Dems Lie About Republican Obstructionism

Record filibusters on every bill is not obstructionism?
Did you ever notice that no matter the source, if the story isn't favorable to Rethugs, then the source is lying.

You all need to undetstand that only the hardcore base rethugs accepts all the bullshit as gospel.

The rest of us know your candidates are fuking liars.

No one has answered my question........if the Republican are obstructionists how did ObamaTax get passed???

How many Republicans voted for it?
You nutters cannot say truthfully that the Republican members of Congress worked with or cooperated with the Obama administration. So, you say that Obama wasn't strong enough to overcome their the same time you are saying that there was no obstruction.

Your guys have presided over a do nothing congress. Despite that, we are still better off.

I'll just have to call "bullshit" on that. The Republicans acted in good faith when they sent some 2000+ bills to the Senate...Harry Reid acted like a goddamned spoiled brat when he sent them all to committee ...never to be voted upon.

Stupid liberals agree with Obama that being bi-partisan means the Republicans agree with the Democrats and don't submit bills on their own.

Liberalism is a mental disorder.
Democrats, Not GOP, Mostly Controlled Congress Under Obama

Instead of accepting responsibility for the nation’s ills, Obama apologists regularly blame Republicans in Congress for blocking the president’s recovery agenda. This contention ignores the fact that the GOP controlled only one half of Congress for one half of Obama’s term. Democrats have run the Senate for his full term, and controlled the House of Representatives for half that term. In other words, during Obama’s time in office Democrats exerted 75 percent of Congressional control. He got approval for his stimulus package, Obamacare, Dodd-Frank banking regulation, and all his major initiatives. If he had really wanted to hike taxes on the rich, he easily could have done so in his first two years in office. When it comes to his failures as president, Obama has no one to blame but himself—and his own party.


This should put the lies to rest. Obama and his party of liars have ownership of the economy.

The omissions the DNC made are telling too from your link:

It was remarkable to hear one speaker after another inveigh against "the failed policies of the past" (as if Obama's policies have been the antidote), before ceding the convention floor to a message from...Jimmy Carter. It was equally remarkable to watch a convention overtly geared toward hyping "women's issues" loudly cheer a tribute to...Ted Kennedy. It was also interesting to hear from three Democrat Governors (O'Malley, Quinn, and Patrick) who have unapologetically raised taxes and whose states are fiscal basketcases -- and another (Perdue) whose approval rating is so far under-water in North Carolina that she chose not to run for another term. Patrick went after Mitt Romney's record in Massachusetts, misleading on the debt, lying on job growth, and eliding Romney's final unemployment rate (4.7 percent, versus Patrick's 6.1 percent today). It was frustrating, but not the least bit surprising, to hear nearly every speaker misstate facts or straight-up lie about Romney's alleged "outsourcing," his (bipartisan, shhh) Medicare plan and his "middle class tax hikes." Will our intrepid MSM fact-checkers hold them accountable? Finally, it's fascinating how deeply invested Democrats are in the "equal pay" smoke-and-mirrors act they recycled constantly throughout the evening. I'm reminded of something candidate Obama said in 2008:
This is a big election. Tonight -- and indeed the entire Obama re-election campaign -- was about small things.
Ah, the chest-thumping DNC that has so much information to hide and so little time to hide it in and obfuscate its whereabouts.

OP- how dumb can the dupes get? Filibuster except for less than 6 months, with Teddy dying, only 24 DAYS in session. MORON. Change the channel, dupe.
Those Pub jobs bills are pure propaganda, designed not to pass, only cut workers' rights and environmental protections and would take years to work, if EVER. Shyttehead brainwashed chumps of the greedy rich...
How many bills passed by the House are sitting on Harry Reid's table again? .... :eusa_whistle:
Pass the Jobs Act and Transportation bill, a-holes. We could be OUT of this! Experts- 2% growth, reduce UE 1% from Jobs Act alone- been sitting there for the last year! A PUB style bill, like ACA and Financial Reform, dingbats.
Democrats, Not GOP, Mostly Controlled Congress Under Obama

Instead of accepting responsibility for the nation’s ills, Obama apologists regularly blame
Republicans in Congress for blocking the president’s recovery agenda. This contention ignores the fact that the GOP controlled only one half of Congress for one half of Obama’s term. Democrats have run the Senate for his full term, and controlled the House of Representatives for half that term.

In other words, during Obama’s time in office Democrats exerted 75 percent of Congressional control. He got approval for his stimulus package, Obamacare, Dodd-Frank banking regulation, and all his major initiatives. If he had really wanted to hike taxes on the rich, he easily could have done so in his first two years in office. When it comes to his failures as president, Obama has no one to blame but himself—and his own party.


This should put the lies to rest. Obama and his party of liars have ownership of the economy.

The lies are alive and well on your part; you don't seem to know how the Senate works (or doesn't work if you prefer--you need 60 to get anything done). When the Senate did pass a tax break for middle income Americans, it died in the House.

The GOP is about nothing but obstructionism. Everyone knows it and the GOP would be happy to tell you that as well.

Try not being so full of shit next time.

:confused: I will be totally devastated to find out the republicans are obstructionist today, this cannot be true. I'm offended that you could say such a thing about a party that promotes freedom, family values, respect, equal rights, country first, fiscal responsibility, reducing the tax burden on the middle class, protecting my rights,dismantling the department of education to advance education in the classroom,more tax deductions for the rich, pro life to the detriment of the woman health, proposing to stick a probe in a woman's vagina, while the disingenuous republican men don't offer to take a probe in the ass to save a life at the same time. It's the least you can do to push an agenda of pro life, I myself feel you're not dedicated to the cause. On top of that reverting back to the state, does nothing to end abortion. Abortion will continue just across the border between the states. How disingenuous you can be to the cause and feel so strongly, you've won something leaving the battlefield with nothing to show for it but a line on the map. It just shows you're willing to compromise to a state border. God damn there's that word compromise, I convinced myself this moron is right about republican they are disingenuous obstructionists. All of it was so obvious and clear.:eusa_whistle::confused:
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You nutters cannot say truthfully that the Republican members of Congress worked with or cooperated with the Obama administration. So, you say that Obama wasn't strong enough to overcome their the same time you are saying that there was no obstruction.

Your guys have presided over a do nothing congress. Despite that, we are still better off.

I'll just have to call "bullshit" on that. The Republicans acted in good faith when they sent some 2000+ bills to the Senate...Harry Reid acted like a goddamned spoiled brat when he sent them all to committee ...never to be voted upon.

Stupid liberals agree with Obama that being bi-partisan means the Republicans agree with the Democrats and don't submit bills on their own.

Liberalism is a mental disorder.

Yep, Obama's and the Dem's idea of compromise is for the Republicans to agree with them. :eusa_clap:
How many bills passed by the House are sitting on Harry Reid's table again? .... :eusa_whistle:

Is it not the job of republicans at this time to put forth bills that the other party can not sign on to, is standard operating procedures and disingenuous to the American people. But it is the game and standing on the sideline ignoring these facts, with this spew and not acknowledging this and if the situation was reversed the democrats would be doing the same. What a waste of time banging drums.:eusa_whistle:
A) Gad dupes are dumb.

b) The Pub bills are pure propaganda, for dupes only.

so is the OP incorrect?

My premise is that the republicans were in no position to obstruct Obama b/c the dems were in control of most of the govt. since 2008.
Obama is a failure of his own making
Prove me wrong
You nutters cannot say truthfully that the Republican members of Congress worked with or cooperated with the Obama administration. So, you say that Obama wasn't strong enough to overcome their the same time you are saying that there was no obstruction.

Your guys have presided over a do nothing congress. Despite that, we are still better off.

I'll just have to call "bullshit" on that. The Republicans acted in good faith when they sent some 2000+ bills to the Senate...Harry Reid acted like a goddamned spoiled brat when he sent them all to committee ...never to be voted upon.

Stupid liberals agree with Obama that being bi-partisan means the Republicans agree with the Democrats and don't submit bills on their own.

Liberalism is a mental disorder.

Yep, Obama's and the Dem's idea of compromise is for the Republicans to agree with them. :eusa_clap:

hell, the dems can't even agree with themselves
The libs are communists....... Bill was all about the collective in his speech last night.

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