Dems Oppose Tax Hikes on the Wealthy


Platinum Member
Aug 15, 2012
That's right, the Dems squealing about limitations on SALT (State And Local Taxes) deductions aren't looking out for working families, who either don't itemize their deductions or fall under the new limitations. Instead, they are trying to protect high income individuals in high tax states from having to pay their fair share of federal income taxes. For example, people in California with $1 million incomes are taxed over 10% at the state level but have been able to offset nearly half of this by a reduction in their federal income taxes. That is a $50,000 cash gift to their wealthy donors. No wonder they are willing to shell out a few thousand at Democratic fundraisers.
Mortgage interest deduction lowered and capped on the rich. State income and property tax deductions lowered and capped on the rich. The rich got kicked in the groin and still the left are unhappy.
President Trump is a genius, he has liberals squealing like pigs over tax cuts for the middle class and tax raises for the rich.

The (D)-bags come off looking like petulant children that automatically whine about everything.

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