Dems lose their mind as ACA continues to fail

While I tend to agree with you longrun, in the shortrun I think you have wildly overestimated and the Ds have slightly underestimated the sheer bloodymindedness of the American voter. While current Presidential and ACA net approval are likely to go even further south prior to the election the Rs are not producing enough quality candidates in enough races to get greater than plus 9 in the senate and proportionally much less in the house.

Fake statistics and half truths continue to try to prop up Obamacare in the minds of Obama supporters. I don't chime in here often outside of election seasons but the misinformation about the ACA numbers is disturbing. It's pretty sad really.

Yet there are always people who can be lied to so often that they get so used to it, they still believe, primarily because they have become co-dependent basically reduced to being a tool, of the person doing the lying. Kind of like people who are physically abused by someone, of which the victim never blames their attacker, but either themselves or someone else made him mad or upset enough to lie and or hit. They usually have to seek serious mental health treatments to convince themselves otherwise.

Me I've been lied to by Barack Obama and Democrats over 40 times, and now anything they say is a lie.

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