Dems Move To Strip President of Picking His Own Admin - State Dept

Trump under criminal investigation since the 70s? And yet he has never even been arrested...
Yes he has been arrested, and charged...
No he hasn't and simply repeating that will not make it true.
So tell us, when was Trump arrested? I believe you made the phony claim before and was proven to be BS. Trump was never arrested in his life...
So tell us, when was Clinton arrested? ...
Can you quote anyone on this thread who claimed Clinton has ever been arrested? If you can't follow the conversation get an adult in your life to explain it to you.
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Congress looks to strengthen hand in State Department following impeachment

The Democrats HATE President Trump is getting rid of proven untrustworthy Obama hold-overs and Deep State players, replacing them with his own trusted people.....

...and they are taking action to try to stop it.
Totally Unconstitutional. Told you what they want to do is make The President a Puppet of The House of Reps.

Trump is hitting a nerve with this one.
State department is bloated with DNC operatives.

Swampers don't like having their power, positions, and places at the trough challenged.
Trump's Casino bankruptcies were a case study of mine, when I was completing my law clerk's course. I was taking the corporate and tax law license work and working in business law at the time. I wondered how Trump managed to take $40 million out of a bankrupt company ahead of the secured creditors, and especially those holding mortgages, debentures, or other claims on the property or the assets of the casinos, primarily the banks. As a country banker, we had first claim on everything including the manure pile in our farm lending ("Of course we do. That manure pile is worth money. We cans sell it for fertilizer.) So how did Donnie slink off with $40 mill and get away with giving a big neener neener neener to the banks he borrowed from. He dubbed himself The King of Debts, and he pulled this stunt 4 times before the US banks cut him off. The other 3 bankruptcies took place outside the USA, but same MO.

People have been jailed for this scam, but none of them as big as the Trump bankruptcies. Donnie has the worst business record in US history. He's been under investigation for various scams, since the 1970's. Barr shut down 7 financial investigations looking into his personal finances since taking office.

Look at how long New York mobsters have operated with impunity in big city politics all while being pursued by the police. Al Capone was arrested for tax evasion. He was able to be the biggest mobster in Chicago for years and everyone knew he was a criminal, but no one ever filed charges against him and he was never charged, and without access to a criminals books, it's hard to prove crimes.

Everyone has known since the 1970's that Donald Trump is a criminal. He's been settling law suits and buying people off for generations. There's a paper trail a mile wide with flashing neon lights on it of his shady dealings. His behaviour in the White House is just a continuation of the same stonewalling, delaying, and exhausting the opposition that he used in his law suits to wear down the other side and make them give up and settle on his terms.

The fact that you only see the goose more or less renders your education useless. Assholes like you completely miss the point of the blindfold on lady justice.

Bankruptcy is an important and necessary part of any mega-economy. You have a 401k? A pension? Any invested assets? If so you are just as guilty of profiting from bankruptcy as the man you love to hate in the're just too stupid and vacuous to understand it.

You talk lots of self righteous shit but not too much reality.....and like most progressive lefties own no mirrors. Bloomberg for instance is no stranger to bankruptcy. Despite the fact that he is publicly on record as owing no bankrupt companies by name anyone who knows anything about multi-level business corporations will understand that Bloomberg survived just like Trump did on the back of not just tens but more likely hundreds of bankruptcies in his subsidiaries.

The United States government survives on the bankruptcy principal; the only difference is that they also control the debt consequences and avoid the results.

So um.... Shut the fuckup until you grow up and are able to apply some balance to hyour partisan bullsit. For someone who boasts a background in business law you certainly fukked up your analysis of bankruptcy.

What was your GPA?.. 4 ....point....blow the professor?


Consider the idiocy of your statement that American business is built on bankruptcy. And that everyone profits from it. No it isn't, and no they don't. That's why no bank in the world, except the corrupt one which helps the Russians launder money, and which has paid $100 million dollars in fines for money laundering and corrupt businesses - Deutches Banke.

When you set up company, running a business, and you tell everyone what a great company it is, while you borrow a lot of money and spend it lavisly, and you give yourself a big salary as manager, a private jet, and a penthouse suite, and then you sell off shares to let the little people in on your success, borrow hundreds of millions of dollars from banks to pad your fees and expenses, and then that business collapses under the weight of the debt, so that the banks and mortgagors get the property which they sell for less than the debts against them, and the employees, the investors, the suppliers and the banks are left hung out to dry, the ONLY person making money is the guy who skated away with $40 mill in his pockets. Everybody else lost money. Do it more than once, and fraud is suspected. TrumpyBear went for three and the American banks cut him off.

Your utter lack of ignorance on what and how bankruptcy and business works shows that not only do you not know what you're talking about, you're trying to bluff it like you do. Canadian schools don't use a grade point average. I got A+ Business/Commercial, Real Estate, and Wills and Estates, but I work in all three areas, so would hope so. These are technical exams, and law clerks are doing the technical work. I managed to get an A in litigation, criminal and family law. Even I was shocked since I've never worked in criminal and family so I wasn't familiar with the laws or the forms, or who files what with whom. Lawyer make the deals, law clerks complete the paperwork, and closings. If I can't get an A+ on this shit, I really shouldn't be doing the work. There is no margin for error. By the time I wrote my clerk's license, I was working one block north of the Bay Street banking towers, the land of billable hours. After I passed my clerk's I moved two block south to the Toronto Dominion Centre, and one of the 7 Sisters, finally ending up in Scotia Plaza at King and Bay.

$35 per hour to start based on a 7 hour day. $52.50 per hour overtime thereafter on a daily basis. $70 after midnight. $15 dinner chit after 7:00 pm. Free lunch from the servery for professional staff; pension plan with matching contributions, 3 weeks paid vacation to start, 4 weeks after 5 years; IT training; Cadillac level supplemental health insurance covering everything OHIP doesn't, long term disability insurance; Cab ride home after midnight. Christmas bonus = to one week's base salary. Spring profit sharing bonus based on billable hours, membership in the Mayfair Club. BEST JOB EVAH!!!!!
We only consider that you are mentally unstable and a pathological liar with a severely damaged Moral Compass and a Corrupt Condemned Soul.

Trump's Casino bankruptcies were a case study of mine, when I was completing my law clerk's course. I was taking the corporate and tax law license work and working in business law at the time. I wondered how Trump managed to take $40 million out of a bankrupt company ahead of the secured creditors, and especially those holding mortgages, debentures, or other claims on the property or the assets of the casinos, primarily the banks. As a country banker, we had first claim on everything including the manure pile in our farm lending ("Of course we do. That manure pile is worth money. We cans sell it for fertilizer.) So how did Donnie slink off with $40 mill and get away with giving a big neener neener neener to the banks he borrowed from. He dubbed himself The King of Debts, and he pulled this stunt 4 times before the US banks cut him off. The other 3 bankruptcies took place outside the USA, but same MO.

People have been jailed for this scam, but none of them as big as the Trump bankruptcies. Donnie has the worst business record in US history. He's been under investigation for various scams, since the 1970's. Barr shut down 7 financial investigations looking into his personal finances since taking office.

Look at how long New York mobsters have operated with impunity in big city politics all while being pursued by the police. Al Capone was arrested for tax evasion. He was able to be the biggest mobster in Chicago for years and everyone knew he was a criminal, but no one ever filed charges against him and he was never charged, and without access to a criminals books, it's hard to prove crimes.

Everyone has known since the 1970's that Donald Trump is a criminal. He's been settling law suits and buying people off for generations. There's a paper trail a mile wide with flashing neon lights on it of his shady dealings. His behaviour in the White House is just a continuation of the same stonewalling, delaying, and exhausting the opposition that he used in his law suits to wear down the other side and make them give up and settle on his terms.

The fact that you only see the goose more or less renders your education useless. Assholes like you completely miss the point of the blindfold on lady justice.

Bankruptcy is an important and necessary part of any mega-economy. You have a 401k? A pension? Any invested assets? If so you are just as guilty of profiting from bankruptcy as the man you love to hate in the're just too stupid and vacuous to understand it.

You talk lots of self righteous shit but not too much reality.....and like most progressive lefties own no mirrors. Bloomberg for instance is no stranger to bankruptcy. Despite the fact that he is publicly on record as owing no bankrupt companies by name anyone who knows anything about multi-level business corporations will understand that Bloomberg survived just like Trump did on the back of not just tens but more likely hundreds of bankruptcies in his subsidiaries.

The United States government survives on the bankruptcy principal; the only difference is that they also control the debt consequences and avoid the results.

So um.... Shut the fuckup until you grow up and are able to apply some balance to hyour partisan bullsit. For someone who boasts a background in business law you certainly fukked up your analysis of bankruptcy.

What was your GPA?.. 4 ....point....blow the professor?


Consider the idiocy of your statement that American business is built on bankruptcy. And that everyone profits from it. No it isn't, and no they don't. That's why no bank in the world, except the corrupt one which helps the Russians launder money, and which has paid $100 million dollars in fines for money laundering and corrupt businesses - Deutches Banke.

When you set up company, running a business, and you tell everyone what a great company it is, while you borrow a lot of money and spend it lavisly, and you give yourself a big salary as manager, a private jet, and a penthouse suite, and then you sell off shares to let the little people in on your success, borrow hundreds of millions of dollars from banks to pad your fees and expenses, and then that business collapses under the weight of the debt, so that the banks and mortgagors get the property which they sell for less than the debts against them, and the employees, the investors, the suppliers and the banks are left hung out to dry, the ONLY person making money is the guy who skated away with $40 mill in his pockets. Everybody else lost money. Do it more than once, and fraud is suspected. TrumpyBear went for three and the American banks cut him off.

Your utter lack of ignorance on what and how bankruptcy and business works shows that not only do you not know what you're talking about, you're trying to bluff it like you do. Canadian schools don't use a grade point average. I got A+ Business/Commercial, Real Estate, and Wills and Estates, but I work in all three areas, so would hope so. These are technical exams, and law clerks are doing the technical work. I managed to get an A in litigation, criminal and family law. Even I was shocked since I've never worked in criminal and family so I wasn't familiar with the laws or the forms, or who files what with whom. Lawyer make the deals, law clerks complete the paperwork, and closings. If I can't get an A+ on this shit, I really shouldn't be doing the work. There is no margin for error. By the time I wrote my clerk's license, I was working one block north of the Bay Street banking towers, the land of billable hours. After I passed my clerk's I moved two block south to the Toronto Dominion Centre, and one of the 7 Sisters, finally ending up in Scotia Plaza at King and Bay.

$35 per hour to start based on a 7 hour day. $52.50 per hour overtime thereafter on a daily basis. $70 after midnight. $15 dinner chit after 7:00 pm. Free lunch from the servery for professional staff; pension plan with matching contributions, 3 weeks paid vacation to start, 4 weeks after 5 years; IT training; Cadillac level supplemental health insurance covering everything OHIP doesn't, long term disability insurance; Cab ride home after midnight. Christmas bonus = to one week's base salary. Spring profit sharing bonus based on billable hours, membership in the Mayfair Club. BEST JOB EVAH!!!!!
Trump's Casino bankruptcies were a case study of mine, when I was completing my law clerk's course. I was taking the corporate and tax law license work and working in business law at the time. I wondered how Trump managed to take $40 million out of a bankrupt company ahead of the secured creditors, and especially those holding mortgages, debentures, or other claims on the property or the assets of the casinos, primarily the banks. As a country banker, we had first claim on everything including the manure pile in our farm lending ("Of course we do. That manure pile is worth money. We cans sell it for fertilizer.) So how did Donnie slink off with $40 mill and get away with giving a big neener neener neener to the banks he borrowed from. He dubbed himself The King of Debts, and he pulled this stunt 4 times before the US banks cut him off. The other 3 bankruptcies took place outside the USA, but same MO.

People have been jailed for this scam, but none of them as big as the Trump bankruptcies. Donnie has the worst business record in US history. He's been under investigation for various scams, since the 1970's. Barr shut down 7 financial investigations looking into his personal finances since taking office.

Look at how long New York mobsters have operated with impunity in big city politics all while being pursued by the police. Al Capone was arrested for tax evasion. He was able to be the biggest mobster in Chicago for years and everyone knew he was a criminal, but no one ever filed charges against him and he was never charged, and without access to a criminals books, it's hard to prove crimes.

Everyone has known since the 1970's that Donald Trump is a criminal. He's been settling law suits and buying people off for generations. There's a paper trail a mile wide with flashing neon lights on it of his shady dealings. His behaviour in the White House is just a continuation of the same stonewalling, delaying, and exhausting the opposition that he used in his law suits to wear down the other side and make them give up and settle on his terms.

The fact that you only see the goose more or less renders your education useless. Assholes like you completely miss the point of the blindfold on lady justice.

Bankruptcy is an important and necessary part of any mega-economy. You have a 401k? A pension? Any invested assets? If so you are just as guilty of profiting from bankruptcy as the man you love to hate in the're just too stupid and vacuous to understand it.

You talk lots of self righteous shit but not too much reality.....and like most progressive lefties own no mirrors. Bloomberg for instance is no stranger to bankruptcy. Despite the fact that he is publicly on record as owing no bankrupt companies by name anyone who knows anything about multi-level business corporations will understand that Bloomberg survived just like Trump did on the back of not just tens but more likely hundreds of bankruptcies in his subsidiaries.

The United States government survives on the bankruptcy principal; the only difference is that they also control the debt consequences and avoid the results.

So um.... Shut the fuckup until you grow up and are able to apply some balance to hyour partisan bullsit. For someone who boasts a background in business law you certainly fukked up your analysis of bankruptcy.

What was your GPA?.. 4 ....point....blow the professor?


Consider the idiocy of your statement that American business is built on bankruptcy. And that everyone profits from it. No it isn't, and no they don't. That's why no bank in the world, except the corrupt one which helps the Russians launder money, and which has paid $100 million dollars in fines for money laundering and corrupt businesses - Deutches Banke.

When you set up company, running a business, and you tell everyone what a great company it is, while you borrow a lot of money and spend it lavisly, and you give yourself a big salary as manager, a private jet, and a penthouse suite, and then you sell off shares to let the little people in on your success, borrow hundreds of millions of dollars from banks to pad your fees and expenses, and then that business collapses under the weight of the debt, so that the banks and mortgagors get the property which they sell for less than the debts against them, and the employees, the investors, the suppliers and the banks are left hung out to dry, the ONLY person making money is the guy who skated away with $40 mill in his pockets. Everybody else lost money. Do it more than once, and fraud is suspected. TrumpyBear went for three and the American banks cut him off.

Your utter lack of ignorance on what and how bankruptcy and business works shows that not only do you not know what you're talking about, you're trying to bluff it like you do. Canadian schools don't use a grade point average. I got A+ Business/Commercial, Real Estate, and Wills and Estates, but I work in all three areas, so would hope so. These are technical exams, and law clerks are doing the technical work. I managed to get an A in litigation, criminal and family law. Even I was shocked since I've never worked in criminal and family so I wasn't familiar with the laws or the forms, or who files what with whom. Lawyer make the deals, law clerks complete the paperwork, and closings. If I can't get an A+ on this shit, I really shouldn't be doing the work. There is no margin for error. By the time I wrote my clerk's license, I was working one block north of the Bay Street banking towers, the land of billable hours. After I passed my clerk's I moved two block south to the Toronto Dominion Centre, and one of the 7 Sisters, finally ending up in Scotia Plaza at King and Bay.

$35 per hour to start based on a 7 hour day. $52.50 per hour overtime thereafter on a daily basis. $70 after midnight. $15 dinner chit after 7:00 pm. Free lunch from the servery for professional staff; pension plan with matching contributions, 3 weeks paid vacation to start, 4 weeks after 5 years; IT training; Cadillac level supplemental health insurance covering everything OHIP doesn't, long term disability insurance; Cab ride home after midnight. Christmas bonus = to one week's base salary. Spring profit sharing bonus based on billable hours, membership in the Mayfair Club. BEST JOB EVAH!!!!!

Oh my God no wonder you're a clueless're living in a collapsed economy that pretends to be functional.

I'm not pretending anything sweething.
You cannot have macro-economy without
Debt relief....your Canadian fiasco is about to find that out. I did not say that business was built on bankruptcy I said that most businesses are successful because it exists.

I don't know what your degree is in...
But if you got it north of the border
It might as well have come from a cereal box.

You're obsession with Trump's somewhat
Modest bankruptcy profile is not about learning it's about politics. What is it with you Canadian motherfuckas? Try fixing the problems in your own country before we decide to annex it for national vagrancy. Why don't you put some money into a real military and then get back to me when you can fight your own battles.

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But fat donnie is doing such a GOOD job of picking his Administration.

I could not agree more:

Strongest economy in 50 years
Lowest unemployment rate in 50 years
Lowest womens' unemployment rate in 50 years
Lowest youth unemployment rate in decades
Lowest black unemployment rate in US history
Most Americans working at one time in history of the US
More jobs
Higher wages
Manufacturing jobs Barry drove away, said he would not try to bring them back, they were gone for good BACK
Highest stock market in history - prosperous 401ks
Foreign Policy better under Trump than Barry (Obama Ukraine Amb)
Millions off of Medicare, unemployment, Food Stamps - independent, not reliant on Dems to survive
Trump's Casino bankruptcies were a case study of mine, when I was completing my law clerk's course. I was taking the corporate and tax law license work and working in business law at the time. I wondered how Trump managed to take $40 million out of a bankrupt company ahead of the secured creditors, and especially those holding mortgages, debentures, or other claims on the property or the assets of the casinos, primarily the banks. As a country banker, we had first claim on everything including the manure pile in our farm lending ("Of course we do. That manure pile is worth money. We cans sell it for fertilizer.) So how did Donnie slink off with $40 mill and get away with giving a big neener neener neener to the banks he borrowed from. He dubbed himself The King of Debts, and he pulled this stunt 4 times before the US banks cut him off. The other 3 bankruptcies took place outside the USA, but same MO.

People have been jailed for this scam, but none of them as big as the Trump bankruptcies. Donnie has the worst business record in US history. He's been under investigation for various scams, since the 1970's. Barr shut down 7 financial investigations looking into his personal finances since taking office.

Look at how long New York mobsters have operated with impunity in big city politics all while being pursued by the police. Al Capone was arrested for tax evasion. He was able to be the biggest mobster in Chicago for years and everyone knew he was a criminal, but no one ever filed charges against him and he was never charged, and without access to a criminals books, it's hard to prove crimes.

Everyone has known since the 1970's that Donald Trump is a criminal. He's been settling law suits and buying people off for generations. There's a paper trail a mile wide with flashing neon lights on it of his shady dealings. His behaviour in the White House is just a continuation of the same stonewalling, delaying, and exhausting the opposition that he used in his law suits to wear down the other side and make them give up and settle on his terms.

The fact that you only see the goose more or less renders your education useless. Assholes like you completely miss the point of the blindfold on lady justice.

Bankruptcy is an important and necessary part of any mega-economy. You have a 401k? A pension? Any invested assets? If so you are just as guilty of profiting from bankruptcy as the man you love to hate in the're just too stupid and vacuous to understand it.

You talk lots of self righteous shit but not too much reality.....and like most progressive lefties own no mirrors. Bloomberg for instance is no stranger to bankruptcy. Despite the fact that he is publicly on record as owing no bankrupt companies by name anyone who knows anything about multi-level business corporations will understand that Bloomberg survived just like Trump did on the back of not just tens but more likely hundreds of bankruptcies in his subsidiaries.

The United States government survives on the bankruptcy principal; the only difference is that they also control the debt consequences and avoid the results.

So um.... Shut the fuckup until you grow up and are able to apply some balance to hyour partisan bullsit. For someone who boasts a background in business law you certainly fukked up your analysis of bankruptcy.

What was your GPA?.. 4 ....point....blow the professor?


Consider the idiocy of your statement that American business is built on bankruptcy. And that everyone profits from it. No it isn't, and no they don't. That's why no bank in the world, except the corrupt one which helps the Russians launder money, and which has paid $100 million dollars in fines for money laundering and corrupt businesses - Deutches Banke.

When you set up company, running a business, and you tell everyone what a great company it is, while you borrow a lot of money and spend it lavisly, and you give yourself a big salary as manager, a private jet, and a penthouse suite, and then you sell off shares to let the little people in on your success, borrow hundreds of millions of dollars from banks to pad your fees and expenses, and then that business collapses under the weight of the debt, so that the banks and mortgagors get the property which they sell for less than the debts against them, and the employees, the investors, the suppliers and the banks are left hung out to dry, the ONLY person making money is the guy who skated away with $40 mill in his pockets. Everybody else lost money. Do it more than once, and fraud is suspected. TrumpyBear went for three and the American banks cut him off.

Your utter lack of ignorance on what and how bankruptcy and business works shows that not only do you not know what you're talking about, you're trying to bluff it like you do. Canadian schools don't use a grade point average. I got A+ Business/Commercial, Real Estate, and Wills and Estates, but I work in all three areas, so would hope so. These are technical exams, and law clerks are doing the technical work. I managed to get an A in litigation, criminal and family law. Even I was shocked since I've never worked in criminal and family so I wasn't familiar with the laws or the forms, or who files what with whom. Lawyer make the deals, law clerks complete the paperwork, and closings. If I can't get an A+ on this shit, I really shouldn't be doing the work. There is no margin for error. By the time I wrote my clerk's license, I was working one block north of the Bay Street banking towers, the land of billable hours. After I passed my clerk's I moved two block south to the Toronto Dominion Centre, and one of the 7 Sisters, finally ending up in Scotia Plaza at King and Bay.

$35 per hour to start based on a 7 hour day. $52.50 per hour overtime thereafter on a daily basis. $70 after midnight. $15 dinner chit after 7:00 pm. Free lunch from the servery for professional staff; pension plan with matching contributions, 3 weeks paid vacation to start, 4 weeks after 5 years; IT training; Cadillac level supplemental health insurance covering everything OHIP doesn't, long term disability insurance; Cab ride home after midnight. Christmas bonus = to one week's base salary. Spring profit sharing bonus based on billable hours, membership in the Mayfair Club. BEST JOB EVAH!!!!!

So never proved Rump has been arrested.
$35 per hour to start based on a 7 hour day. $52.50 per hour overtime thereafter on a daily basis. $70 after midnight. $15 dinner chit after 7:00 pm. Free lunch from the servery for professional staff; pension plan with matching contributions, 3 weeks paid vacation to start, 4 weeks after 5 years; IT training; Cadillac level supplemental health insurance covering everything OHIP doesn't, long term disability insurance; Cab ride home after midnight. Christmas bonus = to one week's base salary. Spring profit sharing bonus based on billable hours, membership in the Mayfair Club. BEST JOB EVAH!!!!!
Too bad its all a lie.
Trump wants people that will do whatever he wants whether it's legal or not. Instead of all of you trump lovers slurping every drop of trumps cum, some of you should recognize the danger this poses to our republic.
Trump's Casino bankruptcies were a case study of mine, when I was completing my law clerk's course. I was taking the corporate and tax law license work and working in business law at the time. I wondered how Trump managed to take $40 million out of a bankrupt company ahead of the secured creditors, and especially those holding mortgages, debentures, or other claims on the property or the assets of the casinos, primarily the banks. As a country banker, we had first claim on everything including the manure pile in our farm lending ("Of course we do. That manure pile is worth money. We cans sell it for fertilizer.) So how did Donnie slink off with $40 mill and get away with giving a big neener neener neener to the banks he borrowed from. He dubbed himself The King of Debts, and he pulled this stunt 4 times before the US banks cut him off. The other 3 bankruptcies took place outside the USA, but same MO.

People have been jailed for this scam, but none of them as big as the Trump bankruptcies. Donnie has the worst business record in US history. He's been under investigation for various scams, since the 1970's. Barr shut down 7 financial investigations looking into his personal finances since taking office.

Look at how long New York mobsters have operated with impunity in big city politics all while being pursued by the police. Al Capone was arrested for tax evasion. He was able to be the biggest mobster in Chicago for years and everyone knew he was a criminal, but no one ever filed charges against him and he was never charged, and without access to a criminals books, it's hard to prove crimes.

Everyone has known since the 1970's that Donald Trump is a criminal. He's been settling law suits and buying people off for generations. There's a paper trail a mile wide with flashing neon lights on it of his shady dealings. His behaviour in the White House is just a continuation of the same stonewalling, delaying, and exhausting the opposition that he used in his law suits to wear down the other side and make them give up and settle on his terms.

The fact that you only see the goose more or less renders your education useless. Assholes like you completely miss the point of the blindfold on lady justice.

Bankruptcy is an important and necessary part of any mega-economy. You have a 401k? A pension? Any invested assets? If so you are just as guilty of profiting from bankruptcy as the man you love to hate in the're just too stupid and vacuous to understand it.

You talk lots of self righteous shit but not too much reality.....and like most progressive lefties own no mirrors. Bloomberg for instance is no stranger to bankruptcy. Despite the fact that he is publicly on record as owing no bankrupt companies by name anyone who knows anything about multi-level business corporations will understand that Bloomberg survived just like Trump did on the back of not just tens but more likely hundreds of bankruptcies in his subsidiaries.

The United States government survives on the bankruptcy principal; the only difference is that they also control the debt consequences and avoid the results.

So um.... Shut the fuckup until you grow up and are able to apply some balance to hyour partisan bullsit. For someone who boasts a background in business law you certainly fukked up your analysis of bankruptcy.

What was your GPA?.. 4 ....point....blow the professor?


Consider the idiocy of your statement that American business is built on bankruptcy. And that everyone profits from it. No it isn't, and no they don't. That's why no bank in the world, except the corrupt one which helps the Russians launder money, and which has paid $100 million dollars in fines for money laundering and corrupt businesses - Deutches Banke.

When you set up company, running a business, and you tell everyone what a great company it is, while you borrow a lot of money and spend it lavisly, and you give yourself a big salary as manager, a private jet, and a penthouse suite, and then you sell off shares to let the little people in on your success, borrow hundreds of millions of dollars from banks to pad your fees and expenses, and then that business collapses under the weight of the debt, so that the banks and mortgagors get the property which they sell for less than the debts against them, and the employees, the investors, the suppliers and the banks are left hung out to dry, the ONLY person making money is the guy who skated away with $40 mill in his pockets. Everybody else lost money. Do it more than once, and fraud is suspected. TrumpyBear went for three and the American banks cut him off.

Your utter lack of ignorance on what and how bankruptcy and business works shows that not only do you not know what you're talking about, you're trying to bluff it like you do. Canadian schools don't use a grade point average. I got A+ Business/Commercial, Real Estate, and Wills and Estates, but I work in all three areas, so would hope so. These are technical exams, and law clerks are doing the technical work. I managed to get an A in litigation, criminal and family law. Even I was shocked since I've never worked in criminal and family so I wasn't familiar with the laws or the forms, or who files what with whom. Lawyer make the deals, law clerks complete the paperwork, and closings. If I can't get an A+ on this shit, I really shouldn't be doing the work. There is no margin for error. By the time I wrote my clerk's license, I was working one block north of the Bay Street banking towers, the land of billable hours. After I passed my clerk's I moved two block south to the Toronto Dominion Centre, and one of the 7 Sisters, finally ending up in Scotia Plaza at King and Bay.

$35 per hour to start based on a 7 hour day. $52.50 per hour overtime thereafter on a daily basis. $70 after midnight. $15 dinner chit after 7:00 pm. Free lunch from the servery for professional staff; pension plan with matching contributions, 3 weeks paid vacation to start, 4 weeks after 5 years; IT training; Cadillac level supplemental health insurance covering everything OHIP doesn't, long term disability insurance; Cab ride home after midnight. Christmas bonus = to one week's base salary. Spring profit sharing bonus based on billable hours, membership in the Mayfair Club. BEST JOB EVAH!!!!!

Oh my God no wonder you're a clueless're living in a collapsed economy that pretends to be functional.

I'm not pretending anything sweething.
You cannot have macro-economy without
Debt relief....your Canadian fiasco is about to find that out. I did not say that business was built on bankruptcy I said that most businesses are successful because it exists.

I don't know what your degree is in...
But if you got it north of the border
It might as well have come from a cereal box.

You're obsession with Trump's somewhat
Modest bankruptcy profile is not about learning it's about politics. What is it with you Canadian motherfuckas? Try fixing the problems in your own country before we decide to annex it for national vagrancy. Why don't you put some money into a real military and then get back to me when you can fight your own battles.

Yeah,,,lets take money from our "real" military and use it to build a wall Mexico is laughing at Trump
Trump wants people that will do whatever he wants whether it's legal or not. Instead of all of you trump lovers slurping every drop of trumps cum, some of you should recognize the danger this poses to our republic.

Right, because Democrat Presidents don't put their own people in their own administration. Only Republicans do that. I guess you're unaware that DumBama fired every Ambassador before he entered the White House. His reason? He wanted all his own people in there.

People in glass houses.........
Trump's Casino bankruptcies were a case study of mine, when I was completing my law clerk's course. I was taking the corporate and tax law license work and working in business law at the time. I wondered how Trump managed to take $40 million out of a bankrupt company ahead of the secured creditors, and especially those holding mortgages, debentures, or other claims on the property or the assets of the casinos, primarily the banks. As a country banker, we had first claim on everything including the manure pile in our farm lending ("Of course we do. That manure pile is worth money. We cans sell it for fertilizer.) So how did Donnie slink off with $40 mill and get away with giving a big neener neener neener to the banks he borrowed from. He dubbed himself The King of Debts, and he pulled this stunt 4 times before the US banks cut him off. The other 3 bankruptcies took place outside the USA, but same MO.

People have been jailed for this scam, but none of them as big as the Trump bankruptcies. Donnie has the worst business record in US history. He's been under investigation for various scams, since the 1970's. Barr shut down 7 financial investigations looking into his personal finances since taking office.

Look at how long New York mobsters have operated with impunity in big city politics all while being pursued by the police. Al Capone was arrested for tax evasion. He was able to be the biggest mobster in Chicago for years and everyone knew he was a criminal, but no one ever filed charges against him and he was never charged, and without access to a criminals books, it's hard to prove crimes.

Everyone has known since the 1970's that Donald Trump is a criminal. He's been settling law suits and buying people off for generations. There's a paper trail a mile wide with flashing neon lights on it of his shady dealings. His behaviour in the White House is just a continuation of the same stonewalling, delaying, and exhausting the opposition that he used in his law suits to wear down the other side and make them give up and settle on his terms.

The fact that you only see the goose more or less renders your education useless. Assholes like you completely miss the point of the blindfold on lady justice.

Bankruptcy is an important and necessary part of any mega-economy. You have a 401k? A pension? Any invested assets? If so you are just as guilty of profiting from bankruptcy as the man you love to hate in the're just too stupid and vacuous to understand it.

You talk lots of self righteous shit but not too much reality.....and like most progressive lefties own no mirrors. Bloomberg for instance is no stranger to bankruptcy. Despite the fact that he is publicly on record as owing no bankrupt companies by name anyone who knows anything about multi-level business corporations will understand that Bloomberg survived just like Trump did on the back of not just tens but more likely hundreds of bankruptcies in his subsidiaries.

The United States government survives on the bankruptcy principal; the only difference is that they also control the debt consequences and avoid the results.

So um.... Shut the fuckup until you grow up and are able to apply some balance to hyour partisan bullsit. For someone who boasts a background in business law you certainly fukked up your analysis of bankruptcy.

What was your GPA?.. 4 ....point....blow the professor?


Consider the idiocy of your statement that American business is built on bankruptcy. And that everyone profits from it. No it isn't, and no they don't. That's why no bank in the world, except the corrupt one which helps the Russians launder money, and which has paid $100 million dollars in fines for money laundering and corrupt businesses - Deutches Banke.

When you set up company, running a business, and you tell everyone what a great company it is, while you borrow a lot of money and spend it lavisly, and you give yourself a big salary as manager, a private jet, and a penthouse suite, and then you sell off shares to let the little people in on your success, borrow hundreds of millions of dollars from banks to pad your fees and expenses, and then that business collapses under the weight of the debt, so that the banks and mortgagors get the property which they sell for less than the debts against them, and the employees, the investors, the suppliers and the banks are left hung out to dry, the ONLY person making money is the guy who skated away with $40 mill in his pockets. Everybody else lost money. Do it more than once, and fraud is suspected. TrumpyBear went for three and the American banks cut him off.

Your utter lack of ignorance on what and how bankruptcy and business works shows that not only do you not know what you're talking about, you're trying to bluff it like you do. Canadian schools don't use a grade point average. I got A+ Business/Commercial, Real Estate, and Wills and Estates, but I work in all three areas, so would hope so. These are technical exams, and law clerks are doing the technical work. I managed to get an A in litigation, criminal and family law. Even I was shocked since I've never worked in criminal and family so I wasn't familiar with the laws or the forms, or who files what with whom. Lawyer make the deals, law clerks complete the paperwork, and closings. If I can't get an A+ on this shit, I really shouldn't be doing the work. There is no margin for error. By the time I wrote my clerk's license, I was working one block north of the Bay Street banking towers, the land of billable hours. After I passed my clerk's I moved two block south to the Toronto Dominion Centre, and one of the 7 Sisters, finally ending up in Scotia Plaza at King and Bay.

$35 per hour to start based on a 7 hour day. $52.50 per hour overtime thereafter on a daily basis. $70 after midnight. $15 dinner chit after 7:00 pm. Free lunch from the servery for professional staff; pension plan with matching contributions, 3 weeks paid vacation to start, 4 weeks after 5 years; IT training; Cadillac level supplemental health insurance covering everything OHIP doesn't, long term disability insurance; Cab ride home after midnight. Christmas bonus = to one week's base salary. Spring profit sharing bonus based on billable hours, membership in the Mayfair Club. BEST JOB EVAH!!!!!

Oh my God no wonder you're a clueless're living in a collapsed economy that pretends to be functional.

I'm not pretending anything sweething.
You cannot have macro-economy without
Debt relief....your Canadian fiasco is about to find that out. I did not say that business was built on bankruptcy I said that most businesses are successful because it exists.

I don't know what your degree is in...
But if you got it north of the border
It might as well have come from a cereal box.

You're obsession with Trump's somewhat
Modest bankruptcy profile is not about learning it's about politics. What is it with you Canadian motherfuckas? Try fixing the problems in your own country before we decide to annex it for national vagrancy. Why don't you put some money into a real military and then get back to me when you can fight your own battles.

Yeah,,,lets take money from our "real" military and use it to build a wall Mexico is laughing at Trump

You mean all that money Trump got for our military; money they would have never had without Trump?

The military is used for defense. We have people invading our country through our virtual open borders, bringing in diseases, poverty and drugs. Can you think of any better way to spend defense money than that?
We only consider that you are mentally unstable and a pathological liar with a severely damaged Moral Compass and a Corrupt Condemned Soul.

Trump's Casino bankruptcies were a case study of mine, when I was completing my law clerk's course. I was taking the corporate and tax law license work and working in business law at the time. I wondered how Trump managed to take $40 million out of a bankrupt company ahead of the secured creditors, and especially those holding mortgages, debentures, or other claims on the property or the assets of the casinos, primarily the banks. As a country banker, we had first claim on everything including the manure pile in our farm lending ("Of course we do. That manure pile is worth money. We cans sell it for fertilizer.) So how did Donnie slink off with $40 mill and get away with giving a big neener neener neener to the banks he borrowed from. He dubbed himself The King of Debts, and he pulled this stunt 4 times before the US banks cut him off. The other 3 bankruptcies took place outside the USA, but same MO.

People have been jailed for this scam, but none of them as big as the Trump bankruptcies. Donnie has the worst business record in US history. He's been under investigation for various scams, since the 1970's. Barr shut down 7 financial investigations looking into his personal finances since taking office.

Look at how long New York mobsters have operated with impunity in big city politics all while being pursued by the police. Al Capone was arrested for tax evasion. He was able to be the biggest mobster in Chicago for years and everyone knew he was a criminal, but no one ever filed charges against him and he was never charged, and without access to a criminals books, it's hard to prove crimes.

Everyone has known since the 1970's that Donald Trump is a criminal. He's been settling law suits and buying people off for generations. There's a paper trail a mile wide with flashing neon lights on it of his shady dealings. His behaviour in the White House is just a continuation of the same stonewalling, delaying, and exhausting the opposition that he used in his law suits to wear down the other side and make them give up and settle on his terms.

The fact that you only see the goose more or less renders your education useless. Assholes like you completely miss the point of the blindfold on lady justice.

Bankruptcy is an important and necessary part of any mega-economy. You have a 401k? A pension? Any invested assets? If so you are just as guilty of profiting from bankruptcy as the man you love to hate in the're just too stupid and vacuous to understand it.

You talk lots of self righteous shit but not too much reality.....and like most progressive lefties own no mirrors. Bloomberg for instance is no stranger to bankruptcy. Despite the fact that he is publicly on record as owing no bankrupt companies by name anyone who knows anything about multi-level business corporations will understand that Bloomberg survived just like Trump did on the back of not just tens but more likely hundreds of bankruptcies in his subsidiaries.

The United States government survives on the bankruptcy principal; the only difference is that they also control the debt consequences and avoid the results.

So um.... Shut the fuckup until you grow up and are able to apply some balance to hyour partisan bullsit. For someone who boasts a background in business law you certainly fukked up your analysis of bankruptcy.

What was your GPA?.. 4 ....point....blow the professor?


Consider the idiocy of your statement that American business is built on bankruptcy. And that everyone profits from it. No it isn't, and no they don't. That's why no bank in the world, except the corrupt one which helps the Russians launder money, and which has paid $100 million dollars in fines for money laundering and corrupt businesses - Deutches Banke.

When you set up company, running a business, and you tell everyone what a great company it is, while you borrow a lot of money and spend it lavisly, and you give yourself a big salary as manager, a private jet, and a penthouse suite, and then you sell off shares to let the little people in on your success, borrow hundreds of millions of dollars from banks to pad your fees and expenses, and then that business collapses under the weight of the debt, so that the banks and mortgagors get the property which they sell for less than the debts against them, and the employees, the investors, the suppliers and the banks are left hung out to dry, the ONLY person making money is the guy who skated away with $40 mill in his pockets. Everybody else lost money. Do it more than once, and fraud is suspected. TrumpyBear went for three and the American banks cut him off.

Your utter lack of ignorance on what and how bankruptcy and business works shows that not only do you not know what you're talking about, you're trying to bluff it like you do. Canadian schools don't use a grade point average. I got A+ Business/Commercial, Real Estate, and Wills and Estates, but I work in all three areas, so would hope so. These are technical exams, and law clerks are doing the technical work. I managed to get an A in litigation, criminal and family law. Even I was shocked since I've never worked in criminal and family so I wasn't familiar with the laws or the forms, or who files what with whom. Lawyer make the deals, law clerks complete the paperwork, and closings. If I can't get an A+ on this shit, I really shouldn't be doing the work. There is no margin for error. By the time I wrote my clerk's license, I was working one block north of the Bay Street banking towers, the land of billable hours. After I passed my clerk's I moved two block south to the Toronto Dominion Centre, and one of the 7 Sisters, finally ending up in Scotia Plaza at King and Bay.

$35 per hour to start based on a 7 hour day. $52.50 per hour overtime thereafter on a daily basis. $70 after midnight. $15 dinner chit after 7:00 pm. Free lunch from the servery for professional staff; pension plan with matching contributions, 3 weeks paid vacation to start, 4 weeks after 5 years; IT training; Cadillac level supplemental health insurance covering everything OHIP doesn't, long term disability insurance; Cab ride home after midnight. Christmas bonus = to one week's base salary. Spring profit sharing bonus based on billable hours, membership in the Mayfair Club. BEST JOB EVAH!!!!!

Who condemned my soul? You? Judge not lest you be judged, Tree. The condemnation of a Trump cultist shows I’m right.
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Trump wants people that will do whatever he wants whether it's legal or not. Instead of all of you trump lovers slurping every drop of trumps cum, some of you should recognize the danger this poses to our republic.

Right, because Democrat Presidents don't put their own people in their own administration. Only Republicans do that. I guess you're unaware that DumBama fired every Ambassador before he entered the White House. His reason? He wanted all his own people in there.

People in glass houses.........
I'm sure IF Obama did as you say he did ,he did it to put the best people in those positions NOT like trump did with only kissers of his ass need apply
  • Thanks
Reactions: IM2
We only consider that you are mentally unstable and a pathological liar with a severely damaged Moral Compass and a Corrupt Condemned Soul.

Trump's Casino bankruptcies were a case study of mine, when I was completing my law clerk's course. I was taking the corporate and tax law license work and working in business law at the time. I wondered how Trump managed to take $40 million out of a bankrupt company ahead of the secured creditors, and especially those holding mortgages, debentures, or other claims on the property or the assets of the casinos, primarily the banks. As a country banker, we had first claim on everything including the manure pile in our farm lending ("Of course we do. That manure pile is worth money. We cans sell it for fertilizer.) So how did Donnie slink off with $40 mill and get away with giving a big neener neener neener to the banks he borrowed from. He dubbed himself The King of Debts, and he pulled this stunt 4 times before the US banks cut him off. The other 3 bankruptcies took place outside the USA, but same MO.

People have been jailed for this scam, but none of them as big as the Trump bankruptcies. Donnie has the worst business record in US history. He's been under investigation for various scams, since the 1970's. Barr shut down 7 financial investigations looking into his personal finances since taking office.

Look at how long New York mobsters have operated with impunity in big city politics all while being pursued by the police. Al Capone was arrested for tax evasion. He was able to be the biggest mobster in Chicago for years and everyone knew he was a criminal, but no one ever filed charges against him and he was never charged, and without access to a criminals books, it's hard to prove crimes.

Everyone has known since the 1970's that Donald Trump is a criminal. He's been settling law suits and buying people off for generations. There's a paper trail a mile wide with flashing neon lights on it of his shady dealings. His behaviour in the White House is just a continuation of the same stonewalling, delaying, and exhausting the opposition that he used in his law suits to wear down the other side and make them give up and settle on his terms.

The fact that you only see the goose more or less renders your education useless. Assholes like you completely miss the point of the blindfold on lady justice.

Bankruptcy is an important and necessary part of any mega-economy. You have a 401k? A pension? Any invested assets? If so you are just as guilty of profiting from bankruptcy as the man you love to hate in the're just too stupid and vacuous to understand it.

You talk lots of self righteous shit but not too much reality.....and like most progressive lefties own no mirrors. Bloomberg for instance is no stranger to bankruptcy. Despite the fact that he is publicly on record as owing no bankrupt companies by name anyone who knows anything about multi-level business corporations will understand that Bloomberg survived just like Trump did on the back of not just tens but more likely hundreds of bankruptcies in his subsidiaries.

The United States government survives on the bankruptcy principal; the only difference is that they also control the debt consequences and avoid the results.

So um.... Shut the fuckup until you grow up and are able to apply some balance to hyour partisan bullsit. For someone who boasts a background in business law you certainly fukked up your analysis of bankruptcy.

What was your GPA?.. 4 ....point....blow the professor?


Consider the idiocy of your statement that American business is built on bankruptcy. And that everyone profits from it. No it isn't, and no they don't. That's why no bank in the world, except the corrupt one which helps the Russians launder money, and which has paid $100 million dollars in fines for money laundering and corrupt businesses - Deutches Banke.

When you set up company, running a business, and you tell everyone what a great company it is, while you borrow a lot of money and spend it lavisly, and you give yourself a big salary as manager, a private jet, and a penthouse suite, and then you sell off shares to let the little people in on your success, borrow hundreds of millions of dollars from banks to pad your fees and expenses, and then that business collapses under the weight of the debt, so that the banks and mortgagors get the property which they sell for less than the debts against them, and the employees, the investors, the suppliers and the banks are left hung out to dry, the ONLY person making money is the guy who skated away with $40 mill in his pockets. Everybody else lost money. Do it more than once, and fraud is suspected. TrumpyBear went for three and the American banks cut him off.

Your utter lack of ignorance on what and how bankruptcy and business works shows that not only do you not know what you're talking about, you're trying to bluff it like you do. Canadian schools don't use a grade point average. I got A+ Business/Commercial, Real Estate, and Wills and Estates, but I work in all three areas, so would hope so. These are technical exams, and law clerks are doing the technical work. I managed to get an A in litigation, criminal and family law. Even I was shocked since I've never worked in criminal and family so I wasn't familiar with the laws or the forms, or who files what with whom. Lawyer make the deals, law clerks complete the paperwork, and closings. If I can't get an A+ on this shit, I really shouldn't be doing the work. There is no margin for error. By the time I wrote my clerk's license, I was working one block north of the Bay Street banking towers, the land of billable hours. After I passed my clerk's I moved two block south to the Toronto Dominion Centre, and one of the 7 Sisters, finally ending up in Scotia Plaza at King and Bay.

$35 per hour to start based on a 7 hour day. $52.50 per hour overtime thereafter on a daily basis. $70 after midnight. $15 dinner chit after 7:00 pm. Free lunch from the servery for professional staff; pension plan with matching contributions, 3 weeks paid vacation to start, 4 weeks after 5 years; IT training; Cadillac level supplemental health insurance covering everything OHIP doesn't, long term disability insurance; Cab ride home after midnight. Christmas bonus = to one week's base salary. Spring profit sharing bonus based on billable hours, membership in the Mayfair Club. BEST JOB EVAH!!!!!

Who condemned my soul? You? Judge not lest you be judged, Tree. The condemnation of a Trump cultist shows I’m right.
Pay no mind Dragon He's off his tree
Trump wants people that will do whatever he wants whether it's legal or not. Instead of all of you trump lovers slurping every drop of trumps cum, some of you should recognize the danger this poses to our republic.

Right, because Democrat Presidents don't put their own people in their own administration. Only Republicans do that. I guess you're unaware that DumBama fired every Ambassador before he entered the White House. His reason? He wanted all his own people in there.

People in glass houses.........
I'm sure IF Obama did as you say he did ,he did it to put the best people in those positions NOT like trump did with only kissers of his ass need apply

Yeah, because he knew the right people to put in. It doesn't matter what the reason. A President is allowed to choose his own administration. The Republicans in Congress never tried to stop him like the commies are with Trump today.
We only consider that you are mentally unstable and a pathological liar with a severely damaged Moral Compass and a Corrupt Condemned Soul.

Trump's Casino bankruptcies were a case study of mine, when I was completing my law clerk's course. I was taking the corporate and tax law license work and working in business law at the time. I wondered how Trump managed to take $40 million out of a bankrupt company ahead of the secured creditors, and especially those holding mortgages, debentures, or other claims on the property or the assets of the casinos, primarily the banks. As a country banker, we had first claim on everything including the manure pile in our farm lending ("Of course we do. That manure pile is worth money. We cans sell it for fertilizer.) So how did Donnie slink off with $40 mill and get away with giving a big neener neener neener to the banks he borrowed from. He dubbed himself The King of Debts, and he pulled this stunt 4 times before the US banks cut him off. The other 3 bankruptcies took place outside the USA, but same MO.

People have been jailed for this scam, but none of them as big as the Trump bankruptcies. Donnie has the worst business record in US history. He's been under investigation for various scams, since the 1970's. Barr shut down 7 financial investigations looking into his personal finances since taking office.

Look at how long New York mobsters have operated with impunity in big city politics all while being pursued by the police. Al Capone was arrested for tax evasion. He was able to be the biggest mobster in Chicago for years and everyone knew he was a criminal, but no one ever filed charges against him and he was never charged, and without access to a criminals books, it's hard to prove crimes.

Everyone has known since the 1970's that Donald Trump is a criminal. He's been settling law suits and buying people off for generations. There's a paper trail a mile wide with flashing neon lights on it of his shady dealings. His behaviour in the White House is just a continuation of the same stonewalling, delaying, and exhausting the opposition that he used in his law suits to wear down the other side and make them give up and settle on his terms.

The fact that you only see the goose more or less renders your education useless. Assholes like you completely miss the point of the blindfold on lady justice.

Bankruptcy is an important and necessary part of any mega-economy. You have a 401k? A pension? Any invested assets? If so you are just as guilty of profiting from bankruptcy as the man you love to hate in the're just too stupid and vacuous to understand it.

You talk lots of self righteous shit but not too much reality.....and like most progressive lefties own no mirrors. Bloomberg for instance is no stranger to bankruptcy. Despite the fact that he is publicly on record as owing no bankrupt companies by name anyone who knows anything about multi-level business corporations will understand that Bloomberg survived just like Trump did on the back of not just tens but more likely hundreds of bankruptcies in his subsidiaries.

The United States government survives on the bankruptcy principal; the only difference is that they also control the debt consequences and avoid the results.

So um.... Shut the fuckup until you grow up and are able to apply some balance to hyour partisan bullsit. For someone who boasts a background in business law you certainly fukked up your analysis of bankruptcy.

What was your GPA?.. 4 ....point....blow the professor?


Consider the idiocy of your statement that American business is built on bankruptcy. And that everyone profits from it. No it isn't, and no they don't. That's why no bank in the world, except the corrupt one which helps the Russians launder money, and which has paid $100 million dollars in fines for money laundering and corrupt businesses - Deutches Banke.

When you set up company, running a business, and you tell everyone what a great company it is, while you borrow a lot of money and spend it lavisly, and you give yourself a big salary as manager, a private jet, and a penthouse suite, and then you sell off shares to let the little people in on your success, borrow hundreds of millions of dollars from banks to pad your fees and expenses, and then that business collapses under the weight of the debt, so that the banks and mortgagors get the property which they sell for less than the debts against them, and the employees, the investors, the suppliers and the banks are left hung out to dry, the ONLY person making money is the guy who skated away with $40 mill in his pockets. Everybody else lost money. Do it more than once, and fraud is suspected. TrumpyBear went for three and the American banks cut him off.

Your utter lack of ignorance on what and how bankruptcy and business works shows that not only do you not know what you're talking about, you're trying to bluff it like you do. Canadian schools don't use a grade point average. I got A+ Business/Commercial, Real Estate, and Wills and Estates, but I work in all three areas, so would hope so. These are technical exams, and law clerks are doing the technical work. I managed to get an A in litigation, criminal and family law. Even I was shocked since I've never worked in criminal and family so I wasn't familiar with the laws or the forms, or who files what with whom. Lawyer make the deals, law clerks complete the paperwork, and closings. If I can't get an A+ on this shit, I really shouldn't be doing the work. There is no margin for error. By the time I wrote my clerk's license, I was working one block north of the Bay Street banking towers, the land of billable hours. After I passed my clerk's I moved two block south to the Toronto Dominion Centre, and one of the 7 Sisters, finally ending up in Scotia Plaza at King and Bay.

$35 per hour to start based on a 7 hour day. $52.50 per hour overtime thereafter on a daily basis. $70 after midnight. $15 dinner chit after 7:00 pm. Free lunch from the servery for professional staff; pension plan with matching contributions, 3 weeks paid vacation to start, 4 weeks after 5 years; IT training; Cadillac level supplemental health insurance covering everything OHIP doesn't, long term disability insurance; Cab ride home after midnight. Christmas bonus = to one week's base salary. Spring profit sharing bonus based on billable hours, membership in the Mayfair Club. BEST JOB EVAH!!!!!

Who condemned my soul? You? Judge not lest you be judged, Tree. The condemnation of a Trump cultist shows I’m right.
The Holy Spirit Condemns and Convicts. I just challenge you to turn from your ways. Do you live your life as a lie? Do you delight in lies and slander and rush to post the next "negative gossip and wicked imaginations" of others?

Do you proclaim righteousness and urge others to repent, accept The Salvation of Jesus The Christ, God Son of God, or do you deny Jesus as God Son of God?

Are Politics more important to you than saving your own Soul from Hell?

"All Scripture is Profitable for Rebuke and Correction"

So, I rebuke thee, and urge you to turn away from The Broad and Wide Path to Hell.
Trump wants people that will do whatever he wants whether it's legal or not. Instead of all of you trump lovers slurping every drop of trumps cum, some of you should recognize the danger this poses to our republic.

Right, because Democrat Presidents don't put their own people in their own administration. Only Republicans do that. I guess you're unaware that DumBama fired every Ambassador before he entered the White House. His reason? He wanted all his own people in there.

People in glass houses.........
Trump wants people that will do whatever he wants whether it's legal or not. Instead of all of you trump lovers slurping every drop of trumps cum, some of you should recognize the danger this poses to our republic.

Right, because Democrat Presidents don't put their own people in their own administration. Only Republicans do that. I guess you're unaware that DumBama fired every Ambassador before he entered the White House. His reason? He wanted all his own people in there.

First off, he didn't fire ALL of the Ambassadors. He recalled many in key posts and THEN HE REPLACED THEM WITH HIS OWN PEOPLE. It's called DOING HIS JOB.

Trump hasn't replaced them. Maybe he should stop spending all of his time watching TV, tweeting and golfing, and actually do the job he was elected to do.

State Department Vacancies Increase Embassy Security Risks, Report Warns
Trump wants people that will do whatever he wants whether it's legal or not. Instead of all of you trump lovers slurping every drop of trumps cum, some of you should recognize the danger this poses to our republic.

Right, because Democrat Presidents don't put their own people in their own administration. Only Republicans do that. I guess you're unaware that DumBama fired every Ambassador before he entered the White House. His reason? He wanted all his own people in there.

People in glass houses.........
This isn't about putting their own people in fool. Obama put republicans in his cabinet and on his staff. We're talking about people that will do whatever trump says even when it's illegal. No other president regardless of party has done this. So there ain't any glass houses here unless you're a dumb ass. Obama did not fire people for testifying against him in a hearing. So stick the what about 0bama up your dumb Cleveland ass.Trump fired a mans brother that had nothing to do with testifying against him. Furthermore dumb mother fucker, it is against employment law, and that law applies to the president, to retaliate against employees in any kind of grievance or legal proceeding.

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