Dems kill God

He's gone from their platform...........they don't need him anymore, just the votes. How can a Christian, white, black, yellow or red stand with a group so brazen they just don't have any remorse about killing babies or God.

you know, NG, i've been thinking about this thread. i believe in G-d... but I don't believe in your version of G-d and I certainly don't want my government run based on your version or anyone else's version of G-d...

I think the 1st Amendment guarantees me that.

You know what else... I've noticed that people on the right love these expansive interpretations of the parts of the constitution you like... such as the 2nd amendment and the parts dealing with states' rights. but you hate the parts of the constitutions that are read exansively to protect my 1st amendment rights; my right to privacy and my right to exercise dominion over my own body.

That's good, you believe in God in the way you wish. I'm all for that, however eliminating God from my life through government is not a good thing for me. I don't want God running my government, I want responsible honest people to do that. I also don't want people giving their life over to government.

That's exactly why we have the first amendment, it gives everyone the opportunity to worship as they please. I just choose to believe God does have my best interest in his heart, the government, not so much.

Since so many Americans believe in a God, why does it have to be eliminated from the Dem platform. No one is implying God will run the government, they are only asking him to give us his blessings.

If 10% of Americans can't fly in an airplane, should we just throw away planes?? If 10% of Americans can't drive should we eliminate all the roads?? If 25% of Americans can eat beef, should we slaughter all the cows??

Of course not. My God won't hurt any meeting or any individual at that meeting, why are so many so eager to just throw God away??
He's gone from their platform...........they don't need him anymore, just the votes. How can a Christian, white, black, yellow or red stand with a group so brazen they just don't have any remorse about killing babies or God.

you know, NG, i've been thinking about this thread. i believe in G-d... but I don't believe in your version of G-d and I certainly don't want my government run based on your version or anyone else's version of G-d...

I think the 1st Amendment guarantees me that.

You know what else... I've noticed that people on the right love these expansive interpretations of the parts of the constitution you like... such as the 2nd amendment and the parts dealing with states' rights. but you hate the parts of the constitutions that are read exansively to protect my 1st amendment rights; my right to privacy and my right to exercise dominion over my own body.

That's good, you believe in God in the way you wish. I'm all for that, however eliminating God from my life through government is not a good thing for me. I don't want God running my government, I want responsible honest people to do that. I also don't want people giving their life over to government.

That's exactly why we have the first amendment, it gives everyone the opportunity to worship as they please. I just choose to believe God does have my best interest in his heart, the government, not so much.

Since so many Americans believe in a God, why does it have to be eliminated from the Dem platform. No one is implying God will run the government, they are only asking him to give us his blessings.

If 10% of Americans can't fly in an airplane, should we just throw away planes?? If 10% of Americans can't drive should we eliminate all the roads?? If 25% of Americans can eat beef, should we slaughter all the cows??

Of course not. My God won't hurt any meeting or any individual at that meeting, why are so many so eager to just throw God away??

God is no different than Santa. Santa isn't mentioned in the U.S. Constitution, either...
you know, NG, i've been thinking about this thread. i believe in G-d... but I don't believe in your version of G-d and I certainly don't want my government run based on your version or anyone else's version of G-d...

I think the 1st Amendment guarantees me that.

You know what else... I've noticed that people on the right love these expansive interpretations of the parts of the constitution you like... such as the 2nd amendment and the parts dealing with states' rights. but you hate the parts of the constitutions that are read exansively to protect my 1st amendment rights; my right to privacy and my right to exercise dominion over my own body.

That's good, you believe in God in the way you wish. I'm all for that, however eliminating God from my life through government is not a good thing for me. I don't want God running my government, I want responsible honest people to do that. I also don't want people giving their life over to government.

That's exactly why we have the first amendment, it gives everyone the opportunity to worship as they please. I just choose to believe God does have my best interest in his heart, the government, not so much.

Since so many Americans believe in a God, why does it have to be eliminated from the Dem platform. No one is implying God will run the government, they are only asking him to give us his blessings.

If 10% of Americans can't fly in an airplane, should we just throw away planes?? If 10% of Americans can't drive should we eliminate all the roads?? If 25% of Americans can eat beef, should we slaughter all the cows??

Of course not. My God won't hurt any meeting or any individual at that meeting, why are so many so eager to just throw God away??

God is no different than Santa. Santa isn't mentioned in the U.S. Constitution, either...

OK then. Go ahead and ask Santa to bless you and your family. You can do that you know, under the first amendment. I'll ask God to bless you, me and America, see there I took care of you, too. :)

We're not talking about the Constitution, we're talking about a platform that encompasses many Americans. That's OK, they don't have to include God, however it's also very telling about where they stand and what their priorities are.

I prefer to be associated (not dominated by) with like people, that believe kindness, caring and success are blessings from God.
Ah Predictable response. He's omnipotent and omniscient etc etc, so on and so forth. Been there, heard that. Well that's disappointing. Thought you were actually going to make me think there for a bit.

I'm generally a fan of enlightenment and strive to ask questions when curious. However, I get the feeling you don't like me asking such questions about your God. Why is that? Is it sacrilege to question his omnipotency?

I shall return to this thread in the morning.

Sorry to disappoint you. If the answer is predictable does that give it more credence? One would think it should, being as it's obvious that you've heard it before.

And I have no problem with you questioning 'my' God, or anyone else's. I spent close to 30 years doing the same thing. It's not sacrilege, it's education.

Ah there we are. That's a better response.

I mentioned sacrilege because you noticeably bristled when I questioned God's omnipotence. Understandable I suppose as it's instinctual to do as much when someone questions a tenant of your faith.

I will agree with you on this though: Predictability does not give an answer more or less credence. I merely dislike predictability and chose to express it.

But back to the exactly can an all-powerful being such as Yahweh be "killed" as the OP says when you just told me -

Because He IS God, the Fountainhead of Truth, Love and Righteousness. God can no more do evil than you can crap a new Mercedes-Benz

How can he be all of that, do all of that......and yet be "killed"? Maybe I read too much into what the OP said, but then that would beg the question, if that's not what they meant....then what exactly did they mean?

From where I'm sitting, It appears to me that the OP just admitted that God is indeed a fallible being. Perhaps they were being facetious though and this is just another DNC troll thread. For predictability's sake, I hope not.

Clearly a DNC troll thread... :lol:
Because He IS God, the Fountainhead of Truth, Love and Righteousness. God can no more do evil than you can crap a new Mercedes-Benz.

Then he isn't exactly "all powerful," is he?

Maybe if you took a little time to enlighten yourself these questions wouldn't be such posers to you.

I strongly support the right of people to worship, express, and honor their gods as they see fit. I am a civil libertarian and stand shoulder to shoulder with in in defending your right to display a creche on the lawn of city hall. I oppose government prohibition of little girls saying prayers at off campus football games (Santa Fe).

But, because I don't share your faith, do not consider me unenlightened or ignorant.

I wasn't addressing you, was I?
Two pricks, both ignorant champions of their larger factions, square off.


Because He IS God, the Fountainhead of Truth, Love and Righteousness. God can no more do evil than you can crap a new Mercedes-Benz.

Then he isn't exactly "all powerful," is he?

Maybe if you took a little time to enlighten yourself these questions wouldn't be such posers to you.

I strongly support the right of people to worship, express, and honor their gods as they see fit. I am a civil libertarian and stand shoulder to shoulder with in in defending your right to display a creche on the lawn of city hall. I oppose government prohibition of little girls saying prayers at off campus football games (Santa Fe).

But, because I don't share your faith, do not consider me unenlightened or ignorant.

I wasn't addressing you, was I?
When has God ever been pro life?

Didn't he get pissed off and kill off almost every living thing on the planet?
Didn't God kill the first born sons of Egypt?

How can that be pro life?

So you are arguing that God has always been in favor of abortion? What evidence is there of that?

He loves life so much He provided a way for us to return to life after death.

God killed all the first born children of Egypt. It shows he does not value the lives of babies

This is what the LORD says: 'About midnight I will go throughout Egypt. Every firstborn in Egypt will die, from the firstborn son of Pharaoh, who sits on the throne, to the firstborn of the slave girl, who is at her hand mill, and all the firstborn of the cattle as well. There will be loud wailing throughout Egypt—worse than there has ever been or ever will be again.' ”
— Exodus 11:4–6

It was a PUNISHMENT because Pharaoh would not allow the Jews to leave Egypt. It took that and a whole lot more to get Pharaoh to realize the error of his ways.
Along with being pro-choice.... God strongly believes in the seperation of church and State.

He is pro life. And He does believe in Separation of Church and state. He gave us the First Amendment. But unfortunately there are people who dont understand that there is no Church established when we acknowledge our Creator and encourage people to worship Him according to their conscience. Nor is there any Church established when someone freely worships in public the way they choose.

Are you speaking for a God now are you?

If he exists, you're arrogant
If not, you're nuts...take your pick...
So you are arguing that God has always been in favor of abortion? What evidence is there of that?

He loves life so much He provided a way for us to return to life after death.

God killed all the first born children of Egypt. It shows he does not value the lives of babies

This is what the LORD says: 'About midnight I will go throughout Egypt. Every firstborn in Egypt will die, from the firstborn son of Pharaoh, who sits on the throne, to the firstborn of the slave girl, who is at her hand mill, and all the firstborn of the cattle as well. There will be loud wailing throughout Egypt—worse than there has ever been or ever will be again.' ”
— Exodus 11:4–6

It was a PUNISHMENT because Pharaoh would not allow the Jews to leave Egypt. It took that and a whole lot more to get Pharaoh to realize the error of his ways.

Wow, so he takes the lives of innocent babies to prove a point? Nice guy...not....
God killed all the first born children of Egypt. It shows he does not value the lives of babies

This is what the LORD says: 'About midnight I will go throughout Egypt. Every firstborn in Egypt will die, from the firstborn son of Pharaoh, who sits on the throne, to the firstborn of the slave girl, who is at her hand mill, and all the firstborn of the cattle as well. There will be loud wailing throughout Egypt—worse than there has ever been or ever will be again.' ”
— Exodus 11:4–6

It was a PUNISHMENT because Pharaoh would not allow the Jews to leave Egypt. It took that and a whole lot more to get Pharaoh to realize the error of his ways.

Wow, so he takes the lives of innocent babies to prove a point? Nice guy...not....

Evidently you lack the cranial capacity to understand that the punishment meted out to Pharaoh and his people was the SAME punishment that Pharaoh pronounced on the Israelites.

Matthew 7:1“Do not judge, or you too will be judged. 2 For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you."

Is it becoming clearer for you?

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