.:eusa_whistle:

Dont' worry, when you can claim stupidity.....:eusa_shhh:
Here we are again talking about a so called "christian" nation. How can one call themselves a "christian" nation when the ones that assume they are "christian" do not follow the bliefs of their "christianity."
Explain that to me please!
Is it just a Sunday element for most of them? What is a "christian?"

This isn't a christian nation so time to end the bullshit.

I disagree. 2/3rds of the population are Christian, I'd say that makes us a Christian Nation.
Neither the Democrats nor the Commies, nor anyone inbetween can 'kill' God. For those that believe, they do. Those that don't, don't. Never the two shall meet.
Where in the bible does it say to forsake the poor and the sick and the helpless. Where in the bible does it state to be calloused towards your fellow man?
Christian? I doubt it.

Yep, you are in the anti-Christian group with right-winger.

Oh, Christians that are liberal, are frauds. So where in the Bible does it promote killing unborn babies.....stealing from others.....promoting sloth in people....promoting homosexuality, etc, etc, etc.

Yes, you are demented. Those who believe the Bible literally are demented. That is why they are heretics and some have gone all the way to apostasy.

Christians are found in all parties.
He is pro life. And He does believe in Separation of Church and state. He gave us the First Amendment.

FAIL. :lol:

Seriously? You think that? You are wiling to deny the fact that our founding fathers were not free willed, ultra intelligent men? Whom actually created the first amendment because of their profound understanding of the religious diversity within their new country?

At least we lead the world in one thing.. Idiot religious nutbags, too bad we can't start exporting that "precious" resource.

So I fail because you are too ignorant of the history of the founding of our nation to realize that the hand of Divine providence lead and directed our Founders to break away from Great Britain, Establish a Constitution and inspired them to know what to write in that Constitution? Religious liberty has been in the forefront of the purposes of God since the Old Testament "Chose this day whom will serve, but as for me and my House, we will serve the Lord." (Joshua 24:15)

Our Founders recognized the importants of religious liberty in God's purposes. God wants people to come to Him with a willing mind and heart. That's why He has given agency to man. He doesn't force people to come to Him. He invites them. He persuades them. He entices them. He gives them knowledge and allows them to make a choice. Do we serve God or not?

It is our religious liberty that has made our nation great. It is because countless Americans have voluntarily chosen to come to Him and serve Him, that we have prospered the way we have. The knowledge we have recieved is a gift from Him because our Founders and Forefathers were wise enough to recognize the need to covenant with God and seek to do His will.

That is why our Founders called upon the people to humble themselves in fasting and prayer. Thats why Washington was always encouraging the troops to say their prayers and honor the Sabbath. That is why the Continental Congress called upon the people to repent of their sins and turn their lives over to God. Because they were intelligent people. They had read the Bible, unlike many of the Biblically illiterate nowadays. They understood that no nation could be established without the approval of Providence. They wanted the covenant God had with Israel and proceeded to establish it with God and the people. The Declaration and Constitution are the covenants we have made with God as a nation. Religious liberty was a foundation to those documents. That is why the First Amendment to the Constitution was designed to protect exactly that.

As for the exporting religious nutjobs, I would be more than happy to export the teachings of our Founders throughout the world. The rest of the world would have to accept them of their own free will though. Nothing can be forced in the Kingdom of God.

Early term abortion was not criminalized in the US at the time of the framing of the Constitution. There is no reason to believe the framers wanted it differently.
I, unlike you, are a born again in the blood saved Christian.

BUT you don't believe in the Bible and stated that those who do are "demented."

You are a fraud, in every way.

You are a moron leftist attempting to fool people into thinking you somehow represent Republicans.

You don't, not in any way or portion, you are a FAR left demagoguecrat, and everyone here knows it.
He's gone from their platform...........they don't need him anymore, just the votes. How can a Christian, white, black, yellow or red stand with a group so brazen they just don't have any remorse about killing babies or God.

you know, NG, i've been thinking about this thread. i believe in G-d... but I don't believe in your version of G-d and I certainly don't want my government run based on your version or anyone else's version of G-d...

I think the 1st Amendment guarantees me that.

You know what else... I've noticed that people on the right love these expansive interpretations of the parts of the constitution you like... such as the 2nd amendment and the parts dealing with states' rights. but you hate the parts of the constitutions that are read exansively to protect my 1st amendment rights; my right to privacy and my right to exercise dominion over my own body.
He is pro life. And He does believe in Separation of Church and state. He gave us the First Amendment. But unfortunately there are people who dont understand that there is no Church established when we acknowledge our Creator and encourage people to worship Him according to their conscience. Nor is there any Church established when someone freely worships in public the way they choose.

When has God ever been pro life?

Didn't he get pissed off and kill off almost every living thing on the planet?
Didn't God kill the first born sons of Egypt?

How can that be pro life?

So you are arguing that God has always been in favor of abortion? What evidence is there of that?

He loves life so much He provided a way for us to return to life after death.

God killed all the first born children of Egypt. It shows he does not value the lives of babies

This is what the LORD says: 'About midnight I will go throughout Egypt. Every firstborn in Egypt will die, from the firstborn son of Pharaoh, who sits on the throne, to the firstborn of the slave girl, who is at her hand mill, and all the firstborn of the cattle as well. There will be loud wailing throughout Egypt—worse than there has ever been or ever will be again.' ”
— Exodus 11:4–6
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He's gone from their platform...........they don't need him anymore, just the votes. How can a Christian, white, black, yellow or red stand with a group so brazen they just don't have any remorse about killing babies or God.

you know, NG, i've been thinking about this thread. i believe in G-d... but I don't believe in your version of G-d and I certainly don't want my government run based on your version or anyone else's version of G-d...

I think the 1st Amendment guarantees me that.

You know what else... I've noticed that people on the right love these expansive interpretations of the parts of the constitution you like... such as the 2nd amendment and the parts dealing with states' rights. but you hate the parts of the constitutions that are read exansively to protect my 1st amendment rights; my right to privacy and my right to exercise dominion over my own body.

I agree that we all have our own vision, not 'version' of God. I too don't want government to define mine.

I have a problem though with government trying to curtail the Bill of Rights, according to the party in power, including the second amendment, though not limited to that.

I also have a problem with an executive, not to mention his party platform, coming *this close* to abrogating treaties and understandings of years. I guess you don't, as you've yet to speak up on the platform that abandons Israel support. I know, I know, they are just being 'smart' in not closing doors, the Islamicists are so understanding.
This issue seems to have broken democrat ranks as many democrats can't move away from the platform fast enough.
When has God ever been pro life?

Didn't he get pissed off and kill off almost every living thing on the planet?
Didn't God kill the first born sons of Egypt?

How can that be pro life?

So you are arguing that God has always been in favor of abortion? What evidence is there of that?

He loves life so much He provided a way for us to return to life after death.

God killed all the first born children of Egypt. It shows he does not value the lives of babies

This is what the LORD says: 'About midnight I will go throughout Egypt. Every firstborn in Egypt will die, from the firstborn son of Pharaoh, who sits on the throne, to the firstborn of the slave girl, who is at her hand mill, and all the firstborn of the cattle as well. There will be loud wailing throughout Egypt—worse than there has ever been or ever will be again.' ”
— Exodus 11:4–6

Are you deliberately not understanding? Do you see babies anywhere? The firstborn in a family could be 50 years old. When Pharoah ordered that all Jewish male babies were to be put to death, out of his mouth came his own curse and God took the firstborn of Egypt. No matter HOW OLD they were.
He's gone from their platform...........they don't need him anymore, just the votes. How can a Christian, white, black, yellow or red stand with a group so brazen they just don't have any remorse about killing babies or God.

you know, NG, i've been thinking about this thread. i believe in G-d... but I don't believe in your version of G-d and I certainly don't want my government run based on your version or anyone else's version of G-d...

I think the 1st Amendment guarantees me that.

You know what else... I've noticed that people on the right love these expansive interpretations of the parts of the constitution you like... such as the 2nd amendment and the parts dealing with states' rights. but you hate the parts of the constitutions that are read exansively to protect my 1st amendment rights; my right to privacy and my right to exercise dominion over my own body.

You're wrong. Your first amendment doesn't provide that the government won't be run according to faith based beliefs.

The first amendment provides that you will not be forced to adhere to a particular religion by the government.

There's a difference. I think it's sad that so many don't get the most basic tenet of freedom.
You will never, in this country (at least not so far) be forced to belong to a religion you don't believe in, nor will you be persecuted for your faith (so far, though if what you claim is the purpose of the first amendment were true, you could be persecuted for your faith).

You (so far) may openly state that you are motivated by your religious beliefs, and nobody can prevent you from #1, saying so, and #2, openly embracing your religious beliefs...even if you are a politician or law maker.

If you could be excluded from the ranks of power because you openly admit your religion, then the first amendment would truly be what you claim it is already...a tool to persecute and discriminate against people for their faith.
Uncensored carries the marks of an unclean person.

One of those marks is to say a person said something he did not.

Nowhere did I say I did not believe in the Bible. I have always beleived in it. I said those who believe in a literal reading of the Bible are demented and heretic. Look up "literalism", UncensoredDoDo.

You are not a Christian of any sort, UncensoredFascist, and I love that you post, so I can kick your butt every time.

I, unlike you, are a born again in the blood saved Christian.

BUT you don't believe in the Bible and stated that those who do are "demented."

You are a fraud, in every way.

You are a moron leftist attempting to fool people into thinking you somehow represent Republicans.

You don't, not in any way or portion, you are a FAR left demagoguecrat, and everyone here knows it.
That would include babies who were first born.

And the peoples slaughtered at the command of Jehovah, every living thing,w ould include the babies and the unborn.

So you are arguing that God has always been in favor of abortion? What evidence is there of that?

He loves life so much He provided a way for us to return to life after death.

God killed all the first born children of Egypt. It shows he does not value the lives of babies

This is what the LORD says: 'About midnight I will go throughout Egypt. Every firstborn in Egypt will die, from the firstborn son of Pharaoh, who sits on the throne, to the firstborn of the slave girl, who is at her hand mill, and all the firstborn of the cattle as well. There will be loud wailing throughout Egypt—worse than there has ever been or ever will be again.' ”
— Exodus 11:4–6

Are you deliberately not understanding? Do you see babies anywhere? The firstborn in a family could be 50 years old. When Pharoah ordered that all Jewish male babies were to be put to death, out of his mouth came his own curse and God took the firstborn of Egypt. No matter HOW OLD they were.
At least one of the major parties isn't telling others how to worship or not worship. And this is wrong for a political party, why exactly?
Uncensored carries the marks of an unclean person.

Unclean? ROFL;

Allahu Akbar, eh Fakey...

One of those marks is to say a person said something he did not.

Nowhere did I say I did not believe in the Bible. I have always beleived in it.

I said those who believe in a literal reading of the Bible are demented and heretic.

You believe it, but those who believe it are heretics...

Gotit fraud.

Look up "literalism", UncensoredDoDo.

Look up "fucking fraud," Fakey. Hey, it has your picture!

You are not a Christian of any sort, UncensoredFascist, and I love that you post, so I can kick your butt every time.

I'm not a Christian, but unlike you, I'm honest about what I am and am not.

You are a fraud - 100%

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