Dems must realize...Trump's 'base' (30 states and 2,623 counties) have given him full carte blanche to destroy the Left by any means necessary

We expect him to display his extreme hatred for the Left in EVERYTHING he says and in everything he does...He will not be re-elected if he doesn't.
What I'm getting at here...we view TDS levels as a metric, the more TDS behavior we see/hear the happier we are...we know he's doing exactly what he was hired to do...NOTHING he says or does angers us if it angers the Left....NOTHING!
PLEASE NOTE: This thread is not intended to 'flame', I wanted to explain what I believe to be the dynamic between "Trumpsters" and Trump. So keep in mind; when Trump says or does something that we would normally view as stupid, immature or even destructive...we wait for your response, if you hate it we learn to love it.

He doesn't have the vote in thirty states anymore. He has turned the suburban vote blue.
We shall see but you'd better plan on screaming at the sky again then start shopping for a new party to replace the soon to be dead as a dodo democratic dumbass party you belong to now.

I'm planning a victory party based on the polls.
We expect him to display his extreme hatred for the Left in EVERYTHING he says and in everything he does...He will not be re-elected if he doesn't.
What I'm getting at here...we view TDS levels as a metric, the more TDS behavior we see/hear the happier we are...we know he's doing exactly what he was hired to do...NOTHING he says or does angers us if it angers the Left....NOTHING!
PLEASE NOTE: This thread is not intended to 'flame', I wanted to explain what I believe to be the dynamic between "Trumpsters" and Trump. So keep in mind; when Trump says or does something that we would normally view as stupid, immature or even destructive...we wait for your response, if you hate it we learn to love it.
Some on the left may believe that the House still needs to enforce a few subpoenas.
All a waste of time.

You KNOW there won't be any election in November.

So why bother, Democrats,in fielding any candidate?

Save your molney for........I dunno, maybe toilet paper?

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