Dems lose again. Anti Cop picture to be removed PERMANENTLY!

About 135 Police Officers died in the line of duty in 2016 to preserve the right of 1st Amendment activists to portray them as pigs in an amateur poorly done painting that democrat politicians seem to admire enough to hang in the Congressional gallery.. Welcome to the 21st century.
Don't act like you lefties give a shit about censorship. If this was some picture depicting blacks as violent criminals or monkeys you would be screaming for it to be removed. It actually violates the ESTABLISHED rules if you would read the link you would know that.
Highly debatable.
Which part? Here is another link. Its established rules and the democrats should have known it violated them. Anti-Police Painting to Be Removed Permanently From Capitol Tunnel
Highly debatable.

So you'd be OK, under the guise of free speech, to have a painting of Hillary behind bars or Obama eating fried chicken and watermelon hanging there?
It sat there for months until it became bs propaganda/hate fodder for the dupes/haters...a disgrace.
Don't act like you lefties give a shit about censorship. If this was some picture depicting blacks as violent criminals or monkeys you would be screaming for it to be removed. It actually violates the ESTABLISHED rules if you would read the link you would know that.
Highly debatable.
Which part? Here is another link. Its established rules and the democrats should have known it violated them. Anti-Police Painting to Be Removed Permanently From Capitol Tunnel
Highly debatable.

So you'd be OK, under the guise of free speech, to have a painting of Hillary behind bars or Obama eating fried chicken and watermelon hanging there?
That would be a joke with no relevance to anything. Any dupes heard of primitive art?
Don't act like you lefties give a shit about censorship. If this was some picture depicting blacks as violent criminals or monkeys you would be screaming for it to be removed. It actually violates the ESTABLISHED rules if you would read the link you would know that.
Highly debatable.
Which part? Here is another link. Its established rules and the democrats should have known it violated them. Anti-Police Painting to Be Removed Permanently From Capitol Tunnel
Highly debatable.

So you'd be OK, under the guise of free speech, to have a painting of Hillary behind bars or Obama eating fried chicken and watermelon hanging there?
That be a joke with no relevance to anything. Any dupes heard of primitive art?

It would be relevant to the situation. The POS from Missouri that continued to hang it up said displaying it was a 1st Amendment right. Wonder if that POS would agree with a picture of Hillary in jail or Obama eating watermelon. You've already proven your hypocritical stance on it.
I actually don't want it taken down. As disgusting as it is I think they should be able to leave it up and we can use it as an election point in 2018. Post a picture of the painting along side the democrat's portrait in every ad you run against them. Keep this a thing. Take the painting down, leave it in various dem offices and apply the pressure on them to either burn it or put it back up. Put it in a democrat whose state voted for Trump's office and make them put it back up. Force them to be the ones to defend it. Don't use sensorship. Use the item as a symbol.
Highly debatable.
Which part? Here is another link. Its established rules and the democrats should have known it violated them. Anti-Police Painting to Be Removed Permanently From Capitol Tunnel
Highly debatable.

So you'd be OK, under the guise of free speech, to have a painting of Hillary behind bars or Obama eating fried chicken and watermelon hanging there?
That be a joke with no relevance to anything. Any dupes heard of primitive art?

It would be relevant to the situation. The POS from Missouri that continued to hang it up said displaying it was a 1st Amendment right. Wonder if that POS would agree with a picture of Hillary in jail or Obama eating watermelon. You've already proven your hypocritical stance on it.
I see it's a crime to have black input.
Which part? Here is another link. Its established rules and the democrats should have known it violated them. Anti-Police Painting to Be Removed Permanently From Capitol Tunnel
Highly debatable.

So you'd be OK, under the guise of free speech, to have a painting of Hillary behind bars or Obama eating fried chicken and watermelon hanging there?
That be a joke with no relevance to anything. Any dupes heard of primitive art?

It would be relevant to the situation. The POS from Missouri that continued to hang it up said displaying it was a 1st Amendment right. Wonder if that POS would agree with a picture of Hillary in jail or Obama eating watermelon. You've already proven your hypocritical stance on it.
I see it's a crime to have black input.

I see you have the hypocritical stance of your typical double standard. If a Democrat cop hater can put a picture depicting cops as pigs, one should be able to put a picture of a monkey eating watermelon.
It sat there for months until it became bs propaganda/hate fodder for the dupes/haters...a disgrace.
You're right. It's a disgrace and so are you.

Let's hang a picture of Obama eating watermelon. Good with that?
No, racist.
So once again only the people on the liberal list of acceptable hate are vulnerable. You people sure are good at dividing up those that can be made fun of and those that absolutely can't.
Highly debatable.

So you'd be OK, under the guise of free speech, to have a painting of Hillary behind bars or Obama eating fried chicken and watermelon hanging there?
That be a joke with no relevance to anything. Any dupes heard of primitive art?

It would be relevant to the situation. The POS from Missouri that continued to hang it up said displaying it was a 1st Amendment right. Wonder if that POS would agree with a picture of Hillary in jail or Obama eating watermelon. You've already proven your hypocritical stance on it.
I see it's a crime to have black input.

I see you have the hypocritical stance of your typical double standard. If a Democrat cop hater can put a picture depicting cops as pigs, one should be able to put a picture of a monkey eating watermelon.
Is there any question they operate like this? If you're a christian you will bake a fucking gay cake. If you're gay you absolutely will not have to make a straight gendered cake. It's how these people operate.

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