Dems Next Victim in their War on Women: Pelosi


Diamond Member
May 20, 2009
Opening a new front in their "War on Wimmen" Democrats are out to eliminate Pelosi. Seh's a senior citizen too so is there an Age Discrimination suit on the horizon?

"In a survey of 20 Democratic House candidates, only one – a former Senate staffer from Orange County, California – would state support for the congresswoman staying on as leader of the House Democratic Caucus. Of the rest, 18 declined to say if Pelosi should keep her job, while one, a political newcomer from a culturally conservative Ohio district, said he would vote for someone other than Pelosi."

Democrats begin to see Pelosi as a 2018 problem

A senile, out of touch, moronic feminist is the perfect representation of Dems.
Nancy Pelosi lives rent free in the minds of wingnuts everywhere.

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